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帮考网校2024-03-17 09:15
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1、Reduce PackagingPressure increased recently on British supermarkets and retailers to reduce packaging as part of an anti - waste campaign. The campaign was initiated by The Independent newspaper. Britain generates 4.6 million tons of household waste every year by packaging.Dozens of people have expressed anger at the excess of plastic wrapping. Campaigners have called on Britain to learn from other European countries, In Belgium, when you buy something in a plastic orglass container, you make a deposit. When returned bottles are put in a vending machine 自动售货机, the deposit is refunded. Environmentalists warn that Britain lags behind in this.There were reports of growing unease among consumers over the amount of packaging they have to deal with. Trade standards officers also object to excessive packaging. ____In response to a campaign by Britain\'s The Independent newspaper, leading supermarkets have pointed to various initiatives to win the public confidence. tons of cardboard a year by switching to reusable plastic crates 装货箱 fortransporting its fresh produce.But campaigners said retailers and the government could learn much from anti - waste practices on the Continent. In Sweden, non - recyclable batteries have been taxed since 1991 to encourage a switch to alternatives. This has resulted in a 74 percent reduction in sales. In Germany, plastic bags are unheard of in supermarkets and deposits are paid forreusable plastic and glass beverage bottles.【单选题】

A.If a product is over packaged, don\'t buy it.

B.In Belgium, when you buy something in a plastic orglass container, you make a deposit.

C.This is because too much padding can give buyers a false impression of what they are buying.

D.This has resulted in a 74 percent reduction in sales.

E.Tesco said it was saving 112,000 tons of cardboard a year by switching to reusable plastic crates (装货箱) fortransporting its fresh produce.

F.The campaign was initiated by The Independent newspaper.



2、Human Heart Can Make New CellsSolving a longstanding mystery, scientists have found that the human heart continues to generate new cardiac cells throughout the life span, although the rate of new cell production slows with age. The finding, published in the April 3 issue of Science, could open a new path forthe treatment of heart diseases such as heart failure and heart attack, experts say. "We find that the beating cells in the heart, cardiomyocytes, are renewed," said lead researcher Dr. Jonas Frisen, a professorof stem cell research at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. "It has previously not been known whether we were limited to the cardiomyocytes we are born with orif they could be renewed," he said. The process of renewing these cells changes over time, Frisen added. In a 20-year-old, about 1 percent of cardiomyocytes are exchanged each year, but the turnover rate decreases with age to only 0. 45 percent by age 75, "If we can understand how the generation of new cardiomyocytes is regulated, it may be potentially possible to develop pharmaceuticals that promote this process to stimulate regeneration after forexample, a heart attack, "Frisen said. That could lead to treatment that helps restore damaged hearts. A lot of people suffer from chronic heart failure," noted co-authorDr. Ratan Bhardwaj. Ratan Bhardwaj, also from the Karolinska Institute. "Chronic heart failure arises from heart cells dying," he said. With this finding, scientists are "opening the doorto potential therapies to having ourselves heal ourselves," Bhardwaj said. "Maybe one could devise a pharmaceutical agent that would make heart cells make new and more cells to overcome the problem they are facing. " But barriers remain. According to Bhardwaj, scientists do not yet know how to increase heart cell production to a rate that would replace cells faster than they are dying off, especially in older patients with heart failure. In addition, the number of new cells the heart produces was estimated using healthy hearts-whether the rate of cell turnover in diseased hearts is the same remains unknown.The human heart stops producing cardiac cells____.【单选题】

A.when a person becomes old

B.as soon as a person gets sick

C.immediately after a person is born

D.once a person dies


答案解析:根据是第一段中:. . . the human heart continues to generate new cardiac cells throughout the life span。在人的整个生命进程中,其心脏不断产生新的心肌细胞。言外之意,这个过程直到人死才会停止。

3、Breast Cancer Deaths Record LowThe number of women dying from breast cancer has fallen to a record low by dropping under 12,000 a year forthe first time since records began.The Cancer\' Research UK data showed that 11.990 women died in the UK in 2007.The previous lowest figure had been recorded in 1971-the year records began-after which it rose steadily year by year until the late 1980s.ProfessorPeter Johnson, Cancer Research UK\'s chief clinician. said: "It\'s incredibly encouraging to see fewer women dying from breast cancer now than at any time in the last 40 years, despite breast cancer being diagnosed more often.""Research has played a crucial role in this progress leading to improved treatments and better management forwomen with the disease.""The introduction of the NHS (国民保健制度) breast screening 3 program has also contributed as women are more likely to survive the earlier cancer is diagnosed."Breast cancer is now the most common cancer in the UK with 45,500 women every year diagnosed with the disease - a 50% rise in 25 years.The number of deaths peaked in 1989, when 15,625 women died. It then fell by between 200 and 400 deaths each year until 2004.There was a slight rise in 2005 and then two years of falls.Dr. Sarah Cant, policy manager at Breakthrough Breast Cancer said: "It is great news that fewer women are dying from breast cancer and highlights the impact of improved treatments, breast screening and awareness of the disease. ""However, this is still too many women and incidence of the disease is increasing year by year. "The rising rate of breast cancer diagnosis has been put down to a variety of factors including obesity(肥胖) and alcohol consumption.Breast cancer deaths began to be recorded in the UK in 1971.【单选题】



