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帮考网校2021-03-20 16:17


1、His shoes were shined to perfection.【单选题】







2、Arctic MeltEarth\'s North and South Poles are famous for being cold and icy. Last year, however, the amount of ice in the Arctic Ocean fell to a record low. Normally, ice builds in Arctic waters around the North Pole each winter and shrinks during the summer. But for many years, the amount of ice left by the end of summer has been declining. Since 1979, each decade has seen an 11. 4 percent drop in end of summer ice cover. Between 1981 and 2000, ice in the Arctic lost 22 percent of its thickness, becoming 1.13 meters thinner. Last summer, Arctic sea ice reached its skimpiest levels yet. By the end of summer 2007, the ice had shrunk to cover just 4.2 million square kilometers. That\'s 38 percent less area than the average cover at that time of year. And it\'s a very large 23 percent below the previous record low, which was set just 2 years ago. This continuing trend has scientists concerned. There may be several reasons for the ice melt, says Jinlun Zhang, an oceanographer at the University of Washington at Seattle. Unusually strong winds blew through the Arctic last summer. The winds pushed much of the ice out of the central Arctic, leaving a large area of thin ice and open water. Scientists also suspect that fewer clouds cover the Arctic now than in the past. Clearer skies allow more sunlight to reach the ocean. The extra heat warms both the water and the atmosphere. In parts of the Arctic Ocean last year, surface temperatures were 3.5℃ warmer than average and 1.5℃ warmer than the previous record high. With both air and water getting warmer, the ice is melting from both above and below. In some parts of the Beaufort Sea, north of Alaska and western Canada, ice that measured 3. 3 meters thick at the beginning of the summer measured just 50 centimeters by season\'s end. The new measurements suggest that melting is far more severe than scientists have seen by just looking at ice cover from above, says Donald K. Perovich, a geophysicist at the U. S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory in Hanover, N. H. Some scientists fear that the Arctic is stuck in a warming trend from which it may never recover. What can be a possible title for the passage?【单选题】

A.What are scientists looking for in the Arctic Ocean?

B.What are scientists doing in the Arctic Ocean?

C.Why are scientists worrying about the Arctic Ocean?

D.Why are scientists interested in the Arctic Ocean?



3、Meet Your Memory1. Memory is something that cannot be seen, touched or weighed. It is thought to be abstract. It is a set of skills rather than an object. Neither is there a single standard for judging a good or poor memory. There are a number of different ways in which a person may have a good memory.2. Memory is generally viewed as consisting of three stages: (1) acquisition refers to learning the material; (2) storage refers to keeping the material in the brain until it is needed; (3) retrieval (提取) refers to getting the material back out when it is needed:3. Memory consists of at least two different processes: short - term memory and long - term memory. Short - term memory has a limited capacity and a rapid forgetting rate. Its capacity can be increased by chunking (组成大块), or grouping separate bits of information into larger chunks. Long - term memory has an almost unlimited capacity.4. One measure of memory is recall, which requires you to produce information by searching the memory for it. In aided recall, you are given cues (提示) to help you produce the information. In free - recall learning you recall the material in any order. In serial learning you recall it in the order it was presented and in paired - associate learning you learn pairs of words so that when the first word is given you can recall the second word. A second measure of memory is recognition, in which you do not have to produce the information from memory, but must be able to identify it when it is presented to you. In a third measure of memory, relearning, the difference between how long it took to learn the material the first time and how long it takes to learn it again indicates how much you remember. Relearning is generally a more sensitive measure of memory than is recognition because relearning shows retention (保持) while recognition does not. Recognition is generally a more sensitive measure than recall.Paragraph 1 ______【单选题】

A.Why do we forget things?

B.How do we measure memory?

C.What are the stages memory consists of?

D.What is the difference between short - term memory and long - term memory?

E.What is memory?

F.Who may have a poor memory?


