




2013雅思考试作文 2013雅思考试作文
biejuefei1回答 · 148人浏览148人浏览 · 0 收藏
帮考网答疑老师 资深老师 05-28 TA获得超过850个赞 2023-05-28 22:00

Task 2

题目:Some people believe that children should be allowed to stay at home and play until they are six or seven years old. Others believe that young children should spend most of their time at school. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


In recent years, there has been a debate about whether young children should spend most of their time at school or stay at home and play until they are six or seven years old. While some people argue that children should be allowed to stay at home and play, others believe that they should attend school from an early age. In my opinion, both views have their merits, and parents should consider their child's individual needs when making this decision.

On the one hand, those who support the idea of young children staying at home argue that it is important for children to have a relaxed and nurturing environment during their formative years. They believe that young children learn best through play and exploration, and that too much time spent in a structured learning environment can be detrimental to their development. Furthermore, they argue that young children are not yet ready for the rigors of formal schooling, and that forcing them into a school environment before they are ready can lead to anxiety and stress.

On the other hand, supporters of early schooling argue that young children benefit greatly from the socialization and structure that school provides. They believe that attending school from an early age helps children develop important skills such as communication, cooperation, and problem-solving. Furthermore, they argue that early schooling can help children establish good study habits and a love of learning that will serve them well throughout their academic careers.

In my opinion, both views have their merits, and parents should consider their child's individual needs when making this decision. Some children may thrive in a structured learning environment from a young age, while others may benefit more from a relaxed and nurturing home environment. Ultimately, the decision should be based on what is best for the individual child and their unique needs.

In conclusion, the debate about whether young children should spend most of their time at school or stay at home and play until they are six or seven years old is a complex one. While both views have their merits, parents should consider their child's individual needs when making this decision. Whatever the decision, it is important to remember that the most important thing is to provide a safe, nurturing, and supportive environment for young children to grow and thrive.

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