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帮考网校2022-01-15 10:26


1、The two banks have announced plans to merge next year.【单选题】













答案解析:题干大意:我很喜欢那个游戏——它有巧妙的情节和有趣的对话。long意为“长的,长远的”;original意为“原始的,原创的”,例如:He?can?read?Shakespeare?in?the?original.(他能读莎士比亚作品的原文。)boring意为“乏味的,无聊的”;humorous意为“幽默的,滑稽的”,例如:Indeed?he?has?a?solemn?face,but?he?is?very humorous?at?heart.(他的确有一副严厉的脸孔,但内心却很富幽默感。)

3、Would you please help me fix their watch?【单选题】







4、Intellectual DisabilityPeople with intellectual disability form one of the largest single disability groups in a community. Intellectual disability refers to a general slowness to learn and function within society, and the identification of intellectual disability is usually based on an assessment of a person\'s performance in a variety of tests. An individual\'s level of performance, as assessed, can change with time and circumstances. With skilled training and opportunity fordevelopment, people with intellectual disability have much greater potential foracquiring skills and forparticipation in community life than previously had been thought possible.In many western societies, five categories of intellectual disability have traditionally been used in orcerto indicate the perceived degree of difficulty an individual has with learning. All five may occur in either children, adolescent oradult, and show as mild, moderate, severe, profound ormultiple intellectual disability.Forthe majority of intellectual disabilities, there is no identifiable cause but there are some causes that are well documented. They include: brain damage at birth due to lack of oxygen—prolonged laborduring childbirth; brain damage before birth due to factors such as rubella (风疹), drug ordiet-related problems; damage after birth due to illnesses such as encephalitis(脑膜炎) oraccident; hereditary defects in the genes; abnormal chromosome count resulting in, forexample, Down Syndrome(唐氏综合症).Like everyone else, people with an intellectual disability need a rewarding job, a satisfying place to live and a good social life. But they may need extra support to achieve these things. Good support services are based on the principle of normalization—which means enabling people to be part of the community like everyone else,With the introduction of the intellectually disabled into communities, there is a need to promote awareness of communication. Although many people may have little experience in talking with an intellectually disabled person, there are common guidelines that can simplify the interaction. Firstly, it is useful to remember that people with disabilities have feelings. Speaking in the same friendly manner as you would to anyone else is also recommended. Being prepared to wait a little longer forreplies during a conversation with an intellectually disabled person would undoubtedly benefit the exchange.Five categories of intellectual disability have traditionally been used to____.【单选题】

A.assess the degree of difficulty an individual has with learning

B.illnesses such as encephalitis oraccident

C.they also have feelings

D.an assessment of a person\'s performance in a variety of tests

E.factors such as rubella, drug ordiet-related problems

F.benefit the exchange


答案解析:根据题干线索词Five categories定位原文至第二段第一句“five categories of intellectual disability have traditionally been used in orcerto indicate the perceived degree of difficulty an individual has with learning”,由此推断,句中画线部分即为所需添加成分。A选项属于原文复现,故为正确答案。

5、The motorcarSome pessimistic experts feel that the automobile is bound to fall into disuse. They see a day in the not-too-distant future when all autos will be abandoned and allowed to rust. Other authorities, however, think the auto is here to stay. They hold that the car will remain a leading means of urban travel in the foreseeable future.The motorcar will undoubtedly. change significantly over the next 30 years. It should become smaller, safer, and more economical, and should not be powered by the gasoline engine. The car of the future should be far more pollution-free than present types.Regardless of its power source, the auto in the future will still be the main problem in urban traffic congestion. One proposed solution to this problem is the automated highway system.When the auto enters the highway system, a retractable (可伸缩的) arm will drepfrom the auto and make contact with a rail, which is similar to those powering subway trains electrically. Once attached to the rail, the car will become electrically powered from the system, and control of the vehicle will pass to a central computer. The computer will then monitorall of the car\'s movements.The driver will use a telephone to dial instructions about his destination into the system. The computer will calculate the best route, and reserve space forthe car all the way to the correct exit from the highway. The driver will then be free to relax and wait forthe buzzer (蜂鸣器) that will warn him of his coming exit. It is estimated that an automated highway will be able to handle 10,000 vehicles per hour, compared with the 1,500 to 2,000 vehicles that can be carried by a present-day highway.In an automated highway system, all the driver needs to do is ____.【单选题】

