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帮考网校2021-01-06 11:26


1、Smallpox virusIt\'s now a fair bet that we will never see the total extinction of the smallpox virus. The idea was to cap the glorious achievement of 1980, when smallpox was eradicated in the wild, by destroying the killer virus in the last two labs that are supposed to have it—one in the US and one in Russia. If smallpox had truly gone from the planet, what point was there in keeping these reserves?In reality, of course, it was naive to ____ that everyone would let go of such a potential weapon. Undoubtedly several nations still have a few vials. And the last “official” stocks of live virus bred mistrust of the US and Russia, for no obvious gain.Now American researchers have found an animal model of the human disease, opening the way for tests on new treatments and vaccines. So one again there\'s a good reason to keep the virus—just in case the disease puts in a reappearance.How do we deal with the mistrust of the US and Russia? Simple. Keep the virus under international auspices in a well-guarded UN laboratory that\'s open to all countries. The US will object, of course, just as it rejects a multilateral approach to just about everything. But it doesn\'t mean the idea is wrong. If the virus is useful, then let\'s make it the servant of all humanity—not just a part of it.【单选题】







2、The Ideal HusbandScience now might be able to explain women\'s fascination with Brad Pitt\'s face and George Clooney\'s eyes. Women seem to judge potential mate by how masculine their features are, new research shows. Men with square jaws and well-defined brow ridges are seen as good short-term partners, ____ those with more feminine traits such as a rounder face and fuller lips are perceived as better long-term mates.In the study by Daniel Kruger at the US\'s University of Michigan, 854 subjects viewed a series of male head shots that had been digitally changed to exaggerate or minimize masculine traits. They then . answered questions about how they expected the men in the photos to behave.Most participants said that those with more masculine features were likely to be risky, competitive, and more apt to fight, challenge bosses, cheat on spouses and put less effort into parenting. Those with more feminine faces were seen as good parents and husbands, hard workers and emotionally supportive mates.But, despite all the negative characteristics, when asked who they would choose for a short-term relationship, women selected the more masculine looking men. Brad and George, both chiseled jaws and well-defined brows, then would be good for a brief romance, not for something longer.The study was published in the December issue of the US journal Personal Relationships.Kruger said that from an evolutionary perspective, this makes sense. The key is testosterone, the hormone responsible for the development of masculine facial features and other sexual characteristics. It has been found to affect the body\'s ability to fight disease: men with high levels of the hormone are typically strong and healthy- traits women want to pass on to their children.However, increased testosterone has also been linked to cheating and violence in relationships. So, these men might produce high quality offspring, but they don\'t always make great parents or faithful mates, Kruger says.The scientific community have shown skepticism toward physiognomy, which links facial characteristics to certain behavioral traits. But Kruger argues that the research is a valuable tool for understanding mating strategies. And, of course, for explaining why Tony Leung and Takeshi Kanesshiro have millions of female fans. It might have to do with their genes. Or something to do with ours.【单选题】







3、Human Heart Can Make New CellsSolving a longstanding (为时甚久的) mystery, scientists have found that the human heart continues to generate new cardiac(心脏的 ) cells throughout the life span, although the rate of new cell production slows with age.The finding, published in the April 3 issue of Science, could open a new path for the treatment of heart diseases such as heart failure and heart attack, experts say."We find that the beating cells in the heart, cardiomyocytes (心肌细胞), are renewed," said lead researcher Dr. Jonas Frisen, a professor of stem cell research at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. "It has previously not been known whether we were limited to the cardiomyocytes we are born with or if they could be renewed," he said.The process of renewing these cells changes over time, Frisen added. In a 20 - year - old, about I percent of cardiomyocytes are exchanged each year, but the turnover (更替) rate decreases with age to only 0.45 percent by age 75."If we can understand how the generation of new cardiomyocytes is regulated, it may be potentially possible to develop pharmaceuticals (药物) that promote this process to stimulate regeneration after, for example, a heart attack," Frisen said.That could lead to treatment that helps restore damaged hearts."A lot of people suffer from chronic heart failure," noted co - author Dr. Ratan Bhardwaj, also from the Karolinska Institute. "Chronic heart failure arises from heart cells dying," he said.With this finding, scientists are "opening the door to potential therapies (疗法) to having ourselves heal ourselves." Bhardwaj said. "Maybe one could devise a pharmaceutical agent that would make heart cells make new and more cells to overcome the problem they are facing. "But barriers remain. According to Bhardwaj, scientists do not yet know how to increase heart cell production to a rate that would replace cells faster than they are dying off, especially in older patients with heart failure. In addition, the number of new cells the heart produces was estimated using healthy hearts-whether the rate of cell turnover in diseased hearts is the same remains unknown.Chronic heart failure is attributed to ______.【单选题】

