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帮考网校2019-11-02 16:59


1、Nowadays, we can purchase things on-line.【单选题】







2、A Glass of Milk
One day, a poor boy who was trying to pay his way through school by selling goods door to door found that he only had one dime left. He was hungry so he decided to beg for a meal at the next house.
However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so she brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked, "How much do I owe you?"
"You don't owe me anything," she replied. "Mother has taught me never to accept pay for a kindness," he said, "Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart. " As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but also increased his faith in God and the human race. He was about to give up and quit before this point.
Years later the young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where specialists can be called in to study her rare disease. Dr. Howard Kelly, now famous was called in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes. Immediately, he rose and went down through the hospital hall into her room.
Dressed in his doctor's gown he went in to see her. He recognized her at once. He went back to the consultation room and determined to do his best to save her life. From that day on, he gave special attention to her case.
After a long struggle, the battle was won. Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it and then wrote something on the side. The bill was sent to her room. She was afraid to open it because she was positive that it would take the rest of her life to pay it off. Finally she looked, and the note on the side of the bill caught her attention. She read these words. . .
"Paid in full with a glass of milk," signed Dr. Howard Kelly
Tears of joy flooded her eyes as she prayed silently: "Thank You, God. Your love has spread through human hearts and hands. "
The boy was very sad when the young women opened the door.【单选题】



C.Not mentioned


答案解析:lost his nerves的意思是紧张、胆怯,所以该题所述内容是错的。

3、Working Successfully within Cultural Boundaries
Soon after starting our job in China, we realized that the greatest challenge we faced would not be our day-to-day responsibilities but a completely foreign work environment and culture.
We were used to the very direct, sometimes confrontational, but more equal style of management in the United States. Here, we were faced with the never-direct, never-confrontational style of management common in Asia.
We often hear similar stories. One woman shared her experience of returning to China after more than 15 years in the US. Although she spent most of her childhood in China, she felt that her colleagues' thinking processes were completely foreign to her. She needed to adapt herself to the culture of her company only then would she be successful at her job. In the end, she wasn't able to successfully re-adapt herself to the culture. What she didn't realize was that, rather than disagreeing with her ideas, they disagreed with her method of implementing them. For example, instead of recognizing her company's strict chain-of-command, she had in one case taken her plan straight to the company chairman. This action consequently caused her superiors to lose face. She had unwittingly broken a cardinal rule of Chinese culture.
One man who spent many years overseas before returning to China to head up the local operations of a multinational company, had a similar experience. In his first management team meeting, he presented his plans for a new direction in China operations. His request was met with an uncomfortable silence, with none of the managers daring to speak up. They had not been prepared for his open style of management. Soon he quickly determined that his first on-the-job challenge would be to build up managers' confidence in him, and that he had to do this individually, not in a group. Within a year, their management team meetings were transformed into the interactive, brainstorming sessions that he intended them to be.
Therefore, it wasn't until after we had learned to appreciate the culture of our workplace and earned the confidence and trust of our inferiors that we were able to move forward and successfully do our job. We must first understand and accept a culture for what it is; only then will we be able to successfully work within it.
What are the differences in style of management in the USA and China according to the author?【单选题】

A.In the USA, it is indirect style of management. In China, it is direct.

B.In the USA, it is direct style of management. In China, it is never-direct.

C.In the USA, it is always confrontational. In China, it is sometimes confrontational.

D.In the USA, it is equal. In China it is unequal.



4、Robotic Highway Cones
A University of Nebraska professor has developed robotic cones and barrels. ____
They can even be programmed to move on their own at any particular part of the day, said Shane Farritor, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Nebraska.
For example, if workers arrived at 6 am, the cones could move from the side of the highway to block off the lane at that time. And they can return to the original place at the end of the day. "It just seems like a very good application for robots," Farritor said. "The robotic cones would also help remove people from hazardous jobs on the highway putting barrels and cones into place," Farritor said in a report on his creation. Word on the idea began in 2002 using a National Academy of Sciences grant . The fund allowed Farritor to work on the project with graduate students at Nebraska and his assistant Steve Goddard.
The robots are placed at the bottom of the cones and barrels and are small enough not to greatly change the appearance of the construction aides. "It would look exactly the same," Farritor said. "Normally there's a kind of rubbery, black base to them. We replace that with a robot. .
Farritor has talked with officials from the Nebraska Department of Roads about how the robots would be most useful to what they might need
The robots could come in handy following a slow-moving maintenance operation, like painting a stripe on a road or moving asphalt, where now the barrels have to be picked up and moved as the operation proceeds. "That way you don't have to block off a l0-mile strip for the operation. " Farritor said.
While prototypes have been made, they are not in use anywhere. Farritor said he has applied for a patent and is considering what to do next. He is thinking about starting a small business. . He is also thinking about marketing the robots to roads departments and others across the country which may benefit from them.【单选题】

A.And they can return to the original place at the end of the day.

B.He is thinking about starting a small business.

C.Farritor was "Inventor of the Year" in 2003.

D.Word on the idea began in 2002 using a National Academy of Sciences grant

E.We replace that with a robot.

F.These robotic cones and barrels can move out of the way, or into place, from computer commands made miles away.


