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帮考网校2023-03-10 11:23
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1、You must shine your shoes. 【单选题】







2、What Is the Coolest Gas in the Universe?What is the coldest air temperature ever recorded on the Earth? Where was this low temperature recorded? The coldest recorded temperature on Earth was - 91℃, which occurred in Antarctica (南极洲) in 1983.We encounter an interesting situation when we discuss temperatures in space.Temperatures in Earth orbit actually range from about +120℃ to - 120℃. The temperature depends upon whether you are in direct sunlight orshade. Obviously, -120℃ is colder than our body can safely endure. Thank NASA science forwell, de signed space suits that protect astronauts from these temperature extremes.The space temperatures just discussed affect only our areal of the solar system. Obviously, it is hotter closer to the Sun and colder as we travel away from the Sun. Astronomers estimate temperatures at Pluto are about - 210℃. How cold is the lowest estimated temperature in the entire universe? Again, it depends upon your location. We are taught it is supposedly impossible to have a temperature below absolute zero, which is - 273℃, at which atoms do not move. Two scientists, whose names are Cornell and Wieman, have successfully cooled down a gas to a temperature barely above absolute zero. They won a Nobel Prize in Physics in 2001 fortheir work, not a discovery, in this case.Why is the two scientists\' work so important to science?In the 1920s, Satyendra Nath Bose was studying an interesting theory about special light particles we now call photons (光子). Bose had trouble convincing other scientists to believe his theory, so he contacted Albert Einstein. Einstein\'s calculations helped him theorize that atoms would behave as Bose thought—but only at very cold temperatures.Scientists have also discovered that ultra - cold(超冷) atoms can help them make the world\'s atomic clocks even more accurate. These clocks are so accurate today they would only lose one second ______ six million years! Such accuracy will help us travel in space because distance is velocity times time 4 ( d = v×t). With the long distances involved in space travel, we need to know time as accurately as possible to get accurate distance.【单选题】







3、Animal\'s "Sixth Sense"A tsunami was triggered by an earthquake in the Indian Ocean in December, 2004. It killed tens of thousands of people in Asia and East Africa, Wild animals, ______, seem to have escaped that terrible tsunami. This phenomenon adds weight to notions that they possess a "sixth sense" fordisasters, experts said.Sri Lankan Wildlife officials have said the giant waves that killed over 24,000 people along the Indian Ocean island\'s coast clearly missed wild beasts, with no dead animals found."No elephants are dead, not even a dead rabbit. I think animals can sense disaster. They have a sixth sense. They know when things are happening" H. D. Ratnayake, deputy directorof Sri Lanka\'s Wildlife Department, said about one month after the tsunami attack. The waves washed floodwaters up to 2 miles inland at Yala National Park in the ravaged southeast, Sri Lanka\'s biggest wildlife reserve and home to hundreds of wild elephants and several leopards."There has been a lot of scientific evidence about dogs barking orbirds migrating before volcanic eruptions orearthquakes. But it has not been proven," said Matthew van Lierop, an animal behaviorassistant at Johannesburg Zoo. "There have been no specialist studies because you can\'t really test it in a lab orfield setting," he told Reuters. Other authorities concurred with this assessmetn."Wildlife seem to be able to pick up certain phenmenon, especially birds. There are many reports of birds detecting impending disasters," said Clive Walker, who has written several books on African wildlife.Animals certainly rely on the known senses such as smell orhearing to avoid danger such as predators. The notion of an animal "sixth sense" -orsome other mythical power-is an enduring one which the evidence on Sri Lanka\'s ravaged coast is likely to add to. The Romans saw owls as omens of impending disaster and many ancient cultures viewed elephants as sacred animals endowed with special powers orattributes.【单选题】







