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帮考网校2020-04-04 17:36


1、Driving after drinking
The legal limit for driving after drinking alcohol is 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood, when tested. But there is no sure way of telling how much you can drink before you reach this limit. It varies with each person depending on your weight, your sex, what you've just eaten and what sort of drinks you've had. Some people might reach their limit after only about three standard drinks.
In fact, your driving ability can be affected by just one or two drinks. Even if you're below the legal limit, you could still be taken to court if a police officer thinks your driving has been affected by alcohol.
It takes about an hour for the body to get rid of the alcohol in one standard drink. So, if you have a heavy drinking in the evening you might find that your driving ability is still affected the next morning, or you could even find that you're still over the legal limit. In addition, if you've had a few drinks at lunchtime, another one or two drinks in the early evening may well put you over the legal limit.
In a test with professional drivers, the more alcoholic drinks they had had, the more certain they were that they could drive a test course through a set of movable posts…and the less able they were to do it! So the only way to be sure you're safe is not to drink at all.
Alcohol is a major cause of road traffic accidents. One in three of the drivers killed in road accidents have levels of alcohol which are over the legal limit, and road accidents after drinking are the biggest cause of death among young men. More than half of the people stopped by the police to take a breath test have a blood alcohol concentration of more than twice the legal limit.
It is important to remember that driving after you've been drinking doesn't just affect you. If you're involved in an accident it affects a lot of other people as well, not least the person you might kill or injure.
Alcohol is the major cause of traffic accidents because____.【单选题】

A.more than 30% road casualties are drink drivers

B.drinking affects people's mind and emotion

C.about one-third drivers are used to drinking

D.young drivers are familiar among traffic victims


答案解析:细节考查题。题干考查的是为什么酒精是交通事故的主要原因。文中多处提到喝酒会影响“driving ability”,故正确答案为B,其他三个选项并非题干的原因。

2、Musical Training Can Improve Communication Skills
American scientists say musical training seems to improve communication skills and language retardation. They found that developing musical skills involves the same process in the brain as learning how to speak. The scientists believe that could help children with learning disabilities.
Nina Kraus is a neurobiologist at Northwestern University in Illinois. She says musical training involves putting together different kinds of information, such as hearing music, looking at musical notes, touching an instrument and watching other musicians. This process is not much different from learning how to speak. Both involve different senses.
She further explains musical training and learning to speak each make us think about what we are doing. She says speech and music pass through a structure of the nervous system called the brain stem. The brain stem controls our ability to hear. Until recently, experts have thought the brain stem could not be developed or changed. But Professor Kranss and her team found that musical training can improve a person's brain stem activity.
The study involved individuals with different levels of musical ability. They were asked to wear an electrical device that measures brain activity. The individuals wore the electrode while they watched a video of someone speaking and a person playing a musical instrument ---- the cello.
Professor Krauss says cellos have sound qualities similar to some of the sounds that are important with speech. The study found that the more years of training people had, the more sensitive they were to the sound and rhythm of the music. Those who were involved in musical activities were the same people in whom the improvement of sensory events was the strongest. ____ She says using music to improve listening skills could mean they hear sentences and understand facial expressions better.

A.Both involve different senses.

B.Nina Kraus is a neurobiologist at Northwestern University in Illinois.

C.Some disabled children attended the musical training Class.

D.It shows the importance of musical training to children with learning disabilities.

E.Professor Krauss says cellos have sound qualities similar to some of the sounds that are important with speech.

F.The brain stem controls our ability to hear.