A.the dying heart cells

B.the effect of pharmaceuticals

C.the weight of the patient

D.the life span of a person



4、Importance of Children\'s Oral HealthFebruary is National Children\'s Dental(牙齿的) Health Month, but in children good oral(口部的) care is critical every day. The first comprehensive study on the nation\'s oral health, released recently by the Office of the U. S. Surgeon General, calls dental and oral diseases a "silent epidemic (流行病)", even in children. The report states that more than 51 million school hours are lost each year to dental - related illness. In fact, a recent study pointed to dental care as the most common unmet health need among American children.To help counter this, the American Academy of Periodontology (牙周病学) (AAP) is launching an effort to educate children and parents about the prevention of dental diseases in children."This is important because oral problems can impact self - esteem for children and lead to problems of eating, speaking and attending to learning," said Michael McGuire, president of the AAP.Common dental problems seen in children are cavities (龋洞) and gingivitis (龈炎), which are found in the majority of U. S. children. "When these problems are not caught early and treated, they can develop into more severe problems and cause unnecessary suffering," said McGuire. "However, much of the time, oral problems are avoidable problems."In the Rio Grande Valley in Texas, a group of more than 120 dentists(牙医) volunteers to deliver dental care to thousands of low - income children each year with its Mobile Dental Unit that travels from school to school."According to the Surgeon General\'s Report, about 37 percent of children have not had a dental visit before starting school," said McGuire. When children don\'t see dentists, they miss the opportunity to have problems caught early before they develop into larger, more expensive problems to treat, and parents miss the opportunity to learn how to promote good oral habits in their children.Oral problems can not be avoided in any way.【单选题】



C.Not mentioned


答案解析:本题有一定难度,需要吃透原文句意。带者题干信息词回文章定位,答案依据在文章第四段第二句:主要答案依据在文章第四段最后一句:However,much of the time,oral problems are avoidable problems谈到多数情况下口腔问题可以避免的,换句话说,口腔问题是可以预防的,本题和原文句意相反,答案是B。

5、The Ideal HusbandScience now might be able to explain women\'s fascination with Brad Pitt\'s face and George Clooney\'s eyes. Women seem to ____ potential mate by how masculine their features are, new research shows. Men with square jaws and well-defined brow ridges are seen as good short-term partners, while those with more feminine traits such as a rounder face and fuller lips are perceived as better long-term mates.In the study by Daniel Kruger at the US\'s University of Michigan, 854 subjects viewed a series of male head shots that had been digitally changed to exaggerate or minimize masculine traits. They then . answered questions about how they expected the men in the photos to behave.Most participants said that those with more masculine features were likely to be risky, competitive, and more apt to fight, challenge bosses, cheat on spouses and put less effort into parenting. Those with more feminine faces were seen as good parents and husbands, hard workers and emotionally supportive mates.But, despite all the negative characteristics, when asked who they would choose for a short-term relationship, women selected the more masculine looking men. Brad and George, both chiseled jaws and well-defined brows, then would be good for a brief romance, not for something longer.The study was published in the December issue of the US journal Personal Relationships.Kruger said that from an evolutionary perspective, this makes sense. The key is testosterone, the hormone responsible for the development of masculine facial features and other sexual characteristics. It has been found to affect the body\'s ability to fight disease: men with high levels of the hormone are typically strong and healthy- traits women want to pass on to their children.However, increased testosterone has also been linked to cheating and violence in relationships. So, these men might produce high quality offspring, but they don\'t always make great parents or faithful mates, Kruger says.The scientific community have shown skepticism toward physiognomy, which links facial characteristics to certain behavioral traits. But Kruger argues that the research is a valuable tool for understanding mating strategies. And, of course, for explaining why Tony Leung and Takeshi Kanesshiro have millions of female fans. It might have to do with their genes. Or something to do with ours.【单选题】






答案解析:这四个词的意思是:make:做;judge:判断;date:约会;meet:见面。本文的主题是讲女人找伴侣。从所在句子的表示方式的介词短语by how masculine their features are(根据他们男性特征的情况),选择judge在语义上比较一致。