答案解析:本题有一定难度,没有明显的主旨句,需要较强归纳能力。通读文章第一段可以发现,第一段主要对记忆力下了定义,围绕定义展开了阐述,回来看选项,E项What is memory?简单概括了第一段,是答案。

4、Black HolesMost scientists agree that black holes exist but are nearly impossible to locate. A black hole in the universe is not a solid object, like a planet, but it is shaped like a sphere (球体). Astronomers (天文学家) think that at the center of a black hole there is a single point in space with infinite (无限的) density (稠密).This single point is called a singularity (奇点). If the singularity theory is correct, it means that when a massive star collapses, all the material in it disappears into the singularity. The center of a black hole would not really be a hole at all, but an infinitely dense point. Anything that crosses the black hole is pulled in by its great gravity.Although black holes do exist, they are difficult to observe. These are the reasons,?No light or anything else comes out of black holes. As a result, they are invisible to a telescope.?In astronomical terms, black holes are truly. For example, a black hole formed by the collapse of a giant star would have an event horizon (视界) only 18 miles across.?The nearest black holes would be dozens of light years away from Earth. One light year is about 6 trillion (万亿) miles. Even the most powerful telescopes could not pick out an object so small at such a great distance.In 1994 the Hubble Space Telescope provided evidence that black holes exist. There are still answers to be found, however, so black holes remain one of the mysteries of the universe. (2007年)Black holes exist but are difficult to observe.【单选题】



C.Not mentioned


答案解析:题干大意:黑洞是存在的,但是很难观察到。题干中的关键词为difficult,用它回到原文定位,在首句能找到difficult的近义词impossible。文章首句提到:Most scientists agree that black holes exist but are nearly impossible to locate. 黑洞确实存在,但很难定位(locate),与题意信息相符,故答案选A。

5、Meet Your MemoryMemory is something that cannot be seen, touched or weighed. It is thought to be abstract. It is a set of skills rather than an object. Neither is there a single standard for judging a good or poor memory. There are a number of different ways in which a person may have a "good" memory.Memory is generally viewed as consisting of three stages: (1) acquisition refers to learning the material; (2) storage refers to keeping the material in the blain until it is needed; and (3) retrieval (提取) refers to getting the material back out when it is needed.Memory consists of at least two different processes: short-term memory and long-term memory. Short-term memory has a limited capacity and a rapid forgetting rate. Its capacity can be increased by chunking (组成大块), or grouping separate bits of information into larger chunks. Long-term memory has an almost unlimited capacity.One measure of memory is recall, which requires you to produce information by searching the memory for it. In aided recall, you are given cues (提示) to help you produce the information. In free-recall learning, you recall the material in any order; in serial learning, you recall it in the order it was presented; and in paired-associate learning, you learn pairs of words so that when the first word is given, you can recall the second word. A second measure of memory is recognition in which you do not have to produce the information from memory, but must be able to identify it when it is presented to you. In a third measure of memory, relearning, the difference between how long it took to learn the material the first time and how long it takes to learn it again indicates how much you remember. Relearning is generally a more sensitive measure of memory than is recognition because relearning shows retention (保持) while recognition does not. Recognition is generally a more sensitive measure than recall.Paragraph 3 ______.【单选题】

A.Why do we forget things?

B.How do we measure memory?

C.What are the stages memory consists of?

D.What is the difference between short-term memory and long-term memory?

E.What is memory?

F.Who may have a poor memory?


答案解析:第三段没有主题句,主要讲述了两种不同的记忆过程,即短期记忆和长期记忆,并分别从记忆储存量和时间两方面进行对比。D选项What is the difference between short-term memory and long-term memory?(短期记忆和长期记忆有什么不同?)与其意思一致,故D为正确答案。

