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帮考网校2020-03-01 15:25


1、Light Night, Dark Stars
Thousands of people around the globe step outside to gaze at their night sky. On a clear night, with no clouds, moonlight, or artificial lights to block the view, people can see more than 14,000 stars in the sky, says Dennis Ward, an astronomer(天文学家) with the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research( UCAR) in Boulder, Colo. But when people are surrounded by city lights, he says, they're lucky to see 150 stars.
If you've ever driven toward a big city at night and seen its glow from a great distance, you've witnessed light pollution. It occurs when light from streetlights, office buildings, signs, and other sources streams into space and illuminates (照亮) the night sky. This haze (朦胧) of light makes many stars invisible to people on Earth. Even at night, big cities like New York glow from light pollution, making stargazing difficult.
Dust and particles of pollution factories and industries worsen the effects of light pollution. "If one city has a lot more light pollution than another," Ward says, "that city will suffer the effects of light pollution on a much greater scale."
Hazy skies also make it far more difficult for astronomers to do their jobs.
Cities are getting larger. Suburbs are growing in once dark, rural areas. Light from all this new development is increasingly obscuring (使变模糊) the faint (微弱的) light give off by distant stars. And if scientists can't locate these objects, they can't learn more about them.
Light pollution doesn't only affect star visibility. It can harm wild life too. It's clear that artificial light can attract animals, making them go off course. There's increasing evidence, for example, that migrating (迁徙) birds use sunsets and sunrises to help find their way, says Sydney Gauthreaux Jr. , a scientist at Clemson University in South Carolina, "When light occurs at night," he says, "it has a very disruptive (破坏性的) influence." Sometimes birds fly into lighted towers, high - rises, and cables from radio and television towers. Experts estimate that millions of birds die this way every year.
The title "Light Night, Dark Stars" means ______.【单选题】

A.the night sky is brightly lit up and stars are black

B.lights appear at night and stars are seen in the dark

C.city lights at night illuminate stars in the sky

D.city lights illuminate the night sky, making stars invisible



2、An Intelligent Car
Driving needs sharp eyes, keen ears, quick brain, and coordination between hands and the brain. Many human drivers have all. these and can control a fast-moving car. But how does an intelligent car control itself ?
There is a virtual driver in the smart car. This virtual driver has "eyes," "brains", "hands" and "feet", too. The mini-cameras on each side of the car are his "eyes," which observe the road and conditions ahead of it. They watch the traffic to the car's left and right. There is also a highly automatic driving system in the car. It is the built-in computer, which is the virtual driver's "brain". His "brain" calculates the speeds of other moving cars near it and analyzes their positions. Basing on this information, it chooses the right line for the intelligent cars, and gives ______ to the "hands" and "feets" to act accordingly. In this way, the virtual driver controls his car.
What is the virtual driver's best advantage? He reacts rapidly. The mini-cameras are sending images continuously to the "brain". It completes the processing of the images within 100 milliseconds. However, the world's best driver at least needs one second to react. Besides, when he takes action, he needs one more second.
The virtual driver is really wonderful. He can reduce the accident rate. considerably on expressway. In this case, can we let him have the wheel at any time and in any place? Experts warn that we cannot do that just yet. His ability to recognize things is still limited. He can now only drive an intelligent car on expressways.







3、Breastfeeding Can Cut Cardiovascular Risk
Breastfeeding can reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke later in life and could prevent hundreds of thousands of deaths each year, researchers said on Friday.
Babies who are breastfed have fewer childhood infections and allergies and are less prone to obesity. British scientists have now shown that breastfeeding and slow growth in the first weeks and months of life has a protective effect against cardiovascular disease.
"Diets that promote more rapid growth put babies at risk many years later in terms of raising their blood pressure, raising their cholesterol and increasing their tendency to diabetes and obesity-the four main risk factors for stroke and heart attack." said Professor Alan Lucas of the Institute of Child Health in London.
"Our evidence suggests that the reason why breast-fed babies do better is because they grow more slowly in the early weeks."
Lucas said the effects of breastfeeding on blood pressure and cholesterol later in life are greater than anything adults can do to control the risk factors for cardiovascular disease, other than taking drugs.
An estimated 17 million people die of cardiovascular disease, particularly heart attack and strokes, each year, according to the World Health Organization.
Lucas and his colleagues compared the health of 216 teenagers who as babies had either been breastfed or given different nutritional baby formulas' They reported their findings in The Lancet medical journal.
The teenagers who had been ______ had a 14 percent lower ratio of bad to good cholesterol and lower concentrations of a protein that is a marker for cardiovascular disease risk.
The researchers also found that regardless of the child's weight at birth, the faster the infants grew in the early weeks and months of life, the greater was their later risk of heart disease and stroke. The effect was the same for both boys and girls.
"The more human milk you have in the newborn period, the lower your cholesterol level is, the lower your blood pressure is 16 years later, "Lucas said.