A.keep in the right lane

B.wait to arrive at his destination

C.keep in constant touch with the computer center

D.inform the system of his destination by phone


答案解析:文章的最后一段the driver will use a telephone to dial instructions about his destination into system说明本题的答案为D,即在计算机监控系统下,司机所做的不过是通过电话告诉系统自己的目的地而已。

6、Reduce PackagingPressure increased recently on British supermarkets and retailers to reduce packaging as part of an anti - waste campaign. The campaign was initiated by The Independent newspaper. Britain generates 4.6 million tons of household waste every year by packaging.Dozens of people have expressed anger at the excess of plastic wrapping. Campaigners have called on Britain to learn from other European countries, In Belgium, when you buy something in a plastic orglass container, you make a deposit. When returned bottles are put in a vending machine 自动售货机, the deposit is refunded. Environmentalists warn that Britain lags behind in this.There were reports of growing unease among consumers over the amount of packaging they have to deal with. Trade standards officers also object to excessive packaging. This is because too much padding can give buyers a false impression of what they are buying.In response to a campaign by Britain\'s The Independent newspaper, leading supermarkets have pointed to various initiatives to win the public confidence. ____But campaigners said retailers and the government could learn much from anti - waste practices on the Continent. In Sweden, non - recyclable batteries have been taxed since 1991 to encourage a switch to alternatives. This has resulted in a 74 percent reduction in sales. In Germany, plastic bags are unheard of in supermarkets and deposits are paid forreusable plastic and glass beverage bottles.【单选题】

A.If a product is over packaged, don\'t buy it.

B.In Belgium, when you buy something in a plastic orglass container, you make a deposit.

C.This is because too much padding can give buyers a false impression of what they are buying.

D.This has resulted in a 74 percent reduction in sales.

E.Tesco said it was saving 112,000 tons of cardboard a year by switching to reusable plastic crates (装货箱) fortransporting its fresh produce.

F.The campaign was initiated by The Independent newspaper.



7、Vicious and Dangerous Sports Should Be Banned by LawWhen you think of the tremendous technological progress we have made, it\'s amazing how little we have developed in other respects. We may speak contemptuously of the poorold Romans because they relished the orgies of slaughter that went on in their arenas. We may despise them because they mistook these goings on forentertainment. We may forgive them condescendingly because they lived 2,000 years ago and obviously knew no better. But are our feelings of superiority really justified? Are we any less blood-thirsty? Why do boxing matches, forinstance, attract such universal interest? Don\'t the spectators who at tend them hope they will see some violence? Human beings remains as blood-thirsty as ever they were. The only difference between ourselves and the Romans is that while they were honest enough to admit that they enjoyed watching hungry lions tearing people apart and eating them alive, we find all sorts of sophisticated arguments to defend sports which should have been banned long age; sports which are quite as barbarous as, say, public hangings orbearbaiting.It really is incredible that in this day and age we should still allow hunting orbullfighting, that we should be prepared to sit back and watch two men batter each other to pulp in a boxing ring, that we should be relatively unmoved by the sight of one ora num ber of racing cars crashing and bursting into flames. Let us not deceive ourselves. Any talk of "the sporting spirit" is sheer hypocrisy. People take part in violent sports because of the high rewards they bring. Spectators are willing to pay vast sums of money to see violence. A world heavyweight championship match, forinstance, is front page news. Millions of people are disappointed if a big fight is over in two rounds instead of fifteen. They feel disappointment because they have been deprived of the exquisite pleasure of witnessing prolonged torture and violence.Why should we ban violent sports if people enjoy them so much? You may well ask. The answer is simple: they are uncivilized. Forcenturies man has been trying to improve himself spiritually and emotionally-admittedly with little success. But at least we no longer tolerate the sight madmen cooped up in cages, orpublic floggings of any of the countless other barbaric practices which were common in the past. Prisons are no longer the grim forbidding places they used to be. Social welfare systems are in operation in many parts of the world. Big efforts are being made to distribute wealth fairly. These changes have come about not because human beings have suddenly and unaccountably improved, but be cause positive steps were taken to change the law. The law is the biggest instrument of social change that we have and it may exert great civilizing influence. If we banned danger ous and violent sports, we would be moving one step further to improving mankind. We would recognize that violence is degrading and unworthy of human beings.The main idea of this passage is____.【单选题】

