




2017公共英语考试二级 2017公共英语考试二级
changsuanke1回答 · 7587人浏览7587人浏览 · 0 收藏
帮考网答疑老师 资深老师 04-25 TA获得超过687个赞 2023-04-25 19:12

1. A) The woman is not interested in the concert.
B) The man is surprised at the woman's reaction.
C) The woman has already bought a ticket for the concert.
D) The man is going to buy a ticket for the woman.

2. A) He is not sure about the time of the meeting.
B) He is going to attend the meeting.
C) He has already attended the meeting.
D) He is going to arrange a meeting.

3. A) The woman is going to visit the man's office.
B) The man is going to meet the woman at the airport.
C) The woman is going to meet the man at the hotel.
D) The man is going to pick up the woman at the airport.

4. A) The man is going to buy a new car.
B) The woman is going to lend the man some money.
C) The man is going to lend the woman some money.
D) The woman is going to buy a new car.

5. A) The woman is not interested in the book.
B) The man has read the book before.
C) The woman has read the book before.
D) The man is going to buy the book for the woman.

6. A) The woman is going to buy a present for her sister.
B) The woman is going to buy a present for her friend.
C) The woman is going to buy a present for her brother.
D) The woman is going to buy a present for her mother.

7. A) The man is going to visit the woman's hometown.
B) The woman is going to visit the man's hometown.
C) The man is going to tell the woman about his hometown.
D) The woman is going to tell the man about her hometown.

8. A) The woman is going to take a vacation.
B) The man is going to take a vacation.
C) The woman has already taken a vacation.
D) The man has already taken a vacation.

9. A) The man is going to buy a new computer.
B) The woman is going to buy a new computer.
C) The man is going to fix his computer.
D) The woman is going to fix her computer.

10. A) The woman is going to give a lecture.
B) The man is going to attend a lecture.
C) The woman is going to listen to a lecture.
D) The man is going to give a lecture.


1. M: Have you heard about the concert next week?
W: Yes, I have. But I'm not really interested in going.
Q: What does the woman mean?

2. M: When is the meeting going to be held?
W: It's going to start at 2:00 p.m. this afternoon.
Q: What does the man want to know?

3. M: Hi, Sarah. Are you arriving at the airport tomorrow?
W: Yes, I am. I'll be there at 10:00 a.m. Could you pick me up?
Q: What are they talking about?

4. M: I need to buy a new car, but I don't have enough money.
W: I can lend you some money if you need it.
Q: What does the woman mean?

5. M: Have you read this book before?
W: No, I haven't. Is it good?
Q: What does the woman mean?

6. M: What are you going to buy for your sister's birthday?
W: I'm not sure yet. Maybe a new dress or a piece of jewelry.
Q: What is the woman going to buy?

7. M: I've never been to your hometown. What's it like?
W: It's a small town with a lot of greenery and fresh air.
Q: What are they talking about?

8. M: I'm planning to take a vacation next month.
W: That's a good idea. Where are you going to go?
Q: What are they talking about?

9. M: My computer is not working properly. I think I need to buy a new one.
W: Don't worry. I can fix it for you.
Q: What does the woman mean?

10. M: Are you going to give a lecture on the history of China?
W: Yes, I am. It's going to be very interesting.
Q: What are they talking about?

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