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帮考网校2022-01-30 16:17


1、A Country\'s Standard of LivingThe "standard of living" of any country means the average person\'s share of the goods and services the country produces. A country\'s standard of living, therefore, depends first on its capacity to produce wealth. "Wealth" in this sense is not money, forwe do not live on money but on things that money can buy: "goods such as food and clothing", and "services" such as transport and entertainment.A country\'s capacity to produce wealth depends upon many factors most of which have an effect on one another. Wealth depends to a great extent upon a country\'s natural resources. Some region of the world are well supplied with coal and minerals, and have fertile (肥沃的) soil and a favorable climate, other regions possess none of them.Next to natural resources comes the ability to turn them to use, China is perhaps as rich as the USA in natural resources, but suffered formany years from civil and external wars, Forthis and other reasons it was unable to develop her resources. Sound and stable political conditions, and freedom from foreign invasions, enable a country to develop its natural resources peacefully and steadily, to produce more ____ than other country.A country\'s standard of living does not only depend upon the wealth that is produced and consumed within its own borders, but also upon what is directly produced through international trade. Forexample, Britain\'s wealth in foodstuffs and other agricultural products would be much less if she had to depend only on those grown at home. Trade makes it possible forher surplus (剩余的) manufactured goods to be traded abroad forthe agricultural products which would otherwise be lacking. A country\'s wealth is, therefore, much influenced by its manufacturing capacity, providing that other countries can be found ready to accept its manufactures.【单选题】







2、Travel Across AfricaForsix hours we shot through the barren (荒芜的) landscape of the Karoo desert in South Africa. Just rocks and sand and baking sun. Knowing our journey was ending, Daniel and I just wanted to remember all we had seen and done. He used a camera. I used words. I had already finished three notebooks and was into the fourth, a beautiful leather notebook I\'d bought in a market in Mozambique.Southern Africa was full of stories and visions. We were almost drunk on sensations. The roaring (咆哮) of the water at Victoria Falls, the impossible silence of the Okavango Delta in Botswana.and then the other things, dogs in the streets, whole families in Soweto livng in one room, a kilometre from clean water.As we drove towards the setting sun, a quietness fell over us. The road was empty and we hadn\'t seen another car forhours. and as I drove, something caught my eye. Something moved close enough to touch them, to smell their hot breath. I didn\'t know how long they had been there next to us.I shouted to Dan: "Look!" But he was in a deep sleep, his camera lying useless by his feet. They raced the car fora few seconds, then disappeared far behind us, a memory of heroic forms in the red landscape. When Daniel woke up an hour later I told him what had happened."Wild horses?" he said. "Why didn\'t you wake me up, Sophia?""I tried, but they were gone after a few seconds.""Are you sure you didn\'t dream it?""You were the one who was sleeping!""Typical," he said, "The best photos are the ones we never take."We checked into a dusty hotel and slept the sleep of the dead.Daniel and Sophia drove slowly through the barren desert.【单选题】



C.Not mentioned


答案解析:本题较难,有相当数量考生做错了。本题的关键词和信号词是shot through,和barren,好多考生没有认真体会shoot的引申意思,shoot除了有“射击,拍摄”等意思外,还有一个引申意思“飞驰,飞快移动”,该题的一个出题点是确认代词we在文章中的指代意义,另一个出题点是理解单词shot在文章中的意义。考生要注意重点研究。

3、Why Is the Native Language Learnt So Well?How does it happen that children learn their mother tongue so well? When we compare them with adults learning a foreign language, we often find this interesting fact. A little child without knowledge orexperience often succeeds in a complete mastery of the language. A grown-up person with fully developed mental powers, in most case, may end up with a faulty and inexact command. What accounts forthis difference?Despite other explanations, the real answer in my opinion lies partly in the child himself, partly in the behaviorof the people around him. In the first place, the time of learning the mother tongue is the most favorable of all, namely, the first years of life. A child hears it spoken from morning till night and, what is more important, always in its genuine form, with the right pronunciation, right intonation, and right use of words and right structure. He drinks in all the words and expressions, which come to him in a flash, ever-bubbling spring. There is no resistance: there is perfect assimilation.Then the child has, as it were, private lessons all the year round, while an adult language-student has each week a limited number of hours, which he generally shares with others. The child has another advantage: he hears the language in all possible situations, always accompanied by the right kind of gestures and facial expressions. Here there is nothing unnatural, such as is often found in language lessons in schools, when one talks about ice and snow in June orscorching heat in January. and what a child hears is generally what immediately interests him. Again and again, when his attempts at speech are successful, his desires are understood and fulfilled.Finally, though a child\'s "teachers" may not have been trained in language teaching, their relations with him are always close and personal. They take great pains to make their lessons easy.Adults’knowledge and mental powers hinder their complete mastery of a foreign language.【单选题】



C.Not mentioned


答案解析:题干大意:成年人的知识和智力阻碍了他们对外语的掌握。该问题也是考查考生对事实的判断。利用答案线索词mental powers,我们可以很快在第一段第四句中发现mental powers。该句句意是:智力得到充分发育的成年人,在大多数情况下,对外语掌握得不好。但原文中并没提到“成年人掌握不好外语的原因”,所以可以判断文中没有提到与题干相关的内容。

