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【每日一练 】翻译考试英语口译初级精选材料(2)
帮考网校2022-05-13 14:45
【每日一练 】翻译考试英语口译初级精选材料(2)


Part One: The 85th Academy Awards Review

A. Listen to the audio clip and answer the question:

Who’s giving the thank you speech?


Best Director: Ang Lee --Life of Pi

Best Original Score: Life of Pi

Best Cinematography: Life of Pi

Best Visual Effects: Life of Pi

B. Listen again.


Thank you, thank you so much, thank you movie god, I really need to share this with all 3,000 and everybody who worked with me on Life of Pi. I really want to thank you forbelieving in this story and sharing this incredible journey with me.

I need to thank Yann Martel forwriting this incredible, inspiring book.

Everyone at Fox, thank you fortaking the leap with me.

Part Two: Life of Pi

A. Acclaim forYann Martels Life of Pi

A fabulous romp through an imagination by turns ecstatic, cunning, despairing and resilient, this novel is an impressive achievement... Martel displays the clever voice and tremendous storytelling skills of an emerging master.---Publishers Weekly

Astounding and beautiful... The book is a pleasure not only forthe subtleties of its philosophy but also forits ingenious and surprising story. Martel is a confident, heartfelt artist, and his imagination is cared forin a writing style that is both unmistakable and marvelously reserved. The ending of Life of Pi...is a show of such sophisticated genius that I could scarcely keep my eyes in my head as I read it. ----The Vancouver Sun

I guarantee that you will not be able to put this book down. Its a realistic, gripping story of survival at sea. [Martels] imagination is powerful, his range enormous, his capacity forpersuasion almost limitless. I predict that Yann Martel will develop into one of Canadas great writer. ----The Hamilton Spectator

B. How to recommend a book.

It’s a page-turner. Its so interesting that you want to keep reading it.

It’s a cliff-hanger. Its so exciting that you cant wait to find out what happens next.

It’s a best-seller. Its very popular and everyone is buying copies.

It’s a fast read. Its easy and enjoyable to read.

It’s hard to follow. Its difficult to understand.

It’s a trash. Its very poor quality.

C. Questions to ask when talking about books.

1. Where does the story take place? ( in London/I guess)

2. What does Amy Tan usually write about? (mother-daughter relationships/I believe)

3. Where does Mario Vargas Llosa’s novel The Feast of the Goat take place? (in the Dominican Republic/I hear)

4. What kind of book is Dan Brown going to write next? (another thriller/I hope)

5. Are there a lot of characters in the story? I think so.

6. Has she read that book yet? I don’t think so.

7. Do you think this thriller will be good? I hope so.

8. Does the story have a happy ending? I believe so.

Part Three: Conversation Practice.

A. Conversation model.

A: Have you been reading anything interesting lately?

B: Actually, I’m reading a thriller called Dont Closed Your Eyes.

A: I’ve never heard of that one. Is it any good?

B: Oh, I think it’s great. Its a cliff-hanger. How about you?

A:I’ve just finished a Hemingway novel, The Old Man and the Sea. I highly recommend it.

B. Conversation practice.

A: Have you been reading anything interesting lately?

B: Actually, _____________________________.

A: _______heard of that one. Is it any good?

B: Oh, I think it’s great. _________ How about you?



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