




How to select the appropriate statistical test?

帮考网校2020-10-13 17:15:01
1. Identify the research question: The first step is to identify the research question that needs to be answered. This will help you determine the appropriate statistical test to use.

2. Determine the type of data: The next step is to determine the type of data that you have collected. Is it continuous or categorical? This will help you choose the appropriate statistical test.

3. Choose the appropriate statistical test: Based on the research question and type of data, you can choose the appropriate statistical test. Some common statistical tests include t-tests, ANOVA, regression analysis, chi-square tests, and correlation analysis.

4. Check assumptions: Before running the statistical test, you need to check if the assumptions of the test are met. This includes checking for normality, homogeneity of variances, and independence of observations.

5. Interpret the results: Once you have run the statistical test, you need to interpret the results. This involves looking at the p-value, confidence intervals, and effect sizes.

6. Draw conclusions: Finally, you need to draw conclusions based on the results of the statistical test. This involves answering the research question and discussing the implications of the findings.

