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帮考网校2020-09-17 15:17



1.Before you mail this letter,you shoule check again whether you have it or not.

a)sunk(使沉没) b)sighed(叹息) c)sought(寻找; 探寻) d)sealed(密封的)

2. They told me that by the end of the month they ___ in this house for 10 years.

A)has lived B)has been living C)will have lived D) would have been living.

答案 D 他们告诉我,到本月底,他们就在这所房子里住了10年了。

3. By the time he retires John____ here for 30 years.

A)has taught B)has been teaching C)will have been teaching D)has been taught

答案 C 他退休的时候约翰已经教了30年了。

4.Chocolate and ice-cream have different _____.

A)favor B)favorites C)fever D)flavors

答案:flavors 巧克力和冰淇淋的味道不同。

5. After __the old man, the doctor suggested that he __ a bad cold. C

A. examining, should catch B. examined, had caught

C. examining, had caught D. examined, catch


6.You __ come over yourself. You could have given me a ring instead.

A)needn’t have B)shouldnt have C)cant have D)mustnt have

答案:A 你其实不用这么为难自己,你其实可以送我一个戒指(事实上没有送)

7. Professor smith is also the ____ of the international program office. If you have any problem when you study here, you may go to him for help

A) detective(detective) B) president(总统;国家主席) C)manager(经理) D)director(主管)

答案:D 史密斯教授也是国际项目办公室的主管,如果你在这里学习上有任何的问题,你可以去找他帮忙。

8. More than two hundred years ago the United States ( D )from the British Empire and became an independent country.

A. got off(下车) B. pulled down(放下) C. dropped off(减少) D. broke away(逃脱)


9.---What are you doing here?

---Oh,my teacher asked me to write a passage about in English.

---You can write a passage in English?

A)600 words,600-words B) 600-word,600-words

C) 600 words,600-word D) 600 words,600-words

10. the only thing ( C )can be done is to stop them from going there.

A. which B. what C. that D. who


11. She likes the_____flower instead of the natural one.

A) article文章 B) adventure冒险 C)ancient古老的 D) artificial人造的、假的

答案:D 她喜欢假花而不是真花。

12. Metals expand when they are heated and ___when cooled.

A)indicate指示 B)eliminate消除 C)conquer克服 D)contract收缩

答案:D 金属热胀冷缩。

13.The doctor is trying to save the patient by every means _____ .

A)imaginative 虚构的 B)imaginable 可能的 C)imaginary 虚构的 D)imagination 想象力


14. The question then ___:What are we going to do when we graduate from the university?

A)raises 上升,饲养(举起或托起它物) B)arouses 唤醒,引起 C)arises 出现,发生 D)rises 上升(使自身上升)

答案:C 问题也随之而来:大学毕业以后我们要去干什么?

15. What he said in the meeting _____ everybody present.

A)disgusted(厌恶的) B)dismissed(开除的) C)disposed(乐意...) D)eliminated(除去)

答案: A 他说出席会议的每个人都感到厌恶。

16.It was such a strong earthquake it caused great damage to this area.

A)because B)as C)since D)that

答案:D 这是一场如此强烈的地震以致于对该地区引起了巨大的破坏。

17. Her father will never ___of her going to study in the United States alone.

A) prove B) agree C) admit D) approve

答案 D 她的父亲不会赞成她独自去美国学习。

18. ____ it _____ for you help, I couldnt have made any progress.

A)had; not been B)Should; not been C)Did; not been D)Not; been

答案:A 要不是你的帮助,我不可能得到任何进展。

19. Since 1978, many new ____have been developed in our university to meet the increasing demands of the students.

A) disciplines B) entrances C) checks D) flames

答案 A 自从1978年以来, 为了满足学生们日益增长的需求,我校已经发展了许多新的学科。

20.Great Britain and France will hold a regarding some European economic problems.

A)conference 会议 B)reference C)conversion D)cooperation

21. In fact, there is no _____ liberty in any country.

A) adequate 充足 B) absolute 绝对 C) private 私人 D)practical 实际

答案:B 事实上,没有任何一个国家是绝对自由的。

22.What sort of can you get for the night in a city like this?

A) commission委任,委托 B) treatment治疗,处理 C) accommodation住宿 D) recommendation建议,意见

答案 C 在这样的城市,你晚上怎样安排住宿呢?

23. _____ people might say, we still trust you as we did before.

A) No matter what 无论什么 B) Even though 即使 C) What D) However 不管怎样

24、  _____    troubles him is he should ask for help.

A) What, whom B) That, who C) Which, that D) How, what

答案 A 困扰他的事物就是他应该向谁请求帮助 What 引导的主语从句和 whom引导的宾语从句。

24.You\\'d better set your alarm clock you should oversleep.

A)before B)if C)while D)lest 以免

答案:D 你最好设置一下你的闹钟,以免你睡过头。

26.The Smith’s family,which ___ rather a large one, ___ very fond of their old houses.

A)were,were B)was,was C)were,was D)was,were

答案:D Smith一家,一个非常大的家族,家里的每个人都很喜欢他们的房子(当表示家族时,family是集团概念,系动词要用单数,当表示家里的每一个成员时,family后面的系动词要用复数。)

27.Hardly had he jumped out of the car _____ it blew up.

A)than 比 B)while 当时 C)when 当时 D)as当时


28.Students with problems may apply for student loans.

A)economic B)financial C)male D)economical

答案 B 有经济问题的学生可以申请学生贷款。

29.He agreed to lend me the money I promised to pay the money back next week.

A)as if B)while C)that D)on condition that 条件

答案:D 他答应把钱借给我,条件是我保证下周还钱。

30.He can’t make himself _____. His spoken English really needs _____.

A) understand, improving B) understood, improving

C) understand, to improve D) understood, to improving

31.I regret——--you that we are unable to offer you a job?

A informing B having informed C to inform D to informed

32.He __ to study harder in the future so that he could have more opportunities to find a better job.

A)resolved B)resorted C)requested D)reserved


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