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帮考网校2019-12-26 16:31


1、It was a fascinating painting, with clever use of color and light.【单选题】







1、Sharing Silence
Deaf teenagers Orlando Chavez and German Resendiz have been friends since kindergarten (幼儿园). Together the two boys, who go to Escondido High School in California, have had the difficult job of learning in schools where the majority of the students can speak and hear.
Orlando lost his hearing at the age of one. German was born deaf, and his parents moved from Mexico to find a school where he could learn sign language. He met Orlando on their first day of kinder garten.
"We were in a special class with about 25 other deaf kids," German remembered. "Before then, I didn't know I was deaf and I was different."
"Being young and deaf in regular classes was very hard," signs Orlando. "The other kids didn't understand us and we didn't understand them. But we've all grown up together, and today, I'm popular because I'm deaf. Kids try to communicate with me."
Some things are very difficult for the two boys. "We can't talk on the phone, so if we need help, we can't call an emergency service," German signs. "And we can't order food in a drive - thru."
Despite of their difficulties, the two boys have found work putting food in bags at a local supermarket.
They got their jobs through a "workability" program, designed for teenagers from local schools with different types of learning disabilities.
German has worked in the supermarket since August, and Orlando started in November.
"The other people who work here nave been very nice to us," Orlando signs. "They even sign sometimes. At first, we were nervous, but we've learned a lot and we're getting better."
The opportunity to earn money has been exciting, both boys said. After high school, they hope to attend the National Technical Institute for the Deaf in New York.
Both boys are happy to ______.【单选题】

A.design programs tor the deaf

B.work at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf

C.help students with learning disabilities

D.have the opportunity to earn money



1、I'd very much like to know what your aim in life is.【单选题】







1、A Great Quake Coming?
Everyone lives in San Francisco knows that earthquakes are common in the Bay Area and they can devastate. In 1906, for example, a major quake destroyed about 28000 buildings and killed hundreds, perhaps thousands of people. Residents now wonder when will the next "Big One" strike. It's bound to happen someday. At least seven active fault(断层) lines run through the San Francisco area. Faults are places where pieces of Earth's crust (地壳) slide past each other. When these pieces slip, the ground shakes.
To prepare for that day, scientists are using new techniques to reanalyze the 1906 earthquake and predict how bad the damage might be when the next one happens.
One new finding about the 1906 quake is that the San Andreas Fault split apart faster than scientists had assumed at the time. During small earthquakes, faults rupture(断裂) about 2.7 kilometers persecond. During bigger quakes, however, ruptures can happen faster than 3.5 kilometers persecond.
At such high speeds, massive amounts of pressure build up, generating underground waves that can cause more damage than the quake itself. Lucky for San Francisco, these pressure pulses (脉冲) traveled away from the city during the 1906 event.
Looking ahead, scientists are trying to predict when the next major quake will occur. Records show that earthquakes were common before 1906. Since then, the area has been relatively quiet. Patterns in the data, however, suggest that the probability of a major earthquake striking the Bay Area before 2032 is at least 62 percent.
New buildings in San Francisco are quite safe in case of future quakes. Still, more than 84 percent of the city's buildings are old and weak. Analyses suggest that another massive earthquake would cause extensive damage.
People who live there today tend to feel safe because San Francisco has remained pretty quiet for a while. According to the new research, however, it's not a matter that whether "the Big One" will hit here. It's just a matter of when.
A major earthquake striking San Francisco someday is inevitable.



C.Not mentioned


答案解析:本题有一定难度,需要认真吃透句意,做好判断。答案依据在第五段。第五段最后一句:the probability of a major earthquake striking the Bay Area before 2032 is at least 62 percent.谈到在2032年前海湾地区发生大地震的可能性至少是62%,说明概率很高,所以本题正确,答案是A。

1、Light Night, Dark Stars
Thousands of people around the globe step outside to gaze at their night sky. On a clear night, with no clouds, moonlight, or artificial lights to block the view, people can see more than 14,000 stars in the sky, says Dennis Ward, an astronomer(天文学家) with the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research( UCAR) in Boulder, Colo. But when people are surrounded by city lights, he says, they're lucky to see 150 stars.
If you've ever driven toward a big city at night and seen its glow from a great distance, you've witnessed light pollution. It occurs when light from streetlights, office buildings, signs, and other sources streams into space and illuminates (照亮) the night sky. This haze (朦胧) of light makes many stars invisible to people on Earth. Even at night, big cities like New York glow from light pollution, making stargazing difficult.
Dust and particles of pollution factories and industries worsen the effects of light pollution. "If one city has a lot more light pollution than another," Ward says, "that city will suffer the effects of light pollution on a much greater scale."
Hazy skies also make it far more difficult for astronomers to do their jobs.
Cities are getting larger. Suburbs are growing in once dark, rural areas. Light from all this new development is increasingly obscuring (使变模糊) the faint (微弱的) light give off by distant stars. And if scientists can't locate these objects, they can't learn more about them.
Light pollution doesn't only affect star visibility. It can harm wild life too. It's clear that artificial light can attract animals, making them go off course. There's increasing evidence, for example, that migrating (迁徙) birds use sunsets and sunrises to help find their way, says Sydney Gauthreaux Jr. , a scientist at Clemson University in South Carolina, "When light occurs at night," he says, "it has a very disruptive (破坏性的) influence." Sometimes birds fly into lighted towers, high - rises, and cables from radio and television towers. Experts estimate that millions of birds die this way every year.
How does light pollution affect wildlife? ______【单选题】

A.Animals may go off course.

B.It helps migrating birds find their homes.

C.Animals are afraid to go out after sunset.

D.It helps birds fall asleep.



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