




福建省福州八中2019届高三第一次质检考试英语 福建省福州八中2019届高三第一次质检考试英语
bielonun1回答 · 6960人浏览6960人浏览 · 0 收藏
cengruaque 新兵答主 04-01 TA获得超过4491个赞 2023-04-01 22:46

1. A) The man is going to a party.
B) The man is going to a wedding.
C) The man is going to a meeting.
D) The man is going to a concert.

2. A) He has a cold.
B) He has a headache.
C) He has a fever.
D) He has a stomachache.

3. A) The woman is going to the park.
B) The woman is going to the museum.
C) The woman is going to the cinema.
D) The woman is going to the library.

4. A) The woman is going to the airport.
B) The woman is going to the train station.
C) The woman is going to the bus station.
D) The woman is going to the subway station.

5. A) She is going to the supermarket.
B) She is going to the post office.
C) She is going to the bank.
D) She is going to the hospital.

6. A) The man is going to the bookstore.
B) The man is going to the library.
C) The man is going to the cinema.
D) The man is going to the museum.

7. A) The woman is going to the gym.
B) The woman is going to the park.
C) The woman is going to the beach.
D) The woman is going to the pool.

8. A) The man is going to the restaurant.
B) The man is going to the hotel.
C) The man is going to the airport.
D) The man is going to the station.

9. A) The woman is going to the hospital.
B) The woman is going to the supermarket.
C) The woman is going to the post office.
D) The woman is going to the bank.

10. A) The man is going to the museum.
B) The man is going to the park.
C) The man is going to the cinema.
D) The man is going to the library.


1. D
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. A
7. B
8. D
9. A
10. D


Passage 1

11. B) They are more likely to develop health problems.
12. D) They are more prone to depression.
13. C) They are more likely to have a positive outlook on life.
14. A) They are more likely to have a sense of purpose.
15. C) They are more likely to have a close relationship with their family.

Passage 2

16. B) It is a popular tourist destination.
17. D) It has a unique ecosystem.
18. A) It is a good place to study the history of the earth.
19. C) It is a good place to find fossils.
20. D) It is a good place to study the evolution of life.

Passage 3

21. A) It is a form of exercise that is easy to learn.
22. C) It can help people with chronic diseases.
23. B) It can improve people's balance and coordination.
24. D) It can help people to relax and reduce stress.
25. A) It can improve people's cognitive function.

Passage 4

26. B) They are more likely to have a positive attitude towards life.
27. C) They are more likely to have a sense of purpose.
28. D) They are more likely to have close relationships with others.
29. A) They are more likely to have better physical health.
30. C) They are more likely to have better mental health.


11. B
12. D
13. C
14. A
15. C
16. B
17. D
18. A
19. C
20. D
21. A
22. C
23. B
24. D
25. A
26. B
27. C
28. D
29. A
30. C


31. D) shy
32. B) interest
33. C) dream
34. A) focus
35. B) meet
36. D) concerned
37. C) approach
38. A) comfortable
39. D) attempt
40. B) start
41. C) experience
42. A) progress
43. B) support
44. D) adjust
45. C) challenge


31. D
32. B
33. C
34. A
35. B
36. D
37. C
38. A
39. D
40. B
41. C
42. A
43. B
44. D
45. C


46. which
47. to
48. was
49. with
50. for
51. themselves
52. it
53. and
54. to
55. whether


46. which
47. to
48. was
49. with
50. for
51. themselves
52. it
53. and
54. to
55. whether

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