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帮考网校2019-11-11 10:14


1、Smart Window
Windows not only let light in to cut down an electricity use for lighting, but the light coming through the window also provides heat. However, windows are not something people typically associate with being a cutting edge technology. Researchers are now working on new technologies that enable a window to quickly change from clear to dark and anywhere in between with a flip of a switch.
"It took us a long time to figure out what a window really is," says Claes Granqvist. He's a professor of solid-state physics at Uppsala University in Sweden. "It's contact with the outside world. You have to have visual contact with the surrounding world to feel well. " So, windows and natural light are important for improving the way people feel when they're stuck indoors.
Yet, windows are the weak link in a building when it comes to energy and temperature control. In the winter, cold air leaks in. When it's hot and sunny, sunlight streams in. All of this sunlight carries lots of heat and energy. And all of this extra heat forces people to turn on their air conditioners. Producing blasts of cold air, which can feel so refreshing, actually suck up enormous amounts of electricity in buildings around the world.
Windows have been a major focus of energy research for a long time. Over the years, scientists have come up with a variety of strategies for coating, glazing, and layering windows to make them more energy efficient. Smart windows go a step further. They use chromogenic technologies which involve changes of color.
Electrochromic windows use electricity to change color. For example, a sheet of glass coated with thin layers of chemical compound such as tungsten oxide works a bit like a battery. Tungsten oxide is clear when an electric charge is applied and dark when the charge is removed, that is, when the amount of voltage is decreased, the window darkens until it's completely dark after all electricity is taken away. So applying a voltage determines whether the window looks clear or dark.
One important feature that makes a smart window so smart is that it has a sort of "memory. " All it takes is a small jolt of voltage to turn the window from one state to the other. Then, it stays that way. Transitions take anywhere from 10 seconds to a few minutes, depending on the size of the window. The development of smart windows could mean that massive air conditioning systems may no longer need. "In the future," Granqvist says, "our buildings may look different.
What are smart windows, according to Paragraph 4?

A.Windows that are coated.

B.Windows that are glazed.

C.Windows the color of which can be changed.

D.Windows that have many layers.


答案解析:第四段告诉我们,多年来科学家已研究出多种通过窗户节能的办法,而smart windows使用的技术使窗户能变换颜色,所以C是正确选择。

2、 Happiness
If your sense of well-being fluctuates with stock market, you might be comforted to know that money can't buy you happiness anyway.
In one American study conducted in 1993, level of income was shown to have an inverse relation to happiness: The group whose income had declined was happier overall than the group whose income had increased. A soon-to-be published review of the hundreds of studies on this subject supports the 1993 findings.
In developed countries, the correlation between income and happiness is close to zero and sometimes negative.
With a correlation between level of income and happiness somewhere between 0.12 and 0.18, the United States is near the bottom of the list; that factors other than income are overwhelmingly more important in explaining happiness.
Also, as our material wealth increases, the gap between income and satisfaction with life seems to be widening. Predictably, money has its most positive effect on the poor, but once a person has achieved a minimal standard of living level of income has almost nothing to do with happiness.
Close relationship, rather than money, is the key to happiness. Indeed, the number of one's personal friends is a much better indicator of overall satisfaction with life than personal wealth. One stands a better chance of achieving a satisfying life by spending time with friends and family than by striving for higher income. Incidentally, in the US, as people become richer, the probability
of divorce increases.
Our need for companionship is partly biological. All primates respond with pleasure to demonstrations of affection and with pain to loss of companionship. Isolated monkeys will sacrifice food just for the glimpses of another monkey. By ignoring our biologically programmed need for each other, we risk physical and mental distress.
A recent cross-national study of mental depression in the US found that in advanced countries, there is a rising tide of major depression. Teenage suicides have increased in recent decades in almost all advanced countries. Moreover, in the US since World War Ⅱ, there has been an actual decline in the proportion of people who report themselves to be "very unhappy. "
You can easily test the claim that companionship exceeds wealth as a source of happiness. Ask yourself which has a greater influence on your satisfaction with life: your income or the affection of your intimate companions and the well-being of your children? Conversely, which would make you more depressed: a reduction in salary or a divorce and isolation from your friends?
Capitalism succeeds in creating material riches, but it is less successful in building companionable societies and protecting family integrity. But developing countries still have much work to do in pursuing material wealth, where a rise in productivity still greatly increases happiness. For poorer countries, the time is not yet ripe for a shift in priorities from wealth accumulation to companionship.
Can we afford to believe that the pursuit of material gain will lead to self-fulfillment? We should continue to enjoy our wealth in good company, or else we may find that it is not satisfying.
According to the 3rd paragraph, which of the following is true in developed countries?

A.The more money one has, the unhappier he becomes.

B.Income and happiness are closely related.

C.The richer one is, the happier he is.

D.More money does not necessarily make one happy.