C.Not mentioned


答案解析:本题难度不大,答案依据比较明显,带着题干信息词回文章定位,答案依据在文章第三段这一句:The previous lowest figure had been recorded in 1971-the year records began一很明显,破折号里谈到记录是从这一年开始的,也就是乳腺癌记录最低的1971年,所以本题正确,答案是A。

4、Driving after drinkingThe legal limitfordriving after drinking alcohol is 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood, when tested. But there is no sure way of telling how much you can drink before you reach this limit. It varies with each person depending on your weight, your sex, what you\'ve just eaten and what sort of drinks you\'ve had. Some people might reach their limitafter only about three standard drinks.In fact, your driving ability can be affected by just one ortwo drinks. Even if you\'re below the legal limit, you could still be taken to court if a police officer thinks your driving has been affected by alcohol.It takes about an hour forthe body to get rid of the alcohol in one standard drink. So, if you have a heavy drinking in the evening you might find that your driving ability is still affected the next morning, oryou could even find that you\'re still over the legal limit. In addition, if you\'ve had a few drinks at lunchtime, another one ortwo drinks in the early evening may well put you over the legal limit.In a test with professional drivers, the more alcoholic drinks they had had, the more certain they were that they could drive a test course through a setof movable posts…and the less able they were to do it! So the only way to be sure you\'re safe is not to drink at all.Alcohol is a majorcause of road traffic accidents. One in three of the drivers killed in road accidents have levels of alcohol which are over the legal limit, and road accidents after drinking are the biggest cause of death among young men. More than half of the people stopped by the police to take a breath test have a blood alcohol concentration of more than twice the legal limit.It is important to remember that driving after you\'ve been drinking doesn\'t just affect you. If you\'re involved in an accident it affects a lot of other people as well, not least the person you might kill orinjure.About drink driving, the authorwarns you of the fact that you____.【单选题】

A.may be taken to court by the police

B.are putting yourself in danger

C.may hurt orkill another driver

D.are setting other people at risk



5、Nurse ! I Want My MummyWhen a child is ill in hospital, a parent\'s first reaction is to be ____ them.Most hospitals now allow parents to sleep overnight with their child, providing a bed orso far on the ward.But until the 1970s this practice was not only frowned upon, it was actively discouraged. Staff worried that the children were upsetwhen their parents left, and so there was a blanket ban.A concerned nurse, Pamela Hawthorn, disagreed and her study "Nurse! I want my mummy" published in 1974 , changed the face of paediatric nursing.Martin Johnson, a professorof nursing at the University of Salford, said that the work of nurses like Pamela had changed the face of patient care."Pamela\'s study was done against the background of a lively debate in paediatrics and psychology as to the degree women should spend with children in the outside world and the degree to which they should be allowed to visit children in hospital. ""The idea was that if mum came to visit a small child in hospital the child would be upsetand inconsolable forhours. ""Yet the nurse noticed that if mum did not come at all the child stayed in a relatively stable state but they might be depressed. ""Of course we know now that they had almost given up hope that mum was eve coming back. ""To avoid a little bit of pain they said that no one should visit. ""But children were alone and depressed so Hawthorn said parents should be allowed to visit. ""Dr Peter Carter, chief executive and general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing, said her work had been seminal. ""Her research put an end to the days when parents handed their children over to strangers at the doorof the hospital ward. ""As a result of her work, parents and careers are now recognized as partners and are afforded the opportunity to stay with their children whilst they are in hospital, which has dramatically improved both parents\' and children\'s experience of care. "【单选题】






