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帮考网校2019-11-02 09:34


1、New Product Will Save Lives
Drinking water that looks clean may still contain bugs, which can cause illness. A small company called Genera Technologies has produced a testing method in three stages, which shows whether water is safe. The new test shows if water needs chemicals added to it, to destroy anything harmful. It was invented by scientist Dr. Adrian Patton, who started Genera five years ago. He and his employees have developed the test together with a British water company.
Andy Headland, Genera's marketing director, recently presented the test at a conference in the USA and forecast good American sales for it. Genera has already sold 11 0fits tests at $42,500 a time in the UK and has a further four on order. It expects to sell another 25 tests before the end of March. The company says it is the only test in the UK to be approved by the government.
Genera was formed five years ago and until October last year had only five employees; it now employs 14. Mr. Headland believes that the company should make around $19 million by the end of the year in the UK alone.
The new product has been a commercial Success in the USA.【单选题】



C.Not mentioned



2、African wild dog
Finding a babysitter while you go out to work is, for example, an inconvenience. For the African wild dog, one of the continent's most endangered carnivores (食肉动物), it's a matter of life and death. A new research shows that once packs (兽群) fall below a certain size, they are not enough animals to both hunt food and stay at home protecting the young.
The African wild dog has declined drastically over the past century. Habitual loss (栖息地的丧失), persecution and unexplained outbreaks of disease have all been blamed. Only 3, 000 to5,000 animals remain, and the species is expected to go extinct within decades if the trend continues.
Other large carnivores such as the spotted hyena (鬣狗) face similar pressures, yet are not declining. Now Franck Courchamp of Cambridge University has found a reason why. The dog's weakness lies in its social organization.
Within each pack of up to 20 adults and pups, only the dominant male and female breed. The remaining animals help raise the pups, cooperating to hunt prey and defend the kill from other carnivores.
Because pups can't keep up on a hunt, large packs leave an adult behind to protect them from predators (捕猎者), which include lions and hyenas. But leaving a babysitter also carries costs. A smaller hunting party is less able to tackle large prey and to defend the kill. There is also one less stomach in which to carry food back to the den, and one more mouth to feed when they get there.
Courchamp investigated this awkward trade-off (权衡) by modeling how the costs of a babysitter change with decreasing pack size. This showed that packs of more than five adults should be able to feed all the pups and still spare a babysitter. But with smaller packs, either the hunting or the babysitting suffers, or the animals have to compensate by increasing the number of hunting excursions which itself carries a cost to the pack.
Field observations in Zimbabwe supported the model. Packs of five animals or fewer left pups unguarded more frequently than larger packs did. There was also evidence that when they did leave a babysitter, they were forced to hunt more often.
A pack which drops below a critical size becomes caught in a vicious circle (恶性循环), says Courchamp, who is now at Paris-Sud University. "Poor reproduction and low survival further reduces pack size, culminating in (最终造成) failure of the whole pack. " And deaths caused by human activity, says Courchamp, may be what reduce pack numbers to below the sustamable threshold. Mammal ecologist Chris Carbone at London's Institute of Zoology agrees. Maintaining the integrity of wild dog packs will be vitalin preserving the species, he says.
The remaining lions will die out within decades.



C.Not mentioned



3、Longer Lives Are Happier Lives
1 In recent years, scientists have been studying ways to change the body's chemistry to reduce the signs and effects of aging.
2 0ne group of researchers in Britain has performed experiments on a kind of worm. They have managed to increase the worm's normal life span of 20 days by up to 400%. They hope that they will be able to use this research to help humans live longer. However, this is a long way in the future. Another disadvantage is that when (or if) the new technology is successfully developed, it will probably be very expensive. The chance to live longer will only be available to a very few, very rich people.
3 Another group of scientists is studying people who have reached a very old age. They believe that this may show what has kept these people healthy and alive for so long. So, if we look at people who have lived into very old age, what do they have in common? Usually they have led a physically active life. This does not mean going to a gym or running ten miles every day. Simple, enjoyable activities like walking seem to be more likely to keep you healthy. Very old people also eat a good, varied diet. Simple foods like vegetable, rice, pasta and fish are the best.
4 However, there may be one thing even more important than physical factors like diet and exercise. Research shows that personality, and the way a person thinks, play an important part in how long they will live. People who live into very old age always seem to enjoy life. They have a sense of humor and get satisfaction from simple things. They do not constantly think about the past, but are interested in the present and the future. They do not let life get boring, but have interests and hobbies which keep their minds active and they are open to new ideas. One Japanese man who lived to be 120 commented that the secret of his long life was "not worrying". To express it simply, people who are happy and positive about life are more likely to live longer.
5 So, eat well, exercise well, and enjoy life, and you will have a good chance of living to a healthy, happy old age.
Some scientists are studying people who live a long time because ____

A.Running 10 miles every day

B.It does not exist

C.They hope to find out what has made them live so long


E.enjoy life

F.It will be very expensive


答案解析:科学家研究长寿老人的目的在于发现长寿的原因,符合正常的逻辑思维。另外C中的 hope表明目的。

4、Geology and Heap
(1)The importance of particular metals in the human diet has been realized within the past few decades, and the idea that geology might be related to health has been recognized for a number of elements such as iodine, zinc and selenium. For example, soils with low iodine contents produce crops, and animals deficient in iodine. A lack of iodine in the human diet leads to some serious diseases.
(2)The ultimate source of metals within the human body is rocks, which weather into soil, gaining or losing some of their chemical constituents. The crops we eat selectively remove from the soil the elements that they require for growth. The water we drink contains trace elements leached from rock and soil. Thus the geology and geochemistry of the environment have effects on the chemistry and health of plants, animals and people.
(3)So far there is no data to suggest that people living on metal-rich soils experience a potential health hazard. The levels of metals within naturally contaminated soils are generally not high enough to cause serious health problems. Living on metal-rich soils does not represent a health risk unless large quantities of soil are digested or metal-rich dust is inhaled. However, small children are particularly exposed to metal-rich topsoil in playgrounds and gardens. They are also the most likely ones to eat potentially dangerous metal-rich soil.
(4)Heavy metals are persistent: they do not break down to other chemicals in the environment. Industrially polluted sites usually undergo intensive clean-up and rehabilitation because heavy metals are a health concern once they enter the food chain. Some trace metals are alleged to cause cancer and are also known to cause poisoning
(5)In contrast, naturally contaminated soils have not been subject too risk assessment studies and rehabilitation measures, despite the fact that they frequently possess metal concentrations well above those of such polluted by humans and above environmental quality criteria.
(6)There is a vital need to understand the potential risks and long-term health effects of living on naturally contaminated soils. Future environmental investigations of naturally polluted soils should concentrate on the potential pathways of metals into the food chain and human body. Geologists should be part of such studies as they can provide the essential background information on rock and soil chemistry as well as the chemical forms of heavy metal pollution.
Paragraph l______

A.No Evidence to Indicate Bad of Naturally Contaminated Soil

B.Potential Hazards of Human Contaminated Soils

C.Research an Channels of Heavy Metals Getting into Human Food Chain

D.Geology and Health Problems

E.Rocks----the Ultimate Source of Soil Pollution

F.Long-term Health Effects on Children



5、The great change of the city astonished all the visitors.【单选题】







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