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帮考网校2019-11-08 13:03









Cancer is a group of many related diseases that begin in cells, the body's basic building blocks. The body is made up of many types of cells. Normally cells grow and divide to produce more cells as they are needed to keep the body healthy. Sometimes, this orderly process goes wrong. New cells form when the body does not need them, and old cells do not die when they should. The extra cells form a mass of tissue called a growth or tumor. Benign (良性的) tumors are not cancer. They can often be removed and, in most cases, they do not come back. Malignant (恶性的) tumors are cancer. Cells in malignant tumors are abnormal and divide without control or order.
Scientists have learned that cancer is caused by changes in genes that normally control the growth and death of cells. Certain lifestyle and environmental factors can change some normal genes into genes that allow the growth of cancer. Many gene changes that lead to cancer are the result of tobacco use, diet, exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun, or exposure to carcinogens (致癌物) in the workplace or in the environment. Some gene alterations are inherited.
Cancer treatment can include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy (化疗), hormone therapy, and biological therapy. The doctor may use one method or a combination of methods, depending on the type and location of the cancer, whether the disease has spread, the patient's age and general health, and other factors. Because treatment for cancer can also damage healthy cells and tissues, it often causes side effects. Patients and doctors generally discuss the treatment options, weighing the likely benefits of killing cancer cells and the risks of possible side effects.
Having cancer does not always mean having pain. Whether a patient has pain may depend on the type of cancer, the extent of the disease, and the patient's tolerance for pain. Most pain occurs when the cancer grows and presses against bones, organs, or nerves. Pain may also be a side effect of treatment. However, pain can generally be relieved or reduced with prescription medicines or over-the-counter drugs recommended by the doctor.
Paragraph 4____.

A.Does cancer always cause pain

B.Can cancer be prevented

C.What is cancer

D.How common is cancer

E.What causes cancer

F.How is cancer treated


答案解析:第四段主题句为第一句,其意思是:患有癌症并不意味着总会疼痛。由此推断,该段回答了A选项“Does cancer always cause pain?”所提问题,故A为正确答案。

3、Intellectual Disability
People with intellectual disability form one of the largest single disability groups in a community. Intellectual disability refers to a general slowness to learn and function within society, and the identification of intellectual disability is usually based on an assessment of a person's performance in a variety of tests. An individual's level of performance, as assessed, can change with time and circumstances. With skilled training and opportunity for development, people with intellectual disability have much greater potential for acquiring skills and for participation in community life than previously had been thought possible.
In many western societies, five categories of intellectual disability have traditionally been used in order to indicate the perceived degree of difficulty an individual has with learning. All five may occur in either children, adolescent or adult, and show as mild, moderate, severe, profound or multiple intellectual disability.
For the majority of intellectual disabilities, there is no identifiable cause but there are some causes that are well documented. They include: brain damage at birth due to lack of oxygen—prolonged labor during childbirth; brain damage before birth due to factors such as rubella (风疹), drug or diet-related problems; damage after birth due to illnesses such as encephalitis(脑膜炎) or accident; hereditary defects in the genes; abnormal chromosome count resulting in, for example, Down Syndrome(唐氏综合症).
Like everyone else, people with an intellectual disability need a rewarding job, a satisfying place to live and a good social life. But they may need extra support to achieve these things. Good support services are based on the principle of normalization—which means enabling people to be part of the community like everyone else,
With the introduction of the intellectually disabled into communities, there is a need to promote awareness of communication. Although many people may have little experience in talking with an intellectually disabled person, there are common guidelines that can simplify the interaction. Firstly, it is useful to remember that people with disabilities have feelings. Speaking in the same friendly manner as you would to anyone else is also recommended. Being prepared to wait a little longer for replies during a conversation with an intellectually disabled person would undoubtedly benefit the exchange.
Paragraph l____.

