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帮考网校2020-05-27 16:13


1、Parkinson\'s Disease1. Parkinson\'s disease affects the way you move. It happens when there is a problem with certain nerve cells in the brain. Normally, these nerve cells make an important chemical called dopamine(多巴胺). Dopamine sends signals to the part of your brain that controls movement. It lets your muscles move smoothly and do what you want them to do. When you have Parkinson\'s, these nerve cells break down. Then you no longer have enough dopamine, and you have trouble moving the way you want to.2. No one knows for sure what makes these nerve cells break down. But scientists are doing a lot of research to look for the answer. They are studying many possible causes, including aging and poisons in the environment. Abnormal genes seem to lead to Parkinson\'s disease in some people. But so far, there is not enough proof to show that it is always inherited.3. Tremor (颤抖) may be the first symptom you notice. It is one of the most common signs of the disease, although not everyone has it. Tremor often starts in just one arm or leg or only on one side of the body. It may be worse when you are awake but not moving the affected arm or leg. It may get better when you move the limb or you are asleep. In time, Parkinson\'s affects muscles all through your body, so it can lead to problems like trouble swallowing or constipation(便秘) . In the later stages of the disease, a person with Parkinson\'s may have a fixed or blank expression, trouble speaking, and other problems. Some people also have a decrease in mental skills.4. At this time, there is no cure for Parkinson\'s disease. But there are several types of medicines that can control the symptoms and make the disease easier to live with. You may not even need treatment if your symptoms are not obvious. Your doctor may wait to prescribe medicines until your symptoms start to get in the way of your daily life. Your doctor will adjust your medicines as your symptoms get worse. You may need to take several medicines to get the best results.Paragraph 1 ______【单选题】

A.Tips for Patients with the Disease

B.Common Treatment for the Disease

C.Means of Diagnosis of the Disease

D.Typical Symptoms of the Disease

E.Possible Causes of the Disease

F.Definition of Parkinson\'s Disease


答案解析:本题有一定难度,没有明显的段落主旨句,需要较强的归纳概括能力。文章第一段主要讨论了帕金森病概念,包括其原因、表现及后期发展等,回来看选项,F项Definition of Parkinson\'s Disease,帕金森病的概念,简单概括了本段主要意思,是答案。

2、Importance of Children\'s Oral HealthFebruary is National Children\'s Dental(牙齿的) Health Month, but in children good oral(口部的) care is critical every day. The first comprehensive study on the nation\'s oral health, released recently by the Office of the U. S. Surgeon General, calls dental and oral diseases a "silent epidemic (流行病)", even in children. The report states that more than 51 million school hours are lost each year to dental - related illness. In fact, a recent study pointed to dental care as the most common unmet health need among American children.To help counter this, the American Academy of Periodontology (牙周病学) (AAP) is launching an effort to educate children and parents about the prevention of dental diseases in children."This is important because oral problems can impact self - esteem for children and lead to problems of eating, speaking and attending to learning," said Michael McGuire, president of the AAP.Common dental problems seen in children are cavities (龋洞) and gingivitis (龈炎), which are found in the majority of U. S. children. "When these problems are not caught early and treated, they can develop into more severe problems and cause unnecessary suffering," said McGuire. "However, much of the time, oral problems are avoidable problems."In the Rio Grande Valley in Texas, a group of more than 120 dentists(牙医) volunteers to deliver dental care to thousands of low - income children each year with its Mobile Dental Unit that travels from school to school."According to the Surgeon General\'s Report, about 37 percent of children have not had a dental visit before starting school," said McGuire. When children don\'t see dentists, they miss the opportunity to have problems caught early before they develop into larger, more expensive problems to treat, and parents miss the opportunity to learn how to promote good oral habits in their children.The low - income children are very grateful to the dentists.【单选题】



C.Not mentioned


答案解析:本题有一定难度,需要通读全文,吃透原文句意。主要答案依据在文章第五段:…a group of more than 120 dentists volunteers to deliver dental care to thousands of low - income children each year,谈到志愿者每年给几千个低收入家庭的孩子治疗牙病,但没有提到孩子感激志愿者的问题,因此本题未提及,答案是C。

