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帮考网校2021-02-10 09:15


1、Shopping at Second - hand Clothing StoresWhen 33 years old Pete Barth was in college, shopping at second - hand clothing stores was just something he did-"like changing the tires on his car." He looked at his budget and decided he could save a lot of money by shopping for clothes at thrift shops."Even new clothes are fairly disposable (用后即丢掉的) and wear out after a couple of years," Barth said. "In thrift shops, you can find some great stuff whose quality is better than new clothes."Since then, Barth, who works at a Goodwill thrift shop in the US state of Florida, has found that there are all kinds of reasons for shopping for second - hand clothing. Some people, like him, shop to save money. Some shop for a crazy - looking shirt. And some shop as a means of conserving energy and helping the environment.Pat Akins, an accountant at a Florida Salvation Army (SA) (救世军) thrift shop, said that, for her, shopping at thrift shops is a way to help the environment."When my daughter was little, we looked at it as recycling," Akins said: "Also, why pay 30 dollars for a new coat when you can get another one for a lot less?"Akins said that the SA has shops all over the US-"some as big as department stores". All of the clothes are donated (捐赠), and when they have a surplus (盈余), they\'ll have "stuff a bag" specials, where customers can fill a grocery sack with clothes for only 5 or 10 dollars.Julia Stocum, 22, points out, however, that the huge amount of second - hand clothing in the US is the result of American wastefulness."I\'d say that second - hand stores are the result of our wasteful, materialistic culture," said Slocum, who works for a pro - conservation organization, the center of a New American Dream. "Thrift shops prevent waste from going to landfills (垃圾填埋场), They give clothing a second life and provide cheaper clothing for those who can\'t afford to buy new ones and generate (创造) income for charities. They also provide a way for the wealthy and middle classes to shed (摆脱) the guilt for their level of consumption."When Barth was a college student, he often shopped at thrift shops ____【单选题】

A.to save money.

B.to save energy,

C.to help the environment.

D.to make friends with poor people.



2、Ants as a Barometer of Ecological ChangeAt picnics, ants are pests. But they have their uses. In industries such as training, farming and forestry, they can help gauge the health of the environment by just crawling around and being antsy.It has been recognized for decades that ants-which are highly sensitive to ecological change can provide a near-perfect barometer of the state of an ecosystem. Only certain species, for instance, will continue to thrive at a forest site that has been cleared of trees. Others will die out for lack of food. And still others will move in and take up residence.By looking at which species populate a deforested area, scientists can determine how "stressed" the land is. _____. Ants are used simply because they are so common and comprise so many species.Where mine sites are being restored, for example, some ant species will recognize the stripped land more quickly than others. This allowed scientists to gauge the pace and progress of the ecological recovery. Australian mining company Capricorn Coal Management has been successfully using ant surveys for years to determine the rate of recovery of land that it is replanting near its German Creek mine in Queensland.Ant surveys also have been used with mine-site recovery projects in Africa and Brazil, where warm climates encourage dense and diverse ant populations. "We found it worked extremely well there," says Jonathan Majer, a professor of environmental biology. Yet the surveys are perfectly suited to climates throughout Asia, he says, because ants are so common throughout the region. As Majer puts it: "That\'s the great thing about ants. "Ant surveys are so highly-regarded as ecological indicators that governments worldwide accept their results when assessing the environmental impact of mining and tree harvesting. Yet in other businesses, such as farming and property development, ant surveys aren\'t used widely.Why not? Because many companies can\'t afford the expense or the laboratory time needed to sift results for a comprehensive survey. The cost stems, also, from the scarcity of ant specialists. Employing those people are expensive. 【单选题】

A.This allowed scientists to gauge the pace and progress of the ecological recovery.

B.Yet in other businesses, such as farming and property development, ant surveys aren\'t used widely.

C.Employing those people are expensive.

D.They do this by sorting the ants, counting their numbers and comparing the results with those of earlier surveys.

E.The evolution of ant species may have a strong impact on our ecosystem.

F.Others will die out for lack of food.