A.vicious and dangerous sports should be banned by law

B.people are willing to pay vast sums money to see violence

C.to compare two different attitudes towards dangerous sports

D.people are blood-thirsty in sports



8、GypsiesWhen school was out, I hurried to find my sister and get out of the schoolyard before seeing anybody in my class. But Barbara and her friends had beaten us to the playground entrance and they seemed to be waiting forus. Barbara said, "So now you\'re in the A class. " She sounded impressed. "What\'s the A class?" I asked. Everybody made superioryet faintly envious giggling sounds. "Well, why did you think the teacher moved you to the front of the room, dopey? Didn\'t you know you were in the C class before, way in the back of the room?" Of course I hadn\'t known. The Wenatchee fifth grade was bigger than my whole school which had been in North Dakota, and the idea of subdivisions within a grade had never occurred to me. The subdividing forthe first marking period had been done before I came to the school, and 1 had never, in the six weeks I\'d been there, talked to anyone long enough to find out about the A, B, and C classes.I still could not understand why that had made such a difference to Barbara and her friends. I didn\'t yet know that it was shameful and dirty to be a transient laborer and ridiculous to be from North Dakota. I thought living in a tent was more fun than living in a house.I didn\'t know that we were gypsies, really (how that thought would have excited me then!), and that we were regarded with the suspicion felt by those who plant toward those who do not plant. It didn\'t occur to me that we were all looked upon as one more of the untrustworthy natural phenomena, drifting here and there like mists orwinds. I didn\'t know that I was the only child who had camped on the Baumann\'s land ever to get out of the C class. I didn\'t know that school administrators and civic leaders held conferences to talk about the problem of transient laborers.I only knew that fortwo happy days I walked to school with Barbara and her friends, played hopscotch and jumped rope with them at class intervals, and was even invited into the house forsome ginger ale ----a strange drink I had never tasted before.Immediately after the narratorwas moved to the A class, what was the attitude of Barbara and Barbara\'s friends towards her?【单选题】






答案解析:答对题的关键是准确地理解这个题。这个题提问的焦点是:叙述者刚刚升入A班后( Immediately after…A class),Barbara及其朋友对她是什么态度。仔细审视一下本题,我们就会得出这样一个结论: 在叙述者介入A班后,Barbara等起初是一种态度,而后,她们改变了这种态度。从原文第四段第三句我们了解到:叙述者与Barbara等在那个学校上学至少有六个星期了,只是不知道A、B、C班的分班基础。同时,在文章最后一段,我们了解到:叙述者与Barbara等至少共度了两天的快乐时光,如课间(at class intervals)一起玩,到她们家做客等。很明显,这两天说的是叙述者刚刚升入A班。

9、The document was compiled by the Department of Health.【单选题】







10、Reduce PackagingPressure increased recently on British supermarkets and retailers to reduce packaging as part of an anti - waste campaign. The campaign was initiated by The Independent newspaper. Britain generates 4.6 million tons of household waste every year by packaging.Dozens of people have expressed anger at the excess of plastic wrapping. Campaigners have called on Britain to learn from other European countries, In Belgium, when you buy something in a plastic orglass container, you make a deposit. When returned bottles are put in a vending machine 自动售货机, the deposit is refunded. Environmentalists warn that Britain lags behind in this.There were reports of growing unease among consumers over the amount of packaging they have to deal with. Trade standards officers also object to excessive packaging. This is because too much padding can give buyers a false impression of what they are buying.In response to a campaign by Britain\'s The Independent newspaper, leading supermarkets have pointed to various initiatives to win the public confidence. tons of cardboard a year by switching to reusable plastic crates 装货箱 fortransporting its fresh produce.But campaigners said retailers and the government could learn much from anti - waste practices on the Continent. In Sweden, non - recyclable batteries have been taxed since 1991 to encourage a switch to alternatives. ____ In Germany, plastic bags are unheard of in supermarkets and deposits are paid forreusable plastic and glass beverage bottles.【单选题】

A.If a product is over packaged, don\'t buy it.

B.In Belgium, when you buy something in a plastic orglass container, you make a deposit.

C.This is because too much padding can give buyers a false impression of what they are buying.

D.This has resulted in a 74 percent reduction in sales.

E.Tesco said it was saving 112,000 tons of cardboard a year by switching to reusable plastic crates (装货箱) fortransporting its fresh produce.

F.The campaign was initiated by The Independent newspaper.



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