4、I\'d very much like to know what your aim in life is.【单选题】







5、I propose that we discuss this at the next meeting.【单选题】







6、WaterThe second most important constituent (构成成份) of the biosphere (生物圈) is liquid water. This can only exist in a very narrow range of temperatures, since water freezes at 0℃ and boils at 100℃. Life as we know it would only be possible on the surface of a planet which had temperatures somewhere within this narrow range.The earth\'s supply of water probably remains fairly constant in quantity. The total quantity of water is not known very accurately, but it is about enough to cover the surface of the globe to a depth of about two and three - quarter kilometers. Most of it is in the form of the salt water of the oceans about 97 percent. The rest is fresh, but three -quarters of this is in the form of ice at the Poles and on mountains, and cannot be used by living systems until melted. Of the remaining fraction, which is somewhat less than one percent of the whole, there is 10 -20 times as much stored underground water as there is actually on the surface. There is also a tiny, but extremely important fraction of the water supply which is present as water vapour in the atmosphere.Water vapour in the atmosphere is the channel through which the whole water circulation (循环) of the biosphere has to pass. Water evaporated (蒸发) from the surface of the oceans, from lakes and rivers and from moist (潮湿的) earth is added to it. From it the water comes out again as rain orsnow, falling on either the sea orthe land. There is, as might be expected, a more intensive evaporation per unit area over the sea and oceans than over the land, but there is more rainfall over the land than over the oceans and the balance is restored by the runoff from the land in the form of rivers.The word "fraction" in the second paragraph means ______.【单选题】

A.a very small amount

B.a large area

C.an important system

D.a majorsource of information



7、Lakes, Too, Feel Global WarmingThere\'s no doubt, In the last few decades, the average temperature on Earth has been higher than it has been in hundreds of years. Around the world, people are starting to measure the effects of global warming and trying to figure out what to do about it.Scientist recently used satellites to study the temperatures of lakes around the world and they found that lakes are heating up. Between 1985 and 2009, satellites recorded the night time temperatures of the surfaces of 167 lakes. During those 24 years, the lakes got warmer by an average of about 0.045 degree Celsius per year.In some places, lakes have been warming by as much as 0.10 degree Celsius per year. At that rate, a lake may warm by a full degree Celsius in just 10 years. That difference may seem small you might not even notice it in your bath. But in a lake, slightly warmer temperatures could mean more algae (水藻) and algae can make the lake poisonous to fish.The study shows that in some regions, lakes are warming faster than the air around them. This is important because scientists often use measurements of air temperature to study how Earth is warming. By using lake temperatures as well, scientists can get a better picture of global warming. The scientists say data on lakes give scientists a new way to measure the impact of climate change around the world.That\'s going to be useful, since no matter the country is too big ortoo small can\'t ignore climate changes. Scientists aren\'t the only ones concerned. Everyone who lives on Earth is going to be affected by the rapid warming of the planet. Many world leaders believe we might be able to do something about it, especially by reducing the amount of greenhouse(温室) gases we put into the air.That\'s why the United Nations started the Framework Convention on Climate Change, orUNFCCC. Every year the convention meets, and representatives from countries around the world gather to talk about climate change and discuss global solutions to the challenges of a warming world.A slight temperature increase in a lake could be harmful forfish.【单选题】



C.Not mentioned


答案解析:本题难度不大,答案依据比较明显,在文章第三段最后一句:But in a lake, slightly warmer temperatures could mean more algae(才(藻),and algae can make the lake poisonous to fish.谈到湖水温度上升会产生很多水藻,给湖里的鱼类带来毒害,题干和原文句意相符,答案是A。

8、Storms Sink ShipsRescuers have found the bodies of over 130 people killed in two ferry disasters in Bangladesh. The accidents happened during a storm that hit the country on April 21. Hundreds more are missing orfeared dead. The two ferries sank in different rivers near the capital city of Dhakfi as strong winds and rain hit the South Asian country. The government has since banned all ferries and other boats from traveling at night during the April-May stormy season. One of the ferries, MV Mitali, was carrying far more people than it was supposed to. About 400 passengers fitted into a space made forjust 300, police said. The second ferry carried about 100 passengers. "The number of deaths is certain to rise." said an official in charge of the rescue work. "No one really knows how many people were on board the ferry orhow many of them survived. Ferries in Bangladesh don\'t always keep passenger lists, making it difficult to determine the exact number of people on board. Besides the ferry accidents, at least 40 people were killed and 400 injured by lightning strikes, falling houses and trees and the sinking of small boats. Storms are common this time of year in Bangladesh, as are boating accidents. Ferry disasters take away hundreds of lives every year in a nation of 130 million people. Officials blame these river accidents on a lack of safety measures too many passengers in boats and not enough checks on weather conditions. Ferries are a common means of transport in Bangladesh. It is a country covered by about 230 rivers. Some 20,000 ferries use the nation\'s Waterways every year. and many of them are dangerously overcrowded. Since 1977, more than 3,000 people have died in some 260 boating accidents.How many passengers was MV Mitali designed to carry?【单选题】






