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帮考网校2022-03-29 11:09


1、The high - speed trains can have a majorimpact on our lives.【单选题】







2、What Is the Coolest Gas in the Universe?What is the coldest air temperature ever recorded on the Earth? Where was this low temperature recorded? The coldest recorded temperature on Earth was -91℃ which occurred in Antarctica in 1983.We encounter an interesting situation when we discuss temperatures in space Temperatures in Earth orbit actually range from about +120℃ to -120℃. The temperature depends upon _____ you are in direct sunlight orshade, Obviously, -120℃ is colder than our body can safely endure. Thank NASA science forwell-designed space suits that protect astronauts from these temperature extremes.The space temperatures just discussed affect only our area of the solar system . Obviously, it is hotter closer to the Sun and colder as we travel away from the Sun. Astronomers estimate temperatures at Pluto are about -210℃. How cold is the lowest estimated temperature in the entire universe? Again, it depends upon your location. We are taught it is supposedly impossible to have a temperature below absolute zero, which is -273℃, at which atoms do not move. Two scientists, whose names are Cornell and Wieman, have successfully cooled down a gas temperature barely above absolute zero. They won a Nobel Prize in Physics in 2001 fortheir work not a discovery in this car.Why is the two scientists\' work so important to science?In the 1920s, Satyendra Nath Bose was studying an interesting theory about particles we now call photons. Bose had trouble convincing Other scientists to believe so he contacted Albert Einstein. Einstein\'s calculations helped him theorize would behave as Bose thought but only at very cold temperatures.Scientists have also discovered that ultra-cold atoms can help them make the world\'s atomic clocks even more accurate. These clocks are so accurate today they would only lose one second every six million years! Such accuracy will help us travel in space because distance is velocity times time(d=vxt). With the long distances involved in space travel to know time as accurately as possible to get accurate distance.【单选题】







3、Three Ways to Become More CreativeMost people believe they don\'t have much imagination. They are wrong. Everyone has imagination, but most of us, once we become adults, forget how to access it. Creativity isn\'t always connected with great works of art orideas. People at work and in their free time routinely think of creative ways to solve problems. Maybe you have a goal to achieve, a tricky question to answer oryou just want to expand your mind! There are three techniques to help you.This technique involves taking unrelated ideas and trying to find links between them. First, think about the problem you have to solve orthe job you need to do. Then find an image, word, idea orobject, forexample, a candle. Write down all the ideas/words associated with candles, light, fire, matches, wax, night, silence, etc. Think of as many as you can. The next stage is to relate the ideas to the job you have to do. So imagine you want to buy a friend an original present; you could buy him tickets to a match ortake him out forthe night. Imagine that normal limitations don\'t exist. You have as much time/space/money, etc. as you want. Think about your goal and the new possibilities. If, forexample, your goal is to learn to ski (滑雪), you can now practice skiing every day of your life (because you have the time and the money). Now adapt this to reality. Maybe you can practice skiing every day in December, orevery Monday in January.Look at the situation from a different point of view. Good negotiators (谈判者) use this technique in business, and so do writers. Fiction writers often imagine they are the characters in their books. They ask questions: what does this character want? Why can\'t she get it? What changes must she make to get what she wants? What does she dream about? If your goal involves other people, put yourself "in their shoes". The best fishermen think they are the fish!The second technique suggests that you just imagine ____.【单选题】

A.setting a goal is as simple as skiing

B.you have every resource to achieve your goal

C.new possibilities will soon appear

D.December and January are the best months forskiing


答案解析:本题有一定的难度,A,D两项的干扰性不强,考生都可以排除,许多考生在B,C两项犹豫不决,不知道选哪个,关键还是吃透原文,并准确归纳原文。答案依据是第三段开头:Imagine that normal limitations don\'t exist. You have as much time/space/money,最佳答案是B。

