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帮考网校2021-05-05 12:54


1、The State of Marriage TodayIs there something seriously wrong with marriage today? During the past 50 years, the rate of divorce in the United States has exploded: almost 50% of marriages end in divorce now, and the evidence suggests it is going to get worse. If this trend continues, it will lead to the breakup of the family, according to a spokesperson for the National Family Association. Some futurists predict that in 100 years, the average American will marry at least four times and extramarital affairs will be even more common than they are now.But what are the reasons for this, and is the picture really so gloomy? The answer to the first question is really quite simple: marriage is no longer the necessity it once was. The institution of marriage has been based for years partly on economic need. Women used to be economically dependent on their husbands as they usually didn\'t have jobs outside the home. But with the rising number of women in well-paying jobs, this is no longer the case, so they don\'t feel that they need to stay in a failing marriage.In answer to the second question, the outlook may not be as pessimistic as it seems. While the rate of divorce has risen, the rate of couples marrying has never actually fallen very much, so marriage is still quite popular. In addition to this, many couples now cohabit and don\'t bother to marry. These couples are effectively married, but they do not appear in either the marriage or divorce statistics. In fact, more than 50% of first marriages survive. The statistics are deceptive because there is a higher number of divorces in second and third marriages than in first marriages.So is marriage really an outdated institution? The fact that most people still get married indicates that it isn\'t. And it is also true that married couples have a healthier life than single people: they suffer less from stress and its consequences, such as heart problems, and married men generally consider themselves more contented than their single counterparts. Perhaps the key is to find out what makes a successful marriage and apply it to all of our relationships!How do people usually feel in their marriage life? 【单选题】

A.They are much healthier.

B.They feel no longer single.

C.They are more satisfied.

D.They suffer a lot less.



2、DyslexiaAs many as 20% of all children in the United States suffer from some form of the learning disorder called dyslexia.Experts on dyslexia say that the problem is not disease. They say that persons with dyslexia use information in a different way. One of the world\'s great thinkers and scientists, Albert Einstein was dyslexic. Einstein said that he never thought in words the way that most people do. He said that he thought in pictures instead. The American inventor Thomas Edison was also dyslexic. Dyslexia first was recognized in Europe and the United States more than 80 year ago. Many years passed before doctors discovered that persons with the disorder were not mentally slow or disabled. The doctors found that the brains of persons with dyslexia are different. In most people, the left side of the brain, the part that controls language is larger than the right side. In persons with dyslexia, the right’ side of the brain is bigger. Doctors are not sure what causes this difference. However, research has shown that dyslexia is more common in males that in females, and it is found more often in persons who are left-handed. No one knows the cause of dyslexia, but some scientists believe that it may result from chemical changes in a baby\'s body long before it is born. They are trying to find ways to teach persons with dyslexia. Dyslexic persons think differently and need special kinds of teaching help. After they have solved their problems with language, they often show themselves to be especially intelligent or creative.Many great thinkers and scientists in the world are dyslexic.【单选题】



C.Not mentioned


答案解析:题目中的关键词为great thinkers and scientists,我们在第2段中找到答案所在句。但是通过对比发现,原文中的限制词是one of,而题目中却是many。再仔细阅读原文发现,文中仅提到爱因斯坦和爱迪生为读写困难症的患者,并未讲述除爱因斯坦和爱迪生以外的思想家和科学家的情况,因此该题的答案为C。

