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帮考网校2021-12-31 13:43


1、Flu doesScratchy throats, stuffy noses and body aches all spell misery, but being able to tell if the cause is a cold orflu may make a difference in how long the misery lasts.The American Lung Association (ALA) has issued new guidelines on combating colds and the flu, and one of the keys is being able to quickly tell the two apart. That\'s because the prescription drugs available forthe flu need to be taken soon after the illness sets in. As forcolds, the sooner a person starts taking over-the-counter remedy, the sooner relief will come.The common cold and the flu are both caused by viruses. More than 200 viruses can cause cold symptoms, while the flu is caused by three viruses-flu A, B and C. There is no cure foreither illness, but the flu can be prevented by the flu vaccine (疫苗), which is, formost people, the best way to fight the flu, according to the ALA.But if the flu does strike, quick action can help. Although the flu and common cold have many similarities, there are some obvious signs to look for.Cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, runny nose and scratchy throat typically develop gradually, and adults and teens often do not get a fever. On the other hand, fever is one of the characteristic features of the flu forall ages. and in general, flu symptoms including fever and chills, sore throat and body aches come on suddenly and are more severe than cold symptoms.The ALA notes that it may be particularly difficult to tell when infants and preschool age children have the flu. It advises parents to call the doctorif their small children have flu-like symptoms.Both cold and flu symptoms can be eased with over-the-counter medications as well. However, children and teens with a cold orflu should not take aspirin forpain relief because of the risk of Reye syndrome (综合症), a rare but serious condition of the liver and central nervous system.There is, of course, no vaccine forthe common cold but frequent hand washing and avoiding close contact with people who have colds can reduce the likelihood of catching one.If children have flu-like symptoms, their parents ____.【单选题】

A.are advised not to give them aspirin

B.should watch out forsigns of Reye syndrome

C.are encouraged to take them to hospital forvaccination

D.should prevent them from mixing with people running a fever



2、Driving after drinkingThe legal limitfordriving after drinking alcohol is 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood, when tested. But there is no sure way of telling how much you can drink before you reach this limit. It varies with each person depending on your weight, your sex, what you\'ve just eaten and what sort of drinks you\'ve had. Some people might reach their limitafter only about three standard drinks.In fact, your driving ability can be affected by just one ortwo drinks. Even if you\'re below the legal limit, you could still be taken to court if a police officer thinks your driving has been affected by alcohol.It takes about an hour forthe body to get rid of the alcohol in one standard drink. So, if you have a heavy drinking in the evening you might find that your driving ability is still affected the next morning, oryou could even find that you\'re still over the legal limit. In addition, if you\'ve had a few drinks at lunchtime, another one ortwo drinks in the early evening may well put you over the legal limit.In a test with professional drivers, the more alcoholic drinks they had had, the more certain they were that they could drive a test course through a setof movable posts…and the less able they were to do it! So the only way to be sure you\'re safe is not to drink at all.Alcohol is a majorcause of road traffic accidents. One in three of the drivers killed in road accidents have levels of alcohol which are over the legal limit, and road accidents after drinking are the biggest cause of death among young men. More than half of the people stopped by the police to take a breath test have a blood alcohol concentration of more than twice the legal limit.It is important to remember that driving after you\'ve been drinking doesn\'t just affect you. If you\'re involved in an accident it affects a lot of other people as well, not least the person you might kill orinjure.You might be accused of drunk driving when____.【单选题】

A.you drive upon having some drinks

B.you become a helpless alcohol addict

C.your driving is found abnormal fordrinking

D.your alcohol percentage fails the test


答案解析:细节考查题。题干“你可能会被指控醉酒驾驶”是对第二段第二句you could still be taken to court的同义改写,因此应参考该句的后半部分“if a police officer thinks your driving has been affected by alcohol”(如果警官认为酒精已对你的驾驶产生影响),故正确答案为C。

3、When a disease of epidemic proportions rips into the populace, scientists immediately get to work, trying to locate the source of the affliction and find ways to combat it. Oftentimes, success is achieved, as medical science is able to isolate the parasite, germ orcell that causes the problem and finds ways to effectively kill orcontain it. In the most serious of cases, in which the entire population of a region orcountry may be at grave risk, it is deemed necessary to protect the entire population through vaccination, so as to safeguard lives and ensure that the disease will not spread.The process of vaccination allows the patient\'s body to develop immunity to the virus ordisease so that, if it is encountered, one can ward it off naturally. To accomplish this, a small weak ordead strain of the disease is actually injected into the patient in a controlled environment, so that his body\'s immune system can learn to fight the invader properly. Information on how to penetrate the disease\'s defenses is transmitted to all elements of the patient\'s immune system in a process that occurs naturally, in which genetic information is passed from cell to cell. This makes sure that, should the patient later come into contact with the real problem, his body is well equipped and trained to deal with it, having already done so before.There are dangers inherent in the process, however. On occasion, even the weakened version of the disease contained in the vaccine proves too much forthe body to handle, resulting in the immune system succumbing, and, therefore, the patient\'s death. Such is the case of the smallpox vaccine, designed to eradicate the smallpox epidemic that nearly wiped out the entire Native American population and killed massive numbers of settlers. Approximately l in 10,000 people who receives the vaccine contract the smallpox disease from the vaccine itself and dies from it. Thus, if the entire population of the United States were to receive the Smallpox Vaccine today, 3,000 Americans would be left dead.Fortunately, the smallpox virus was considered eradicated in the early 1970\'s, ending the mandatory vaccination of all babies in America. In the event of a re-introduction of the disease, however, mandatory vaccinations may resume, resulting in more unexpected deaths from vaccination. The process, which is truly a mixed blessing, may indeed hide some hidden curses.The purpose of the authorin writing this passage is____.【单选题】

