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帮考网校2019-11-24 11:24


1、Migrant (移民的) Workers
In the past twenty years, there has been an increasing tendency for workers to move from one country to another. While some countries have restricted most jobs to local people, others have attracted and welcomed migrant workers. This is particularly the case in the Middle East, where increased oil incomes have enabled many countries to call in outsiders to improve local facilities. Thus the Middle East has attracted oil workers from the USA and Europe. It has brought in workers from many countries, including South Korea and Japan.
In view of the difficult living and working ______ in the Middle East, it is not surprising that the pay is high to attract suitable workers. Many engineers and technicians can earn at least twice as much money in the Middle East as they can in their own country, and this is a major attraction .
Sometimes a disadvantage has a compensating (补偿的) advantage. For example, the difficult living conditions often lead to increased friendship when workers have to depend on each other for safety and comfort. In a similar way, many migrant workers can save large sums of money partly because of the lack of entertainment facilities. The work is often complex and full of problems but this merely presents challenge to engineers who prefer to find solutions to problems rather than do routine work in their home country.
One major problem which affects migrant workers in the Middle East is that their jobs are temporary ones. They are nearly always on contract, so it is not easy for them to plan ahead with great confidence. This is to be expected since no country welcomes a large number of foreign workers as permanent residents. In any case, migrant workers accept this disadvantage, along with others, because of the considerable financial benefits which they receive.







2、Why was the football match called off?【单选题】

A.held up

B.put off




答案解析:call off等于cancel,都表示“取消”;held up:受阻碍;put off:推迟;end:结束。

3、Fermi Problem
On a Monday morning in July, the world's first atom bomb exploded in the New Mexico desert, Forty seconds later, the shook waves reached the base camp where the Italian-American physicist Enrico Fezmi and his team stood. After a mental calculation, Fermi announced to his team that the bomb's energy had equated 10,000 tons of TNT. The bomb team was impressed, but not surprised. Fermi's genius was known throughout the scientific world. In 1938 he had won a Nobel Prize. Four years later he produced the first nuclear chain reaction, leading us into the nuclear age. Since Fermi's death in 1954, no physicist has been at once a master experimentalist and a leading theoretician.
Like all virtuosos (大师), Fermi had a distinctive style. He preferred the most direct route to an answer. He was very good at dividing difficult problems into small, manageable bits talent we all can use in our daily lives.
To develop this talent in his students, Fermi would suggest a type of question now known as a Fermi problem. Upon first hearing one of these, you haven't the remotest notion of the answer, and you feel certain that too little information had been given to solve it, Yet when the problem is broken into sub-problems, each answerable without the help of expert. s or books, you can come close to the exact solution.
Suppose you want to determine Earth's circumference without looking it up. Everyone knows that New York and Los Angeles are about 3,000 miles apart and that the time difference between them is three hours. Three hours is one-eighth of a day, and a day is the time it takes the planet to complete one rotation, so its circumference must be eight times 3000 0r 24000 miles. This answer differs from the true value, 24,902. 45 miles, by less than four percent.
Ultimately the value of dealing with everyday problems the way Fermi did lies in the rewards of making independent discoveries and inventions. It doesn't matter whether the discovery is as important as determining the power of an atom or as small as measuring the distance between New York and Los Angeles. Looking up the answer, or letting someone else find it deprives you of the pleasure and pride that accompany creativity, and deprives you of an experience that builds up self-confide. Thus, approaching personal dilemmas as Fermi problems can become a habit that enriches your life.
Fermi was famous for inventing a device to calculate bomb's energy accurately.【单选题】



C.Not mentioned



4、What Is the Coolest Gas in the Universe?
What is the coldest air temperature ever recorded on the Earth? Where was this low temperature recorded? The coldest recorded temperature on Earth was -91℃ which occurred in Antarctica in 1983.
We encounter an interesting situation when we discuss temperatures in space Temperatures in Earth orbit actually range from about +120℃ to -120℃. The temperature depends upon whether you are in direct sunlight or shade, Obviously, -120℃ is colder than our body can safely endure. Thank NASA science for well-designed space _____ that protect astronauts from these temperature extremes.
The space temperatures just discussed affect only our area of the solar system . Obviously, it is hotter closer to the Sun and colder as we travel away from the Sun. Astronomers estimate temperatures at Pluto are about -210℃. How cold is the lowest estimated temperature in the entire universe? Again, it depends upon your location. We are taught it is supposedly impossible to have a temperature below absolute zero, which is -273℃, at which atoms do not move. Two scientists, whose names are Cornell and Wieman, have successfully cooled down a gas temperature barely above absolute zero. They won a Nobel Prize in Physics in 2001 for their work not a discovery in this car.
Why is the two scientists' work so important to science?
In the 1920s, Satyendra Nath Bose was studying an interesting theory about particles we now call photons. Bose had trouble convincing Other scientists to believe so he contacted Albert Einstein. Einstein's calculations helped him theorize would behave as Bose thought but only at very cold temperatures.
Scientists have also discovered that ultra-cold atoms can help them make the world's atomic clocks even more accurate. These clocks are so accurate today they would only lose one second every six million years! Such accuracy will help us travel in space because distance is velocity times time(d=vxt). With the long distances involved in space travel to know time as accurately as possible to get accurate distance.