6、Nurse! I Want My MummyWhen a child is ill in hospital, a parent\'s first reaction is to be with them.Most hospitals now allow parents to sleep overnight with their child, providing a bed or sofa on the ward.But until the 1970s this practice was not only frowned upon (不赞同) — it was actively discouraged. Staff worried that the children would be upset when their parents left, and so there was a blanket (通用的) ban.A concerned nurse, Pamela Hawthorn, disagreed and her study "Nurse, I want my mummy!" published in 1974, changed the face "paediatric (儿科的) nursing.Martin Johnson, a professor of nursing at the University of Salford, said that the work of ____ like Pamela had changed the face of patient care."Pamela\'s study was done against the background of a lively debate in paediatrics and psychology as to the degree women should spend with children in the outside world and the degree to which they should be allowed to visit children in hospital.""The idea was that if mum came to visita small child in hospital the child would be upset and inconsolable (无法安慰的) for hours. ""Yet the nurse noticed that if mum did not come at all the child stayed in a relatively stable state but they might be depressed. ""Of course we know now that they had almost given up hope that mum was ever coming back.""To avoid a little bit of pain they said that no one should visit.""But children were alone and depressed, so Hawthorn said parents should be allowed to visit."Dr. Peter Carter, chief executive and general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing, said her work had been seminal (开创性的)."Her research put an end to the days when parents handed their children over to strangers at the door of the hospital ward.""As a result of her work, parents are now recognized as partners in care and are afforded the opportunity to stay with their children while they are in hospital, which has dramatically improved both parents\' and children\'s experience of care." 【单选题】






答案解析:本题难度不大,考查词义辨析,干扰项干扰不大,可以先看选项得到信息提示。文章第四段第一句:A concerned nurse,Pamela Hawthorn - -是信息提示,表明Pamela是护士,nurse,答案是B。

7、TV Games Shows One of the most fascinating things about television is the size of the audience. A novel can be on the "best sellers" list with a sale of fewer than 100,000 copies, but a popular TV show might have 70 million TV viewers. TV can make anything or anyone well known overnight. This is the principle behind "quiz" or "game" shows, which put ordinary people on TV to play a game for the prize and money. A quiz show can make anyone a star, and it can give away thousands of dollars just for fun. But all of this money can create problems. For instance, in the 1950s, quiz shows were very popular in the U. S. and almost everyone watched them. Charles Van Doren, an English instructor, became rich and famous after winning money on several shows. He even had a career as a television personality. But one of the losers proved that Charles Van Doren was cheating. It turned out that the show\'s producers, who were pulling the strings, gave the answers to the most popular contestants beforehand. Why? Because if the audience didn\'t like the person who won the game, they turned the show off. Based on his story, a movie under the title " Quiz Show" is on 40 years later. Charles Van Doren is no longer involved with TV. But game shows are still here, though they aren\'t taken as seriously. In fact, some of them try to be as ridiculous as possible. There are shows that send strangers on vacation trips together, or that try to cause newly-married couples to fight on TV, or that punish losers by humiliating them. The entertainment now is to see what people will do just to be on TV. People still win money, but the real prize is to be in front of an audience of millions. The principle behind "quiz" or "game" shows is to put ordinary people on TV to play a game for prizes and money. 【单选题】

A. Right

B. Wrong

C.Not mentioned


答案解析:该句是说“猜谜节目背后的原则是为了让普通人参加赢取奖品和奖金的电视节目”。答案查找的线索词: ordinary people(普通人)。从第二段开始查找(因为问题一的答案在第一句的结尾),不难在第二段的第一句中找到含有ordinary people的相关句。对照原句和问题句,不难发现原句的结构与问题句的结构有所不同:原句中有代词this,说“这就是猜谜节目背后的原则”,而代词往往指代前一句的内容,可见TV can make anything or anyone well-known overnight. 才是猜谜节目背后的原则。所以该句说法错误。

