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帮考网校2020-06-02 13:50


1、Musical Training Can Improve Communication Skills American scientists say musical training seems to improve communication skills and language retardation. They found that developing musical skills involves the same process in the brain as learning how to speak. The scientists believe that could help children with learning disabilities. ____. She says musical training involves putting together different kinds of information, such as hearing music, looking at musical notes, touching an instrument and watching other musicians. This process is not much different from learning how to speak. Both involve different senses. She further explains musical training and learning to speak each make us think about what we are doing. She says speech and music pass through a structure of the nervous system called the brain stem. The brain stem controls our ability to hear. Until recently, experts have thought the brain stem could not be developed or changed. But Professor Kranss and her team found that musical training can improve a person\'s brain stem activity. The study involved individuals with different levels of musical ability. They were asked to wear an electrical device that measures brain activity. The individuals wore the electrode while they watched a video of someone speaking and a person playing a musical instrument ---- the cello. Professor Krauss says cellos have sound qualities similar to some of the sounds that are important with speech. The study found that the more years of training people had, the more sensitive they were to the sound and rhythm of the music. Those who were involved in musical activities were the same people in whom the improvement of sensory events was the strongest. It shows the importance of musical training to children with learning disabilities. She says using music to improve listening skills could mean they hear sentences and understand facial expressions better. 【单选题】

A.Both involve different senses.

B.Nina Kraus is a neurobiologist at Northwestern University in Illinois.

C.Some disabled children attended the musical training Class.

D.It shows the importance of musical training to children with learning disabilities.

E.Professor Krauss says cellos have sound qualities similar to some of the sounds that are important with speech.

F.The brain stem controls our ability to hear.


答案解析:46后面的句子的主语是代词she,说明46的句子中有一个女性的名字。选项B有Nina Kraus (Nina“尼娜”是女性名字),句子的内容是介绍Nina Kraus,与后面句子的意思配得上。B是答案。

2、BaseballThere are people in Italy who can\'t stand soccer. Not all Canadians love hockey. A similar situation exists in America, where there are those individuals you may be one of them who yawn or even frown when somebody mentions baseball. Baseball to them means boring hours watching grown men in funny tight outfits standing around in a field staring away while very little of anything happens. They tell you it\'s a game better suited to the 19th century, slow, quiet and gentlemanly. These are the same people you may be one of them who love football because there\'s the sport that glorifies "the hit".By contrast, baseball seems abstract, cool, silent and still. On TV the game is fractured into a dozen perspectives, replays and close ups. The geometry of the game, however, is essential to understanding it. You will contemplate the game from one point as a painter does his subject; you may, of course, project yourself into the game. It is in this projection that the game affords so much space and time for involvement. The TV won\'t do it for you.Take, for example, the third baseman. You sit behind the third base dugout and you watch him watching home plate. His legs are apart, knees flexed. His arms hang loose. He does a lot of this. The skeptic still cannot think of any other sports so still, so passive. But watch what happens every time the pitcher throws: the third baseman goes up on his toes, flexes his arms or bring the glove to a point in front of him, takes a step right or left, backward or forward, perhaps he glances across the field to check his first baseman\'s position. Suppose the pitch is a ball. "Nothing happened," you say. "I could have had my eyes closed".The skeptic and the innocent must play the game. And this involvement in the stands is no more intellectual than listening to music is. Watch the third baseman. Smooth the dirt in front of you with one foot; smooth the pocket in your glove; watch the eyes of the batter, the speed of the bat, the sound of horsehide on wood if football is a symphony of movement and theatre, baseball is chamber music, a spacious interlocking of notes, chores and responses.By stating "I could have had my eyes closed" the author means ____.【单选题】

A.The third baseman would rather sleep than play the game.

B.Even if the third baseman closed his eyes a moment ago, it could make no different to the result.

C.The third baseman is so good at baseball that he could finish the game with eyes closed all the time and do his work well.

D.The consequent was too bad he could not bear to see it.


答案解析:第四段整个都在描述垒球场上的一个场景: 拿三垒的运动员假设对方全投出好球,做好了一切准备,但是对方投出的并不是好球。所以在那时候他的准备做不做都不会影响比赛结果。他说本来可以闭上眼睛,意思就是B项所写的。A、C、D都不符合作者的意图。这道题需要完整地了解第四段内容才能作好选择。

3、A supernova (超新星) is a star that explodes and then slowly fades to less than its original brightness. 【单选题】














