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帮考网校2021-03-04 13:49


1、Continuing Education1 People around the world agree that education is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we do not educate students only for the aim of educating them. Our purpose is to fit them for life. Life is varied; so is education.2 Ideas about education are more specified in the United States. Education today is not just a high school diploma or a college degree. Many adults are not interested in going to college. They are interested in other kinds of learning. For them, learning does not end with a diploma.3 Continuing education gives these adults the opportunity to increase their knowledge about their own field or to learn about a new field. It also gives them a chance to improve their old skills or to learn new ones. Scientists, mechanics, secretaries, barbers and cooks can take classes to improve their work skills. If they know more or learn more, they can get a better job or earn more money.4 Continuing education classes give more adults the chance to learn new skills. There is usually a large variety of classes to choose from: typing, foreign cooking, photography, auto repair, furniture repair, or swimming. There are only some of the classes available.5 Some adults take classes for fun or because the class will be useful for them. Other adults take continuing education classes to improve their own lives because they want to feel better about themselves.6 Almost any community college or public school system has a continuing education program. There are classes in schools, community buildings or churches. Most classes are in the evenings, so working people can attend. The classes are usually small, and they are inexpensive.The best title for the passage would be ____【单选题】

A.adults should go on learning after graduating from school

B.to enlarge their knowledge and learn new skills

C.by community colleges and public schools

D.only for working people

E.Continuing Education Classes

F.The Importance of a College Degree



2、Longer Lives Are Happier Lives1 In recent years, scientists have been studying ways to change the body\'s chemistry to reduce the signs and effects of aging.2 0ne group of researchers in Britain has performed experiments on a kind of worm. They have managed to increase the worm\'s normal life span of 20 days by up to 400%. They hope that they will be able to use this research to help humans live longer. However, this is a long way in the future. Another disadvantage is that when (or if) the new technology is successfully developed, it will probably be very expensive. The chance to live longer will only be available to a very few, very rich people.3 Another group of scientists is studying people who have reached a very old age. They believe that this may show what has kept these people healthy and alive for so long. So, if we look at people who have lived into very old age, what do they have in common? Usually they have led a physically active life. This does not mean going to a gym or running ten miles every day. Simple, enjoyable activities like walking seem to be more likely to keep you healthy. Very old people also eat a good, varied diet. Simple foods like vegetable, rice, pasta and fish are the best.4 However, there may be one thing even more important than physical factors like diet and exercise. Research shows that personality, and the way a person thinks, play an important part in how long they will live. People who live into very old age always seem to enjoy life. They have a sense of humor and get satisfaction from simple things. They do not constantly think about the past, but are interested in the present and the future. They do not let life get boring, but have interests and hobbies which keep their minds active and they are open to new ideas. One Japanese man who lived to be 120 commented that the secret of his long life was "not worrying". To express it simply, people who are happy and positive about life are more likely to live longer.5 So, eat well, exercise well, and enjoy life, and you will have a good chance of living to a healthy, happy old age.Paragraph 2 ____【单选题】

A.How to live happy old age

B.Disadvantages of the project

C.The study of old people

D.Personality and other mental factors are more important

E.Worms live longer than humans

F.Live simple lives


答案解析:由“Another disadvantage is…”可以看出一共说了两个弊端,以此说明想让人们活的长久的这个实验是不可行的。

3、Ceasing to Wear TiesIt\'s useless. It\'s dirty. It spreads disease. That\'s why the British Medical Association in the UK recently called for hospital doctors to stop wearing ties.That leads to another question. Why does anyone wear a tie? Ties serve no purpose. They do not cover any part of your body and keep you warm. They always seem to get covered in food stains. Perhaps that is the purpose of the tie. It lets everyone know what you just ate.Ties have an odd history. Soldiers from Croatia, in Eastern Europe, served as mercenaries (雇佣军) in various conflicts in the 17th century. They were identified by brightly colored pieces of silk worn around the neck. Known as cravats(围巾), these became a popular fashion item in France and eventually evolved into the tie.It\'s an interesting story, but it doesn\'t tell us why men want to put useless pieces of cloth or silk around their necks. The answer seems to be about identification(身份证明 ). In the 19th-century Britain, ties were used by universities, military regiments (团), sports clubs, schools and gentleman\'s clubs. Each tie was in a particular set of colors which identified the wearer as a member of that organization. Wearing ties was also the mark of Britain\'s most powerful classes. That made the tie itself a symbol of power and respect. And that led it to be adopted by a much larger class-the business class.You cannot wear a tie if you work with machinery, so wearing a tie became a sign that you were a man who used his brain to make a living, rather than his hands. It showed you were serious. It showed you were a professional. It meant that everyone who wanted a job in business had to wear one. It was just impossible to take seriously a man who did not wear a piece of colored silk around his neck. This is how millions of people came to wear ties across the world.Is there a future for ties? The signs are not promising. Many political leaders, including British Prime Minister Tony Blair, now go without ties.The British Medical Association suggested that________.【单选题】

