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帮考网校2021-02-08 09:41


1、The motorcarSome pessimistic experts feel that the automobile is bound to fall into disuse. They see a day in the not-too-distant future when all autos will be abandoned and allowed to rust. Other authorities, however, think the auto is here to stay. They hold that the car will remain a leading means of urban travel in the foreseeable future.The motorcar will undoubtedly. change significantly over the next 30 years. It should become smaller, safer, and more economical, and should not be powered by the gasoline engine. The car of the future should be far more pollution-free than present types.Regardless of its power source, the auto in the future will still be the main problem in urban traffic congestion. One proposed solution to this problem is the automated highway system.When the auto enters the highway system, a retractable (可伸缩的) arm will drop from the auto and make contact with a rail, which is similar to those powering subway trains electrically. Once attached to the rail, the car will become electrically powered from the system, and control of the vehicle will pass to a central computer. The computer will then monitor all of the car\'s movements.The driver will use a telephone to dial instructions about his destination into the system. The computer will calculate the best route, and reserve space for the car all the way to the correct exit from the highway. The driver will then be free to relax and wait for the buzzer (蜂鸣器) that will warn him of his coming exit. It is estimated that an automated highway will be able to handle 10,000 vehicles per hour, compared with the 1,500 to 2,000 vehicles that can be carried by a present-day highway.What provides autos with electric power in an automated highway system?【单选题】

A.A rail.

B.An engine.

C.A retractable arm.

D.A computer controller.



2、When a disease of epidemic proportions rips into the populace, scientists immediately get to work, trying to locate the source of the affliction and find ways to combat it. Oftentimes, success is achieved, as medical science is able to isolate the parasite, germ or cell that causes the problem and finds ways to effectively kill or contain it. In the most serious of cases, in which the entire population of a region or country may be at grave risk, it is deemed necessary to protect the entire population through vaccination, so as to safeguard lives and ensure that the disease will not spread.The process of vaccination allows the patient\'s body to develop immunity to the virus or disease so that, if it is encountered, one can ward it off naturally. To accomplish this, a small weak or dead strain of the disease is actually injected into the patient in a controlled environment, so that his body\'s immune system can learn to fight the invader properly. Information on how to penetrate the disease\'s defenses is transmitted to all elements of the patient\'s immune system in a process that occurs naturally, in which genetic information is passed from cell to cell. This makes sure that, should the patient later come into contact with the real problem, his body is well equipped and trained to deal with it, having already done so before.There are dangers inherent in the process, however. On occasion, even the weakened version of the disease contained in the vaccine proves too much for the body to handle, resulting in the immune system succumbing, and, therefore, the patient\'s death. Such is the case of the smallpox vaccine, designed to eradicate the smallpox epidemic that nearly wiped out the entire Native American population and killed massive numbers of settlers. Approximately l in 10,000 people who receives the vaccine contract the smallpox disease from the vaccine itself and dies from it. Thus, if the entire population of the United States were to receive the Smallpox Vaccine today, 3,000 Americans would be left dead.Fortunately, the smallpox virus was considered eradicated in the early 1970\'s, ending the mandatory vaccination of all babies in America. In the event of a re-introduction of the disease, however, mandatory vaccinations may resume, resulting in more unexpected deaths from vaccination. The process, which is truly a mixed blessing, may indeed hide some hidden curses.What does the example of the Smallpox Vaccine illustrate?【单选题】

A.The possible negative outcome of administering vaccines.

B.The practical use of a vaccine to control an epidemic disease.

C.The effectiveness of vaccines in eradicating certain disease.

D.The method by which vaccines are employed against the disease.



3、The Only Way Is Up Think of a modem city and the first image that come to mind is the skyline. It is full of great buildings, pointing like fingers to heaven. It is true that some cities don\'t permit buildings to go above a certain height. But these are cities concerned with the past. The first thing any city does when it wants to tell the world that it has arrived is to build skyscrapers. When people gather together in cities, they create a demand for land since cities are places where money is made, that demand can be met. And the best way to make money out of city land is to put as many people as possible in a space that covers the smallest amount of ground that means building upwards. The technology existed to do this as early as the 19th century. But the height of buildings was limited by one important factor. They had to be small enough for people on the top floors to climb stairs. People could not be expected to climb a mountain at the end of their journey to work, or home. Elisha Otis, a US inventor, was the man who brought us the lift or elevator, as he preferred to call it. However, most of the technology is very old lifts work using the same pulley system the Egyptians used to create the Pyramids. What Otis did was attach the system to a steam engine and develop the elevator brake, which stops the lift falling if the cords that hold it up are broken. It was this that did the most to gain public confidence in the new invention. In fact, he spent a number of years exhibiting lifts at fairgrounds, giving people the chance to try them out before selling the idea to architects and builders. A lift would not be a very good theme park attraction now. Going in a lift is such an everyday thing that it would just be boring. Yet psychologists and others who study human behavior find lifts fascinating. The reason is simple. Scientists have always studied animals in zoos. The nearest they can get to that with humans is in observing them in lifts. "It breaks all the usual conventions about the bubble of personal space we carry around with us and you just can\'t choose to move away," says workplace psychologist, Gary Fitzgibbon. Being trapped in this setting can create different types of tensions, he says. Some people are scared of them. Others use them as an opportunity to get close to the boss. Some stand close to the door. Others hide in the comers. Most people try and shrink into the background but some behave in a way that makes others notice them. There are a few people who just stand in a comer taking notes. Don\'t worry about them. They are probably from a university.When Otis came up with the idea of a lift,____.【单选题】

