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帮考网校2019-11-16 16:01


1、The Threat to Kiribati
The people of Kiribati are afraid that one day in the not-too-distant future, their country will disappear from the face of the earth-literally. Several times this year, the Pacific island nation has been flooded by a sudden high tide. These tides, which swept across the island and destroyed houses, came when there was neither wind nor rain. "This never happened before," say the older citizens of Kiribati.
What is causing these mysterious high tides? The answer may well be global warming. When fuels like oil and coal are being burned, pollutants (污染物) are released. These pollutants trap heat in the earth's atmosphere. Warmer temperatures cause water to expand and also create more water by melting glaciers (冰川) and polar (极地的) ice caps.
If the trend continues, scientists say, many countries will suffer, Bangladesh, for example, might lose one-fifth of its land. The coral (珊瑚) island nations of the Pacific, like Kiribati and the Marshall Islands, however, would face an even worse fate-they would be swallowed by the sea. The loss of these coral islands would be everyone's loss. Coral formations are home to more species than any other place on earth.
The people of these nations feel frustrated. The sea, on which their economies have always been based, is suddenly threatening their existence. They don't have the money for expensive technological solutions like seawalls. And they have no control over the pollutants, which are being released mainly by activities in large industrialized countries. All they can do is to hope that industrialized countries will take steps to reduce pollution.
The coral island nations of the Pacific have a long history of civilization.



C.Not mentioned


答案解析:题干大意:太平洋的珊瑚岛国有很长的文明历史。文章第三段提到:The coral (珊瑚) island nations of the Pacific. 文中提到了太平洋的珊瑚岛国,但是并没有提到它们有很长的文明历史。故答案选C。

2、Keeping Cut Flowers
1 While everybody enjoys fresh cut flowers around his house, few people know how to keep them for as long as possible. This may be done by keeping in mind a few simple fact.
2 An important thing to remember about cut flowers is that they are sensitive to temperature. For example, studies have shown that cut carnations (康乃馨) retain their freshness eight times longer when kept at 12℃ than when kept at 26℃. Keeping freshly harvested flowers at the right temperatures is probably the most important aspect of flower care.
3 Flowers are not intended by nature to live very long. Their biological purpose is simply to attract birds or insects, such as bees, for pollination (粉). After that, they quickly dry up and die. The process by which flowers consume oxygen and produce carbon dioxide, called respiration, generates the energy the flower needs to give the flower its shape and color. The making of seeds also depends on this energy. While all giving things respire, flowers have a high level of respiration. A result of all this respiration is heat, and for flowers the level of heat relative to the mass of the flower is very high. Respiration also brings about the eventual death of the flower. Thus the greater the level of respiration, the sooner the flower dies.
4 How, then, to control the rate at which flowers die? By controlling respiration. How is respiration controlled? By controlling temperature. We know that respiration produces heat, but the reverse is also true. Thus by maintaining low temperatures, respiration is reduced and the cut flower will age more slowly.
5 Another vital factor in keeping cut flowers is the quality of the water in which they are placed. Flowers find it difficult to "drink" water that is dirty or otherwise polluted. Even when water looks and smells clean, it almost certainly contains harmful substances that can endanger the flowers. To rid the water of these unwanted substances, household chlorine bleach (含氯漂白剂) can be used in small quantities. It is recommended that 15 drops of chlorine bleach (at 4% solution) be added to each liter of water. The water and solution should also be replaced each day.
A few simple facts will help you keep cut flowers____.

A.by keeping its original shape and color

B.in the life ofthe cut flower

C.to produce carbon dioxide

D.for as long as possible

E.by controlling temperature

F.to replace the water and solution every day


答案解析:本题的答案在第1段,该段的最后一句中的第1个词this是关键词,要回答该题,我们只需把这个this所代指的意思找到,从上下文可以看出,它指代了前一句中的how tokeep them for as long as possible。选项D符合题意,故选D。

As a science writer, I don't have to wear emotional armor very often. Before I went to Zimbabwe for a visit, I had talked to other reporters who had spent time in Africa. All told me to get prepared for the orphans, many of whom had caught the AIDS virus from their mothers and the strong desire to make everything all right for them.
Then again, nothing could have prepared me for the visit to creche(育婴堂) for AIDS orphans in Harare, where one sick, smiling four-year-old boy tried to keep up with the other kids playing ring-around-the-rosy but was so weak he kept falling to the floor, or meeting a 25-year-old unmarried girl who cared for her nephew Only when I got back about a week later The boy who called his aunt "Mama" was too weak even to take the piece of banana I offered.
Meanwhile photojournalist Karin Retief was visiting a room at the hospice (济贫院) ______. At first she did not see anyone on the bed and was about to say he must be elsewhere, when suddenly she spotted his tiny arm in the air, his body lost in the folds of the bedclothes.
Recently Karin wrote to me that she had been able to keep our assignment from taking too great an emotional suffering at the time. " Only when I got back about a week later, could I moum the people I met", she continued. "I sat in church and wanted to ask the priest to pray for the people with AIDS in Zimbabwe and all over the world. Then all the people's faces, pain and suffering became so real, I could not get the words out. I broke down and cried and cried for them".

