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帮考网校2022-01-03 09:34


1、Snow RangerThe two things, snow and mountains, which are needed fora ski area are the two things that cause avalanches, large mass of snow and ice crushing down the side of a mountain, often called "White Death. "It was the threat of the avalanche and its record as a killer of man in the western mountains that created the snow ranger. He first started on avalanche control work in the winter of 1937, 38 at Alta, Utah, in Wasatch National Forest. This mountain valley was becoming well known to skiers. It was dangerous. In fact, more than 120 persons had lost their lives in 1936 and another 200 died in 1937 as a result of avalanches before it became a majorski area. Thus, development of Alta and other majorski resorts in the west was dependent upon controlling the avalanche. The Forest Service setout to do it, and did with its corps of snow rangers. It takes many things to make a snow ranger. The snow ranger must be in excellent physical condition. He must be a good skier and a skilled mountain climber. He should have at least a high school education, and the more college courses in geology, physics, and related fields he has, the better. He studies snow, terrain, wind, and weather. He learns the conditions that produce avalanches. He learns to forecast avalanches and to bring them roaring on down the mountainsides to reduce their killing strength. The snow ranger learns to do this by using artillery, by blasting with TNT, and by the difficult and skillful art of skiing avalanches down. The snow ranger, dressed in a green parka which has a bright yellow shoulder patch, means safety forpeople on ski slopes. He pulls the trigger on a 75 mm. Recoilless rifle, skis waist deep in powder testing snow stability, ortalks with the ski area\'s operatoras he goes about his work to protect the public from the hazards of deep snow on steep mountain slopes. A snow ranger himself must be____. 【单选题】

A.a college graduate.

B.a physicist.

C.a geologist.

D.a mountaineer.



2、A special educationVideodisc holds great promise of helping to meet the needs of American schoolchildren who have problems seeing, hearing, speaking, orsocializing. Almost eleven percent of the students aged 3-21 in this country have an impairment that affects their ability to benefit from a regular education program. Handicapped students require special education because they are often markedly different from most children in one ormore of the following ways: mentally retarded (发展迟缓的) learning-disabled, emotionally disturbed, deaf, visually handicapped, physically handicapped, orother health impairments. The education of these handicapped children is rewarding but challenging. A special education student usually needs a longer period of time to acquire information. Repetitive teaching techniques are often beneficial, and indefatigable (孜孜不倦) consistency on the part of the teacher is frequently necessary. Interactive videodisc courseware has characteristics that can be capitalized upon to meet the challenges that special education poses. A videodisc program is infinitely patient. Repetition of any videodisc lesson can continue endlessly, and designers can assure absolute consistency within a program. Most important, according to special educatorWilliam Healey of the University of Arizona, is that videodisc "adds an extra dimension of realism forchildren who need graphic representations."Healey explained that deaf and mentally retarded children especially have difficulty grasping figurative language and higher-orcerlanguage concepts. He believes that forspecial education, the power of videodisc lies in the ability of the technology to visually represent language concepts normally taken forgranted by non-handicapped persons. Complex figurative language forms such as idioms and metaphors come most readily to mind as being difficult forhandicapped learners. According to ProfessorHealey, we may infer that mentally retarded children perhaps____【单选题】

A.need graphic representations in orcerto understand higher-orcerlanguage concepts

B.are good at studying English idioms but often fail to grasp higher-orcerlanguage concepts

C.are not very patient with videodisc which helps them to understand the world concepts

D.tend to be deaf as well and have difficulty learning the simple concept "before and after"



3、Seeing Red Means Danger AheadThe colorred often means danger and by paying attention, accidents can be prevented. In the future, the colorred also may help prevent danger at construction sites. Thanks to new work by engineers, bridge supports orother kinds of materials, could one day contain a color- changing material. It will turn red before a structure collapses orfalls apart.The secret _____ the color- changing material is a particular type of molecule (分子). A molecule is agroupof atoms (原子) held together by chemical bonds. Molecules come in all shapes and sizes and make up everything you can see, touch orfeel. How a molecule behaves depends on what kinds of atoms it contains and how they\'re held together.When a polymer (聚合物) containing a color- changing molecule called a mechanophore (机械响应性聚合物) is about to break, it produces a color. When a polymer with mechanophore molecules becomes "injured" orweak, one of the mechanophore bonds breaks and the material turns red. "It\'s a really simple detection method," says Nancy Sottos, one of the scientists who worked on the project. Sottos and her team tested the color- changing polymers in their lab. The test results proved encouraging.There is a way to get rid of the red colorlight. When a bright light is shone on the mechanophore, the broken bond is fixed and the red colordisappears. Thus "self - healing" may be a problem forengineers. They need to use the color- changer in big construction projects that will be outside, under sunlight. and sunlight will make the mechanophore\'s warning system useless.Sottos and her fellow scientists still have a lot of work to do before the color- changing molecules can be used outside the lab.【单选题】







4、While we don\'t agree, we continue to be friends.【单选题】






答案解析:题干大意:虽然我们意见不同,但是我们仍然是朋友。画线词while引起的是一个让步从句,所起的作用是跟although一样的。whoever:无论任何人。where:哪里。如:Where are you from? 你从哪里来?whatever:无论什么。

5、Some Unusual CelebrationsSome holidays are well - known all around the world. Among them are New Year\'s Eve celebrations. Also common are days in honorof love and friendship, like Valentine\'s Day. Each country has its own special holidays too, often to mark important events in its history. Schools, banks and government offices all close on days like these. Some of the days people celebrate, however, are less serious. A few of them are really very strange.Of course, they are not strange to the people who celebrate them. Perhaps that is because the celebrations have long traditions. Consider April Fool\'s Day, forexample. No one knows when orwhy it began. Today it is celebrated in many countries—France, England and Australia, among others. On this day, people play practical jokes. Jokes are supposed to be funny, but these jokes do not make everyone laugh. The ones who laugh are the ones playing the jokes. The people they fool often get angry. Does celebrating this day make sense to you?Dyngus Day in Poland seems strange too. On this day, it is traditional forboys to pour water over the heads of girls. Here is the strangest part, they do it to girls they like.Other unusual celebrations take place in a single city ortown. A holiday called La Tomatina is celebrated in Bunol, Spain. Every year, in late August, big trucks carry more than 200,000 pounds of tomatoes into this little town. Then begins the world-s biggest food fight. Fortwo hours, people in the streets throw tomatoes at each other. Everyone ends up red from head to toe.August 10 marks the start of the Puck Fair, an Irish festival with a very unusual tradition. People from the town of Killorglin go up into the mountains and catch a wild goat. _____There are also some celebrations that are really strange. In the United States, sometimes one person gets an idea fora new holiday and tries to get others to accept it. Whose idea was Public Sleeping Day? That one is on February 28. It may seem strange, but it sounds like more fun than the one on February 29. That is supposed to be Toothache Day.Do you like the idea of inventing a new holiday? If you do, then you will want to mark March 26 on your calendar. That is Make Up Your Own Holiday Day.【单选题】

A.They bring him back to town, put a crown on his head, and make him king forthree days.

B.Some of the days people celebrate, however, are less serious.

C.That is supposed to be Toothache Day.

D.Then begins the world-s biggest food fight.

E.Some people have fun imagining new holidays.

F.Jokes are supposed to be funny, but these jokes do not make everyone laugh.



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