A.he sold it to the architects and builders immediately

B.the Egyptians used it to build the Pyramids

C.it was accepted favorably by the public

D.most people had doubt about its safety



4、Human Heart Can Make New CellsSolving a longstanding mystery, scientists have found that the human heart continues to generate new cardiac cells throughout the life span, although the rate of new cell production slows with age. The finding, published in the April 3 issue of Science, could open a new path for the treatment of heart diseases such as heart failure and heart attack, experts say. "We find that the beating cells in the heart, cardiomyocytes, are renewed," said lead researcher Dr. Jonas Frisen, a professor of stem cell research at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. "It has previously not been known whether we were limited to the cardiomyocytes we are born with or if they could be renewed," he said. The process of renewing these cells changes over time, Frisen added. In a 20-year-old, about 1 percent of cardiomyocytes are exchanged each year, but the turnover rate decreases with age to only 0. 45 percent by age 75, "If we can understand how the generation of new cardiomyocytes is regulated, it may be potentially possible to develop pharmaceuticals that promote this process to stimulate regeneration after for example, a heart attack, "Frisen said. That could lead to treatment that helps restore damaged hearts. A lot of people suffer from chronic heart failure," noted co-author Dr. Ratan Bhardwaj. Ratan Bhardwaj, also from the Karolinska Institute. "Chronic heart failure arises from heart cells dying," he said. With this finding, scientists are "opening the door to potential therapies to having ourselves heal ourselves," Bhardwaj said. "Maybe one could devise a pharmaceutical agent that would make heart cells make new and more cells to overcome the problem they are facing. " But barriers remain. According to Bhardwaj, scientists do not yet know how to increase heart cell production to a rate that would replace cells faster than they are dying off, especially in older patients with heart failure. In addition, the number of new cells the heart produces was estimated using healthy hearts-whether the rate of cell turnover in diseased hearts is the same remains unknown.Chronic heart failure is attributed to ____.【单选题】

A.the dying heart cells

B.the effect of pharmceutical

C.the weight of a patient

D.the life span of a person


答案解析:倒数第三段说:Chronic heart failure arises from heart cells dying。慢性心衰是由心肌细胞死亡导致的。

5、Egypt Felled by Famine Even ancient Egypt\'s mighty pyramid builders were powerless in the face of the famine that helped bring down their civilization around 2180 BC. Now evidence gleaned from mud deposited by the River Nile suggests that a shift in climate thousands of kilometers to the south was ultimately to blame and the same or worse could happen today. The ancient Egyptians depended on the Nile\'s annual floods to irrigate their crops. But any change in climate that pushed the African monsoons southwards out of Ethiopia would have diminished these floods. Dwindling rains in the Ethiopian highlands would have meant fewer plants to stablize the soil. When rain did fall it would have washed large amounts of soil into the Blue Nile and into Egypt, along with sediment from the White Nile. The Blue Nile mud has a different isotope signature from that of the White Nile. So by analyzing isotope differences in mud deposited in the Nile Delta, Michael Krom of Leeds University worked out what proportion of sediment came from each branch of the river. Krom reasons that during periods of drought, the amount of the Blue Nile mud in the river would be relatively high. He found that one of these periods, from 4,500 to 4,200 years ago, immediately predates the fall of the Egypt\'s Old Kingdom. The weakened waters would have been catastrophic for the Egyptians. " Changes that affect food supply don\'t have to be very large to have a ripple effect in societies," says Bill Ryan of the Lamont Doberty Earth Observatory in New York. "Similar events today could be even more devastating," says team member Daniel Stanley, a geoarchaeologist from the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D C. " Anything humans do to shift the climate belts would have an even worse effect along the Nile system today because the populations have increased dramatically. " According to Krom, Egypt\'s Old Kingdom fell ____.【单选题】

A.immediately after a period of drought

B. immediately after a period of flood

C.just before a drought struck

D.just before a flood struck


答案解析:A说的是:就在一个时期的干旱之后。第五段有这么一个句子:… one of these periods immediately predates the fall of the Egypt\'s Old Kingdom. 其中的一个时期…就发生在古埃及王国毁灭之前。可以看出,A应该是正确的答案。B:就在一个时期的水灾之后。C:就在遇到一次旱灾之前。D:就在遇到一次水灾之前。

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