答案解析:第1段要恢复的句子的内容应该与robotic cones and barrels有关。F句中的“These robotic cones and barrels”正好说明F句是第1句的后续句. these这个代词把第1、2句连接起来。第1、2句内容上是连贯的,证实第2句是第1句的后续句。

5、An Early Form of Jazz Music
Music comes in many forms; most countries have a style of their own. At the turn of the last century, when jazz was born, America had no prominent music 0f its own. No one knows exactly when was invented or by whom. But it began to be heard in the early 1890s. Jazz is America's contribution to popular music. In contrast to classical music, which ____ formal European traditions, jazz is spontaneous and free in form. It bubbles with energy, expressing the moods, interests, and emotions of the people. In the 1920s' jazz sounded like America. And so it does today. The origins 0f the music are as interesting as the music itself. American Negroes, or blacks, as they are called today, were the jazz pioneers. They were brought to the Southern states as slaves. They were sold to plantation owners and forced to work long hours. When a Negro died, his friends and relatives formed a procession to carry to body to the cemetery. In New Orleans, a band often accompanied the body . On the way to the cemetery the band played slow, solemn music, suited to the occasion. Furthermore 0n the way home the mood changed. Spirits lifted. Death had removed one of their numbers, but the living were glad to be alive . The band played happy music, improvising on both the harmony and the melody of the tunes played at the funeral. This music made everyone want to dance. It was an early form ofjazz.







6、An Early Form of Jazz Music
Music comes in many forms; most countries have a style of their own. At the turn of the last century, when jazz was born, America had no prominent music 0f its own. No one knows exactly when was invented or by whom. But it began to be heard in the early 1890s. Jazz is America's contribution to popular music. In contrast to classical music, which follows formal European traditions, jazz is spontaneous and free in form. It bubbles with energy, expressing the moods, interests, and emotions of the people. In the 1920s' jazz sounded like America. And so it does today. The origins 0f the music are as interesting as the music itself. American Negroes, or blacks, as they are called today, were the jazz pioneers. They were brought to the Southern states ____ slaves. They were sold to plantation owners and forced to work long hours. When a Negro died, his friends and relatives formed a procession to carry to body to the cemetery. In New Orleans, a band often accompanied the body . On the way to the cemetery the band played slow, solemn music, suited to the occasion. Furthermore 0n the way home the mood changed. Spirits lifted. Death had removed one of their numbers, but the living were glad to be alive . The band played happy music, improvising on both the harmony and the melody of the tunes played at the funeral. This music made everyone want to dance. It was an early form ofjazz.







7、Gun Rights in the US
Immediately after the shooting at Virginia Tech University, Americans gathered to mourn (致哀) the dead. The president and the state governer both hurried there to share the grief. But the majority of Americans still cling to their right to own weapons.
Strictly speaking, the US is not the only country here gun violence has destroyed lives, families and communities in everyday circumstance. But the US is one of the few countries that seem unwilling and politically incapable of doing anything serious to stop it.
In countries like Britain and Canada, the government adopted strict gun control soon after serious gun violence incidents. US leaders, however, are held hostage by the gun lobby (院外活动集团) and the electoral (选举) system.
The powerful National Rifle Association, the major supporter of gun rights in the US, is too strong for any party to take on. Most Republicans oppose gun control anyway. Over the years, the Democrats have found that they can either campaign for gun control or win power, not ____, they prefer power.
According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics, firearm (火器) incidents accounted for nine percent of the 4.7 million violent crimes in 2005. So although opinion polls show most Americans want stricter gun laws, many people don't want to give up their arms they keep to protect themselves.
Dave Hancock, a Virginia gun lover, is one example. In an interview he said, "If one professor in the Virginia incident had been carrying a legal weapon, they might have been able to stop all this. "In his opinion, the massacre (大屠杀) is an argument for more people to carry weapons, not fewer.
Americans' clinging to the right to bear arms is not just a fear of crime, but a mistrust of government, commented UK's Guardian newspaper.
One Virginia resident, who had a permit to carry a concealed (隐藏的) firearm, told the Guardian that it was every American's responsibility to have a gun.
"Each person," he said, "should not rely solely on the government for protection."







8、Greene spent a brief time at Cambridge.【单选题】







9、They converted the spare bedroom into an office.【单选题】






答案解析:他们把空余的卧室改成了一间办公室。本题有一定难度,C项的干扰较大,有相当考生选了C,reform是“改革”的意思,而词组turn into指“把什么变成什么”,最符合converted的意思,是答案。

10、Stop Eating Too much
"Clean your plate!"and" Be a member of the clean-plate club!" Just about every kid in the US has heard this from a parent or grandparent. Often, it's accompanied by an appeal: "Just think about those starving orphans (孤儿) in Africa!" Sure, we should be grateful for every bite of food. Unfortunately, many people in the US take too many bites. Instead of saying "clean the plate", perhaps we should save some food for tomorrow.
According to news reports, US restaurants are partly to blame for the growing bellies(肚子). A waiter puts a plate of food in front of each customer, with two to four times the amount recommended by the government, according to a USA Today story. Americans traditionally associate quantity with value and most restaurants try to give them that. They prefer to have customers complain about too much food rather than too little.
Barbara Rolls, a nutrition (营养) professor at Pennsylvania State University, told USA Today that restaurant portion sizes began to grow in the 1970s, the same time that the American waistline(腰围) began to expand.
Health experts have tried to get many restaurants to serve smaller portions. Now, apparently, some customers are calling for this too. The restaurant industry trade magazine QSR reported last month that 57 percent of more than 4,000 people surveyed believed restaurants served portions that were too large; 23 percent had no opinion; 20 percent disagreed. But a closer look at the survey indicates that many Americans who can't afford fine dining still prefer large portions. Seventy percent of those earn at least $ 150,000 per year prefer smaller portions; but only 45 percent of those earning less than $25, 000 want smaller.
It's not that working class Americans don't want to eat healthy. It's just that, after long hours at low-paying jobs, getting less on their plate hardly seems like a good deal. They live from paycheck (薪金支票) to paycheck, happy to save a little money for next year's Christmas presents.(2008年)
What happened in the 1970s?

A.The US government called on its people to reduce their weight.

B.Health experts persuaded restaurants to serve smaller portions.

C.The American waistline started to expand.

D.The United States produced more grain than needed.



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