6、Seeing Red Means Danger AheadThe color red often means danger and by paying attention, accidents can be prevented. In the future, the color red also may help prevent danger at construction sites. Thanks to new work by engineers, bridge supports or other kinds of materials, could one day contain a color - changing material. It will turn red before a structure collapses or falls apart.The secret behind the color - changing material is a particular type of molecule (分子). A molecule is a group of atoms (原子) held together by chemical bonds. Molecules come in all shapes and sizes and make up everything you can see, touch or feel. How a molecule behaves depends on _____ kinds of atoms it contains and how they\'re held together.When a polymer (聚合物) containing a color - changing molecule called a mechanophore (机械响应性聚合物) is about to break, it produces a color. When a polymer with mechanophore molecules becomes "injured" or weak, one of the mechanophore bonds breaks and the material turns red. "It\'s a really simple detection method," says Nancy Sottos, one of the scientists who worked on the project. Sottos and her team tested the color - changing polymers in their lab. The test results proved encouraging.There is a way to get rid of the red color light. When a bright light is shone on the mechanophore, the broken bond is fixed and the red color disappears. Thus "self - healing" may be a problem for engineers. They need to use the color - changer in big construction projects that will be outside, under sunlight. And sunlight will make the mechanophore\'s warning system useless.Sottos and her fellow scientists still have a lot of work to do before the color - changing molecules can be used outside the lab.【单选题】







7、The Value of AdvertisementMoney spent on advertising is worth spending. It serves directly to bring about a rapid sale of goods at reasonable prices, so setting up a firm home market and making it possible to provide for export at good price. By drawing attention to new ideas it helps greatly to raise standards of living. By helping to increase demand it causes an increased need for labor, and is therefore a nice way to fight unemployment. It lowers the costs of many services: without advertisements your daily newspaper would cost four times as much, the price of your television program would need to be doubled, and travel by bus or subway would cost more. And perhaps most important of all, advertising provides a promise of reasonable value in the products and services you buy. Besides the fact that twenty-seven Acts of Parliament govern the terms of advertising, no regular advertiser dare produce anything that fails to live up to the promise of his advertisements. He might fool some people for a little while through misleading advertising. He will not do so for long, for the public has the good sense not to buy the poor goods more than once. If you see a product frequently advertised, it is the proof I know that the product does what is promised for it, and that it has good value. Advertising does more for the good of the public than any other force I can think of. There is one more point I feel I ought to touch on. Recently I heard a well-known television person declare that he was against advertising because it persuades rather than informs. He was telling us the real difference. Of course advertising tries to persuade. If its messages were nothing but information, that would be difficult to get more people to buy, for even the choice of the color of a shirt is a bit persuasive-advertising would be so boring that no one would pay any attention. But perhaps that is what the well-known television person wants.From the first paragraph we can see the writer believes that____.【单选题】

A.advertisements are worth reading

B.money spent on advertising is worthless

C.it is worthwhile spending money on a lot of things

D.to spend money on advertising is worthwhile



8、Medicine Award Kicks off Nobel Prize AnnouncementsTwo scientists who have won praise for research into the growth of cancer cells could be candidates for the Nobel Prize in medicine when the 2008 winners are presented on Monday, kicking off six days of Nobel announcements. Australian-born U. S. citizen Elizabeth Blackburn and American Carol Greider have already won a series of medical honors for their enzyme research and experts say they could be among the front-runners for a Nobel. Only seven women have won the medicine prize since the first Nobel Prizes were handed out in 1901. The last female winner was U. S. researcher Linda Buck in 2004, who shared the prize with Richard Axel. Among the pair\'s possible rivals are Frenchman Pierre Chambon and Americans Ronald Evans and Elwood Jensen, who opened up the field of studying proteins called nuclear hormone receptors. As usual, the award committee is giving no hints about who is in the running before presenting its decision in a news conference at Stockholm\'s Karolinska Institute. Alfred Nobel, the Swede who invented dynamite, established the prizes in his will in the categories of medicine, physics, chemistry, literature and peace. The economics prize is technically not a Nobel but a 1968 creation of Sweden\'s central bank. Nobel left few instructions on how to select-winners, but medicine winners are typically awarded for a specific breakthrough rather than a body of research. Hans Jornvall, secretary of the medicine prize committee, said the 10 million kronor (US$1. 3 million) prize encourages groundbreaking research but he did not think winning it was the primary goal for scientists. "Individual researchers probably don\'t look at themselves as potential Nobel Prize winners when they\'re at work," Jornvall told The Associated Press. "They get their kicks from their research and their interest in how life functions. "In 2006, Blackburn, of the University of California, "San Francisco, and Greider, of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, shared the Lasker prize for basic medical research with Jack Szostak of Harvard Medical School. Their work set the stage for research suggesting that cancer cells use telomerase to sustain their uncontrolled growthThe word "kicks" in line 6 from the bottom probably means____. 【单选题】







