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帮考网校2019-11-24 18:24


1、Why Would They Falsely Confess?
Why on earth would an innocent person falsely confess to committing a crime? To most people, it just doesn't seem logical. But it is logical, say experts, if you understand what can happen in a police interrogation room.
Under the right conditions, people's minds are susceptible to influence, and the pressure put on suspects during police grillings is enormous. In her experiment, participants were seated at computers and told not to hit the "alt" key, because doing so would crash the systems."The pressure is important to understand, because otherwise it's impossible to understand why someone would say he did something he didn't do. The answer is: to put an end to an uncomfortable situation that will continue until he does confess. "
Developmental psychologist Allison Redlich recently conducted a laboratory study to determine how likely people are to confess to things they didn't do. ______ The researchers then intentionally crashed the computers and accused the participants of hitting the "alt" key to see if they would sign a statement falsely taking responsibility.
Redlich's findings clearly demonstrate how easy it can be to get people to falsely confess: 59 percent of the young adults in the experiment immediately confessed. Redlich also found that the younger the participant, the more likely a false confession. Of the 15-to 16-year-olds, 72 percent signed confessions, as did 78 percent of the 12-to 13-year-olds.
"There's no question that young people are more at risk," says Saul Kassin, a psychology professor at Williams College, who has done similar studies with similar results. "But adults are highly vulnerable too. "
Both Kassin and Redlich note that the entire "interrogation" in their experiments consisted of a simple accusation-not hours of aggressive questioning-and still, most participants falsely confessed.
Because of the stress of a police interrogation, they conclude, suspects can become convinced that falsely confessing is the easiest way out of a bad situation. "In some ways," says Kassin, "false confession becomes a rational decision. "

A.In her experiment, participants were seated at computers and told not to hit the "alt" key, because doing so would crash the systems.

B."In some ways," says Kassin, "false confession becomes a rational decision. "

C."It's a little like somebody's working on them with a dental drill," says Franklin Zimring, a law professor at the University of California at Berkeley.

D."But adults are highly vulnerable too. "

E.How could an innocent person admit to doing something he didn't do?

F.Redlich also found that the younger the participant, the more likely a false confession.


答案解析:本段提到一个心理学家做了一个实验(a laboratory study),也提到了crashed the computers和the“alt”key,这些都和选项A的内容对应了起来。文章和选项的对应关系是解答此类题型的一个重要策略。

2、She longed to be envied and sought after.【单选题】



C.was eager



答案解析:was eager和long都表示“热切渴望”,从程度上说最为迫切;hoped:希望、期望; wished:盼望、祝愿;wanted:要、想要。

3、Why People Use Pseudonyms (假名字)?
You can't choose the name you are given at birth, but in many countries you can change it legally when you reach adulthood. Of course, most people never change their names even if they feel unhappy about them. However some people do take this course of action-particularly artists! What makes an artist want to change their name? Sometimes it's for purely personal reasons, such as the Nobel Prize winning poet from Chile, Neftalf Reyes. He didn't want his father to know he was writing poetry, so he changed his name to Pablo Neruda when he was a young man. At other times the reason may appear strange, take the case of the Portuguese poet Femando Pessoa, ____ wrote under 75 different names. The reason? "When I use a different name, I always write in a different way," he explained. In most cases, however , people change their names for social, historical, political, or cultural reasons. Here are some of the most common: reason. The person's real name is just too long and difficult to remember. Let's be honest, Madonna Louise Ciccone is not as easy to remember as just plain Madonna. And short names are much easier to remember: William Bradley became Brad Pitt and Edson Arantes do Nascimento became Pele.
Sometimes names are changed for marketing purposes. For example, if a name sounds too foreign, it may be changed to something that is more recognizable in a market. So in the film world, Ramon Estsvez adopted the name Martin Sheen. Or maybe the artist's real name doesn't sound attractive-Chad Everett does sound a lot better than Raymond Cramton.
Artists sometimes choose the name of someone they admire. Robert Zimmerman changed his name to Boo Dylan because of his admiration for the Welsh poet, Dylan Thomas.
Another reason may be practical: in the past, women found it very difficult to get published. To avoid this situation, they sometimes gave themselves men's names, so the English author Mary Ann Evans became George Eliot, and she did get her books published!






答案解析:本题难度不大,考点是非限定性定语从句的引导词,因为此处的先行词是the Portuguese poet Femando Pessoa,是人,所以要用修饰人的引导词,而且又做主语,结合选项的信息提示,正确答案是B。

4、A Country's Standard of Living
The "standard of living" of any country means the average person's share of the goods and services the country produces. A country's standard of living, therefore, depends first on its capacity to produce wealth. "Wealth" in this sense is not money, for we do not live on money but on things that money can buy: "goods such as food and clothing", and "services" such as transport and entertainment.
A country's capacity to produce wealth depends upon many factors most of which have an effect on one another. Wealth depends ____ a great extent upon a country's natural resources. Some region of the world are well supplied with coal and minerals, and have fertile (肥沃的) soil and a favorable climate, other regions possess none of them.
Next to natural resources comes the ability to turn them to use, China is perhaps as rich as the USA in natural resources, but suffered for many years from civil and external wars, For this and other reasons it was unable to develop her resources. Sound and stable political conditions, and freedom from foreign invasions, enable a country to develop its natural resources peacefully and steadily, to produce more wealth than other country.
A country's standard of living does not only depend upon the wealth that is produced and consumed within its own borders, but also upon what is directly produced through international trade. For example, Britain's wealth in foodstuffs and other agricultural products would be much less if she had to depend only on those grown at home. Trade makes it possible for her surplus (剩余的) manufactured goods to be traded abroad for the agricultural products which would otherwise be lacking. A country's wealth is, therefore, much influenced by its manufacturing capacity, providing that other countries can be found ready to accept its manufactures.






答案解析:本题有一定难度,干扰项干扰较大,有考生过多考虑depend的搭配,其实这是一个陷阱,本题真正考查的是介词短语to a great extent,“很大程度上”,最佳答案是B。

5、March Madness
For the rest of the month, an epidemic (流行病) will sweep across the US. It will keep kids stay home from school. College students will ignore piles of homework. Employees will suddenly lose their abilities to concentrate.
The disease, known as "March Madness", refers to the nearly 65 teams in US men's college basketball tournament, it begins on March 15 and lasts through the beginning of April. Teams compete against each other in a single elimination tournament that eventually crowns a national champion.
Nearly 20 million Americans will become the prisoners of basketball festival madness.
The fun comes partly from guessing the winners for every game. Friends compete against friends, husbands against wives, and colleagues against bosses.
Big name schools are usually favored to advance into the tournament. But each year there are dark horses from little - known universities.
This adds to the madness. Watching a team from a school with 3,000 students beat a team from a school with 30,000, for many Americans, is an exciting experience. Last year the little - known George Mason University was one of the final four teams. Many people had never even heard of the university before the tournament.
College basketball players are not paid, so the game is making a name for their university and themselves. But ft doesn't mean money isn't involved. About $ 4 billion will be spent gambling on the event. According to Media Life magazine, the event will draw over $ 500 million in advertising revenue this year, topping the post - season revenue, including the NBA (全国篮球协会).
The little - known George Mason University was a dark horse because ____.

A.it had a student body of 30,000

B.its players were all black people

C.it had never been expected to be victorious

D.its players ran as fast as black horses



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