




职称英语考试第五部分 职称英语考试第五部分
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帮考网答疑老师 资深老师 04-25 TA获得超过1681个赞 2023-04-25 18:55
Part 5: Reading Comprehension (阅读理解)

Directions: In this part, there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Passage 1

In the United States, there are two types of schools: public schools and private schools. Public schools are free and open to all students who live in the district. Private schools charge tuition and have selective admissions policies. Private schools are often considered to provide a better education than public schools because of the smaller class sizes and better resources.

However, private schools are not necessarily better than public schools. In fact, many public schools are just as good as private schools. Public schools are funded by taxpayers, which means they have more money to spend on resources than private schools. Public schools also have more diversity in their student body, which can be beneficial for students to learn about different cultures and backgrounds.

Another advantage of public schools is that they are required to provide special education services to students with disabilities. Private schools are not required to provide these services, which means students with disabilities may not receive the support they need to succeed in school.

Overall, the decision to send a child to a public or private school depends on the individual child and family. It is important to consider factors such as the child's academic needs, social needs, and financial situation when making this decision.

1. What is the main difference between public schools and private schools in the United States?
A. Public schools are free and open to all students.
B. Private schools charge tuition and have selective admissions policies.
C. Public schools have smaller class sizes and better resources.
D. Private schools provide a better education than public schools.

2. What advantage do public schools have over private schools in terms of funding?
A. Public schools have more money to spend on resources.
B. Private schools are funded by taxpayers.
C. Public schools have more selective admissions policies.
D. Private schools have more diversity in their student body.

3. What is a disadvantage of private schools compared to public schools?
A. Private schools have smaller class sizes.
B. Private schools provide a better education.
C. Private schools are required to provide special education services.
D. Private schools are not required to provide special education services.

4. What should families consider when deciding whether to send a child to a public or private school?
A. The child's academic needs, social needs, and financial situation.
B. The child's academic needs, social needs, and cultural background.
C. The child's academic needs, financial situation, and the school's location.
D. The child's academic needs, social needs, and the school's reputation.

Passage 2

The world is facing a water crisis. According to the United Nations, over 2 billion people lack access to safe drinking water, and this number is expected to increase in the coming years. The scarcity of water is not just a problem in developing countries, but also in developed countries such as the United States.

One way to address the water crisis is through water conservation. Water conservation means using water wisely and not wasting it. There are many ways to conserve water, such as fixing leaky faucets, taking shorter showers, and using water-efficient appliances.

Another way to address the water crisis is through water reuse. Water reuse means treating wastewater and using it for non-potable purposes such as irrigation, industrial processes, and toilet flushing. Water reuse can help reduce the demand for freshwater and protect water resources.

Finally, water desalination is another solution to the water crisis. Desalination is the process of removing salt and other minerals from seawater to make it drinkable. While desalination can be expensive, it can be a viable solution in areas where freshwater is scarce and there is access to seawater.

Overall, addressing the water crisis requires a combination of water conservation, water reuse, and water desalination. It is important for individuals, businesses, and governments to work together to ensure that everyone has access to safe and clean water.

5. What is the water crisis?
A. The lack of access to safe drinking water.
B. The scarcity of freshwater.
C. The pollution of water resources.
D. The overuse of water resources.

6. What is water conservation?
A. The process of treating wastewater for non-potable purposes.
B. The process of removing salt from seawater.
C. Using water wisely and not wasting it.
D. The process of protecting water resources.

7. What is water reuse?
A. The process of using freshwater for non-potable purposes.
B. The process of treating wastewater for potable purposes.
C. The process of treating wastewater for non-potable purposes.
D. The process of removing salt from seawater.

8. What is desalination?
A. The process of using freshwater for non-potable purposes.
B. The process of treating wastewater for potable purposes.
C. The process of removing salt from seawater.
D. The process of protecting water resources.

Passage 3

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in sustainable living. Sustainable living means living in a way that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. There are many ways to live sustainably, such as reducing energy consumption, conserving water, and reducing waste.

One way to reduce energy consumption is through the use of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydropower. Renewable energy sources are clean and do not produce greenhouse gases, which contribute to climate change. By using renewable energy sources, individuals and businesses can reduce their carbon footprint and help protect the environment.

Conserving water is another important aspect of sustainable living. Water is a finite resource, and many areas around the world are experiencing water scarcity. By using water wisely and not wasting it, individuals and businesses can help ensure that there is enough water for everyone.

Reducing waste is also important for sustainable living. Landfills are filling up quickly, and many of the items that end up in landfills can take hundreds of years to decompose. By reducing waste through practices such as recycling, composting, and buying products with less packaging, individuals and businesses can help reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.

Overall, sustainable living is about making choices that benefit both the individual and the environment. By living sustainably, individuals and businesses can help create a better future for themselves and future generations.

9. What is sustainable living?
A. Living in a way that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
B. Living in a way that meets the needs of the present without regard for future generations.
C. Living in a way that meets the needs of future generations without regard for the present.
D. Living in a way that meets the needs of the present and future generations equally.

10. What is one way to reduce energy consumption?
A. Using renewable energy sources.
B. Using non-renewable energy sources.
C. Wasting energy.
D. Using as much energy as possible.

11. Why is conserving water important?
A. Water is a finite resource.
B. Water is not important.
C. Water is an infinite resource.
D. Water is not necessary for life.

12. What is one way to reduce waste?
A. Buying products with more packaging.
B. Not recycling.
C. Composting.
D. Throwing everything in the trash.

Passage 4

The gig economy is a term used to describe a labor market in which temporary, flexible jobs are common. Examples of gig economy jobs include driving for rideshare companies such as Uber or Lyft, delivering food for companies such as Grubhub or Postmates, and completing tasks through platforms such as TaskRabbit or Fiverr.

One advantage of the gig economy is flexibility. Workers in the gig economy can choose when and where they work, which can be beneficial for those who need to work around other commitments such as childcare or school. Additionally, gig economy jobs can provide a source of income for those who may not be able to find traditional employment.

However, there are also disadvantages to the gig economy. One disadvantage is that gig economy workers are often classified as independent contractors rather than employees, which means they are not entitled to benefits such as health insurance or paid time off. Additionally, gig economy workers may not have job security, as they may not have a steady stream of work.

Another disadvantage of the gig economy is that workers may not be paid enough to make a living wage. Many gig economy jobs pay low wages and do not provide benefits, which can make it difficult for workers to make ends meet.

Overall, the gig economy has both advantages and disadvantages. It is important for policymakers to consider these factors when creating regulations for the gig economy to ensure that workers are treated fairly and have access to benefits and job security.

13. What is the gig economy?
A. A labor market in which temporary, flexible jobs are common.
B. A labor market in which only traditional employment is available.
C. A labor market in which only independent contractors are hired.
D. A labor market in which only employees are hired.

14. What is one advantage of the gig economy?
A. Workers have job security.
B. Workers are entitled to benefits such as health insurance.
C. Workers can choose when and where they work.
D. Workers are paid enough to make a living wage.

15. What is one disadvantage of the gig economy?
A. Workers are classified as employees rather than independent contractors.
B. Workers have access to benefits such as health insurance and paid time off.
C. Workers have job security.
D. Workers may not be paid enough to make a living wage.

16. What should policymakers consider when creating regulations for the gig economy?
A. The needs of businesses.
B. The needs of workers.
C. The needs of consumers.
D. The needs of investors.

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