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帮考网校2019-11-23 09:25








答案解析:题干大意:他在几分钟内就驳倒了我的观点。demolish意为“推翻,驳倒”;disprove意为“反驳”,例如:It?is?nearly?impossible?to?disprove?a?rumor.(要辟谣几乎是不可能的。)dispute意为“辩论,怀疑”,例如:We?disputed?with?each?other?on various?issues.(我们为各种问题互相争论。)support意为“支持,扶持”,例如:I?will?always?support?you?whatever?you?do.(不论你做什么,我都会支持你。)

Cancer is a group of many related diseases that begin in cells, the body's basic building blocks. The body is made up of many types of cells. Normally cells grow and divide to produce more cells as they are needed to keep the body healthy. Sometimes, this orderly process goes wrong. New cells form when the body does not need them, and old cells do not die when they should. The extra cells form a mass of tissue called a growth or tumor. Benign (良性的) tumors are not cancer. They can often be removed and, in most cases, they do not come back. Malignant (恶性的) tumors are cancer. Cells in malignant tumors are abnormal and divide without control or order.
Scientists have learned that cancer is caused by changes in genes that normally control the growth and death of cells. Certain lifestyle and environmental factors can change some normal genes into genes that allow the growth of cancer. Many gene changes that lead to cancer are the result of tobacco use, diet, exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun, or exposure to carcinogens (致癌物) in the workplace or in the environment. Some gene alterations are inherited.
Cancer treatment can include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy (化疗), hormone therapy, and biological therapy. The doctor may use one method or a combination of methods, depending on the type and location of the cancer, whether the disease has spread, the patient's age and general health, and other factors. Because treatment for cancer can also damage healthy cells and tissues, it often causes side effects. Patients and doctors generally discuss the treatment options, weighing the likely benefits of killing cancer cells and the risks of possible side effects.
Having cancer does not always mean having pain. Whether a patient has pain may depend on the type of cancer, the extent of the disease, and the patient's tolerance for pain. Most pain occurs when the cancer grows and presses against bones, organs, or nerves. Pain may also be a side effect of treatment. However, pain can generally be relieved or reduced with prescription medicines or over-the-counter drugs recommended by the doctor.
Paragraph 1____.

A.Does cancer always cause pain

B.Can cancer be prevented

C.What is cancer

D.How common is cancer

E.What causes cancer

F.How is cancer treated


答案解析:第一段没有主题句,该段主要介绍了癌症是由控制细胞生长增殖机制失常而引起的疾病,本段对癌症进行了简单的界定。显然,该段回答了C选项“What is cancer?”所提问题,故C为正确答案。

3、Almost everyone at the meeting has different views.【单选题】







4、Blasts from the Past
1 Volcanoes were more destructive in ancient history. Not because they were bigger, but because the carbon they released wiped out life with greater ease.
2 Paul Wignall from the University of Leeds was investigating the link between volcanic eruptions and mass extinctions. Not all volcanic eruptions killed off large numbers of animals, but all the mass extinctions over the past 300. million years coincided with huge formations of volcanic rock. To his surprise, the older the massive volcanic eruptions were, the more damage they seemed to do.
3 Wignall calculated the "killing efficiency" for these volcanoes by comparing the proportion of life they killed off with the volume of lava that they produced. He found that size for size, older eruptions were at least 10 times as effective at wiping out life as their more recent rivals.
4 The Permian extinction, for example, which happened 250 million years ago, is marked by floods of volcanic rock in. Siberia that cover an area roughly the size of western Europe, Those volcanoes are thought to have pumped out about 10 gigatonnes of carbon as carbon dioxide, The global warming that followed wiped out 8 per cent of all marine genera at the time, and it took 5 million years far tire planet to recover.
5 Yet 60 million years ago in the late Palaeocene there was another huge amount of volcanic activity and global-warming but no mass extinction. Some animals did disappear but things returned to normal within ten thousands of years, "The most recent ones hardly have an effect at all," Wignall says. He ignored the extinction which wiped out the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous, 65 million years ago, because many scientists believe it was primarily caused by the impact of an asteroid.
6 Wignall thinks that older volcanoes had more killing power because more recent life forms were better adapted to dealing with increased levels of C02 Ocean chemistry may also have played a role. As the supercontinents broke up and exposed more coastline there may have been more weathering of silica rocks. This would have encouraged the growth of phytoplankton in the oceans, increasing the amount of C02 absorbed from the atmosphere.
7 Vincent Courtillot, director of the Paris Geophysical Institute in France, says that Wignall's idea is provocative. But he says it is incredibly hard to do these sorts of calculations. He points out that the killing power of volcanic eruptions depends on how long they fasted. And it is impossible to tell whether the huge blasts lasted for thousands or millions of years.
8 Courtillot also adds that it is difficult to estimate how much lava prehistoric volcanoes produced, and that lava volume may not necessarily correspond to carbon dioxide or sulphur dioxide emissions.
Paragraph 4____

