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帮考网校2020-08-01 18:34



The author rejects the claim that the loud engine noise of American-made Motorcycle X appeals to the manufacturer\'s customers and explains why they are not attracted to quieterforeign-made imitations. The author\'s rejection is based on two reasons. Firstthe author points out that foreign cars tend to be quieter than similar American-made carsyet they sell just as well. Secondlythe author claims that ads for Motorcycle X do not emphasize its engine noiseinsteadthe ads highlight its durability and sleek linesand employ voice-overs of rock music rather than engine roar. In my viewthese reasons do not establish that the quieter engines of the foreign imitations fail to account for their lack of appeal.

To begin withthe first reason rests on the assumption that what automobile customers find appealing is analogous to what motorcycle customers find appealing. This assumption is weaksince although there are points of comparison between automobiles and motorcyclesthere are many dissimilarities as well. For exampleheadroomsmooth rideand quiet engines are usually desirable qualities in a car. Howeverheadroom is not a consideration for motorcycle customersand many motorcycle riders specifically want an excitingchallenging ridenot a smooth one. The same may be true of engine noiseit is possible that motorcyclists like what loud engine noise adds to the experience of motorcycle riding.

The author\'s second reason is also problematic. Although the engine noise of Motorcycle X is not explicitly touted in advertisementsit does not necessarily follow that engine noise is not an important selling feature. Because Motorcycle X has been manufactured in the U.S. for over 70 yearsits reputation for engine noise is probably already well known andneed not be advertised. Moreoverthe advertisers might use rock music on Motorcycle X ad soundtracks for the specific purpose of suggestingor even simulatingits loud engine noise.

In conclusionthis author has not provided convincing reasons for rejecting the claim that quieter engines make foreign-made motorcycles less popular. The author\'s analogy involving foreign car sales is weakand the claim about Motorcycle X advertisements misses the purpose of including rock music in the ads.


The author of this article argues thatto reverse declining revenues from campus housing rentalscampus housing officials should decrease the number of available housing units and reduce rent prices on the units. The author\'s line of reasoning is that fewer available units will limit supply while lower rents will increase demandthereby improving overall occupancy ratesand that the resulting increase in occupancy rates willin turnboost revenues for the campus. This reasoning is unconvincing for several reasons.

To begin withthe author assumes that boosting occupancy rates will improve revenues. All other factors remaining unchangedthis would be the case. Howeverthe author proposes reducing both the supply of units and their rental prices. Both of these actions would tend to reduce revenues. The author provides no evidence that the revenue-enhancing effect of a higher occupancy rate will exceed the revenue-decreasing effect of reduced supply and price. Without such evidencethe argument is unconvincing.

Secondlythe author assumes that lowering rents will lead to higher revenues by increasing demand. Howeverit is possible that demand would decreasedepending on the extent of the rent reduction as well as other factorssuch as overall enrollment and the supply and relative cost of off-campus housing. Moreovereven if demand increases by lowering rentsrevenues will not necessarily increase as a result. Other factorssuch as maintenance and other costs of providing campus housing units and the reduced supply of rental units might contribute to a net decrease in revenue.

Thirdlyin asserting that lowering rental rates will increase demandthe author assumes that current rental rates are causing low demand. Howeverlow demand for student housing could be a function of other factors. For instancethe student housing units may be old and poorly maintained. Perhaps students find the campus housing rules oppressiveand therefore prefer to live off-campusor perhaps enrollments are down generallyaffecting campus housing occupancy.

In conclusionthe author of this editorial has not argued effectively for a decrease in the number of available campus housing units and a reduction in rental rates for those units. To strengthen the argumentthe author must show that a rent reduction will actually increase demandand that the revenue-enhancing effect of greater demand will outweigh the revenue-reducing effect of a smaller supply and of lower rental rates.


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