3、Mary evidently is the most diligent student among us.【单选题】







4、Online Cancer Chat with a Safety NetCancer Research UK has launched an online chat forum for cancer patients to swap (变换) stories and share experiences on how to cope with such a devastating disease.But Cancer Chat is a forum with a difference: it has an information safety net.This means that a Cancer Research UK team will keep a watching brief to ensure that patients are not subjected to rogue (劣等的) "cancer cures" or scientifically unsound information.Anyone can have access to the messages posted on Cancer Chat, but if people wish to post a message, they will need to register.And Rebekah Gibbs, cancer patient and star of TWs Casualty, has pledged her support for the new project. "I think Cancer Chat is a brilliant idea," she said. "I have written a public diary about what I went through with breast cancer and I have had such a heart - warming response from other people going through the same thing."The idea of a Cancer Chat forum means you can share information about treatment and side effects and you can really open up about your feelings online in a way that can be difficult when talking to close friends and family. And with Cancer Research UK monitoring the forum, people can be reassured about the quality of information being exchanged.Cancer Chat will also encourage its users to check out any cancer questions on its CancerHelp UK website, which is specially designed to give patients and their families 6,000 pages of up - to - date information that is easy to understand and explains a wide range of treatments for different types of cancer and gives details of clinical trials. There is also a UK database of cancer clinical trials.The award - winning website attracts around one million visitors a month and Cancer Research UK hopes that some of these visitors will also want to post comments on the Cancer Chat forum.For those who do not have access to computers and have questions about cancer, the charity\'s team of cancer information nurses are available during office hours to talk over patients\' concerns on the phone.Which statement about the CancerHelp UK website is NOT true?【单选题】

A.It offers lots of information on cancer treatment and clinical trials.

B.It attracts numerous visitors.

C.It has won an award.

D.It is accessible only to British citizens.


答案解析:本题有一定难度,需要认真吃透原文句意,找出判断依据。认真阅读文章可以发现,选项里A,B,C三项在文中都提到了,第四段第一句,谈到任何人都可以上该论坛的网站浏览消息,Cancer Help UK是其子网站,但并没有提到只有英国公民才能登陆该网站,答案是D。

5、Mobile PhonesMobile phones should carry a label if they proved to be a dangerous source of radiation, according to Robert Bell, a scientist. And no more mobile phone transmitter towers should be build until the long-term health effects of the electromagnetic radiation they emit is scientifically evaluated, he said. "Nobody\'s going to drop dead overnight but we should be asking for more scientific information," Robert Bell said at a conference on the health effects of low-level radiation. “If mobile phones are found to be dangerous, they should carry a warning label until proper shields can be devised,” he said.A report widely circulated among the public says that up to now scientists do not really know enough to guarantee there are no ill effects on humans from electromagnetic radiation. According to Robert Bell, there are 3.3 million mobile phones in Australia alone and they are increasing by 2,000 a day. ____As well, there are 2,000 transmitter towers around Australia, many in high density residential areas. For example, Telstra, Optus and Videophone build their towers where it is geographically suitable to them and disregard the need of the community. The electromagnetic radiation emitted from these towers may have already produced some harmful effects on the health of the residents nearby.Robert Bell suggests that until more research is completed the Government should ban construction of phone towers from within a 500 metre radius of school grounds, child care centres, hospitals, sports playing fields and residential areas with a high percentage of children. He says there is emerging evidence that children absorb low-level radiation at a rate more than three times that of adults. He adds that there is also evidence that if cancer sufferers are subjected to electromagnetic waves the growth rate of the disease accelerates.Then who finances the research? According to Robert Bell, it is reasonable for the major telephone companies to fund it. Besides, he also urges the Government to set up a wide ranging inquiry in to possible health effects.【单选题】

A.He says there is emerging evidence that children absorb low-level radiation at a rate more than three times that of adults.

B.By the year 2000 it is estimated that Australia will have 9 million mobile phones: nearly one for every two people.

C.“If mobile phones are found to be dangerous, they should carry a warning label until proper shields can be devised,”he said.

D.Then who finances the research?