9、Rockets in the SkyIf someone asked you. "What color is the sky?" I expect that you would answer, "Blue." I am afraid that you would be wrong. The sky has no color. When we see blue, we are looking at blue sunlight. The sunlight is shining on little bits of dust in the air. We know that there is air all around the world. We could not breathe without air. Airplanes could not fly without air. They need air to lift their wings. Airplanes cannot fly very high because as they go higher the air gets thinner. If we go far enough away from the earth, we find there is no air. What is the sky? The sky is space. In this space there is nothing except the sun, the moon and all the stars. Scientists have always wanted to know more about the other worlds in the space. They have looked at them through telescopes and in this way they have found out a great deal. The moon is about 384,000 kilometers away from the earth. An airplane cannot fly to the moon but there is a thing that can fly even when there is no air. This is rocket. I am sure that you are asking. "How does a rocket fly?" If you want to know, get a balloon and then blow it up until it is quite big. Do not tie up the neck of the balloon. Let go! The balloon will fly off through the air very quickly. The air inside the balloon tries to get out. It rushes out through neck of the ball off and this pushes the balloon through the air. It does not need wings like an air plane. This is how a rocket works. It is not made of rubber like a balloon, of course. It is made of metal. The metal must not be heavy but it must be very strong. There is gas inside the rocket which is made very hot. When it rushes out of the end of the rocket, the rocket is pushed up into the air. Rockets can fly far out into space. Rockets with men inside them have already reached the moon. Several rockets, without men inside them, have been sent to other worlds much farther away. One day rockets may be able to go anywhere in the space. Which of the following statements about a rocket is NOT true?【单选题】

A.It can fly when there is no air.

B.It can fly without wings.

C.It is made of strong metal.

D.It is propelled by burning gas inside it.


答案解析:文章第7段倒数第2句说There is gas inside the rocket which is made very hot,但并没有说明是burnmg,所以不对。

10、The GuitarThe Museum of Fine Arts in the eastern city of Boston recently began showing a collection of guitars. The exhibit is called Dangerous Curves: The Art of the Guitar. It shows how the instrument developed during the past four centuries. Probably no other musical instrument is as popular around the world as the guitar. Musicians use the guitar for almost every kind of music. Country and western music would not be the same without a guitar. The traditional Spanish folk music called Flamenco could not exist without a guitar. The sound of American blues music would not be the same without the sad cry of the guitar. And rock and roll music would almost be impossible without this instrument. Music experts do not agree about where the guitar first was played. Most agree it is ancient. Some experts say an instrument very much like a guitar was played in Egypt more than a thousand years ago. Some other experts say that the ancestor of the modern guitar was brought to Spain from Persia sometime in the twelfth century. The guitar continued to develop in Spain. In the seventeen-hundred it became similar to the instrument we know today. Many famous musicians played the instrument. The famous Italian violinist Niccolo Paganinni played and wrote music for the guitar in the early eighteen hundred. Franz Schubert used the guitar to write some ofhis famous works. One guitar in the Boston Fine Arts display was played by Les Paul. It is a very old electric guitar. Mister Parl began experimenting with ways to make an electric guitar in the nineteen-thirties. The Gibson Guitar Company began producing its famous Les Parl Guitar in 1952. The instrument has the same shape and the same six strings as the traditional guitar, but it sounds very different. The guitar has always been important to blues music. The electric guitar Mister Paul helped develop made modern blues music possible. There have been many great blues guitarists. Yet, music experts say all blues guitar players are measured against one man and his famous guitar. That man is B-B King. Every blues fan knows that years ago B-B King named his guitar Lucille. Lucille is so important to American music that the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D-C has asked for it. They want to display the large, beautiful black guitar in one of the museums because it is a part ofAmerican culture. The guitar exhibit is called Dangerous Curve, because it displays all kinds of damages guitar has done to people. 【单选题】






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