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帮考网校2020-05-26 10:39


1、RobotsThe most sophisticated (先进的) Japanese robots, which have vision systems and work at very high speeds, are still based on American designs. Studies of robots, particularly computer control software, are considered to be generally less advanced in Japan than in America or Europe.Although industrial robots were originally developed as devices for simply handling objects, today their commonest uses are for more skilled work like welding (焊接), spray-painting and assembling components.In Britain robot sales appropriately peaked in 1984, but have been declining ever since. This is partly because British wage rates are too low to make robots financially attractive and partly because engineers now have more experience with robots and are more aware of the difficulties of introducing them effectively.It has been calculated that a robot uses on average about 100 times more energy than a human to do an equivalent job.It is estimated that 20% of all comic book heroes in Japan are robots. This is an enormous number because comics are so popular that they make up a third of all material published in Japan. The reliability of robots is measured in their MTBF or mean time between failures. This has risen from about 250 hours in the mid-1970s to about 10,000 hours today (equivalent to working 18 hours a day for two years). One way robot manufacturers have increased reliability is to test every single component they buy, instead of the normal procedure of just testing a small .sample.The biggest single benefit of introducing robots claimed by Japanese companies is that they increase quality control. One programmed robots can work more accurately and consistently than humans, who can get tired and bored.Paragraph 5 ________.【单选题】

A.Ongoing Research

B.Extension of Use

C.Robot Heroes

D.Greater Reliability

E.Falling Demand

F.Hidden Danger


答案解析:第五段共两句话,其中主题句是第一句:It is estimated that 20% of all comic book heroes in Japan are robots.(据估计,日本20%的漫画书的主人公是机器人。)选项C与其表达一致,故C为正确答案。

2、Operatunity1. Operatunity is a TV talent show for amateur opera singers, The winners get the chance to sing with the English National Opera. When two housewives, Denise Leigh and Jane Gilchrist won in 2002, their lives changed forever, As they sang Verdi\'s Rigoletto at the Coliseum (音乐厅) in Rome, they were transformed from working mothers into opera celebrities (名人).2. "I live in the village I was born in," says Denise, who is blind. "Lots of my neighbours are family, and my life is all about my three children. Jane, who worked as a cleaner and a shop assistant, was in a similar situation." She says. All I had to look forward to was seeing my four children grow up, and I love them, but ... you know there must be more things than life. Winning Operatunity has opened up avenues I never knew existed."3. "Last year was amazing," Denise continues, "Last month was Paris, before that we were recording at Abbey Road, in London, and recently we had our album launch at the Royal Opera House" "We\'ve been treated like princesses," laughs Jane, "... champagne, chocolates, five - star hotels ..."4. But it wasn\'t all so easy. For Denise, the worst part was waiting at the beginning. "After I\'d sent in my application form I worried for a month, Then I had to wait ten days after my first audition (试唱). That was awful." Even when they won the competition they were allowed to tell their close family but they weren\'t allowed to tell anyone else until later. Denise and Jane also found the travelling is difficult. They couldn’t take their children with them while they were away singing, so they had to organise childcare. However, there\'s been no problem with the physical side of singing: "We didn\'t have to worry about that as we\'ve had lots of help and wonderful voice training." says Jane. They also had to learn to deal with the media." The kids loved the fact that they could stay up and watch us on TV, but I just couldn\'t understand why some newspapers were more interested in the fact I divorced at 21, rather than the fact I had just sung at the Coliseum, says Denise.While traveling, Denise and Jane had to ask someone to ____.【单选题】


B.take care of their children

C.deal with the media

D.raise their children

E.realize their dreams

F.see the world


答案解析:本题难度不大,通读第四段,可以发现以下是关键信息:They couldnt take their children with them while they were away singing, so they had to organise childcare. 所以可以确定答案是B。