5、Youth Emancipation in SpainThe Spanish Government is so worried about the number of young adults still living with their parents that it has decided to help them leave the nest.Around 55 percent of people aged 18 ~ 34 in Spain still sleep in their parents\' home, says the latest report from the country\'s state - run Institute of Youth.To coax (劝诱) young people from their homes, the Institute started a "Youth Emancipation(解放)" programme this month. The programme offers guidance in finding rooms and jobs.Economists blame young people\'s family dependence on the precarious (不稳定的) labour market and increasing housing prices. Housing prices have risen 17 percent a year since 2000.Cultural reasons also contribute to the problem, say sociologists (社会学家). Family ties in south Europe (Italy, Portugal and Greece) are stronger than those in middle and north Europe, said Spanish sociologist Almudena Moreno Minguez in her report "The Late Emancipation of Spanish Youth: Key for Understanding"."In general, young people in Spain firmly believe in the family as the main body around which their private life is organized," said Minguez.In Spain, especially in the countryside, it is not uncommon to find entire groups of aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews (外甥/侄子) all living on the same street. They regularly get together for Sunday dinner.Parents tolerance is another factor. Spanish parents accept late - night partying and are wary of setting bedtime rules."A child can arrive home at whatever time he wants. If parents complain he\'ll put up a fight and call the father a fascist," said Jose Antonio Gomez Yanez, a sociologist at Carlos Ill University in Madrid.Mothers willingness to do children\'s household chores (家务) worsens the problem. Dionisio Masso, a 60 - year - old in Madrid, has three children in their 20s, The eldest 28, has a girlfriend and a job. But life with mum is good."His mum does the wash and cooks for him, in the end, he lives well," Masso said.It can be inferred from paragraph 5 that family ties are stronger in Portugal than in ______.【单选题】







6、A Tale of Scottish Rural LifeLewis Grassic Gibbon\'s Sunset Song (1932) was voted "the best Scottish novel of all time" by Scottish\'s reading public in 2005. Once considered shocking for its frank description of aspects of the lives of Scotland\'s poor rural farmers, it has been adapted for stage, film, TV and radio in recent decades.The novel is set on the fictional estate of Kinraddie, in the farming country of the Scottish northwest in the years up to and beyond World War I. At its heart is the story of Chris, who is both part of the community and a little outside it.Grassic Gibbon gives us the most detailed and intimate account of the life of his heroine. We watch her grow through a childhood dominated by her cruel but hard-working father; experience tragedy (her mother\'s suicide and murder of her twin children); and learn about her feelings as she grows into woman. We see her marry, lose her husband, then marry again. Chris has seemed so convincing a figure to some female readers that they cannot believe that she is the creation of a man.But it would be misleading to suggest that this book is just about Chris. It is truly a novel of a place and its people. Its opening section tells of Kinraddie\'s long history, in a language that imitates the place\'s changing patterns of speech and writing.The story itself is amazingly full of characters and incidents. It is told from Chris\' point of view but also from that of the gossiping community, a community where everybody knows everybody else\'s business and nothing is ever forgotten.Sunset Song has a social theme too. It is concerned with what Grassic Gibbon perceives as the destruction of traditional Scottish rural life first by modernization and then by World War I. Gibbon tried hard to show how certain characters resist the war. Despite this, the war takes the young men away, a number of them to their deaths. In particular, it takes away Chris\' husband, Ewan Tavendale. The war finally kills Ewan, but not in the way his widow is told In fact, the Germans aren\'t responsible for his death, but his own side. He is shot because he is said to have run away from a battle.If the novel is about the end of one way of life it also looks ahead, it is a "Sunset Song" but is concerned too with the new Kinraddie, indeed of the new European world Grassic Gibbon went on to publish two other novels about the place that continue its story.Which statement is NOT true of Chris?【单选题】

A.She is the heroine of Sunset Song.

B.She had a miserable childhood.

C.She is the creation of a man.

D.She married only once.


答案解析:A:她是《日落歌》中的女主人公;B:她的童年很苦;C:她由一个男人创作出来的;D:她只结过一次婚。D不对。第三段有这么一句话:We see her marry,lose her husband, then marry again. 我们看见她结婚,失去丈夫,后来又结婚。