3、Why People Use Pseudonyms (假名字)?You can\'t choose the name you are given at birth, but in many countries you can change it legally when you reach adulthood. Of course, most people never change their names even if they feel unhappy about them. However some people do take this course of action-particularly artists! What makes an artist want to change their name? Sometimes it\'s for purely personal reasons, such as the Nobel Prize winning poet from Chile, Neftalf Reyes. He didn\'t want his father to know he was writing poetry, so he changed his name to Pablo Neruda when he was a young man. At other times the reason may appear strange, take the case of the Portuguese poet Femando Pessoa, who wrote under 75 different names. The reason? "When I use a different name, I always write in a different way," he explained. In most cases, however , people change their names for social, historical, political, or cultural reasons. Here are some of the most common: reason. The person\'s real name is just too long and difficult to remember. Let\'s be honest, Madonna Louise Ciccone is not as easy to remember as just plain Madonna. And short names are much easier to remember: William Bradley became Brad Pitt and Edson Arantes do Nascimento became Pele.Sometimes names are changed for marketing purposes. For example, if a name sounds too foreign, it may be changed to something that is more recognizable in a market. So in the film world, Ramon Estsvez adopted the name Martin Sheen. Or maybe the artist\'s real name doesn\'t sound attractive-Chad Everett does sound a lot better than Raymond Cramton.Artists sometimes ____ the name of someone they admire. Robert Zimmerman changed his name to Boo Dylan because of his admiration for the Welsh poet, Dylan Thomas.Another reason may be practical: in the past, women found it very difficult to get published. To avoid this situation, they sometimes gave themselves men\'s names, so the English author Mary Ann Evans became George Eliot, and she did get her books published!【单选题】







4、Three Ways to Become More CreativeMost people believe they don\'t have much imagination. They are wrong. Everyone has imagination, but most of us, once we become adults, forget how to access it. Creativity isn\'t always connected with great works of art or ideas. People at work and in their free time routinely think of creative ways to solve problems. Maybe you have a goal to achieve, a tricky question to answer or you just want to expand your mind! There are three techniques to help you.This technique involves taking unrelated ideas and trying to find links between them. First, think about the problem you have to solve or the job you need to do. Then find an image, word, idea or object, for example, a candle. Write down all the ideas/words associated with candles, light, fire, matches, wax, night, silence, etc. Think of as many as you can. The next stage is to relate the ideas to the job you have to do. So imagine you want to buy a friend an original present; you could buy him tickets to a match or take him out for the night. Imagine that normal limitations don\'t exist. You have as much time/space/money, etc. as you want. Think about your goal and the new possibilities. If, for example, your goal is to learn to ski (滑雪), you can now practice skiing every day of your life (because you have the time and the money). Now adapt this to reality. Maybe you can practice skiing every day in December, or every Monday in January.Look at the situation from a different point of view. Good negotiators (谈判者) use this technique in business, and so do writers. Fiction writers often imagine they are the characters in their books. They ask questions: what does this character want? Why can\'t she get it? What changes must she make to get what she wants? What does she dream about? If your goal involves other people, put yourself "in their shoes". The best fishermen think they are the fish!The second technique suggests that you just imagine ____.【单选题】

A.setting a goal is as simple as skiing

B.you have every resource to achieve your goal

C.new possibilities will soon appear

D.December and January are the best months for skiing


答案解析:本题有一定的难度,A,D两项的干扰性不强,考生都可以排除,许多考生在B,C两项犹豫不决,不知道选哪个,关键还是吃透原文,并准确归纳原文。答案依据是第三段开头:Imagine that normal limitations don\'t exist. You have as much time/space/money,最佳答案是B。

5、Migrant (移民的) WorkersIn the past twenty years, there has been an increasing tendency for workers to move from one country to another. While some countries have restricted most jobs to local people, others have attracted and welcomed migrant workers. This is particularly the case in the Middle East, where increased oil incomes have enabled many countries to call in outsiders to improve local facilities. Thus the Middle East has attracted oil workers from the USA and Europe. It has brought in workers from many countries, including South Korea and Japan.In view of the difficult living and working conditions in the Middle East, it is not surprising that the pay is high to attract suitable workers. Many engineers and technicians can earn at least twice as much money in the Middle East as they can in their own country, and this is a major attraction .Sometimes a disadvantage has a compensating (补偿的) advantage. For example, the difficult living conditions often lead to increased friendship when workers have to depend on each other for safety and comfort. In a similar way, many migrant workers can save large sums of money partly because of the lack of entertainment facilities. The work is often complex and full of problems but this merely ______ challenge to engineers who prefer to find solutions to problems rather than do routine work in their home country.One major problem which affects migrant workers in the Middle East is that their jobs are temporary ones. They are nearly always on contract, so it is not easy for them to plan ahead with great confidence. This is to be expected since no country welcomes a large number of foreign workers as permanent residents. In any case, migrant workers accept this disadvantage, along with others, because of the considerable financial benefits which they receive.【单选题】