4、His long - term goal is to setup his own business.【单选题】







5、A New Doctors\' DilemmaWhen Christian Barnard, a South African doctor, performed the first human heart transplant in1967, the result was a worldwide moral debate on the ethics of transplanting organs. Hearts were not the first human organs to be transplanted but, in this case, if a donorgave his orher heart, he orshe would obviously and necessarily die (orbe dead). Kidney transplants, which were already quite common in 1967, often involved the transfer of a single kidney from a close living relative. The chances of survival of the donorwere somewhat diminished because he now had only one kidney and if that kidney were affected by disease, he would not have a healthy kidney in reserve. Nevertheless, the donorwould certainly not necessarily die.Undoubtedly, another reason why the first heart transplant was so controversial was the fact that we associate so many personality traits with the heart. Questions were asked of the type: "If a person had a different heart, would he still be the same person?", or"If doctors needed a dying person\'s heart, would they tend to declare him dead prematurely?", and so on.Today, not only hearts and kidneys, but also such extremely delicate organs as lungs and livers, are transplanted. These developments have led to a far higher orproportion of successful operations and this, in turn, has led to greater demand fortransplants. At the same time, many of the original moral questions surrounding heart transplants have been almost forgotten.However, as a result of the heavy demand fororgans, a new moral dilemma has emerged. Forexample, in the United States there are many people who would survive iflungs were available fortransplanting. In fact, about 80% of them die before a suitable donoris found. In these circumstances who would decide if a donorwere found whose lungs were equally suitable fortwo potential recipients?This problem is made worse by the fact that many patients, ortheir families, become desperate to find a donor. Some succeed in publicizing their situation in newspapers, to politicians oron television. Sometimes, as a result, suitable donors are found. But what would happen if another patient needed the organ more than the one who got the publicity? Who would decide if the other patient should get the organ? Would it be the doctors? orthe donor? orthe family who got the publicity? If such a dilemma developed it would be very difficult to resolve and it would be a matter of life ordeath to the patients involved.Why was the first heart transplant controversial?【单选题】

A.Because it was not so successful as people had thought.

B.Because some people argued it was not moral to do so.

C.Because the recipient died on the operation table.

D.Because it was the most difficult operation ever known.


答案解析:由第1段可知,全球范围的moral debate是因为捐者一定会死的。这不同于肾脏移植,因此违背道德。

6、The love of money is the root of all evil.【单选题】







7、Mr. Stephen used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, but now he has decreased to ha【单选题】

A.cut off

B.cut in

C.cut down

D.cut across


答案解析:decrease:减少,和cut down(削减、减少)同义;cut off:(突然)中止、切断;cut in:插话、插入,其后通常跟介词on: cut across:抄近路穿过。

8、Mary rarely speaks to Susan.【单选题】







9、Marsha confessed that she knew nothing of computer.【单选题】







10、Britain\'s Solo SailorEllen MacArthur started sailing when she was eight, going out on sailing trips with her aunt. She loved it so much that she saved her money forthree years to buy her first small sailing boat. When she was 18, she sailed alone around Britain and won the "Young Sailorof the Year" award.Ellen became famous in 2001. Aged only 24, she was one of the only two women who entered the Vendee Globe round the world solo race, which lasts 100 days. Despite of many problems, she came the second in the race out of 24 competitors and she was given a very warm welcome when she returned.Ambition and determination have always been a big part of Ellen\'s personality. When she was younger, she lived in a kind of hut (棚屋) forthree years while she was trying to get sponsorship to compete in a transatlantic race. Then she took a one - way ticket to France, bought a tiny seven meter Class Mini yacht (游艇), slept under it while she was repairing it, and then she raced it 4,000 kilometres across the Atlantic in 1997, alone for33 days.Ellen has to learn many things, because sailing single - handed means that she has to be her own captain, electrician, sailmaker, engineer, doctor, journalist, cameraman and cooker, She also has to be very fit, and because of the dangers of sleeping forlong periods of time she\'s in the middle of the ocean, she has trained herself to sleep forabout 20 minutes at a time.and she needs courage. Once, in the middle of the ocean, she had to climb the mast (桅杆) of a boat to repair the sails at four o\'clock in the morning, with 100 kph winds blowing around her. It took her many hours to make the repairs, Ellen says: "I was exhausted when came down. It\'s hard to describe how it feels to be up there. It\'s like trying to hold onto a big pole, which forme is just too big to get my arms around, with someone kicking you all the time and trying to shake you off".But in her diary, Ellen also describes moments which is worthwhile (值得的) :"A beautiful sunrise started the day, with black clouds slowly lit by the bright yellow sun. I have a very strong feeling of pleasure, being out here on the ocean and having the chance to live this. I just feel lucky to be here."According to paragraph 4, which of the following statements is NOT true? ____ 【单选题】

A.She has to learn to repair sails.

B.She has to be her own teacher.

C.She has to be very fit.

D.She has trained herself to sleep forabout 20 minutes at a time.



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