答案解析:上文说-120℃是宇航员无法忍受的温度,下文说美国国家航空和航天管理局生产的某种装置以protect astronauts from these temperature extremes(保护宇航员不受极端温度的侵害)。很明显,这一装置就是space suits。

5、Desirable Qualities in a Teacher
Here I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generally accepted.
First, the teacher's personality should be pleasantly live and attractive. This does not rule out people who are physically plain, or even ugly, because many such have great personal charm. I would say that excludes all of dull or purely negative personality. I still stick to what I said in my earlier book: that school children probably suffer more from bores than from brutes.
Secondly, it is not merely desirable but essential for a teacher to have a great capacity for sympathy in the literal meaning of that word; a capacity to tune in to the minds and feelings of other people, especially, since most teachers are school teachers, _____ the minds and feelings of children. Closely related with this is the capacity to be tolerant not indeed, of what is wrong, but of frailty (脆弱) and immaturity of human nature which induce people, and again especially children, to make mistakes.
Thirdly, I hold it essential for a teacher to be both intellectually and morally honest. This does not mean being a plaster saint. It means that he will be aware of his intellectual strengths.






答案解析:此处的to仍是词组tune into的延续。

6、Eventually, she got a job and moved to London.【单选题】







7、Gun Rights in the US
Immediately after the shooting at Virginia Tech University, Americans gathered to mourn (致哀) the dead. The president and the state governer both hurried there to share the grief. But the majority of Americans still cling to their right to own weapons.
Strictly speaking, the US is not the only country ____ gun violence has destroyed lives, families and communities in everyday circumstance. But the US is one of the few countries that seem unwilling and politically incapable of doing anything serious to stop it.
In countries like Britain and Canada, the government adopted strict gun control soon after serious gun violence incidents. US leaders, however, are held hostage by the gun lobby (院外活动集团) and the electoral (选举) system.
The powerful National Rifle Association, the major supporter of gun rights in the US, is too strong for any party to take on. Most Republicans oppose gun control anyway. Over the years, the Democrats have found that they can either campaign for gun control or win power, not both, they prefer power.
According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics, firearm (火器) incidents accounted for nine percent of the 4.7 million violent crimes in 2005. So although opinion polls show most Americans want stricter gun laws, many people don't want to give up their arms they keep to protect themselves.
Dave Hancock, a Virginia gun lover, is one example. In an interview he said, "If one professor in the Virginia incident had been carrying a legal weapon, they might have been able to stop all this. "In his opinion, the massacre (大屠杀) is an argument for more people to carry weapons, not fewer.
Americans' clinging to the right to bear arms is not just a fear of crime, but a mistrust of government, commented UK's Guardian newspaper.
One Virginia resident, who had a permit to carry a concealed (隐藏的) firearm, told the Guardian that it was every American's responsibility to have a gun.
"Each person," he said, "should not rely solely on the government for protection."






答案解析:本题有一定难度,干扰项有一定的干扰性,本题考查的是定语从句关系词的用法,因为先行词是the country,所以关系词应该用修饰地点的where,最佳答案是D。