4、The Iceman
On a September day in 1991, two Germans were climbing the mountains between Austria and Italy. High up on a mountain pass, they found the body of a man lying on the ice. At that height (10,499 feet, or 3 ,200 meters) , the ice is usually permanent, but 1991 had been an especially warm year. The mountain ice had melted more than usual and so the body had come to the surface.
It was lying face downward. The skeleton (骨架) was in perfect condition, except for a wound in the head, There was still skin on the bones and the remains of some clothes. The hands were still holding the wooden handle of an ax and on the feet there were very simple leather and cloth hoots. Nearby was a pair of gloves made of tree bark (树皮) and a holder for arrows.
Who was this man? How and when had he died? Everybody had a different answer to these questions. Some people thought that it was from this century, perhaps the body of a soldier who died in World War I, since several soldiers had already been found in the area. A Swiss woman believed it might be her father, who had died in those mountains twenty years before and whose body had never been found. The scientists who rushed to look at the body thought it was probably much older, maybe even a thousand years old.
With modern dating techniques, the scientists soon learned that the Iceman was about 5,300 years old. Born in about 3300 B. C. , he lived during the Bronze Age in Europe. At first scientists thought he was probably a hunter who had died from an accident in the high mountains. More recent evidence, however, tells a different story, A new kind of X - ray shows an arrowhead still stuck in his shoulder. It left only a tiny hole in his skin, but it caused internal damage and bleeding. He almost certainly died from this wound, and not from the wound on the back of his head. This means that he was probably in some kind of a battle. It may have been part of a larger war, or he may have been fighting bandits. He may even have been a bandit himself.
By studying his clothes and tools, scientists have already learned a great deal from the Iceman about the times he lived in. We may never know the full story of how he died, but he has given us important clues to the history of those distant times.
All the following are assumptions once made about the Iceman EXCEPT ______.【单选题】

A.he was a soldier in World War I

B.he was a Swiss woman's long - lost father

C.he was born about a thousand years ago

D.he came from Italy



5、Nurse ! I Want My Mummy
When a child is ill in hospital, a parent's first reaction is to be with them.
Most hospitals now allow parents to sleep overnight with their child, providing a bed or so far on the ward.
But until the 1970s this practice was not only frowned upon, it was actively discouraged. Staff worried that the children were ____ when their parents left, and so there was a blanket ban.
A concerned nurse, Pamela Hawthorn, disagreed and her study "Nurse! I want my mummy" published in 1974 , changed the face of paediatric nursing.
Martin Johnson, a professor of nursing at the University of Salford, said that the work of nurses like Pamela had changed the face of patient care.
"Pamela's study was done against the background of a lively debate in paediatrics and psychology as to the degree women should spend with children in the outside world and the degree to which they should be allowed to visit children in hospital. "
"The idea was that if mum came to visit a small child in hospital the child would be upset and inconsolable for hours. "
"Yet the nurse noticed that if mum did not come at all the child stayed in a relatively stable state but they might be depressed. "
"Of course we know now that they had almost given up hope that mum was eve coming back. "
"To avoid a little bit of pain they said that no one should visit. "
"But children were alone and depressed so Hawthorn said parents should be allowed to visit. "
"Dr Peter Carter, chief executive and general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing, said her work had been seminal. "
"Her research put an end to the days when parents handed their children over to strangers at the door of the hospital ward. "
"As a result of her work, parents and careers are now recognized as partners and are afforded the opportunity to stay with their children whilst they are in hospital, which has dramatically improved both parents' and children's experience of care. "







6、Online Cancer Chat with a Safety Net
Cancer Research UK has launched an online chat forum for cancer patients to swap (变换) stories and share experiences on how to cope with such a devastating disease.
But Cancer Chat is a forum with a difference: it has an information safety net.
This means that a Cancer Research UK team will keep a watching brief to ensure that patients are not subjected to rogue (劣等的) "cancer cures" or scientifically unsound information.
Anyone can have access to the messages posted on Cancer Chat, but if people wish to post a message, they will need to register.
And Rebekah Gibbs, cancer patient and star of TWs Casualty, has pledged her support for the new project. "I think Cancer Chat is a brilliant idea," she said. "I have written a public diary about what I went through with breast cancer and I have had such a heart - warming response from other people going through the same thing."
The idea of a Cancer Chat forum means you can share information about treatment and side effects and you can really open up about your feelings online in a way that can be difficult when talking to close friends and family. And with Cancer Research UK monitoring the forum, people can be reassured about the quality of information being exchanged.
Cancer Chat will also encourage its users to check out any cancer questions on its CancerHelp UK website, which is specially designed to give patients and their families 6,000 pages of up - to - date information that is easy to understand and explains a wide range of treatments for different types of cancer and gives details of clinical trials. There is also a UK database of cancer clinical trials.
The award - winning website attracts around one million visitors a month and Cancer Research UK hopes that some of these visitors will also want to post comments on the Cancer Chat forum.
For those who do not have access to computers and have questions about cancer, the charity's team of cancer information nurses are available during office hours to talk over patients' concerns on the phone.
Which is true of the messages posted on Cancer Chat? ______【单选题】

A.They are available to all visitors.

B.Their writers get paid for them.