A.What do people with an intellectual disability need

B.What is intellectual disability

C.How do people with an intellectual disability talk

D.What are the forms of intellectual disability

E.What causes intellectual disability

F.How do you talk to a person with an intellectual disability


答案解析:第一段没有主题句,该段主要介绍了智力障碍的定义以及随着时间和环境的变化,患者的智力也会出现一些变化。由此推断,该段回答了B选项“What is intellectual disability?”所提问题,故B为正确答案。

4、Smallpox virus
It's now a fair bet that we will never see the total extinction of the smallpox virus. The idea was to cap the glorious achievement of 1980, when smallpox was eradicated in the wild, by destroying the killer virus in the last two labs that are supposed to have it—one in the US and one in Russia. If smallpox had truly gone from the planet, what point was there in keeping these reserves?
In reality, of course, it was naive to imagine that everyone would let go of such a potential weapon. Undoubtedly several nations still have ____ vials. And the last “official” stocks of live virus bred mistrust of the US and Russia, for no obvious gain.
Now American researchers have found an animal model of the human disease, opening the way for tests on new treatments and vaccines. So one again there's a good reason to keep the virus—just in case the disease puts in a reappearance.
How do we deal with the mistrust of the US and Russia? Simple. Keep the virus under international auspices in a well-guarded UN laboratory that's open to all countries. The US will object, of course, just as it rejects a multilateral approach to just about everything. But it doesn't mean the idea is wrong. If the virus is useful, then let's make it the servant of all humanity—not just a part of it.







5、If no one objects, Mr. Ben will be the next chairman.【单选题】







6、They say Ireland's the Best
Ireland is the best place in the world to live in for 2005, according to a life quality ranking that appeared in Britain's Economist magazine last week.
The ambitious attempt to compare happiness levels around the world is based on the principle that wealth is not the only measure of human satisfaction and well-being.
The index of 111 countries uses data on incomes, health, unemployment, climate, political stability, job security, gender equality as well as what the magazine calls "freedom, family and community life".
Despite the bad weather, troubled health service, traffic congestion (拥挤), gender inequality, and the high cost of living, Ireland scored an impressive 8.33 points out of 10.
That put it well ahead of second-place Switzerland, which managed 8.07. Zimbabwe, troubled by political insecurity and hunger, is rated the gloomiest (最差的) , picking up only 3.89 points.
"Although rising incomes and increased individual choices are highly valued, " the report said, "some of the factors associated with modernization such as the breakdown in traditional institutions and family values in part take away from a positive impact.
"Ireland wins because it successfully combines the most desirable elements of the new with the preservation of certain warm elements of the old, such as stable family and community life. "
The magazine admitted measuring quality of life is not a straightforward thing to do, and that its findings would have their critics.
No. 2 on the list is Switzerland. The other nations in the top 10 are Norway, Luxembourg, Sweden, Australia, Iceland, Italy, Denmark and Spain.
The UK is positioned at No. 29, a much lower position chiefly because of the social and family breakdown recorded in official statistics. The US, which has the second highest per capita GDP after Luxembourg, took the 13th place in the survey. China was in the lower half the league at 60th.
Job security is the least important measure of life quality.【单选题】



C.Not mentioned


答案解析:问题句说“职业稳定是衡量生活质量的最不重要的标准。“利用题干中出现的核心短语“Job security/职业稳定”和“life quality/生活质量”作为答案线索,同时关注题干中出现的修饰结构“the least important/最不重要的”,可以推断出这111个国家应该是参加“生活质量”排名的国家,当然这些国家所使用的标准也就是“衡量生活质量标准”,但是文章中并没有对“职业稳定”等这些衡量标准进行比较,没有说哪方面的因素最重要的/最不重要的衡量标准,判断这个问题句的说法为“没提到”

7、Outside-the-classroom Learning Makes a Big Difference
Putting a bunch of college students in charge of a $300,000 Dance Marathon, fundraiser surely sounds a bit risky. When you consider the fact that the money is supposed to be given to. Children in need of medical care, you might call the idea crazy.
Most student leaders don't want to spend a large amount of time on something they care little about, said 22-year-old University of Florida student Darren Heitner. He was the Dance Marathon's operations officer for two years.
Yvonne Fangmeyer, director of the student organization office at the University of Wisconsin, conducted a survey in February of students involved in campus organizations. She said the desire for friendship was the most frequently cited reason for joining.
At large universities like Fangmeyer's, which has more than 40,000 students, the students, first of all, want to find a way to "belong in their own comer of campus".
Katie Rowley, a Wisconsin senior, confirms the survey's findings. "I wanted to make the campus feel smaller by joining an organization where I could not only get involved on campus but also find a group of friends. "
All of this talk of friendship, however, does not mean that students aren't thinking about their resumes. "I think that a lot of people do join to 'fatten up their resume'," said Heitner. "At the beginning of my college career, I joined a few of these organizations, hoping to get a start in my leadership roles. "
But without passion student leaders can have a difficult time trying to weather the storms that come. For example, in April, several student organizations at Wisconsin teamed up for an event designed to educate students about homelessness and poverty. Student leaders had to face the problem of solving disagreements, moving the event because of rainy weather, and dealing with the university's complicated bureaucracy.
"Outside-of the classroom learning really makes a big difference," Fangmeyer said.
What do student leaders need to carry an activity through to a successful end?【单选题】