答案解析:决定哪个句子填入第47题的一个方法是排除法。选项A、B、C、F(F已选为第46题的答案)的内容与第47题前后的句子意思上都不连贯。选项E有些突如其来。只有选项D符合上下文的意思。this指前面句子中的“can determine how \'stressed\' the land is. ”

3、Gun Rights in the USImmediately after the shooting at Virginia Tech University, Americans gathered to mourn (致哀) the dead. The president and the state governer both hurried there to share the grief. But the majority of Americans still cling to their right to own weapons.Strictly speaking, the US is not the only country here gun violence has destroyed lives, families and communities in everyday circumstance. But the US is one of the few countries that seem unwilling and politically incapable of doing anything serious to stop it.In countries like Britain and Canada, the government adopted strict gun control soon after serious gun violence incidents. US leaders, however, are held hostage by the gun lobby (院外活动集团) and the electoral (选举) system.The powerful National Rifle Association, the major supporter of gun rights in the US, is too strong for any party to take on. Most Republicans oppose gun control anyway. Over the years, the Democrats have found that they can either campaign for gun control or win power, not both, they prefer power.According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics, firearm (火器) incidents accounted for nine percent of the 4.7 million violent crimes in 2005. So although opinion polls show most Americans want stricter gun laws, many people don\'t want to give up their arms they keep to protect themselves.Dave Hancock, a Virginia gun lover, is one example. In an interview he said, "If one professor in the Virginia incident had been carrying a legal weapon, they might have been able to stop all this. "In his opinion, the massacre (大屠杀) is an argument for more people to carry weapons, not fewer.Americans\' clinging to the right to bear arms is not just a fear of crime, but a mistrust of ____, commented UK\'s Guardian newspaper.One Virginia resident, who had a permit to carry a concealed (隐藏的) firearm, told the Guardian that it was every American\'s responsibility to have a gun."Each person," he said, "should not rely solely on the government for protection."【单选题】







4、The love of money is the root of all evil.【单选题】







5、Geology and Heap(1)The importance of particular metals in the human diet has been realized within the past few decades, and the idea that geology might be related to health has been recognized for a number of elements such as iodine, zinc and selenium. For example, soils with low iodine contents produce crops, and animals deficient in iodine. A lack of iodine in the human diet leads to some serious diseases.(2)The ultimate source of metals within the human body is rocks, which weather into soil, gaining or losing some of their chemical constituents. The crops we eat selectively remove from the soil the elements that they require for growth. The water we drink contains trace elements leached from rock and soil. Thus the geology and geochemistry of the environment have effects on the chemistry and health of plants, animals and people.(3)So far there is no data to suggest that people living on metal-rich soils experience a potential health hazard. The levels of metals within naturally contaminated soils are generally not high enough to cause serious health problems. Living on metal-rich soils does not represent a health risk unless large quantities of soil are digested or metal-rich dust is inhaled. However, small children are particularly exposed to metal-rich topsoil in playgrounds and gardens. They are also the most likely ones to eat potentially dangerous metal-rich soil.(4)Heavy metals are persistent: they do not break down to other chemicals in the environment. Industrially polluted sites usually undergo intensive clean-up and rehabilitation because heavy metals are a health concern once they enter the food chain. Some trace metals are alleged to cause cancer and are also known to cause poisoning(5)In contrast, naturally contaminated soils have not been subject too risk assessment studies and rehabilitation measures, despite the fact that they frequently possess metal concentrations well above those of such polluted by humans and above environmental quality criteria.(6)There is a vital need to understand the potential risks and long-term health effects of living on naturally contaminated soils. Future environmental investigations of naturally polluted soils should concentrate on the potential pathways of metals into the food chain and human body. Geologists should be part of such studies as they can provide the essential background information on rock and soil chemistry as well as the chemical forms of heavy metal pollution.It is extremely necessary to study the long-term effects caused by living on____ .【单选题】

A.industrially polluted soils

B.rock and soil chemistry

C.naturally polluted soils

D.the pathways of metals into the food chain

E.the element of iodine

F.the persistence of heavy metals


答案解析:本题答案的依据是最后一段的第1句,即“There is a vital need to understand the potential risks and long-terse health effects of living on naturally contaminated soils. ”

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