答案解析:空格所在句子的大意是:工作往往是复杂的,问题很多,但是,这充其量是对工程师提出了挑战,而工程师们倒是愿意解决问题,而不愿意在自己的国家做一般性的工作。“对……提出挑战”用“present challenge”表达。

6、How to Interview PeopleInterviewing (采访) is one of those skills that you can only get better at. You will never again feel so ill at ease when you try it for the first time, and probably you\'ll never feel entirely comfortable trying to get from another person answers that he or she may be too shy to reveal. But at least half of the skill is mechanical. The rest is instinct, which can all be learned with experience.The basic tools for an interview are paper and two or three well-sharpened pencils. But keep your notebook or paper out of sight until you need it. There\'s nothing less likely to relax a person than the arrival of someone with a note-taking pad. Both of you need time to get to know each other. Take a while just to chat, judging what sort of person you\'re dealing with, getting him or her to trust you.Never go into an interview without doing whatever homework you can. If you are interviewing a town official, know his voting record. If it\'s an actor, know what plays he has been in. You will not be liked if you inquire about facts that you could have learned in advance. Many beginning interviewers are afraid that they are forcing the other person to answer questions and have no right to inquire about his personal secrets. ______ Unless the person really hates being interviewed, he is delighted that somebody wants to interview him. Most men and women lead lives that are uninteresting, and they grasp any chance to talk to an outsider who seems eager to listen.This doesn\'t necessarily mean that it will go well. In general you will be talking to people who have never been interviewed before, and they will get used to the process awkwardly, perhaps not giving you anything that you can use. Come back another day; it will go better. You will both even begin to enjoy it-proof that you aren\'t forcing your victim to do something he doesn\'t really want to.【单选题】

A.Come back another day; it will go better.

B.But at least half of the skill is mechanical.

C.As one philosopher interviewed in the film notes, they lack irony.

D.You will not be liked if you inquire about facts that you could have learned in advance.

E.This fear is almost 103 percent unnecessary.

F.Both of you need time to get to know each other.


答案解析:选项中this fear对应前一句中的afraid一词。

7、EducationWhen a teacher finds a way to make a real difference in the students\' lives that\'s what education is all about. Let me tell you a story. Back in 1944 we had a new student named Roger, he was the first black student in our school, and everyone had some pretty ignorant views on the subject of black people . The other kids weren\'t bad children; they were just copying their parents, and well, I\'m afraid most of their parents ____ . But as you know, when you\'re twelve years old, you\'re just starting to have your own opinions about things, and I knew this could be a very important moment in their education. I knew I could make a real difference, not only to little Roger , but to all the other kids, too, if just handled it the right way.I decided I had to try to make Roger into someone special. Not like a teacher\'s pet, I wanted the other children to start seeing him as a human being , not just a dark shape in the back of the room. So I went after him with questions in every class. He was a bright little boy, so it was easy enough for me to establish him as a smart person with real value. I was pretty pleased, because I could see Roger becoming more confident, and although the other kids were still not very friendly, at least they stopped being so nasty to him.But you know what really changed everything? One day I could see Roger\'s mind was wandering: and without thinking I threw an eraser in his direction. I only meant to get his attention, but the eraser hit his hand and sent his pencil flying. The whole class roared! And afterwards, of course, all the kids went up to Roger to laugh with him about it . That\'s how he became an individual, someone special, to talk to and make friends with and that\'s how I became "Dead - Eye Bean".【单选题】

A.was giving him a hard time

B.had some pretty ignorant views on the subject of black people

C.while they were enjoying the same class

D.not only to little Roger

E.start seeing him as a human being

F.all the kids went up to Roger to laugh with him about it



8、New Product Will Save LivesDrinking water that looks clean may still contain bugs, which can cause illness. A small company called Genera Technologies has produced a testing method in three stages, which shows whether water is safe. The new test shows if water needs chemicals added to it, to destroy anything harmful. It was invented by scientist Dr. Adrian Patton, who started Genera five years ago. He and his employees have developed the test together with a British water company.Andy Headland, Genera\'s marketing director, recently presented the test at a conference in the USA and forecast good American sales for it. Genera has already sold 11 0fits tests at $42,500 a time in the UK and has a further four on order. It expects to sell another 25 tests before the end of March. The company says it is the only test in the UK to be approved by the government.Genera was formed five years ago and until October last year had only five employees; it now employs 14. Mr. Headland believes that the company should make around $19 million by the end of the year in the UK alone.Before he set up Genera. Dr Parton had worked for a British water company.【单选题】