7、Smoking Can Increase Depressive Symptoms in TeensWhile some teenagers may puff on cigarettes to "self-medicate" against the blues, scientists at the University of Toronto and the University of Montreal have found that smoking may actually increasedepressive symptoms in some teens."This observational study is one of the few to examine the perceived emotional benefits of smoking among teens," says lead researcher Michael Chaiton, a research associate at the Ontario Tobacco Research Unit of the University of Toronto." Although cigarettes may appear to have self-medicating ____ or to improve mood, in the long term we found that teens who started to smoke reported higher depressive symptoms. "As part of the study, some 662 high school teenagers completed up to 20 questionnaires about their use of cigarettes to affect mood. Secondary schools were selected to provide a mix of French and English participants, urban and rural schools, and schools located in high, moderate and low socioeconomic neighborhoods. Participants were divided into three groups: never smokers; smokers who did not use cigarettes to self-medicate, improve mood or physical state; smokers who used cigarettes to self-medicate. Depressive symptoms were measured using a scale that asked how felt too fired to do things: had trouble going to sleep or staying asleep; felt unhappy, sad, or depressed; felt hopeless about the future; felt vexed, antsy or tense; and worried too much about things."Smokers who used cigarettes as mood improvers had higher risks of elevated depressive symptoms than teens who had never smoked," says co-researcher Jennifer O\'Loughlin, a professor at the University of Montreal Department of Social and Preventive Medicine. "Our study found that teen smokers who reported emotional benefits from smoking are at higher risk of developing depressive symptoms."The association between depression and smoking exists principally among teens that use cigarettes to feel better. "It\'s important to emphasize that depressive symptom scores were higher among teenagers who reported emotional benefits from smoking after they began to smoke," says Dr. Chaiton.【单选题】






答案解析:句中的or是“即”,也就是说,to have self-medicating加上填入的词之后的意思相当于to improve mood。四个选项中只有选项A的effects(效果)是填入空格的最合适的词。to improve mood是自我治疗的效果。其他三个选项methods、steps、directions与self-medicating连用,意思分别为“自我治疗的方法”、“自我治疗的步骤”、“自我治疗的指导”,与句子的意思不相配。

8、The Need to RememberSome people say they have no memory at all: "I just can\'t remember a thing!" But of course we all have a memory. Our memory tells us who we are. Our memory helps U. S. to make use in the present of what we have learnt in the past.In fact we have different types of memory. For example, our visual memory helps us recall facts and places. Some people have such a strong visual memory that they can remember exactly what they have seen, for example, pages of a book, as a complete picture.Our verbal memory helps us remember words and figures we may have heard but not seen or written: items of a shopping list, a chemical formula, dates, or a recipe.With our emotional memory, we recall situations or places where we had strong feelings, perhaps of happiness or unhappiness. We also have special memories for smell, taste, touch and sound, and for performing physical movements.We have two ways of storing any of these memories. Our short-term memory stores items for up to thirty seconds-enough to remember a telephone number while we dial. Our long-term memory, on the other hand, may store items for a lifetime. Older people in fact have a much biter long-term memory than short-term. They may forget what they have done only a few hours ago, but have the clearest remembrance of when they were very young.Psychologists tell us that we only remember a few facts about our past, and that we invent the rest. It is as though we remember only the outline ofa story. We then make up the details. We often do this in the way we want to remember them, usually so that we appear as the heroes of our own past, or maybe victims needing sympathy.Generally we remember only a few facts about the past.【单选题】



C.Not mentioned


答案解析:本题是最后一题,我们通常情况下应从最后一段寻找线索:Psychologists(心理学家)tell us that we only remember a few facts about our past(和题目的内容表述一致),and that we invent(虚构、编造)the rest.








10、Importance of Children\'s Oral HealthFebruary is National Children\'s Dental(牙齿的) Health Month, but in children good oral(口部的) care is critical every day. The first comprehensive study on the nation\'s oral health, released recently by the Office of the U. S. Surgeon General, calls dental and oral diseases a "silent epidemic (流行病)", even in children. The report states that more than 51 million school hours are lost each year to dental - related illness. In fact, a recent study pointed to dental care as the most common unmet health need among American children.To help counter this, the American Academy of Periodontology (牙周病学) (AAP) is launching an effort to educate children and parents about the prevention of dental diseases in children."This is important because oral problems can impact self - esteem for children and lead to problems of eating, speaking and attending to learning," said Michael McGuire, president of the AAP.Common dental problems seen in children are cavities (龋洞) and gingivitis (龈炎), which are found in the majority of U. S. children. "When these problems are not caught early and treated, they can develop into more severe problems and cause unnecessary suffering," said McGuire. "However, much of the time, oral problems are avoidable problems."In the Rio Grande Valley in Texas, a group of more than 120 dentists(牙医) volunteers to deliver dental care to thousands of low - income children each year with its Mobile Dental Unit that travels from school to school."According to the Surgeon General\'s Report, about 37 percent of children have not had a dental visit before starting school," said McGuire. When children don\'t see dentists, they miss the opportunity to have problems caught early before they develop into larger, more expensive problems to treat, and parents miss the opportunity to learn how to promote good oral habits in their children.Some children have never seen a dentist before starting school.【单选题】



C.Not mentioned


答案解析:本题难度不大,答案依据比较明显,带者题干信息词回文章定位,答案依据在文章最后一段第一句:…about 37 per cent of children have not had a dental visit before start ing school,谈到约37%的孩子上小学前从没看过牙医,所以本题和原文句意相符,答案是A。

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