答案解析:孩子住院了,父母的第一反应肯定是要和孩子在一起。to be with somebody表示“和谁在一起”。

6、Cooking Oil Fumes Cause TumorThe leading cause of lung cancer among women in the city was cooking oil fumes while men are more likely to develop the disease from smoking, said medical experts after a fiveyear research study.Doctors announced the results yesterday with analysis on some new tendencies in lung cancer, They said patients are younger, especially women.According to the Shanghai Tumorresearch Institute, more local residents die of lung cancer in the city than anything else. Following breast cancer, it has the second-highest incidence rate."An unhealthy lifestyle is a very important reason forlung cancer," said Dr He Yumin from Shanghai Minshen Traditional Chinese Medicine TumorDiagnosis and Treatment Center.He followed 2,276 lung cancer patients forfive years. Among them, 1,433 were male.Smoking causes 70 percent of cases among men while only 18 percent of female patients developed cancer from smoking orinhaling second-hand smoke, according to the report.However, more than 60 percent of women with the disease had long term, close contact with strong oil fumes from cooking and complained about irritated eyes and throat.About 32 percent of women fried foods in boiling oil in unventilated kitchens and about 25 percent of women\'s bedrooms were adjacent to the kitchen.However, local women were surprised to learn cooking oil fumes could lead to cancer. Some claimed they may change food preparation methods. "Unless my family and I don\'t eat at home every day, I must stay in the kitchen to cook," said Xu Li, a 45-year-old local woman. "I know the fumes are bad forthe skin, but it is the first time I heard that it can result in lung cancer. I have already started frying less. "Doctors said women\'s lung cancer had few links to personal health and physical condition, but was closely related to family cancer history, unhealthy dietary habits and weak immune systems.Other experts agreed with him."Smoking is by far the biggest cause of lung cancer formen," said Dr. Tan Binyong, honorary president of the Respiratory Disease Institute at Fudan University\'s Medical College. "It\'s true that second-hand smoke and cooking fumes are the main causes among women. "His research also warned people not to stand near of stalls selling fried foods due to the poorquality of oils used.The chance of catching lung cancer is three times higher if exposed to the fume fora long time, experts said.Which of the following diseases is the most common among the local residents in Shanghai?【单选题】

A.Heart disease.

B.Breast cancer.

C.Infectious diseases.

D.Lung cancer.


答案解析:细节考查题。答案参见第三段最后一句:Following breast cancer,it has the second-highest incidence rate(肺癌排在乳腺癌之后,发病率第二高)。可见最常见的疾病就是乳腺癌,故正确答案为B。

7、The Ideal HusbandScience now might be able to explain women\'s fascination with Brad Pitt\'s face and George Clooney\'s eyes. Women seem to judge potential mate by how masculine their features are, new research shows. Men with square jaws and well-defined brow ridges are seen as good short-term partners, while those with more feminine traits such as a rounder face and fuller lips are perceived as better long-term mates.In the study by Daniel Kruger at the US\'s University of Michigan, 854 subjects viewed a series of male head shots that had been digitally changed to exaggerate orminimize masculine traits. They then . answered questions about how they expected the men in the photos to behave.Most participants said that those with more masculine features were likely to be risky, competitive, and more apt to fight, challenge bosses, cheat on spouses and put less effort into parenting. Those with more feminine ____ were seen as good parents and husbands, hard workers and emotionally supportive mates.But, despite all the negative characteristics, when asked who they would choose fora short-term relationship, women selected the more masculine looking men. Brad and George, both chiseled jaws and well-defined brows, then would be good fora brief romance, not forsomething longer.The study was published in the December issue of the US journal Personal Relationships.Kruger said that from an evolutionary perspective, this makes sense. The key is testosterone, the hormone responsible forthe development of masculine facial features and other sexual characteristics. It has been found to affect the body\'s ability to fight disease: men with high levels of the hormone are typically strong and healthy- traits women want to pass on to their children.However, increased testosterone has also been linked to cheating and violence in relationships. So, these men might produce high quality offspring, but they don\'t always make great parents orfaithful mates, Kruger says.The scientific community have shown skepticism toward physiognomy, which links facial characteristics to certain behavioral traits. But Kruger argues that the research is a valuable tool forunderstanding mating strategies. And, of course, forexplaining why Tony Leung and Takeshi Kanesshiro have millions of female fans. It might have to do with their genes. orsomething to do with ours.【单选题】







8、The government has launched a massive campaign against crimes in the big cities. 【单选题】







9、Obviously these people can be relied on in a crisis.【单选题】

A.lived on

B.depended on

C.believed in

D.joined in


答案解析:显然这些人在危机关头值得依靠。本题有一定难度,考察的是基本意义,C项的干扰最大,有些考生因受汉语思维影响而选了C,rely on和depend on都有“依靠”意思,是近义词,常用过去式,C项believe in指“相信”,和答案意义有差异,最佳答案是B。

10、Fortunately, she managed to finish the work on time. 【单选题】






答案解析: fortunately和luckily意思相同,表示“幸运地”;happily:幸福地、快乐地;frankly:坦白地、真诚地;honestly:诚实地。

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