8、Smart Window Windows not only let light in to cut down an electricity use for lighting, but the light coming through the window also provides heat. However, windows are not something people typically associate with being a cutting edge technology. Researchers are now working on new technologies that enable a window to quickly change from clear to dark and anywhere in between with a flip of a switch. "It took us a long time to figure out what a window really is," says Claes Granqvist. He\'s a professor of solid-state physics at Uppsala University in Sweden. "It\'s contact with the outside world. You have to have visual contact with the surrounding world to feel well. " So, windows and natural light are important for improving the way people feel when they\'re stuck indoors. Yet, windows are the weak link in a building when it comes to energy and temperature control. In the winter, cold air leaks in. When it\'s hot and sunny, sunlight streams in. All of this sunlight carries lots of heat and energy. And all of this extra heat forces people to turn on their air conditioners. Producing blasts of cold air, which can feel so refreshing, actually suck up enormous amounts of electricity in buildings around the world. Windows have been a major focus of energy research for a long time. Over the years, scientists have come up with a variety of strategies for coating, glazing, and layering windows to make them more energy efficient. Smart windows go a step further. They use chromogenic technologies which involve changes of color. Electrochromic windows use electricity to change color. For example, a sheet of glass coated with thin layers of chemical compound such as tungsten oxide works a bit like a battery. Tungsten oxide is clear when an electric charge is applied and dark when the charge is removed, that is, when the amount of voltage is decreased, the window darkens until it\'s completely dark after all electricity is taken away. So applying a voltage determines whether the window looks clear or dark. One important feature that makes a smart window so smart is that it has a sort of "memory. " All it takes is a small jolt of voltage to turn the window from one state to the other. Then, it stays that way. Transitions take anywhere from 10 seconds to a few minutes, depending on the size of the window. The development of smart windows could mean that massive air conditioning systems may no longer need. "In the future," Granqvist says, "our buildings may look different. What are smart windows, according to Paragraph 4? 【单选题】

A.Windows that are coated.

B.Windows that are glazed.

C.Windows the color of which can be changed.

D.Windows that have many layers.


答案解析:第四段告诉我们,多年来科学家已研究出多种通过窗户节能的办法,而smart windows使用的技术使窗户能变换颜色,所以C是正确选择。

9、In the United States educational system, intermediate school is the transitional phase between the primary grades and high school.【单选题】







10、A Tale of Scottish Rural LifeLewis Grassic Gibbon\'s Sunset Song (1932) was voted "the best Scottish novel of all time" by Scottish\'s reading public in 2005. Once considered shocking for its frank description of aspects of the lives of Scotland\'s poor rural farmers, it has been adapted for stage, film, TV and radio in recent decades.The novel is set on the fictional estate of Kinraddie, in the farming country of the Scottish northwest in the years up to and beyond World War I. At its heart is the story of Chris, who is both part of the community and a little outside it.Grassic Gibbon gives us the most detailed and intimate account of the life of his heroine. We watch her grow through a childhood dominated by her cruel but hard-working father; experience tragedy (her mother\'s suicide and murder of her twin children); and learn about her feelings as she grows into woman. We see her marry, lose her husband, then marry again. Chris has seemed so convincing a figure to some female readers that they cannot believe that she is the creation of a man.But it would be misleading to suggest that this book is just about Chris. It is truly a novel of a place and its people. Its opening section tells of Kinraddie\'s long history, in a language that imitates the place\'s changing patterns of speech and writing.The story itself is amazingly full of characters and incidents. It is told from Chris\' point of view but also from that of the gossiping community, a community where everybody knows everybody else\'s business and nothing is ever forgotten.Sunset Song has a social theme too. It is concerned with what Grassic Gibbon perceives as the destruction of traditional Scottish rural life first by modernization and then by World War I. Gibbon tried hard to show how certain characters resist the war. Despite this, the war takes the young men away, a number of them to their deaths. In particular, it takes away Chris\' husband, Ewan Tavendale. The war finally kills Ewan, but not in the way his widow is told In fact, the Germans aren\'t responsible for his death, but his own side. He is shot because he is said to have run away from a battle.If the novel is about the end of one way of life it also looks ahead, it is a "Sunset Song" but is concerned too with the new Kinraddie, indeed of the new European world Grassic Gibbon went on to publish two other novels about the place that continue its story.Who are responsible for Evan\'s death, according to Chris?【单选题】

A.The Germans.

B.The French army.

C.The British troops.

D.The Russian soldiers.


答案解析:A:德国人;B:法国军队;C:英国部队;D:俄罗斯士兵。B是正确的。倒数第二段有这么两句话: 战争最后杀死了Ewan,但不是他的寡妇说的那样。事实上,德国人没有杀他,是他自己一边的人杀的。

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