C.Not mentioned



9、U. S. to Start $3. 2 Billion Child Health Study in JanuaryA study that will cost $3. 2 billion and last more than two decades to track the health of100,000 U. S. children from before birth to age 21 will be launched in January, U. S. health officials said on Friday.Officials from the U. S. government\'s National Institutes of Health said they hope the study, to be conducted at 105 locations throughout the United States, can help identify early-life influences that affect later development, with the goal of learning new ways to treat or prevent illness.The study will examine hereditary and environmental factors such as exposure to certain chemicals that affect health.Researchers will collect genetic and biological samples from people in the study as well as samples from the homes of the women and their babies including air, water, dust and materials used to construct their residences, the NIH said.Officials said more than $200 million has been spent already and the study is projected to cost$3. 2 billion."We anticipate that in the long term , what we learn from the study will result in a significant savings in the nation\'s health care costs," Dr. Duane Alexander, who heads the NIH\'s Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, told reporters.The study will begin in January when the University of North Carolina and the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York start signing up pregnant women whose babies will then be followed to age 21.Some of the early findings will be about factors behind pre-term birth, which has become more common in recent years, according to Dr. Peter Scheid of the NIH, who heads the study.The people taking part will be from rural, urban and suburban areas, from all income and educational levels and from all racial groups, the NIH said.The babies of the participants will be followed____.【单选题】

A.throughout their lives.

B.for more than two decades.

C.from birth to 21 months.

D.until they get married.



10、Fermi ProblemOn a Monday morning in July, the world\'s first atom bomb exploded in the New Mexico desert, Forty seconds later, the shook waves reached the base camp where the Italian-American physicist Enrico Fezmi and his team stood. After a mental calculation, Fermi announced to his team that the bomb\'s energy had equated 10,000 tons of TNT. The bomb team was impressed, but not surprised. Fermi\'s genius was known throughout the scientific world. In 1938 he had won a Nobel Prize. Four years later he produced the first nuclear chain reaction, leading us into the nuclear age. Since Fermi\'s death in 1954, no physicist has been at once a master experimentalist and a leading theoretician.Like all virtuosos (大师), Fermi had a distinctive style. He preferred the most direct route to an answer. He was very good at dividing difficult problems into small, manageable bits talent we all can use in our daily lives.To develop this talent in his students, Fermi would suggest a type of question now known as a Fermi problem. Upon first hearing one of these, you haven\'t the remotest notion of the answer, and you feel certain that too little information had been given to solve it, Yet when the problem is broken into sub-problems, each answerable without the help of expert. s or books, you can come close to the exact solution.Suppose you want to determine Earth\'s circumference without looking it up. Everyone knows that New York and Los Angeles are about 3,000 miles apart and that the time difference between them is three hours. Three hours is one-eighth of a day, and a day is the time it takes the planet to complete one rotation, so its circumference must be eight times 3000 0r 24000 miles. This answer differs from the true value, 24,902. 45 miles, by less than four percent.Ultimately the value of dealing with everyday problems the way Fermi did lies in the rewards of making independent discoveries and inventions. It doesn\'t matter whether the discovery is as important as determining the power of an atom or as small as measuring the distance between New York and Los Angeles. Looking up the answer, or letting someone else find it deprives you of the pleasure and pride that accompany creativity, and deprives you of an experience that builds up self-confide. Thus, approaching personal dilemmas as Fermi problems can become a habit that enriches your life.Then the fourth paragraph tells us how Fermi solved the problem of earth\'s circumference without looking up.【单选题】



C.Not mentioned


答案解析:第4段是为第2段和第3段的内容提供实际例子,即Fermi problem的实际运用,并不是Fermi本人运用Fermi解决问题的方法约略推算出地球的周长。由此可见,题干的说法是错误的。

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