A.Killing Power of Ancient Volcanic Eruptions

B.Association of Mass Extinction with Volcanic Eruption

C.Calculation of the Killing Power of Older Eruptions

D.A Mass Extinction

E.Volcanic Eruptions That Caused No Mass Extinction

F.ccounting for the Killing Power of Older Eruptions


答案解析:A mass extinction意为“一次大量的生物灭绝”。文章的第一句话是这么说的:Volcanoes were more destructive in ancient history. 火山在远古更具毁灭性。这是文章的基本论点或基本假设。假设是需要证明的。第二、三段其实都是在证明这一基本假设。第三段还有这样一句话: older eruptions were at least 10 times as effective at wiping out life as their more recant rivals. 这个命题虽然可用来支持文章的基本假设,但是它本身也需要证明。第四段讲的是二叠纪生物灭绝,这是发生在远古的大规模的生物灭绝。这是一个证据,因此D是正确的。

5、Smoking Can Increase Depressive Symptoms in Teens
While some teenagers may puff on cigarettes to "self-medicate" against the blues, scientists at the University of Toronto and the University of Montreal have found that smoking may actually increasedepressive symptoms in some teens.
"This observational study is one of the few to examine the perceived emotional benefits of smoking among teens," says lead researcher Michael Chaiton, a research associate at the Ontario Tobacco Research Unit of the University of Toronto." Although cigarettes may appear to have self-medicating effects or to improve mood, in the long term we found that teens who started to smoke reported higher depressive symptoms. "
As part of the study, some 662 high school teenagers completed up to 20 questionnaires about their use of cigarettes to affect mood. Secondary schools were selected to provide a mix of French and English participants, urban and rural schools, and schools located in high, moderate and low socioeconomic neighborhoods. Participants were divided into three groups: never smokers; smokers who did not use cigarettes to self-medicate, improve mood or physical state; smokers who used cigarettes to self-medicate. Depressive symptoms were measured using a scale that asked how felt too fired to do things: had trouble going to sleep or staying asleep; felt unhappy, sad, or depressed; felt hopeless about the future; felt vexed, antsy or tense; and worried too much about things.
"Smokers who used cigarettes as mood improvers had higher risks of elevated depressive symptoms than teens who had never smoked," says co-researcher Jennifer O'Loughlin, a professor at the University of Montreal Department of Social and Preventive Medicine. "Our study found that teen smokers who reported emotional benefits from smoking are at higher risk of ____ depressive symptoms."
The association between depression and smoking exists principally among teens that use cigarettes to feel better. "It's important to emphasize that depressive symptom scores were higher among teenagers who reported emotional benefits from smoking after they began to smoke," says Dr. Chaiton.







6、These paintings are considered by many to be authentic.【单选题】







1. Cancer is a group of many related diseases that begin in cells, the body's basic building blocks. The body is made up of many types of cells. Normally, cells grow and divide to produce more cells as they are needed to keep the body healthy. Sometimes, this orderly process goes wrong. New cells form when the body does not need them, and old cells do not die when they should. The extra cells form a mass of tissue called a growth or tumor(肿瘤). Benign(良性的) tumors are not cancer. They can often be removed and, in most cases, they do not come back. Malignant (恶性的) tumors are cancer. Cells in malignant tumors are abnormal and divide without control or order.
2. Scientists have learned that cancer is caused by changes in genes that normally control the growth and death of cells. Certain lifestyle and environmental factors can change some normal genes into genes that allow the growth of cancer. Many gene changes that lead to cancer are the result of tobacco use, diet, exposure to ultraviolet(紫外线的) radiation from the sun, or exposure to carcinogens (致症物) in the workplace or in the environment. Some gene alterations are inherited.
3. Cancer treatment can include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy(化疗), hormone therapy, and biological therapy. The doctor may use one method or a combination of methods, depending on the type and location of the cancer, whether the disease has spread, the patient's age and general health and other factors. Because treatment for cancer can also damage healthy cells and tissues, it often causes side effects. Patients and doctors generally discuss the treatment options, weighting the likely benefits of killing cancer cells and the risks of possible side effects.
4. Having cancer does not always mean having pain. Whether a patient has pain may depend on the type of cancer, the extent of the disease and the patient's tolerance for pain. Most pain occurs when the cancer grows and presses against bones, organs, or nerves. Pain may also be a side effect of treatment. However, pain can generally be relieved or reduced with prescription medicines or over - the - counter drugs recommended by the doctor.
Paragraph 1 ______

