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帮考网校2021-02-23 13:27


1、A New Doctors\' DilemmaWhen Christian Barnard, a South African doctor, performed the first human heart transplant in1967, the result was a worldwide moral debate on the ethics of transplanting organs. Hearts were not the first human organs to be transplanted but, in this case, if a donor gave his or her heart, he or she would obviously and necessarily die (or be dead). Kidney transplants, which were already quite common in 1967, often involved the transfer of a single kidney from a close living relative. The chances of survival of the donor were somewhat diminished because he now had only one kidney and if that kidney were affected by disease, he would not have a healthy kidney in reserve. Nevertheless, the donor would certainly not necessarily die.Undoubtedly, another reason why the first heart transplant was so controversial was the fact that we associate so many personality traits with the heart. Questions were asked of the type: "If a person had a different heart, would he still be the same person?", or "If doctors needed a dying person\'s heart, would they tend to declare him dead prematurely?", and so on.Today, not only hearts and kidneys, but also such extremely delicate organs as lungs and livers, are transplanted. These developments have led to a far higher or proportion of successful operations and this, in turn, has led to greater demand for transplants. At the same time, many of the original moral questions surrounding heart transplants have been almost forgotten.However, as a result of the heavy demand for organs, a new moral dilemma has emerged. For example, in the United States there are many people who would survive iflungs were available for transplanting. In fact, about 80% of them die before a suitable donor is found. In these circumstances who would decide if a donor were found whose lungs were equally suitable for two potential recipients?This problem is made worse by the fact that many patients, or their families, become desperate to find a donor. Some succeed in publicizing their situation in newspapers, to politicians or on television. Sometimes, as a result, suitable donors are found. But what would happen if another patient needed the organ more than the one who got the publicity? Who would decide if the other patient should get the organ? Would it be the doctors? Or the donor? Or the family who got the publicity? If such a dilemma developed it would be very difficult to resolve and it would be a matter of life or death to the patients involved.Why was the first heart transplant controversial?【单选题】

A.Because it was not so successful as people had thought.

B.Because some people argued it was not moral to do so.

C.Because the recipient died on the operation table.

D.Because it was the most difficult operation ever known.


答案解析:由第1段可知,全球范围的moral debate是因为捐者一定会死的。这不同于肾脏移植,因此违背道德。

2、Britain\'s Solo SailorEllen MacArthur started sailing when she was eight, going out on sailing trips with her aunt. She loved it so much that she saved her money for three years to buy her first small sailing boat. When she was 18, she sailed alone around Britain and won the "Young Sailor of the Year" award.Ellen became famous in 2001. Aged only 24, she was one of the only two women who entered the Vendee Globe round the world solo race, which lasts 100 days. Despite of many problems, she came the second in the race out of 24 competitors and she was given a very warm welcome when she returned.Ambition and determination have always been a big part of Ellen\'s personality. When she was younger, she lived in a kind of hut (棚屋) for three years while she was trying to get sponsorship to compete in a transatlantic race. Then she took a one - way ticket to France, bought a tiny seven meter Class Mini yacht (游艇), slept under it while she was repairing it, and then she raced it 4,000 kilometres across the Atlantic in 1997, alone for 33 days.Ellen has to learn many things, because sailing single - handed means that she has to be her own captain, electrician, sailmaker, engineer, doctor, journalist, cameraman and cooker, She also has to be very fit, and because of the dangers of sleeping for long periods of time she\'s in the middle of the ocean, she has trained herself to sleep for about 20 minutes at a time.And she needs courage. Once, in the middle of the ocean, she had to climb the mast (桅杆) of a boat to repair the sails at four o\'clock in the morning, with 100 kph winds blowing around her. It took her many hours to make the repairs, Ellen says: "I was exhausted when came down. It\'s hard to describe how it feels to be up there. It\'s like trying to hold onto a big pole, which for me is just too big to get my arms around, with someone kicking you all the time and trying to shake you off".But in her diary, Ellen also describes moments which is worthwhile (值得的) :"A beautiful sunrise started the day, with black clouds slowly lit by the bright yellow sun. I have a very strong feeling of pleasure, being out here on the ocean and having the chance to live this. I just feel lucky to be here."Ellen lived in a kind of hut for three years ____.【单选题】

A.while she was learning how to repair sails

B.because she was ambitious for the coming race

C.while she was trying to get financial support for a race

D.because she was interested in country life


答案解析:本题有一定难度,针对第三段出题,首先要定好位,其次要确定文章里sponsorship的意思。根据题干提示词汇迅速到文章定位。找到文章第三段。第三段第二句谈到,……she was trying to get sponsorship to compete in a transatlantic race,Ellen在一种棚屋里住了三年,正努力想获得进行横渡大西洋比赛的奖金,sponsorship指“奖金”,回来看选项,C是近义解释,答案是C。