A.where she had been told a particularly sweet orphan boy stayed

B.who had spent time in Africa

C.Only when I got back about a week later

D.even though her only income was from growing and selling a few vegetables at the local market

E.was so weak he kept falling to the floor

F.while we were visiting the orphans



4、Breastfeeding Can Cut Cardiovascular Risk
Breastfeeding can reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke later in life and could prevent hundreds of thousands of deaths each year, researchers said on Friday.
Babies who are breastfed have fewer childhood infections and allergies and are less prone to obesity. British scientists have now shown that breastfeeding and slow growth in the first weeks and months of life has a protective effect against cardiovascular disease.
"Diets that promote more rapid growth put babies at risk many years later in terms of raising their blood pressure, raising their cholesterol and increasing their tendency to diabetes and obesity-the four main risk factors for stroke and heart attack." said Professor Alan Lucas of the Institute of Child Health in London.
"Our evidence suggests that the reason why breast-fed babies do better is because they grow more slowly in the early weeks."
Lucas said the effects of breastfeeding on blood pressure and cholesterol later in life are greater than anything adults can do to control the risk factors for cardiovascular disease, other than taking drugs.
An estimated 17 million people die of cardiovascular disease, particularly heart attack and strokes, each year, according to the World Health Organization.
Lucas and his colleagues compared the health of 216 teenagers who as babies had either been breastfed or given different nutritional baby formulas' They reported their findings in The Lancet medical journal.
The teenagers who had been breastfed had a 14 percent lower ratio of bad to good cholesterol and lower concentrations of a protein that is a marker for cardiovascular disease risk.
The researchers also found that regardless of the child's weight at birth, the faster the infants grew in the early weeks and months of life, the greater was their later risk of heart disease and stroke. The effect was the ______ for both boys and girls.
"The more human milk you have in the newborn period, the lower your cholesterol level is, the lower your blood pressure is 16 years later, "Lucas said.







5、We came across an old man lying in the road. 【单选题】






答案解析:come across:碰到、不期而遇,encounter和它的意思相同;save:拯救;see:看见;face:面对。

6、Weaving with Light
In the Sierra Madre mountain range of west central Mexico, the native Huichol people live much the way their ancestors did-without electricity. That's because it's too expensive to string power lines to the remote mountain areas where they live. To help support themselves, the Huichol create beautiful artwork. They sell their art in cities hundreds of miles away from their villages. And without electricity, at home or on the road, they can only work during daylight hours. When it gets dark, they must stop whatever they're doing.
Now, a team of scientists, designers and architects is using new technologies to provide the Huichol with light after the sun sets. The scientists technique involves weaving tiny electronic crystals into fabrics that can be made into clothes, bags, or other items.
By collecting the sun's energy during the day, these lightweight fabrics provide bright white light at night. Their inventors have named the fabrics "Portable Lights," Portable Lights have the potential to transform the lives of people without electricity around the world, says project leader Sheila Kennedy.
"Our invention," Kennedy says, "came from seeing how we could transform technology we saw every day in the United States and move it into new markets for people who didn't have a lot of money."
At the core of Portable Light technology are devices called high - brightness light - emitting diodes, or HB LEDs. These tiny lights appear in digital clocks, televisions and streetlights.
LEDs are completely different from the light bulbs. Most of those glass bulbs belong to a type called incandescent lights. Inside, electricity heats a metal coil to about 2,200 degrees Celsius. At that temperature, bulbs give off light we can see.
Ninety percent of energy produced by incandescent lights, however, is heat and invisible. With all that wasted energy, bulbs burn out quickly. They are also easily broken.
LEDs, on the other hand, are like tiny pieces of rock made up of molecules that are arranged in a crystal structure. When an electric current passes through an LED, the crystal structure produces light. Unlike incandescent bulbs, they can produce light of various colors. Within an LED, the type of molecules and their particular arrangement determines what color is produced.
To make a living, the Huichol create artwork and ______.【单选题】

A.sell it to tourists in their villages

B.sell it in cities far away from their villages

C.display it in their village museums

D.keep it in their homes to attract tourists


答案解析:本题难度不大,答案依据比较明显,带着题干信息词回文章定位,答案依据主要在文章第一段第四句:They sell their art, in cities hundreds of miles away from their villages.回来看选项,C项和原文句意相符,答案是B。

7、I propose that we discuss this at the next meeting.【单选题】







8、If we leave now, we should miss the traffic.【单选题】







9、Greene spent a brief time at Cambridge.【单选题】







10、Seeing Red Means Danger Ahead
The color red often means danger and by paying attention, accidents can be prevented. In the future, the color red also may help prevent danger at construction sites. Thanks to new work by engineers, bridge supports or other kinds of materials, could one day contain a color - changing material. It will turn red before a structure collapses or falls apart.
The secret behind the color - changing material is a particular type of molecule (分子). A molecule is a group of atoms (原子) held together by chemical bonds. Molecules come in all shapes and sizes and make up everything you can see, touch or feel. How a molecule behaves depends on what kinds of atoms it contains and how they're held together.
When a polymer (聚合物) containing a color - changing molecule called a mechanophore (机械响应性聚合物) is about to break, it produces a color. When a polymer with mechanophore molecules becomes "injured" or weak, one of the mechanophore bonds _____ and the material turns red. "It's a really simple detection method," says Nancy Sottos, one of the scientists who worked on the project. Sottos and her team tested the color - changing polymers in their lab. The test results proved encouraging.
There is a way to get rid of the red color light. When a bright light is shone on the mechanophore, the broken bond is fixed and the red color disappears. Thus "self - healing" may be a problem for engineers. They need to use the color - changer in big construction projects that will be outside, under sunlight. And sunlight will make the mechanophore's warning system useless.
Sottos and her fellow scientists still have a lot of work to do before the color - changing molecules can be used outside the lab.







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