C.They are only about cancer treatments.

D.Their writers don't have to register.



7、Nurse ! I Want My Mummy
When a child is ill in hospital, a parent's first reaction is to be with them.
Most hospitals now allow parents to sleep ____ with their child, providing a bed or so far on the ward.
But until the 1970s this practice was not only frowned upon, it was actively discouraged. Staff worried that the children were upset when their parents left, and so there was a blanket ban.
A concerned nurse, Pamela Hawthorn, disagreed and her study "Nurse! I want my mummy" published in 1974 , changed the face of paediatric nursing.
Martin Johnson, a professor of nursing at the University of Salford, said that the work of nurses like Pamela had changed the face of patient care.
"Pamela's study was done against the background of a lively debate in paediatrics and psychology as to the degree women should spend with children in the outside world and the degree to which they should be allowed to visit children in hospital. "
"The idea was that if mum came to visit a small child in hospital the child would be upset and inconsolable for hours. "
"Yet the nurse noticed that if mum did not come at all the child stayed in a relatively stable state but they might be depressed. "
"Of course we know now that they had almost given up hope that mum was eve coming back. "
"To avoid a little bit of pain they said that no one should visit. "
"But children were alone and depressed so Hawthorn said parents should be allowed to visit. "
"Dr Peter Carter, chief executive and general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing, said her work had been seminal. "
"Her research put an end to the days when parents handed their children over to strangers at the door of the hospital ward. "
"As a result of her work, parents and careers are now recognized as partners and are afforded the opportunity to stay with their children whilst they are in hospital, which has dramatically improved both parents' and children's experience of care. "







8、These paintings are considered by many to be authentic.【单选题】







9、Gunpowder was used extensively in firearms prior t0 1990.【单选题】






答案解析:prior to:在……之前,与before意思相同;in: (表示时间)在……期间;around:大约;from:从……起。

10、The Value of Motherhood
In shopping malls, the assistants try to push you into buying "a gift to thank her for her unselfish love". When you log onto a website, a small pop-up invites you to book a bouquet for her. Commercial warmth and gratitude are the atmosphere being spread around for this special Sunday in May.
The American version of Mother's Day was thought up as early as 1905, by Anna Jarvis, as a way of recognizing the real value of motherhood. The popularity of Mother's Day around the world suggests that Jarvis got all she wanted. In fact, she got more enough to make her horrified.
According to a research by the US card company Hallmark, 96 percent of American consumers celebrate the holiday. They buy, among other things, 132 million cards. Mother's Day is the No. 1 holiday for flower purchases. Then there are the various commodities, ranging from jewelry and clothes to cosmetics and washing powder that take advantage of the promotion opportunities. Because of this, Jarvis spent the last 40 years of her life trying to stop Mother's Day. One protest against the commercialization of Mother's Day even got her arrested for disturbing the peace, interestingly.
____. As Ralph Fevre, a reporter at the UK newspaper The Guardian, observe, traditionally "motherhood is something that we do because we think it's right." But in the logic of commercialism, people need something in exchange for their time and energy. A career serves this purpose better.
being encouraged to pursue any career they desire. So they work hard and play hard. Becoming a mother, however, inevitably handicaps career anticipation.
motherhood has suffered a huge drop in status since the 1950s. According to the Guardian, there are twice as many child-free young women as there were a generation ago. Or, they put off the responsibility of parenting until later in their lives.
So, Fevre writes that the meaning of celebrating Mother's Day needs to be updated: "It is to persuade people that parenting is a good idea and to honor people for their attempt to be good people."

A.The American version of Mother's Day was thought up as early as 1905, by Anna Jarvis, as a way of recognizing the real value of motherhood.

B.But what's more, commercialism changes young people's attitude towards motherhood.

C.Obviously, the best girl will be a phone call or a visit.

D.According to a research by the US card company Hallmark, 96 percent of American consumers celebrate the holiday.

E.As a result, motherhood has suffered a huge drop in status since the 1950s.

F.In addition, women are being encouraged to pursue any career they desire.


答案解析:第三段的主要内容是进一步讲述表现在母亲节中的商业主义以及人们抗议母亲节中的商业主义,包括Anna Jarvis个人所做的努力。从内容上看,第四段是讲由于商业主义的影响人们对母性,也即为母之道发生了变化。选项B是合适的,它是该段的主题句。

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