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帮考网校2024-05-17 11:59
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1、He made a great show of reluctance, but finally accepted my offer. 【单选题】







2、Smoking Can Increase Depressive Symptoms in TeensWhile some teenagers may puff on cigarettes to "self-medicate" against the blues, scientists at the University of Toronto and the University of Montreal have found that smoking may actually increasedepressive symptoms in some teens."This observational study is one of the few to examine the perceived emotional benefits of smoking among teens," says lead researcher Michael Chaiton, a research associate at the Ontario Tobacco Research Unit of the University of Toronto." Although cigarettes may appear to have self-medicating effects orto improve mood, in the long term we found that teens who started to smoke reported higher depressive symptoms. "As part of the study, some 662 high school teenagers completed up to 20 questionnaires about their use of cigarettes to affect mood. Secondary schools were selected to provide a mix of French and English participants, urban and rural schools, and schools located in high, moderate and low socioeconomic neighborhoods. Participants were divided into three groups: never smokers; smokers who did not use cigarettes to self-medicate, improve mood orphysical state; smokers who used cigarettes to self-medicate. Depressive symptoms were measured using a scale that asked how felt too fired to do things: had trouble going to sleep orstaying asleep; felt unhappy, sad, ordepressed; felt hopeless about the future; felt vexed, antsy ortense; and worried too much about things."Smokers who used cigarettes as mood improvers had higher risks of elevated depressive symptoms than teens who had never smoked," says co-researcher Jennifer O\'Loughlin, a professorat the University of Montreal Department of Social and Preventive Medicine. "Our study found that teen smokers who reported emotional benefits from smoking are at higher risk of developing depressive symptoms."The ____ between depression and smoking exists principally among teens that use cigarettes to feel better. "It\'s important to emphasize that depressive symptom scores were higher among teenagers who reported emotional benefits from smoking after they began to smoke," says Dr. Chaiton.【单选题】





















5、Blasts from the Past1 Volcanoes were more destructive in ancient history. Not because they were bigger, but because the carbon they released wiped out life with greater ease.2 Paul Wignall from the University of Leeds was investigating the link between volcanic eruptions and mass extinctions. Not all volcanic eruptions killed off large numbers of animals, but all the mass extinctions over the past 300. million years coincided with huge formations of volcanic rock. To his surprise, the older the massive volcanic eruptions were, the more damage they seemed to do.3 Wignall calculated the "killing efficiency" forthese volcanoes by comparing the proportion of life they killed off with the volume of lava that they produced. He found that size forsize, older eruptions were at least 10 times as effective at wiping out life as their more recent rivals.4 The Permian extinction, forexample, which happened 250 million years ago, is marked by floods of volcanic rock in. Siberia that cover an area roughly the size of western Europe, Those volcanoes are thought to have pumped out about 10 gigatonnes of carbon as carbon dioxide, The global warming that followed wiped out 8 per cent of all marine genera at the time, and it took 5 million years far tire planet to recover.5 Yet 60 million years ago in the late Palaeocene there was another huge amount of volcanic activity and global-warming but no mass extinction. Some animals did disappear but things returned to normal within ten thousands of years, "The most recent ones hardly have an effect at all," Wignall says. He ignored the extinction which wiped out the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous, 65 million years ago, because many scientists believe it was primarily caused by the impact of an asteroid.6 Wignall thinks that older volcanoes had more killing power because more recent life forms were better adapted to dealing with increased levels of C02 Ocean chemistry may also have played a role. As the supercontinents broke up and exposed more coastline there may have been more weathering of silica rocks. This would have encouraged the growth of phytoplankton in the oceans, increasing the amount of C02 absorbed from the atmosphere.7 Vincent Courtillot, directorof the Paris Geophysical Institute in France, says that Wignall\'s idea is provocative. But he says it is incredibly hard to do these sorts of calculations. He points out that the killing power of volcanic eruptions depends on how long they fasted. and it is impossible to tell whether the huge blasts lasted forthousands ormillions of years.8 Courtillot also adds that it is difficult to estimate how much lava prehistoric volcanoes produced, and that lava volume may not necessarily correspond to carbon dioxide orsulphur dioxide emissions.The cause of the extinction of dinosaurs____.【单选题】

A.than more recent ones

B.the killing efficiency forolder eruptions

C.has remained controversial

D.Wignall\'s calculations as acceptable

E.has been mown to us all

F.his ideas


答案解析:has remained controversial:-直是有争议的。把这一选项跟题干合成后生成的句子说的是:有关恐龙灭绝的原因一直是有争议的。第五段有这么一句话:…because many scientists believe it was primarily caused by the impact of an asteroid. 因为许多科学家相信恐龙的灭绝主要是由于一颗小行星的影响造成的。“许多科学家”当然不是全部。“有关恐龙灭绝的原因一直是有争议的”这个命题是可以从这句话中推断出来的。