E.For example, Telstra, Optus and Videophone build their towers where it is geographically suitable to them and disregard the need of the community.

F.The conclusion is that mobile phones bring more harm than benefit.



6、Cancer1. Cancer is a group of many related diseases that begin in cells, the body\'s basic building blocks. The body is made up of many types of cells. Normally, cells grow and divide to produce more cells as they are needed to keep the body healthy. Sometimes, this orderly process goes wrong. New cells form when the body does not need them, and old cells do not die when they should. The extra cells form a mass of tissue called a growth or tumor(肿瘤). Benign(良性的) tumors are not cancer. They can often be removed and, in most cases, they do not come back. Malignant (恶性的) tumors are cancer. Cells in malignant tumors are abnormal and divide without control or order.2. Scientists have learned that cancer is caused by changes in genes that normally control the growth and death of cells. Certain lifestyle and environmental factors can change some normal genes into genes that allow the growth of cancer. Many gene changes that lead to cancer are the result of tobacco use, diet, exposure to ultraviolet(紫外线的) radiation from the sun, or exposure to carcinogens (致症物) in the workplace or in the environment. Some gene alterations are inherited.3. Cancer treatment can include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy(化疗), hormone therapy, and biological therapy. The doctor may use one method or a combination of methods, depending on the type and location of the cancer, whether the disease has spread, the patient\'s age and general health and other factors. Because treatment for cancer can also damage healthy cells and tissues, it often causes side effects. Patients and doctors generally discuss the treatment options, weighting the likely benefits of killing cancer cells and the risks of possible side effects.4. Having cancer does not always mean having pain. Whether a patient has pain may depend on the type of cancer, the extent of the disease and the patient\'s tolerance for pain. Most pain occurs when the cancer grows and presses against bones, organs, or nerves. Pain may also be a side effect of treatment. However, pain can generally be relieved or reduced with prescription medicines or over - the - counter drugs recommended by the doctor.Paragraph 3 ______【单选题】

A.How is cancer treated?

B.Does cancer always cause pain?

C.Can cancer be prevented?

D.What is cancer?

E.How common is cancer?

F.What causes cancer?


答案解析:本题难度也不大,段落主旨句比较明显,是文章第三段的第一句,谈到癌症治疗包括手术疗法,放射线疗法,化疗,激素疗法和生物疗法。回来看选项,A项How is cancer treated?,癌症如何治疗?简单概括了本段意思,是答案。

7、Hundreds of buildings were wrecked by the earthquake.【单选题】







8、Hurricanes1 Did you know that before 1950, hurricanes had no names? They were simply given numbers. The first names ware simply Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc. But in 1953, female names were given because of the unpredictability factor of the storms. In 1979, realizing the sexist nature of such named, the lists were expanded to include both men and women.2 Hurricanes and typhoons are the same things. If they form in the Atlantic, we call these strong storms hurricanes, from the West Indian word hurricane, meaning "big wind. " And if they are pacific storms, they are called typhoons from the Chinese taifun, meaning "great wind. " To be classified as a hurricane, the storm must have maximum winds of at least 75 mph. These storms are big, many hundreds of miles in diameter.3 Hurricanes get their power from water vapor as it gives out its stored-up energy. All water vapor gives out heat as it condenses from a gaseous state to a liquid state over fixed points on the equator. To make a hurricane, you must have extremely wet, warm air, the kind of air that can only be found in tropical regions.4 Scientists have determined that the heat given out in the process of water condensation can be as high as 95 billion kilowatts per hours. In just one day alone, the storm can produce more energy than many industrialized nations need in an entire year! The problem is that we don\'t know how to make such great energy work for us.5 Predicting the path of a hurricane is one of the most difficult tasks for forecasters, it moves at a typical speed of 15 mph. But not always. Some storms may race along at twice this speed, then suddenly stop and remain in the same location in the ocean for several days. It can be maddening if you live in a coastal area that may be hit.6 The biggest advance in early detection is continuous watch from weather satellites. With these, we can see the storms form and track them fully, from birth to death. While they can still kill people and destroy property, hurricanes will never surprise any nation again.Paragraph 5____【单选题】

