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帮考网校2021-03-03 12:33


1、A Glass of MilkOne day, a poor boy who was trying to pay his way through school by selling goods door to door found that he only had one dime left. He was hungry so he decided to beg for a meal at the next house.However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so she brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked, "How much do I owe you?""You don\'t owe me anything," she replied. "Mother has taught me never to accept pay for a kindness," he said, "Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart. " As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but also increased his faith in God and the human race. He was about to give up and quit before this point.Years later the young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where specialists can be called in to study her rare disease. Dr. Howard Kelly, now famous was called in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes. Immediately, he rose and went down through the hospital hall into her room.Dressed in his doctor\'s gown he went in to see her. He recognized her at once. He went back to the consultation room and determined to do his best to save her life. From that day on, he gave special attention to her case.After a long struggle, the battle was won. Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it and then wrote something on the side. The bill was sent to her room. She was afraid to open it because she was positive that it would take the rest of her life to pay it off. Finally she looked, and the note on the side of the bill caught her attention. She read these words. . ."Paid in full with a glass of milk," signed Dr. Howard KellyTears of joy flooded her eyes as she prayed silently: "Thank You, God. Your love has spread through human hearts and hands. "The boy wanted to pay some money for the large glass of milk.【单选题】



C.Not mentioned


答案解析:从“How much do I owe you?”可以看出该题是正确的。

2、Woman workThough some people have suggested that women should return to housework in order to leave more jobs for men, the idea has been rejected by both women and men in public ____ polls.Lately some union officials have suggested that too many women are employed in types of work more suitable for men and that women should step aside to make way for unemployed young men. They argue that women, especially women in their childbearing years,actually delay economic development and result in productivity, poor quality and inefficiency.To solve the problem, they suggested that working women stay at home while their husbands or brothers were given double wages. They argue that under these circumstances, families would remain their same level of income, and women could run the house and raise children much better,The suggestion, however , has been flatly rejected by 9 0ut of 10 people polled .Some other people have suggested another way called "phased employment" theory. The theory suggests that a woman worker take leave from her job when she is seven months pregnant and stay off the job until her baby reaches the age of 3. It suggested that women on leave receive 75 percent of their normal salary and be allowed to return to work after the three-year period. This will benefit children, women, their families and the society and it definitely seems to be more acceptable than the suggestion that women return to their homes forever.【单选题】







3、Woman workThough some people have suggested that women should return to housework in order to leave more jobs for men, the idea has been rejected by both women and men in public opinion polls.Lately some union officials have suggested that too many women are employed in types of work more suitable for men and that women should step aside to make way for unemployed young men. They argue that women, especially women in their childbearing years,actually delay economic development and result in productivity, poor quality and inefficiency.To solve the problem, they suggested that working women stay at home while their husbands or brothers were given double wages. They argue that under these circumstances, families would remain their same level of income, and women could run the house and ____ children much better,The suggestion, however , has been flatly rejected by 9 0ut of 10 people polled .Some other people have suggested another way called "phased employment" theory. The theory suggests that a woman worker take leave from her job when she is seven months pregnant and stay off the job until her baby reaches the age of 3. It suggested that women on leave receive 75 percent of their normal salary and be allowed to return to work after the three-year period. This will benefit children, women, their families and the society and it definitely seems to be more acceptable than the suggestion that women return to their homes forever.【单选题】