4、Waving With Light
In the Sierra Madre mountain range of west central Mexico, the native Huichol people live much the way their ancestors did without electricity. That's because it's too expensive to string power lines to the remote mountain areas where they live. To help support themselves, the Huichol create beautiful artwork. They sell their art in cities hundreds of miles away from their villages. And without electricity at home or on the road, they can only work during daylight hours. When it gets dark, they must stop whatever they're doing.
Now, a team of scientists, designers, and architects are using new technologies to provide the Huichol with light after the sun sets. The scientists' technique involves weaving tiny electronic crystals into fabrics that can be made into clothes, bags, or other items.
By collecting the sun's energy during the day, these lightweight fabrics provide bright white light at night. Their inventors have named the fabrics "Portable Lights." Portable Lights have the potential to transform the lives of people without electricity around the world, says project leader Sheila Kennedy.
"Our invention," Kennedy says, "came from seeing how we could transform technology we saw every day in the United States and move it into new markets for people who didn't have a lot of money."
At the core of Portable Light technology are devices called high-brightness light-emitting diodes, or HB LEDs. These tiny lights appear in digital clocks, televisions, and streetlights. LEDs are completely different from the light bulbs. Most of those glass bulbs belong to a type called incandescent lights. Inside, electricity heats a metal coil to about 2,200 degrees Celsius. At that temperature, bulbs give of flight we can see.
Ninety percent of energy produced by incandescent lights, however, is heat and invisible. With all that wasted energy, bulbs burn out quickly. They are also easily broken.
LEDs, on the other hand, are like tiny pieces of rock made up of molecules that are arranged in a crystal structure. When an electric current passes through an LED, the crystal structure produces light. Unlike incandescent bulbs, they can produce light of various colors. Within an LED, the type of molecules and their particular arrangement determines what color is produced.
Why can Portable Lights emit light?

A.Electronic crystals are woven into fabrics.

B.Items such as clothes and bags are used to carry lights.

C.The sun's energy is collected during the day.

D.All of the above.



5、Meet Your Memory
Memory is something that cannot be seen, touched or weighed. It is thought to be abstract. It is a set of skills rather than an object. Neither is there a single standard for judging a good or poor memory. There are a number of different ways in which a person may have a "good" memory.
Memory is generally viewed as consisting of three stages: (1) acquisition refers to learning the material; (2) storage refers to keeping the material in the blain until it is needed; and (3) retrieval (提取) refers to getting the material back out when it is needed.
Memory consists of at least two different processes: short-term memory and long-term memory. Short-term memory has a limited capacity and a rapid forgetting rate. Its capacity can be increased by chunking (组成大块), or grouping separate bits of information into larger chunks. Long-term memory has an almost unlimited capacity.
One measure of memory is recall, which requires you to produce information by searching the memory for it. In aided recall, you are given cues (提示) to help you produce the information. In free-recall learning, you recall the material in any order; in serial learning, you recall it in the order it was presented; and in paired-associate learning, you learn pairs of words so that when the first word is given, you can recall the second word. A second measure of memory is recognition in which you do not have to produce the information from memory, but must be able to identify it when it is presented to you. In a third measure of memory, relearning, the difference between how long it took to learn the material the first time and how long it takes to learn it again indicates how much you remember. Relearning is generally a more sensitive measure of memory than is recognition because relearning shows retention (保持) while recognition does not. Recognition is generally a more sensitive measure than recall.
Long-term memory has an almost unlimited capacity and a ______.

A.short-term memory





F.slow forgetting rate


答案解析:根据题干线索词Long-term memory定位原文至第三段最后一句:Long-term memory has an almost unlimited capacity. 该句是从储存容量方面与short-term memory(短时记忆)做比较。此外,还从储存时间与其做比较,例如前面提到Short-term memory has...a rapid forgetting rate,由此推断,相比较而言,长时记忆的储存时间会比较长,即遗忘速率比较慢。F选项slow forgetting rate与其意思相符,故F为正确答案。

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