3、Intelligent Machines1. Medical scientists are already putting computer chips (芯片) directly into the brain to help people who have Parkinson\'s disease, but in what other ways might computer technology be able to help us? Ray Kurzweil is author of the successful book The Age of Intelligent Machines and is one of the world\'s best computer research scientists. He is researching the possibilities.2. Kurzweil gets computers to recognize voices. An example of this is Ramona; the virtual (虚拟的) hostess of Kurzweil\'s homepage, who is programmed to understand what you say. Visitors to the site can have their conversations with her, and Ramona also dances and sings.3. Kurzweil uses this technology to help people with physical disabilities. One of his ideas is a "seeing machine". This will be "like a friend that could describe what is going on in the visible world", he explains. Blind people will use a visual sensor (探测器) which will probably be built into a pair of sunglasses. This sensor will describe to the person everything it sees.4. Another idea, which is likely to help deaf people, is the "listening machine". This invention will recognize millions of words and understand any speaker. The listening machine will also be able to trans late into other languages, so even people without hearing problems are likely to be interested in using it.5. But it is not just about helping people with disabilities. Looking further into the future, Kurzweil sees a time when we will be able to download our entire consciousness onto a computer. This technology probably won\'t be ready for at least 50 years, but when it arrives, it means our minds will be able to live forever.Paragraph 3 ____【单选题】

A.A new pair of eyes

B.Computers that can communicate

C.Everlasting consciousness on a computer

D.Time to break off a friendship

E.An author and researcher

F.A new pair of ears


答案解析:本题难度不大,考生只要认真阅读第三段,不难抓住本段的中心。这一段主要是说如何帮助盲人,这种“看得见的机器”能够使盲人描述他所看到的一切。A项A new pair of eyes,“一双新的眼睛”,可以概括本段内容,答案是A。

4、How to Be a Successful BusinesspersonHave you ever wondered why some people are successful in business and others are not? Here\'s a story about one successful businessperson. He started out washing dishes and today he owns 168 restaurants.Zubair Kazi was born in Bhatkal, a small town in southwest India. His dream was to be an airplane pilot, and when he was 16 years old, he learned to fly a small plane.At the age of 23 and with just a little money in his pocket, Mr. Kazi moved to the United States. He hoped to get a job in the airplane industry in California. Instead, he ended up working for a company that rented cars.While Mr. Kazi was working at the car rental (租赁的) company, he frequently ate at a nearby KFC restaurant. To save money on food, he decided to get a job with KFC. For two months, he worked as a cook\'s assistant. His job was to clean the kitchen and help the cook. "I didn\'t like it," Mr. Kazi says, "but I always did the best I could."One day, Mr. Kazi\'s two co-workers failed to come to work. That day, Mr. Kazi did the work of all three people in the kitchen. This really impressed the owners of the restaurant.A few months later, the owners needed a manager for a new restaurant. They gave the job to Mr. Kazi. He worked hard as the manager and soon the restaurant was making a profit.A few years later, Mr. Kazi heard about a restaurant that was losing money. The restaurant was dirty inside and the food was terrible. Mr. Kazi borrowed money from a bank and bought the restaurant. For the first six months, Mr. Kazi worked in the restaurant from 8 a. m. to 10 p.m. , seven days a week. He and his wife cleaned up the restaurant, remodeled the front of the building, and improved the cooking. They also tried hard to please the customers. If someone had to wait more than ten minutes for their food, Mrs. Kazi gave them a free soda. Before long the restaurant was making a profit.A year later, Mr. Kazi sold his restaurant for a profit. With the money he earned, he bought three more restaurants that were losing money. Again, he cleaned them up, improved the food, and retrained the employees. Before long these restaurants were making a profit, too.Today Mr. Kazi owns 168 restaurants, but he isn\'t planning to stop there. He\'s looking for more poorly managed restaurants to buy. "I love it when I go to buy a restaurant and find it\'s a mess," Mr. Kazi says. "The only way it can go is up. "In the last paragraph, "it\'s a mess" means________.【单选题】

A.it\'s small

B.it\'s dirty

C.it\'s profitable

D.it\'s cheap



5、They converted the spare bedroom into an office.【单选题】






答案解析:他们把空余的卧室改成了一间办公室。本题有一定难度,C项的干扰较大,有相当考生选了C,reform是“改革”的意思,而词组turn into指“把什么变成什么”,最符合converted的意思,是答案。

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