答案解析:该题问的是:渡船MV Mitali设计载客量是多少?答案在第4段第2句:把大约400个旅客装进了只能容纳300个旅客的空间。

9、The Hurricane1. A hurricane (飓风) is a tropical storm with winds that have reached a constant speed of 74 miles per hour. Hurricane winds blow in a large spiral(螺旋) around a relative calm center known as the "eye". The "eye" is generally 20 to 30 miles wide, and the storm may extend outward 400 miles. As a hurricane nears land, it can bring heavy rains, high winds and storm surges(风暴潮). The storm surges and heavy rains can lead to flooding.2. Hurricanes are given a different label, depending on where they occur. If they begin over the North Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, The Gulf of Mexico, orthe Northeast Pacific Ocean, they are called hurricanes. Similar storms that occur in the Northwest Pacific Ocean west of the Internaional Date Line are called typhoons near Australia and in the Indian Ocean, they are referred to as tropical cyclones(龙卷风).3. When a hurricane hits land, it can do great damage through its fierce winds, heavy rains, inland(内陆的) flooding and huge waves crashing on to the shore. During a hurricane, homes, businesses and public buildings may be damaged ordestroyed, roads and bridges can be washed away. A powerful hurricane can kill more people and destroy more property than any other natural disaster. Fishermen are at special risk from hurricanes as they may be at sea when a hurricane arrives and not be able to get to a safe harborif they do not receive adequate warning.4. If a hurricane is comming in your area, the most important thing is to stay calm and find shelter immediately. Go to your safe room. If you do not have one, stay indoors during the hurricane and go to a safer place near the center of your home. Cover yourself with a blanket and be sure to keep away from windows and glass doors, because if the glass breaks it’s really dangerous. Do not be fooled if there is lull(暂停), it could be the eye of the storm—winds will pick up again.When a hurricane arrives, fishermen are in great danger if they are at sea and do not get ______.【单选题】

A.different labels

B.window and glass doors

C.inland flooding

D.early warning

E.natural disaster

F.a constant speed


答案解析:本题有一定难度,需要吃透文章句意,答案依据在文章第三段的倒数第一句:Fisherman are at special risk---they may be at sea-- if they do not receive adequate warning.回来看选项,D项和原文句意相近,是答案。

10、The orangutanAmong all the animals, the ape is most like human beings. Both people and apes have the similar brain structure, the similar nerve system, and the similar kind of blood. There are four kinds of apes: the chimpanzee (黑猩猩), the orangutan (猩猩), the gorilla (大猩猩), and the gibbon (长臂猿). They live in the deep forests and warm tropical regions of Africa and of Southeast Asia, including Indonesia. All apes are covered with brown, reddish-brown, orblack hair everywhere on their bodies except their faces, feet, and hands. Their hands each have four fingers and a thumb that helps them grip things the way our thumbs help us. But they also have a thumb on each foot instead of a big toe. Thus they can hold things with their feet also. Having short, weak legs, apes do not walk on the ground very much. However, their arms are very strong. This enables them to swing from branches and travel very quickly from tree to tree. These animals live in small family groups that move from place to place in search of vegetables and fruits. They also eat eggs, small animals, nuts, and insects. When they are tired, they build nests in the trees. But they rarely sleep there formore than a night ortwo. Then they move on to look formore food. There are some differences among the following three kids of apes. The gibbon is never more than three feet high and weight only about fourteen pounds. The gorilla grows to be six feet tall and weight up to 600 pounds. The orangutan is smaller than the gorilla. It stands three to five feet tall and weight up to 200 pounds. Chimpanzees are the smartest of all apes. They can be taught to sit at a table and eat, to dress themselves, and to do things that human children can do. Apes build nests in the trees but seldom sleep there formore than a night ortwo because____. 【单选题】

A.they like to live in small family groups

B.they like to move from place to place in search of more food

C.they like to eat eggs, small animals, nuts and insects

D.it rains too often in the deep forests



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