A.they were workmen

B.they were members of different organizations

C.hospital doctors stop wearing ties

D.who does not always wear a tie

E.who served as mercenaries in many conflicts in the 17th century

F.who does not want to live like a king


答案解析:根据题干中的线索词British Medical Association可定位到第一段最后一句:That\'s why the British Medical Association in the UK recently called for hospital doctors to stop wearing ties.选项C与其表达吻合,是原文的原意复现,故C为正确答案。

4、Money or Friendship or Both1. Friends and money don\'t mix. It\'s a dangerous combination since a fight over money is one of the fastest ways to end a friendship. But what if a friend asks you to tend him or her some money? If you don\'t lend your friend the money, you risk losing the friend. If you do lend your friend the money, you risk losing both the friendship and your money.2. We have to face facts, so here are some situations you might run across with your buddies (伙伴) and some helpful tips (忠告) on how to deal with them. Thinking about why this person needs to borrow in the first place. If he is always living beyond his means, it is his fault, not yours. Any Sensible person would not put himself in a position of debt so often. So simply say "no" to this friend. Even if your friend really needs that money for emergency use and you are willing to help him, before you dive into your pocket, follow this reality check: Do you have the extra money? Are you sure you don\'t need it? Are you willing to write off that amount if it\'s not returned? If your answers are negative, do yourself a favor and say "no".3. Let\'s assume you can\'t stand saying "no" to your friend because you don\'t want him living off cat food. What do you do? Write down these details on a sheet of paper before opening up your wallet:Amount of the loan.Date of the loan.Time of repayment.Amount of interest (if any).Lender\'s and borrower\'s signature.This will at least keep the borrower from forgetting the loan so easily, If your friend\'s loan is past due, it\'s important that you ask him-and it\'s actually not rude. The longer you wait, the more you are brood (忧伤), and the more your resentment builds.4. You can send him a friendly reminder via E - mail. Tell him something like "I\'m going over my bank account and I\'m just wondering when we\'ll be able to settle that money thing." E - mail saves you from an uncomfortable face - to - face confrontation. There is almost no chance of turning a bad reaction into an argument. Unlike a public conversation, an E - mail message will always be private.5. After asking two or three times, you might have to write it off. That\'s what happens. If he just doesn\'t have the money or is unwilling, then what kind of friend is that?Paragraph 2 ____【单选题】

A.Time to Break off a Friendship

B.Unconditional Assistance to Friends in Need

C.Things to Consider When You Have to Say "No" to Your Friend

D.Things to Think over When You Don\'t Want Your Friend to Eat Cat Food

E.Strategies for Borrowing Money

F.Advantages of E - mail in Handling Money Issues


答案解析:本题难度不大,主旨句比较好确认,就是第二段的第一句,谈到我们必须面对事实,当你在某些情况下遇到你朋友跟你借钱时,下面有几条忠告来帮助你应对这种状况。换句话说第二段主要给出了如何对朋友说“不”的几条忠告。回来看选项,比较明显,C项Things to Consider When You Have to Say "No" to Your Friend,就是对本段的概括,所以答案是C。

5、Intelligent Machines1. Medical scientists are already putting computer chips (芯片) directly into the brain to help people who have Parkinson\'s disease, but in what other ways might computer technology be able to help us? Ray Kurzweil is author of the successful book The Age of Intelligent Machines and is one of the world\'s best computer research scientists. He is researching the possibilities.2. Kurzweil gets computers to recognize voices. An example of this is Ramona; the virtual (虚拟的) hostess of Kurzweil\'s homepage, who is programmed to understand what you say. Visitors to the site can have their conversations with her, and Ramona also dances and sings.3. Kurzweil uses this technology to help people with physical disabilities. One of his ideas is a "seeing machine". This will be "like a friend that could describe what is going on in the visible world", he explains. Blind people will use a visual sensor (探测器) which will probably be built into a pair of sunglasses. This sensor will describe to the person everything it sees.4. Another idea, which is likely to help deaf people, is the "listening machine". This invention will recognize millions of words and understand any speaker. The listening machine will also be able to trans late into other languages, so even people without hearing problems are likely to be interested in using it.5. But it is not just about helping people with disabilities. Looking further into the future, Kurzweil sees a time when we will be able to download our entire consciousness onto a computer. This technology probably won\'t be ready for at least 50 years, but when it arrives, it means our minds will be able to live forever.Paragraph 3 ____【单选题】

A.A new pair of eyes

B.Computers that can communicate

C.Everlasting consciousness on a computer

D.Time to break off a friendship

E.An author and researcher

F.A new pair of ears


答案解析:本题难度不大,考生只要认真阅读第三段,不难抓住本段的中心。这一段主要是说如何帮助盲人,这种“看得见的机器”能够使盲人描述他所看到的一切。A项A new pair of eyes,“一双新的眼睛”,可以概括本段内容,答案是A。

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