A.to comment and criticize

B.to demonstrate and argue

C.to interest and entertain

D.to explain and inform



4、The Only Way Is Up Think of a modem city and the first image that come to mind is the skyline. It is full of great buildings, pointing like fingers to heaven. It is true that some cities don\'t permit buildings to go above a certain height. But these are cities concerned with the past. The first thing any city does when it wants to tell the world that it has arrived is to build skyscrapers. When people gather together in cities, they create a demand forland since cities are places where money is made, that demand can be met. and the best way to make money out of city land is to put as many people as possible in a space that covers the smallest amount of ground that means building upwards. The technology existed to do this as early as the 19th century. But the height of buildings was limited by one important factor. They had to be small enough forpeople on the top floors to climb stairs. People could not be expected to climb a mountain at the end of their journey to work, orhome. Elisha Otis, a US inventor, was the man who brought us the lift orelevator, as he preferred to call it. However, most of the technology is very old lifts work using the same pulley system the Egyptians used to create the Pyramids. What Otis did was attach the system to a steam engine and develop the elevatorbrake, which stops the lift falling if the cords that hold it up are broken. It was this that did the most to gain public confidence in the new invention. In fact, he spent a number of years exhibiting lifts at fairgrounds, giving people the chance to try them out before selling the idea to architects and builders. A lift would not be a very good theme park attraction now. Going in a lift is such an everyday thing that it would just be boring. Yet psychologists and others who study human behaviorfind lifts fascinating. The reason is simple. Scientists have always studied animals in zoos. The nearest they can get to that with humans is in observing them in lifts. "It breaks all the usual conventions about the bubble of personal space we carry around with us and you just can\'t choose to move away," says workplace psychologist, Gary Fitzgibbon. Being trapped in this setting can create different types of tensions, he says. Some people are scared of them. Others use them as an opportunity to get close to the boss. Some stand close to the door. Others hide in the comers. Most people try and shrink into the background but some behave in a way that makes others notice them. There are a few people who just stand in a comer taking notes. Don\'t worry about them. They are probably from a university.Psychologists find the lift a good place where they can study human behaviorbecause____.【单选题】

A.here humans behave the way animals do

B.people in a lift are all scared

C.here some people take notes

D.in a lift the bubble of personal space breaks



5、Smart Window Windows not only let light in to cut down an electricity use forlighting, but the light coming through the window also provides heat. However, windows are not something people typically associate with being a cutting edge technology. Researchers are now working on new technologies that enable a window to quickly change from clear to dark and anywhere in between with a flip of a switch. "It took us a long time to figure out what a window really is," says Claes Granqvist. He\'s a professorof solid-state physics at Uppsala University in Sweden. "It\'s contact with the outside world. You have to have visual contact with the surrounding world to feel well. " So, windows and natural light are important forimproving the way people feel when they\'re stuck indoors. Yet, windows are the weak link in a building when it comes to energy and temperature control. In the winter, cold air leaks in. When it\'s hot and sunny, sunlight streams in. All of this sunlight carries lots of heat and energy. and all of this extra heat forces people to turn on their air conditioners. Producing blasts of cold air, which can feel so refreshing, actually suck up enormous amounts of electricity in buildings around the world. Windows have been a majorfocus of energy research fora long time. Over the years, scientists have come up with a variety of strategies forcoating, glazing, and layering windows to make them more energy efficient. Smart windows go a step further. They use chromogenic technologies which involve changes of color. Electrochromic windows use electricity to change color. Forexample, a sheet of glass coated with thin layers of chemical compound such as tungsten oxide works a bit like a battery. Tungsten oxide is clear when an electric charge is applied and dark when the charge is removed, that is, when the amount of voltage is decreased, the window darkens until it\'s completely dark after all electricity is taken away. So applying a voltage determines whether the window looks clear ordark. One important feature that makes a smart window so smart is that it has a sort of "memory. " All it takes is a small jolt of voltage to turn the window from one state to the other. Then, it stays that way. Transitions take anywhere from 10 seconds to a few minutes, depending on the size of the window. The development of smart windows could mean that massive air conditioning systems may no longer need. "In the future," Granqvist says, "our buildings may look different. What are smart windows, according to Paragraph 4? 【单选题】

A.Windows that are coated.

B.Windows that are glazed.

C.Windows the colorof which can be changed.

D.Windows that have many layers.


答案解析:第四段告诉我们,多年来科学家已研究出多种通过窗户节能的办法,而smart windows使用的技术使窗户能变换颜色,所以C是正确选择。

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