6、Nurse ! I Want My MummyWhen a child is ill in hospital, a parent\'s first reaction is to be with them.Most hospitals now allow parents to sleep overnight with their child, providing a bed orso far on the ward.But until the 1970s this practice was not only frowned upon, it was actively discouraged. Staff worried that the children were upsetwhen their parents left, and so there was a blanket ban.A concerned nurse, Pamela Hawthorn, disagreed and her study "Nurse! I want my mummy" published in 1974 , changed the face of paediatric nursing.Martin Johnson, a professorof nursing at the University of Salford, said that the work of nurses like Pamela had changed the face of patient care."Pamela\'s study was done against the background of a lively debate in paediatrics and psychology as to the degree women should spend with children in the outside world and the degree to which they should be allowed to visit children in hospital. ""The idea was that if mum came to ____ a small child in hospital the child would be upsetand inconsolable forhours. ""Yet the nurse noticed that if mum did not come at all the child stayed in a relatively stable state but they might be depressed. ""Of course we know now that they had almost given up hope that mum was eve coming back. ""To avoid a little bit of pain they said that no one should visit. ""But children were alone and depressed so Hawthorn said parents should be allowed to visit. ""Dr Peter Carter, chief executive and general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing, said her work had been seminal. ""Her research put an end to the days when parents handed their children over to strangers at the doorof the hospital ward. ""As a result of her work, parents and careers are now recognized as partners and are afforded the opportunity to stay with their children whilst they are in hospital, which has dramatically improved both parents\' and children\'s experience of care. "【单选题】







7、In the process, the light energy converts to heat energy.【单选题】







8、I was amazed at the beauty of the mountain when I reached the top. 【单选题】






答案解析:amazed和astonished都可以表示“使人大吃一惊的”;excited:激动的、兴奋的. happy:快乐的、幸福的;shocked:震惊的、吓坏的。

9、The Process of AgeingAt the age of twelve years, the human body is at its most vigorous. It has yet to reach its full size and strength, and its owner his orher full intelligence; but at this age the likelihood of death is the least. Earlier, we were infants and young children, and consequently more vulnerable; later, we shall undergo a progressive loss of our vigorresistance which, though imperceptible (察觉不出的) at first, will finally become so steep that we can live no longer, however well we look after ourselves, and however well society, and our doctors, look after us This decline in vigorwith the passing of time is called ageing. If we escape wars, accidents and diseases, we shall eventually "die of old age", and this happens at a rate which differs little from person to person. Some of us will die sooner, a few will live longer. But there is a virtual limiton how long we can hope to remain alive, however lucky and robust we are.Normal people tend to forget this process until they are reminded of it. We are so familiar with the fact that man ages, that people have foryears assumed that the process of losing vigorwith time was something self-evident, like the cooling of a hot kettle orthe wearing-out of a pair of shoes. "They have also assumed that all animals, and probably other organisms such as trees, oreven the universe itself, must in the nature of things "wear out". Most animals we commonly observe do in fact age as we do; and mechanical systems like a wound watch, orthe sun, do in fact run out of energy. But these are not analogous to what happens when man ages. A run-down watch is still a watch and can be rewound. ____. But a watch could never repair itself it does not consist of living parts, only of metal, which wears away by friction (摩擦). We could, at one time tune, repair ourselves well enough, at least to overcome all but the most instantly fatal illnesses and accidents. Between twelve and eighty years we gradually lose this power.an illness which at twelve would knock us over, at eighty can knock us out, and into our grave. If we could stay as vigorous as we are at twelve, it would take about 700 years forhalf of us to die, and another 700 of the survivors to be reduced by half again.【单选题】

A. Some old people are oppressed by the fear of death

B. an illness which at twelve would knock us over, at eighty can knock us out, and into our grave

C. and mechanical systems like a wound watch, orthe sun, do in fact run out of energy

D.This decline in vigorwith the passing of time is called ageing

E.and old watch, by contrast, becomes so worn and unreliable that it eventually is not worth mending

F.and this happens at a rate which differs little from person to person



10、Obviously these people can be relied on in a crisis.【单选题】

A.lived on

B.depended on

C.believed in

D.joined in


答案解析:显然这些人在危机关头值得依靠。本题有一定难度,考察的是基本意义,C项的干扰最大,有些考生因受汉语思维影响而选了C,rely on和depend on都有“依靠”意思,是近义词,常用过去式,C项believe in指“相信”,和答案意义有差异,最佳答案是B。

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