答案解析:抚养孩子一定要用raise; grow:种植、成长;bring后面加上up才有“抚养”的意思;feed:喂养。因此答案是C。

4、Ceasing to Wear TiesIt\'s useless. It\'s dirty. It spreads disease. That\'s why the British Medical Association in the UK recently called for hospital doctors to stop wearing ties.That leads to another question. Why does anyone wear a tie? Ties serve no purpose. They do not cover any part of your body and keep you warm. They always seem to get covered in food stains. Perhaps that is the purpose of the tie. It lets everyone know what you just ate.Ties have an odd history. Soldiers from Croatia, in Eastern Europe, served as mercenaries (雇佣军) in various conflicts in the 17th century. They were identified by brightly colored pieces of silk worn around the neck. Known as cravats(围巾), these became a popular fashion item in France and eventually evolved into the tie.It\'s an interesting story, but it doesn\'t tell us why men want to put useless pieces of cloth or silk around their necks. The answer seems to be about identification(身份证明 ). In the 19th-century Britain, ties were used by universities, military regiments (团), sports clubs, schools and gentleman\'s clubs. Each tie was in a particular set of colors which identified the wearer as a member of that organization. Wearing ties was also the mark of Britain\'s most powerful classes. That made the tie itself a symbol of power and respect. And that led it to be adopted by a much larger class-the business class.You cannot wear a tie if you work with machinery, so wearing a tie became a sign that you were a man who used his brain to make a living, rather than his hands. It showed you were serious. It showed you were a professional. It meant that everyone who wanted a job in business had to wear one. It was just impossible to take seriously a man who did not wear a piece of colored silk around his neck. This is how millions of people came to wear ties across the world.Is there a future for ties? The signs are not promising. Many political leaders, including British Prime Minister Tony Blair, now go without ties.Paragraph 3 ________.【单选题】

A.Origin of the tie

B.British ties

C.Uselessness of the tie

D.Old-fashioned ties

E.Role of the tie

F.Signs of a tieless era


答案解析:第三段的主题句是第一句Ties have an odd history(领带的历史比较奇怪)。接下来该段讲述了领带的由来。最初,领带是一种色彩斑斓的丝带,被东欧的克罗地亚士兵围在脖子上用来识别身份,后来在巴黎它逐渐成为一种时尚并最终演变成今天的领带。A选项Origin of the tie与其意思一致,故A为正确答案。

5、How to Be a Successful Business personHave you ever wondered why some people are successful in business and others are not? Here\'s a story about one successful business person. He started out washing dishes and today he owns 168 restaurants.Zubair Kazi was born in Bhatkal, a small town in southwest India. His dream was to be an airplane pilot, and when he was 16 years old, he learned to fly a small plane.At the age of 23 and with just a little money in his pocket, Mr. Kazi moved to the United States. He hoped to get a job in the airplane industry in California. Instead, he ended up working for a company that rented cars.While Mr. Kazi was working at the car rental (租赁的) company, he frequently ate at a nearby KFC restaurant. To save money on food, he decided to get a job with KFC. For two months, he worked as a cook\'s assistant. His job was to clean the kitchen and help the cook. "I didn\'t like it," Mr. Kazi says, "but I always did the best I could."One day, Mr. Kazi\'s two co - workers failed to come to work. That day, Mr. Kazi did the work of all three people in the kitchen. This really impressed the owners of the restaurant.A few months later, the owners needed a manager for a new restaurant. They gave the job to Mr. Kazi. He worked hard as the manager and soon the restaurant was making a profit.A few years later, Mr. Kazi heard about a restaurant that was losing money. The restaurant was dirty inside and the food was terrible. Mr. Kazi borrowed money from a bank and bought the restaurant. For the first six months, Mr. Kazi worked in the restaurant from 8 A.m. to 10 p. m., seven days a week. He and his wife cleaned up the restaurant, remodeled the front of the building, and improved the cooking. They also tried hard to please the customers. If someone had to wait more than ten minutes for their food, Mrs. Kazi gave them a free soda. Before long the restaurant was making a profit.A year later, Mr. Kazi sold his restaurant for a profit. With the money he earned, he bought three more restaurants that were losing money. Again, he cleaned them up, improved the food, and retrained the employees. Before long these restaurants were making a profit, too.Today Mr. Kazi owns 168 restaurants, but he isn\'t planning to stop there. He\'s looking for more poorly managed restaurants to buy. "I love it when I go to buy a restaurant and find it\'s a mess," Mr. Kazi says. "The only way it can go is up."Mr. Kazi decided to work with KFC to ____.【单选题】

A.learn how to cook

B.save money for a car

C.save money on food

D.learn how to run a restaurant


答案解析:本题难度不大,也是送分题,答案依据是这一句:To save money on food, he decided to get a job with KFC.

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