A.A Short History of Naming Hurricanes

B.Harnessing the Hurricane Energy

C.Difficulty in Forecasting the Course of a Hurricane

D.Huge Energy Stored in a Hurricane

E.Forecast a Hurricane Through Satellite Watching

F.No Much Difference Between Hurricane and Typhoon


答案解析:第五段段首句Predicting the path of a hurricane is ore of the most difficult tasks for forecasters. 是主题句,点出了本段的主题。

9、When a disease of epidemic proportions rips into the populace, scientists immediately get to work, trying to locate the source of the affliction and find ways to combat it. Oftentimes, success is achieved, as medical science is able to isolate the parasite, germ or cell that causes the problem and finds ways to effectively kill or contain it. In the most serious of cases, in which the entire population of a region or country may be at grave risk, it is deemed necessary to protect the entire population through vaccination, so as to safeguard lives and ensure that the disease will not spread.The process of vaccination allows the patient\'s body to develop immunity to the virus or disease so that, if it is encountered, one can ward it off naturally. To accomplish this, a small weak or dead strain of the disease is actually injected into the patient in a controlled environment, so that his body\'s immune system can learn to fight the invader properly. Information on how to penetrate the disease\'s defenses is transmitted to all elements of the patient\'s immune system in a process that occurs naturally, in which genetic information is passed from cell to cell. This makes sure that, should the patient later come into contact with the real problem, his body is well equipped and trained to deal with it, having already done so before.There are dangers inherent in the process, however. On occasion, even the weakened version of the disease contained in the vaccine proves too much for the body to handle, resulting in the immune system succumbing, and, therefore, the patient\'s death. Such is the case of the smallpox vaccine, designed to eradicate the smallpox epidemic that nearly wiped out the entire Native American population and killed massive numbers of settlers. Approximately l in 10,000 people who receives the vaccine contract the smallpox disease from the vaccine itself and dies from it. Thus, if the entire population of the United States were to receive the Smallpox Vaccine today, 3,000 Americans would be left dead.Fortunately, the smallpox virus was considered eradicated in the early 1970\'s, ending the mandatory vaccination of all babies in America. In the event of a re-introduction of the disease, however, mandatory vaccinations may resume, resulting in more unexpected deaths from vaccination. The process, which is truly a mixed blessing, may indeed hide some hidden curses.The phrase "ward it off naturally" (Paragraph 2) most probably means____.【单选题】

A.dispose of it naturally

B.fight it off with ease

C.see to it reluctantly

D.split it up properly



10、Happy Marriage, Happy HeartHappily married people have lower blood pressure than unhappily married people or singles, a Brigham Young University study says.On the other hand, even having a supportive social network did not translate into a blood pressure benefit for singles or unhappily married people, according to the study."There seems to be some unique health benefits from marriage. It\'s not just being named that benefits health-what\'s really the most protective of health is having a happy marriage," study author Julianne Holt Lunstad, a psychologist who specializes in relationships and health, said in a prepared statement.The study included 204 married and 99 single adults who wore portable blood - pressure monitors for 24 hours. The monitors recorded blood pressure at random intervals and provided a total of about 72 readings."We wanted to capture participants\' blood pressure doing whatever they normally do in everyday life. Getting one or two readings in a clinic is not really representative of the fluctuations (波动) that occur throughout the day," Holt Lunstad said.Overall, happily married people scored four points lower on the blood pressure readings than single adults. The study also found that blood pressure among married people, especially those in happy marriages dropped more during sleep than in single people."Research has shown that people whose blood pressure remains high throughout the night are at much greater risk of heart disease than people whose blood pressure drops," Holt Lunstad said.The study was published in the March 20 issue of the journal Annals (年刊) of Behavioral Medicine.The study also found that unhappily married adults have higher blood pressure than both happily married and single adults.Holt Lunstad noted that married couples can encourage healthy habits in one ____, such as eating a healthy diet and having regular doctor visits. People in happy marriages also have a source of emotional support, she said. 【单选题】






答案解析:本题难度不大,考查固定搭配one another的用法,one another指“互相(多人以上的)”,答案是A。

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