- 阅读理解A
题目:Which of the followings is NOT included in Prof. Rhode’s arguments?() - A 、Not only American men like pretty women, American women themselves also attach great value to beauty
- B 、If appearance discrimination is illegal in America, no company can fire their employees because of their looks
- C 、There should be a law against discrimination based on appearance as against gender or racial discrimination
- D 、Appearance bias is as harmful and common as racial and religious discrimination
- 1 【阅读理解A】Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?()
- A 、Body temperature may serve as an indication of a worker’s performance
- B 、The selection of a number of permanent night shift workers has proved to be the best solution to problems of the round-the-clock working system
- C 、Taking body temperature at regular intervals can show how a person adapts to the changes of routine
- D 、Disturbed sleep occurs less frequently among those on permanent night or day shifts
- 2 【阅读理解A】 Which of the following word best describes the author's attitude towards the Cornell paper?()
- A 、Positive
- B 、Negative
- C 、Indifferent
- D 、Disapproval
- 3 【阅读理解A】 Which of the following is the main force to cause the later attainment of psychological maturity?()
- A 、The change in human physical constitution
- B 、The demand to accommodate to the changed world
- C 、The natural desire to stay young and vigorous
- D 、The extension of formal education
- 4 【阅读理解A】 According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?()
- A 、Cutting down alcohol use may help stop drug-abuse
- B 、Among the illegal drugs, cocaine is very popular among kids
- C 、Heavy pot smokers are heavy drinkers
- D 、Giving up pot smoking may contribute to abandoning other illegal drugs
- 5 【阅读理解A】 According to the passage, in which of the following ways does the pressure to appoint women to corporate boards differ from the pressure to employ women in the work force?()
- A 、Corporate boards are under less pressure because they have such a small number of openings
- B 、Corporate boards have received less pressure from stockholders, consumers, and workers within companies to include women on their boards
- C 、Corporate boards have received less pressure from the media and the public to include women on their boards
- D 、Corporations are not subject to statutory penalty for failing to include women on their boards
- 6 【阅读理解A】 Which of the following is mentioned in the passage?()
- A 、strict law against computer crimes must be enforced
- B 、Companies need to impose restrictions on confidential information
- C 、Companies will guard against computer crimes to protect their reputation
- D 、Companies usually hesitate to uncover computer crimes
- 7 【阅读理解A】Which of the following is true about affirmative action according to the text?()
- A 、A vast majority of people support it
- B 、The public claim it to be a discriminatory policy
- C 、The minority students are more likely to welcome it
- D 、The Court’s decision will certainly change people’s attitude to it
- 8 【阅读理解A】 Which of the following statements is NOT true of scientists in earlier times?()
- A 、They invented false theories to explain things they didn’t understand
- B 、They falsely claimed to know all about nature
- C 、They did not believe in results from scientific observation
- D 、They paid little attention to the problems they didn’t understand
- 9 【阅读理解A】 Which of the following cannot explain the development of wedding insurance?()
- A 、Higher prices of weddings
- B 、More liability insurance required
- C 、The newlyweds' getting older
- D 、More demand for wedding insurance
- 10 【阅读理解A】Which of the followings is the best title for this passage?
- A 、The Supermarket Manager.
- B 、The Supermarket in Society.
- C 、The Supermarket and the Old Fashioned General Store.
- D 、The Manager and His Staff.
- If a person talks about his weak points, his listener is expected to say something in the way of().
- Nobody likes him because he( )others.
- 当农场主们年复一年种植同样的农作物以获取较高产量时,就需要使用大量的化肥和杀虫剂,这将污染供水。因此,专家们建议农场主们将农作物分散化,每年轮流种植,以减少供水污染。但是,为获得政府对于一种农作物的价格补贴,农场主必须种植与过去若干年相同的作物。 以上陈述如果为真,最支持了以下哪项结论()。
- 一群在海滩边嬉戏的孩子的口袋中,共装有25块卵石。他们的老师对此说了以下两句话:第一句话“至多有5个孩子口袋里装有卵石”;第二句话“每个孩子的口袋中,或者没有卵石,或者至少有5块卵石”。 如果上述断定为真,则以下哪项关于老师两句话关系的断定一定成立()。 Ⅰ.如果第一句话为真,则第二句话为真; Ⅱ.如果第二句话为真,则第一句话为真; Ⅲ.两句话可以都是真的,但不会都是假的。
- 2016年的控制违法药物进入该国的计划是一个失败。如果该计划成功了,2016年大多数违法药物的批发价将不会大幅下降。 如果下面哪一项是正确的,将严重削弱文中的论述。()
- 一名中国研究人员发现,按照体重比例,小孩比成年人摄人更多的碳水化合物,但小孩也比成年人参加更多的运动。因此,该研究成员提出这样一个猜想:摄入碳水化合物的多少直接与不同的运动量水平所需要的卡路里成正比关系。 下面哪一项如果为真,最有力地削弱该研究人员的猜想的可信性()。
- 陈先生在鼓励他的孩子时说道:“不要害怕暂时的困难与挫折,不经历风雨怎么见彩虹?”他的孩子不服气的说:“您说的不对,我经历了那么多风雨,怎么就没见到彩虹呢?” 陈先生孩子的回答最适宜用来反驳以下哪项()。
- 现从5名管理专业、4名经济专业和1名财会专业的学生中随机派出一个3人小组,则该小组中3个专业各有1名学生的概率为 ()。