答案解析:从语意上看A和C都太绝对,因此肯定不是答案;根据文章开头的句子判断D很可能是答案。而实际上第3段中只有一句话:In developed countries,the correlation between income and happiness is close to zero and sometimes negative. 该句说“在发达国家里,收入和快乐之间的关系接近零,而有时候还成为了负数”,因此否定了B(收入和快乐相关),所以答案是D。

3、Human Heart Can Make New Cells
Solving a longstanding mystery, scientists have found that the human heart continues to generate new cardiac cells throughout the life span, although the rate of new cell production slows with age.
The finding, published in the April 3 issue of Science, could open a new path for the treatment of heart diseases such as heart failure and heart attack, experts say.
"We find that the beating cells in the heart, cardiomyocytes, are renewed," said lead researcher Dr. Jonas Frisen, a professor of stem cell research at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. "It has previously not been known whether we were limited to the cardiomyocytes we are born with or if they could be renewed," he said.
The process of renewing these cells changes over time, Frisen added. In a 20-year-old, about 1 percent of cardiomyocytes are exchanged each year, but the turnover rate decreases with age to only 0. 45 percent by age 75,
"If we can understand how the generation of new cardiomyocytes is regulated, it may be potentially possible to develop pharmaceuticals that promote this process to stimulate regeneration after for example, a heart attack, "Frisen said.
That could lead to treatment that helps restore damaged hearts.
A lot of people suffer from chronic heart failure," noted co-author Dr. Ratan Bhardwaj.
Ratan Bhardwaj, also from the Karolinska Institute. "Chronic heart failure arises from heart cells dying," he said.
With this finding, scientists are "opening the door to potential therapies to having ourselves heal ourselves," Bhardwaj said. "Maybe one could devise a pharmaceutical agent that would make heart cells make new and more cells to overcome the problem they are facing. "
But barriers remain. According to Bhardwaj, scientists do not yet know how to increase heart cell production to a rate that would replace cells faster than they are dying off, especially in older patients with heart failure. In addition, the number of new cells the heart produces was estimated using healthy hearts-whether the rate of cell turnover in diseased hearts is the same remains unknown.
It is not known yet if the rate of cell turnover in diseased hearts____.

A.s high enough to replace cells faster than they re dying off

B.is of any use to researchers

C.is the same as that in healthy hearts

D.changes over time



4、15 Million Americans Suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder
Social anxiety disorder prevents some 15 million Americans from leading normal social and romantic lives, a new survey finds.
The disorder leaves many isolated, ashamed and often misdiagnosed. Thirty-six percent of those with social anxiety disorder have symptoms for 10 years or more before seeking help, the Anxiety Disorders Association of America reports.
"Social anxiety disorder is when somebody has an intense, persistent and irrational fear of social or performance situations," Jerilyn Ross, the association's president and CEO, said during a teleconference Wednesday.
"The condition causes people to avoid common, everyday situations and even other people for fear of being judged or criticized or humiliated or embarrassing themselves," Ross said.
Social anxiety disorder can interfere with daily routines and job performance, Ross noted. "It also makes it very difficult for people to develop friends and romantic partnerships," she said.
People with this disorder recognize their fear is excessive and irrational, Ross noted. "But they feel powerless to do anything about it," she said.
Social anxiety disorder can start in the early teens, Dr. Mark H. Pollack, director of the Center for Anxiety and Traumatic Stress Disorders and a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, said during the teleconference.
"This is a disorder that starts affecting people early on," Pollack said. "The typical age of onset is early adolescence, age 12 or 13, and many individuals report a history of anxiety dating back to earlier childhood."
The disorder also has physical symptoms, including heart palpitations, feelings that their throat will close up, sweating, blushing, faintness, trembling and stammering, Ross said.
Among people with the disorder, 75 percent said the condition affected their ability to do normal activities. In addition, 69 percent said they didn't want people to think they were crazy, and 58 percent said they were embarrassed by their condition, Ross said.
However, when the condition is diagnosed and treated, many reported improvement in their lives. In fact, 59 percent who were receiving treatment said treatment had a positive effect on their ability to have a romantic relationship. In addition, 39 percent who had received treatment said knowing that treatment can be successful aided their decision to get help, Ross noted.
The symptoms of social anxiety disorder include all the following EXCEPT ____.【单选题】

A.heart palpitations

B.sore throat




答案解析:第一、三、四项在短文的倒数第三段中都有提及,第二项是错误的,因为短文说的是“一种嗓子被堵塞的感觉”,而不是sore throat,即“嗓子痛”。

5、The motorcar
Some pessimistic experts feel that the automobile is bound to fall into disuse. They see a day in the not-too-distant future when all autos will be abandoned and allowed to rust. Other authorities, however, think the auto is here to stay. They hold that the car will remain a leading means of urban travel in the foreseeable future.
The motorcar will undoubtedly. change significantly over the next 30 years. It should become smaller, safer, and more economical, and should not be powered by the gasoline engine. The car of the future should be far more pollution-free than present types.
Regardless of its power source, the auto in the future will still be the main problem in urban traffic congestion. One proposed solution to this problem is the automated highway system.
When the auto enters the highway system, a retractable (可伸缩的) arm will drop from the auto and make contact with a rail, which is similar to those powering subway trains electrically. Once attached to the rail, the car will become electrically powered from the system, and control of the vehicle will pass to a central computer. The computer will then monitor all of the car's movements.
The driver will use a telephone to dial instructions about his destination into the system. The computer will calculate the best route, and reserve space for the car all the way to the correct exit from the highway. The driver will then be free to relax and wait for the buzzer (蜂鸣器) that will warn him of his coming exit. It is estimated that an automated highway will be able to handle 10,000 vehicles per hour, compared with the 1,500 to 2,000 vehicles that can be carried by a present-day highway.
What provides autos with electric power in an automated highway system?【单选题】

A.A rail.

B.An engine.

C.A retractable arm.

D.A computer controller.



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