3、Sleeping GiantRight now, an eruption is brewing in Yellowstone National Park. Sometime during the next two hours, the park\'s most famous geyser, Old Faithful, will begin gurgling boiling water and steam. Then, an enormous fountain will shoot high into the air .Old Faithful is not only a spectacular sight; it\'s also a constant reminder that Yellowstone sits on one of the largest volcanoes in the world. If you\'ve never heard of Yellowstone\'s volcano, you\'re not alone. The volcano is so inconspicuous(不显眼的) that few people know it exists. Yet it has erupted three times during the last 2 million years. And one of those eruptions spewed enough volcanic ash and other debris to blanket half the United States.Yellowstone\'s volcano is sometimes called a "super volcano," or extremely large and explosive caldera volcano. Three calderas make up more than a third of Yellowstone National Park. This super volcano formed over a hot spot, an extremely hot area in Earth\'s mantle. John Valley, volcano professor, said that as the crust moves across a hot spot, the hot spot melts a. section of the plate moving over it, forming "one volcano after another. "The Yellowstone hot spot melts thick continental crust, which may cause catastrophic eruptions. According to experts the eruptions that created each of the three calderas in and around Yellowstone National Park were larger than any other volcanic eruption in recorded history. The most recent eruption, which happened 640,000 years ago, produced at least l,000 cubic kilometers of ash and debris, which blanketed most of the western half of the United States. The first Yellowstone eruption, 2 million years ago, released more than double that amount of ash and debris.Geological evidence shows Yellowstone has blown its stack every 700,000 years or so. "If nature were truly that regular and reliable, we would be clue for another eruption soon," said Valley. "However, these processes are subject to variability, so we don\'t really know when the next eruption will happen. "_____. It is the volcanic energy that powers the geysers and hot springs, creates the mountains and canyons, and generates the unique ecosystems that support Yellowstone\'s diverse wildlife.【单选题】

A.Three calderas make up more than a third of Yellowstone National Park.

B.The first Yellowstone eruption, 2 million years ago, released more than double that amount of ash and debris.

C.The volcano is so inconspicuous(不显眼的) that few people know it exists.

D.Then, an enormous fountain will shoot high into the air.

E.While the active geologist processes at Yellowstone do pose some risk to tire public, they also make it a unique treasure.

F.Yellowstone National Park attracts the interest of geologists the world over.



4、Travel Across AfricaFor six hours we shot through the barren (荒芜的) landscape of the Karoo desert in South Africa. Just rocks and sand and baking sun. Knowing our journey was ending, Daniel and I just wanted to remember all we had seen and done. He used a camera. I used words. I had already finished three notebooks and was into the fourth, a beautiful leather notebook I\'d bought in a market in Mozambique.Southern Africa was full of stories and visions. We were almost drunk on sensations. The roaring (咆哮) of the water at Victoria Falls, the impossible silence of the Okavango Delta in Botswana.And then the other things, dogs in the streets, whole families in Soweto livng in one room, a kilometre from clean water.As we drove towards the setting sun, a quietness fell over us. The road was empty and we hadn\'t seen another car for hours. And as I drove, something caught my eye. Something moved close enough to touch them, to smell their hot breath. I didn\'t know how long they had been there next to us.I shouted to Dan: "Look!" But he was in a deep sleep, his camera lying useless by his feet. They raced the car for a few seconds, then disappeared far behind us, a memory of heroic forms in the red landscape. When Daniel woke up an hour later I told him what had happened."Wild horses?" he said. "Why didn\'t you wake me up, Sophia?""I tried, but they were gone after a few seconds.""Are you sure you didn\'t dream it?""You were the one who was sleeping!""Typical," he said, "The best photos are the ones we never take."We checked into a dusty hotel and slept the sleep of the dead.Sophia woke Daniel up so that he could take photos of the horses.【单选题】



C.Not mentioned


答案解析:本题难度也不大,认真阅读文章最后部分也不难找到答案。答案依据是: When Daniel woke up an hour later I told him what had happened. "Wild horses?" he said: "Why didn\'t you wake me up, Sophia?" "I tried. But they were gone after a few seconds."

5、Nowadays, we can purchase things on-line.【单选题】







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