




How to price options?

帮考网校2020-10-13 17:59:40
As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide you with some information on how options are priced.

Options are priced using a mathematical model called the Black-Scholes model. This model takes into account the current price of the underlying asset, the strike price of the option, the time until expiration, the volatility of the underlying asset, and the risk-free interest rate.

The Black-Scholes model calculates the theoretical fair value of an option, which is the price that the option should be trading at in a perfectly efficient market. However, actual market prices may differ from the theoretical fair value due to factors such as market sentiment and supply and demand.

In practice, options are priced based on the bid and ask prices in the market, which are determined by buyers and sellers based on their own assessments of the value of the option. Traders and investors use various strategies to try to profit from discrepancies between the theoretical fair value and the market price of options.


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