




Benefits and Costs of International Trade

帮考网校2020-08-06 14:09:59
1. Increased economic growth: International trade allows countries to specialize in producing goods and services that they are most efficient in, leading to increased productivity and economic growth.

2. Access to a wider range of goods and services: International trade allows consumers to access a wider range of goods and services, including those that are not available domestically.

3. Lower prices: Increased competition from international trade can lead to lower prices for consumers, as firms seek to remain competitive.

4. Job creation: International trade can create jobs in industries that are involved in exporting goods and services, as well as in industries that support those exports.

5. Improved standard of living: Increased trade can lead to improved standards of living, as countries can access goods and services that improve their quality of life.

1. Job displacement: Increased trade can lead to job displacement in industries that are not competitive on the global market, leading to unemployment and social unrest.

2. Environmental degradation: Increased trade can lead to increased environmental degradation, as countries seek to increase production to meet demand.

3. Loss of national sovereignty: Increased trade can lead to a loss of national sovereignty, as countries may have to comply with international regulations and standards.

4. Unequal distribution of benefits: Increased trade can lead to an unequal distribution of benefits, with some industries and regions benefiting more than others.

5. Cultural homogenization: Increased trade can lead to a homogenization of cultures, as global markets tend to favor products that appeal to the largest number of people.



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