A.How is cancer treated?

B.Does cancer always cause pain?

C.Can cancer be prevented?

D.What is cancer?

E.How common is cancer?

F.What causes cancer?


答案解析:本题难度不大,段落主旨句比较明显,是文章第一段的第一句,谈到了癌症的概念,谈到癌症是始于细胞病变的综合相关疾病,回来看选项,D项What is cancer?简单概括了本段意思,是答案。

8、Youth Emancipation in Spain
The Spanish Government is so worried about the number of young adults still living with their parents that it has decided to help them leave the nest.
Around 55 percent of people aged 18 ~ 34 in Spain still sleep in their parents' home, says the latest report from the country's state - run Institute of Youth.
To coax (劝诱) young people from their homes, the Institute started a "Youth Emancipation(解放)" programme this month. The programme offers guidance in finding rooms and jobs.
Economists blame young people's family dependence on the precarious (不稳定的) labour market and increasing housing prices. Housing prices have risen 17 percent a year since 2000.
Cultural reasons also contribute to the problem, say sociologists (社会学家). Family ties in south Europe (Italy, Portugal and Greece) are stronger than those in middle and north Europe, said Spanish sociologist Almudena Moreno Minguez in her report "The Late Emancipation of Spanish Youth: Key for Understanding".
"In general, young people in Spain firmly believe in the family as the main body around which their private life is organized," said Minguez.
In Spain, especially in the countryside, it is not uncommon to find entire groups of aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews (外甥/侄子) all living on the same street. They regularly get together for Sunday dinner.
Parents tolerance is another factor. Spanish parents accept late - night partying and are wary of setting bedtime rules.
"A child can arrive home at whatever time he wants. If parents complain he'll put up a fight and call the father a fascist," said Jose Antonio Gomez Yanez, a sociologist at Carlos Ill University in Madrid.
Mothers willingness to do children's household chores (家务) worsens the problem. Dionisio Masso, a 60 - year - old in Madrid, has three children in their 20s, The eldest 28, has a girlfriend and a job. But life with mum is good.
"His mum does the wash and cooks for him, in the end, he lives well," Masso said.
It can be inferred from paragraph 5 that family ties are stronger in Portugal than in ______.【单选题】







9、What are my chances of promotion if I stay here?【单选题】







10、Happy Marriage, Happy Heart
Happily married people have lower blood pressure than unhappily married people or singles, a Brigham Young University study says.
On the other hand, even having a supportive social network did not translate into a blood pressure benefit for singles or unhappily married people, according to the study.
"There seems to be some unique health benefits from marriage. It's not just being named that benefits health-what's really the most protective of health is having a happy marriage," study author Julianne Holt Lunstad, a psychologist who specializes in relationships and health, said in a prepared statement.
The study included 204 married and 99 single adults who wore portable blood - pressure monitors for 24 hours. The monitors recorded blood pressure at random intervals and provided a total of about 72 readings.
"We wanted to capture participants' blood pressure doing whatever they normally do in everyday life. Getting one or two readings in a clinic is not really representative of the fluctuations (波动) that occur throughout the day," Holt Lunstad said.
Overall, happily married people scored four points lower on the blood pressure readings than single adults. The study also found that blood ____ among married people, especially those in happy marriages dropped more during sleep than in single people.
"Research has shown that people whose blood pressure remains high throughout the night are at much greater risk of heart disease than people whose blood pressure drops," Holt Lunstad said.
The study was published in the March 20 issue of the journal Annals (年刊) of Behavioral Medicine.
The study also found that unhappily married adults have higher blood pressure than both happily married and single adults.
Holt Lunstad noted that married couples can encourage healthy habits in one another, such as eating a healthy diet and having regular doctor visits. People in happy marriages also have a source of emotional support, she said.







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