8、Surprised by a Miracle
I had been working in the trauma unit at a local hospital for about a year. You get used to families thinking that a "coma" patient is moving their hand or doing something that they were asked to do. "Following commands" is what we call it. Often it's "wishful thinking" on the Families' part. Nurses can easily become callous to it.
On this particular night during visiting hours, my patient's wife came in. I had taken care of him for several nights. I was very familiar with his care and what he was able to do. Actually, he didn't do anything. He barely moved at all, even when something would obviously hurt him, such as suctioning.
His wife was very short, about 5 feet tall. She had to stand on a stool to lean over him, so that she could see his face and talk to him. She climbed up on the stool. I spoke to her for a few minutes, and then stepped out to tend to my other patient. A few minutes later, she came running out of the room. In an excited voice, she said, "Donna, he's moving his hand!"
I immediately thought that it was probably her imagination, and that he had not actually done it on purpose. He had been there about a month at the time and had never made any movements on purpose. I asked her what had happened and she said, "I asked him to squeeze my hand and he did!"
This led me to another train of questioning. "But, did he let go when you asked him to?" She said yes, that he had done exactly what she asked.
I went into the room with her, not really believing that I would see anything different than I had always seen. But I decided that it would be better to pacify her than to make her think I didn't believe her or that she was somehow mistaken.
She asked him to squeeze her hand, which he did. I said, "Well, ask him to let go. " He continued to squeeze for a moment, so that when he finally did let go, I really still didn't believe that he had done it on purpose. So, I said, "Ask him to hold up one finger. " He did as asked.
Well, hmm, this was starting to get my attention. I looked at him, his face still somewhat swollen and his eyes still closed. "Stick out your tongue!" I said. He did it. I almost fell on the floor. It was the first time I had ever seen anyone "wake up. "
What did the patient do on that particular night?【单选题】

A.He squeezed and let go his wife's hand.

B.He held up one of his fingers.

C.He stuck out his tongue.

D.All of the above.



9、There was a profound silence after his remark.【单选题】







10、Parkinson's Disease
1. Parkinson's disease affects the way you move. It happens when there is a problem with certain nerve cells in the brain. Normally, these nerve cells make an important chemical called dopamine(多巴胺). Dopamine sends signals to the part of your brain that controls movement. It lets your muscles move smoothly and do what you want them to do. When you have Parkinson's, these nerve cells break down. Then you no longer have enough dopamine, and you have trouble moving the way you want to.
2. No one knows for sure what makes these nerve cells break down. But scientists are doing a lot of research to look for the answer. They are studying many possible causes, including aging and poisons in the environment. Abnormal genes seem to lead to Parkinson's disease in some people. But so far, there is not enough proof to show that it is always inherited.
3. Tremor (颤抖) may be the first symptom you notice. It is one of the most common signs of the disease, although not everyone has it. Tremor often starts in just one arm or leg or only on one side of the body. It may be worse when you are awake but not moving the affected arm or leg. It may get better when you move the limb or you are asleep. In time, Parkinson's affects muscles all through your body, so it can lead to problems like trouble swallowing or constipation(便秘) . In the later stages of the disease, a person with Parkinson's may have a fixed or blank expression, trouble speaking, and other problems. Some people also have a decrease in mental skills.
4. At this time, there is no cure for Parkinson's disease. But there are several types of medicines that can control the symptoms and make the disease easier to live with. You may not even need treatment if your symptoms are not obvious. Your doctor may wait to prescribe medicines until your symptoms start to get in the way of your daily life. Your doctor will adjust your medicines as your symptoms get worse. You may need to take several medicines to get the best results.
One of the most common signs of Parkinson's is tremor, ______.

A.if there isn’t enough dopamine in your body

B.what affects muscles all through your body

C.which cannot be cured yet

D.if you have a fixed or blank expression

E.which may be the first symptom you notice

F.what causes Parkinson's disease


答案解析:本题难度不大,带着题干信息词回文章定位,答案依据是文章第三段的第一句:Tremor may be the first symptom you notice,谈到颤抖会是你注意到的第一个症状,回来看选项,E项和原文句意相符,是答案。

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