4、The State of Marriage TodayIs there something seriously wrong with marriage today? During the past 50 years, the rate of divorce in the United States has exploded: almost 50% of marriages end in divorce now, and the evidence suggests it is going to get worse. If this trend continues, it will lead to the breakup of the family, according to a spokesperson forthe National Family Association. Some futurists predict that in 100 years, the average American will marry at least four times, and extramarital (婚外的) affairs will be even more common than now.But what are the reasons forthis, and is the picture really so gloomy (明暗的)? The answer to the first question is really quite simple: marriage is no longer the necessity it once was. The institution of marriage has been based foryears partly on economic need. Women used to be economically dependent on their husbands-as they usually didn\'t have jobs outside the home. But with the rising number of women in well-paying jobs, this is no longer the case, So they don\'t feel that they need to stay in a failing marriage.In answer to the second question, the outlook may not be as pessimistic (悲观的) as it seems. While the rate of divorce has risen, the rate of couples marrying has never actually fallen very much, so marriage is still quite popular. In addition to this, many couples now simply live together and don\'t bother to marry. These couples are effectively married, but they do not appear in either the marriage ordivorce statistics. In fact, more than 50% of first marriages survive.So is marriage really an outdated institution? The fact that most people still get married indicates that it isn\'t. and it is also true that married couples have a healthier life than single people: they suffer less from stress and its consequences, such as heart problems, and married men generally consider themselves more contented than their single counterparts. Perhaps the key is to find out what makes a successful marriage and apply it to all of our relationships!What does "this is no longer the case" in paragraph 2 mean? ____【单选题】

A.Women are not economically dependant any more.

B.It is not necessary to get married any more.

C.Women do not need a husband any longer.

D.Many wives do well - paying jobs outside home now.


答案解析:本题难度不大,只要认真阅读原文,不难确定答案,答案依据是:Women used to be economically dependent on their husbands-as they usually didn\'t have jobs outside the home. But with the rising number of women in well - paying jobs, this is no longer the case,很明显这句话是说妇女在经济上已经独立,不再依赖丈夫,所以答案是A。

5、Operatunity1. Operatunity is a TV talent show foramateur opera singers, The winners get the chance to sing with the English National Opera. When two housewives, Denise Leigh and Jane Gilchrist won in 2002, their lives changed forever, As they sang Verdi\'s Rigoletto at the Coliseum (音乐厅) in Rome, they were transformed from working mothers into opera celebrities (名人).2. "I live in the village I was born in," says Denise, who is blind. "Lots of my neighbours are family, and my life is all about my three children. Jane, who worked as a cleaner and a shop assistant, was in a similar situation." She says. All I had to look forward to was seeing my four children grow up, and I love them, but ... you know there must be more things than life. Winning Operatunity has opened up avenues I never knew existed."3. "Last year was amazing," Denise continues, "Last month was Paris, before that we were recording at Abbey Road, in London, and recently we had our album launch at the Royal Opera House" "We\'ve been treated like princesses," laughs Jane, "... champagne, chocolates, five - star hotels ..."4. But it wasn\'t all so easy. ForDenise, the worst part was waiting at the beginning. "After I\'d sent in my application form I worried fora month, Then I had to wait ten days after my first audition (试唱). That was awful." Even when they won the competition they were allowed to tell their close family but they weren\'t allowed to tell anyone else until later. Denise and Jane also found the travelling is difficult. They couldn’t take their children with them while they were away singing, so they had to organise childcare. However, there\'s been no problem with the physical side of singing: "We didn\'t have to worry about that as we\'ve had lots of help and wonderful voice training." says Jane. They also had to learn to deal with the media." The kids loved the fact that they could stay up and watch us on TV, but I just couldn\'t understand why some newspapers were more interested in the fact I divorced at 21, rather than the fact I had just sung at the Coliseum, says Denise.Operatunity may help ordinary people to ____.【单选题】

A.help others out

B.take care of their children

C.deal with the media

D.raise their children

E.realize their dreams

F.see the world



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