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帮考网校2023-02-26 09:04
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1、A Bad IdeaThink you can walk, drive, take phone calls, e - mail and listen to music at the same time? Well, New York\'s new law says you can\'t. and you\'ll be fined $ 100 if you do so on a New York city street. The law went into force last month, following research and a shocking number of accidents that involved. people using electronic gadgets (小巧机械) when crossing the street.Who\'s to blame? Scientists say that our multitasking (多任务处理) abilities are limited. "We are under the impression that our brain can do more than it often can," says Rene Marois, a neuroscientist (神经科学家) in Tennessee. "But a core limitation is the inability to concentrate on two things at once."The young people are often considered the great multitaskers. However, an Oxford University research suggests this perception is open to question. Agroupof 18 to 21 years old and agroupof 35 to 39 years old were given 90 seconds to translate images into numbers, using a simple code. ____ But when both groups were interrupted by a phone call oran instant message, the oldergroupmatched the youngergroupin speed and accuracy.It is difficult to measure the productivity lost by multitaskers. Jonathan Spira, chief analyst at Basex, a business - research firm, estimates that the cost of interruptions to the American economy is nearly $650 billion a year, The estimate is based on surveys with office workers. The surveys conclude that 28 percent of the workers\' time was spent on interruptions and recovery time before they returned to their main tasks.【单选题】

A.Talking on a cell phone while driving brings you joy anyway.

B.The estimate is based on surveys with office workers.

C.The youngergroupdid 10 percent better when not interrupted.

D.However, an Oxford University research suggests this perception is open to question.

E.Scientists say that our multitasking (多任务处理) abilities are limited.

F.and you\'ll be fined $ 100 if you do so on a New York city street.



2、Intelligent Machines1. Medical scientists are already putting computer chips (芯片) directly into the brain to help people who have Parkinson\'s disease, but in what other ways might computer technology be able to help us? Ray Kurzweil is authorof the successful book The Age of Intelligent Machines and is one of the world\'s best computer research scientists. He is researching the possibilities.2. Kurzweil gets computers to recognize voices. An example of this is Ramona; the virtual (虚拟的) hostess of Kurzweil\'s homepage, who is programmed to understand what you say. Visitors to the site can have their conversations with her, and Ramona also dances and sings.3. Kurzweil uses this technology to help people with physical disabilities. One of his ideas is a "seeing machine". This will be "like a friend that could describe what is going on in the visible world", he explains. Blind people will use a visual sensor(探测器) which will probably be built into a pair of sunglasses. This sensorwill describe to the person everything it sees.4. Another idea, which is likely to help deaf people, is the "listening machine". This invention will recognize millions of words and understand any speaker. The listening machine will also be able to trans late into other languages, so even people without hearing problems are likely to be interested in using it.5. But it is not just about helping people with disabilities. Looking further into the future, Kurzweil sees a time when we will be able to download our entire consciousness onto a computer. This technology probably won\'t be ready forat least 50 years, but when it arrives, it means our minds will be able to live forever.Paragraph 5 ____【单选题】

A.A new pair of eyes

B.Computers that can communicate

C.Everlasting consciousness on a computer

D.Time to break off a friendship

E.An authorand researcher

F.A new pair of ears


答案解析:本题有一定难度,没有明显的主旨句。但第五段中间的关键词汇consciousness onto a computer,选项有近义解释。本段主要是畅想未来,谈论人类的整个意识系统可能会被植入到电脑里面,这样就意味着人类思想可永远留存。C项Everlasting consciousness on a computer,“在电脑里永远留存的意识”,可以概括本段内容,答案是C。

3、Money orFriendship orBoth1. Friends and money don\'t mix. It\'s a dangerous combination since a fight over money is one of the fastest ways to end a friendship. But what if a friend asks you to tend him orher some money? If you don\'t lend your friend the money, you risk losing the friend. If you do lend your friend the money, you risk losing both the friendship and your money.2. We have to face facts, so here are some situations you might run across with your buddies (伙伴) and some helpful tips (忠告) on how to deal with them. Thinking about why this person needs to borrow in the first place. If he is always living beyond his means, it is his fault, not yours. Any Sensible person would not put himself in a position of debt so often. So simply say "no" to this friend. Even if your friend really needs that money foremergency use and you are willing to help him, before you dive into your pocket, follow this reality check: Do you have the extra money? Are you sure you don\'t need it? Are you willing to write off that amount if it\'s not returned? If your answers are negative, do yourself a favorand say "no".3. Let\'s assume you can\'t stand saying "no" to your friend because you don\'t want him living off cat food. What do you do? Write down these details on a sheet of paper before opening up your wallet:Amount of the loan.Date of the loan.Time of repayment.Amount of interest (if any).Lender\'s and borrower\'s signature.This will at least keep the borrower from forgetting the loan so easily, If your friend\'s loan is past due, it\'s important that you ask him-and it\'s actually not rude. The longer you wait, the more you are brood (忧伤), and the more your resentment builds.4. You can send him a friendly reminder via E - mail. Tell him something like "I\'m going over my bank account and I\'m just wondering when we\'ll be able to settle that money thing." E - mail saves you from an uncomfortable face - to - face confrontation. There is almost no chance of turning a bad reaction into an argument. Unlike a public conversation, an E - mail message will always be private.5. After asking two orthree times, you might have to write it off. That\'s what happens. If he just doesn\'t have the money oris unwilling, then what kind of friend is that?Paragraph 2 ____【单选题】

A.Time to Break off a Friendship

B.Unconditional Assistance to Friends in Need

C.Things to Consider When You Have to Say "No" to Your Friend

D.Things to Think over When You Don\'t Want Your Friend to Eat Cat Food

E.Strategies forBorrowing Money

F.Advantages of E - mail in Handling Money Issues


答案解析:本题难度不大,主旨句比较好确认,就是第二段的第一句,谈到我们必须面对事实,当你在某些情况下遇到你朋友跟你借钱时,下面有几条忠告来帮助你应对这种状况。换句话说第二段主要给出了如何对朋友说“不”的几条忠告。回来看选项,比较明显,C项Things to Consider When You Have to Say "No" to Your Friend,就是对本段的概括,所以答案是C。

4、What are my chances of promotion if I stay here?【单选题】







5、The police took fingerprints and identified the body.【单选题】







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