8、Why People Use Pseudonyms (假名字)?
You can't choose the name you are given at birth, but in many countries you can change it legally when you reach adulthood. Of course, most people never change their names even if they feel unhappy about them. However some people do ____ this course of action-particularly artists! What makes an artist want to change their name? Sometimes it's for purely personal reasons, such as the Nobel Prize winning poet from Chile, Neftalf Reyes. He didn't want his father to know he was writing poetry, so he changed his name to Pablo Neruda when he was a young man. At other times the reason may appear strange, take the case of the Portuguese poet Femando Pessoa, who wrote under 75 different names. The reason? "When I use a different name, I always write in a different way," he explained. In most cases, however , people change their names for social, historical, political, or cultural reasons. Here are some of the most common: reason. The person's real name is just too long and difficult to remember. Let's be honest, Madonna Louise Ciccone is not as easy to remember as just plain Madonna. And short names are much easier to remember: William Bradley became Brad Pitt and Edson Arantes do Nascimento became Pele.
Sometimes names are changed for marketing purposes. For example, if a name sounds too foreign, it may be changed to something that is more recognizable in a market. So in the film world, Ramon Estsvez adopted the name Martin Sheen. Or maybe the artist's real name doesn't sound attractive-Chad Everett does sound a lot better than Raymond Cramton.
Artists sometimes choose the name of someone they admire. Robert Zimmerman changed his name to Boo Dylan because of his admiration for the Welsh poet, Dylan Thomas.
Another reason may be practical: in the past, women found it very difficult to get published. To avoid this situation, they sometimes gave themselves men's names, so the English author Mary Ann Evans became George Eliot, and she did get her books published!






答案解析:本题难度较大,不少考生做错。难度在于原文中出现了course of action这个考生不熟悉的习语,指“做法,措施”,通常和这个习语搭配的是动词take。

9、A Country's Standard of Living
The "standard of living" of any country means the average person's share of the goods and services the country produces. A country's standard of living, therefore, depends first on its capacity to produce wealth. "Wealth" in this ____ is not money, for we do not live on money but on things that money can buy: "goods such as food and clothing", and "services" such as transport and entertainment.
A country's capacity to produce wealth depends upon many factors most of which have an effect on one another. Wealth depends to a great extent upon a country's natural resources. Some region of the world are well supplied with coal and minerals, and have fertile (肥沃的) soil and a favorable climate, other regions possess none of them.
Next to natural resources comes the ability to turn them to use, China is perhaps as rich as the USA in natural resources, but suffered for many years from civil and external wars, For this and other reasons it was unable to develop her resources. Sound and stable political conditions, and freedom from foreign invasions, enable a country to develop its natural resources peacefully and steadily, to produce more wealth than other country.
A country's standard of living does not only depend upon the wealth that is produced and consumed within its own borders, but also upon what is directly produced through international trade. For example, Britain's wealth in foodstuffs and other agricultural products would be much less if she had to depend only on those grown at home. Trade makes it possible for her surplus (剩余的) manufactured goods to be traded abroad for the agricultural products which would otherwise be lacking. A country's wealth is, therefore, much influenced by its manufacturing capacity, providing that other countries can be found ready to accept its manufactures.






答案解析:本题有一定难度,干扰项干扰较大,本题考查介词短语in this sense,本句话是说,财富从这个意义上讲不是货币金钱,最佳答案是A。

10、Life at Aichi University
I'm Yamamoto Mika, a 22 years old Japanese girl. I'd like to invite you to Aichi University so you can understand my life.
Our university has a close relationship with China and my department is the only one of its kind in Japan. My courses include the Chinese language, modern Chinese politics and economics. I love Chinese culture and I have been to Tianjin as an exchange student.
In Japan, our courses are divided into compulsory, optional and specialized courses. However, we have a flexible schedule. We can choose classes from a wide range of options.
Many students finish the compulsory courses in three years so that they can have one year without any classes. They often use this period of time to study abroad, conduct research and travel. Many students even suspend their study for additional study - abroad opportunities,
Japanese universities encourage students to choose their own ways of study, so it is quite easy for us to apply for study suspension.
Japanese students participate in various kinds of extracurricular (课外的) activities. They attend clubs from elementary schools, so many students have already been accustomed to clubs when they enter university.
Our university now has 42 art clubs and 45 sports clubs. The annual University Festival is the grandest carnival (狂欢节) of Japanese universities. In the festival, students promote their clubs and organize various activities. Our university's festival attracted about 150,000 people last year. I really like this festival.
When we promote our clubs, we cook "tonnjiru", a kind of pork soup, and sell it to other students at the fair.
We also go to different places to interview celebrities (名人) who attend our festival as guests. It is a wonderful experience to talk to those stars face to face.
Japanese students like to hold parties. We have two kinds of parties. One is the Mochivori party. If you want to attend this party you have to cook something and take it to the party. The organizer buys drinks and snacks.
The other kind of party is the Nomikai, which mainly involves alcohol. We drink something called chu - hai, which is a combination of soda and wine. We also drink Japanese sake (日本米酒) and beer. There are parties for many occasions, like welcoming new students, celebrating victories and birthday parties or just for promoting friendship.
The word "compulsory" in paragraph 3 could be best replaced by ____.【单选题】







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