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帮考网校2020-09-23 09:04



阅读下列短文,从[A][B][C] 三个选项中选择一个正确答案。


Mrs.Wang was seventy eight years old.Her husband worked in a post office.The next year her husband had a long holiday.So they made a journey to another city,their bus hit a rock and began to burn.The husband broke the window and helped his wife get off,but he died in the burning bus.And now the old woman has lived a lonely life for 6 years.She often walks near the garden or sits on a chair quietly.She had a dog and liked it very much.But she lost it one morning.

Yesterday afternoon,Mrs.Wang was sitting on a chair near the garden while a boy was coming to her with a dog.The old woman saw the lovely dog and asked the boy, Does your dog bite?

No,it doesnt,answered the boy.

Having heard this,the old woman began to touch its head.Suddenly it bit her hand and she began to shout at the boy, Why did you fool me?

Ive never fooled you,madam,said the boy. My dog doesnt bite anybody,but that dog isnt mine!

61.Where did Mr.Wang work?

[A]He worked in a company.

[B]He worked in a post office.

[C]He worked in another city.

62.Why does the old woman often sit near the garden?

[A]Because she feels lonely.

[B]Because she is free.

[C]Because she cant do anything.

63.Which sentence is wrong?

[A]Mr.Wang and his wife went on a journey to another city in their own car.

[B]Mr.Wang died in the accident.

[C]The old woman was saved in the accident.

64.From the passage,we can know that.

[A]Mrs.Wang loved the dog very much

[B]Mrs.Wang got out of the fire herself

[C]Mr.Wang was not careful enough

65.The boy .

[A]is a kind boy

[B]fooled the old woman

[C]didnt know whose dog it was


Last Saturday,after doing all the family shopping in town,I wanted to have a rest before catching the train.So I bought some chocolate and a newspaper and went into the station coffee shop with a long table to sit at.I put my heavy bag down on the floor,put the newspaper and chocolate on the table to keep a place,and went to get a cup of coffee.

When I came back with the coffee,there was someone sitting next to me.It was one of those strangelooking young men,with dark glasses,old clothes and long hair.But I wasnt surprised at such a young man.What surprised me most was that he had started to eat my chocolate!

I was quite uneasy about him,but I didnt want to get him into trouble.I just looked down at the front page of the newspaper and took a bit of the chocolate.The boy looked at me. Then he ate a second piece of the chocolate.Still I didnt say anything.When he ate a third piece,I felt a bit angry.I thought, Well,I shall have the last piece.And I got it.

The boy looked at me strangely,then stood up.As he left,he shouted out, This woman is mad!Everyone looked at me.That was embarrassing(尴尬的) enough.But it was worse when I finished my coffee and got ready to leave.My face turned red when I found I had made a mistake.

It wasnt my chocolate I had eaten.Mine was just under my newspaper.

66.Why did the woman go to the town?

[A]To do some shopping.

[B]To drink coffee.

[C]To buy some chocolate.

67.Why was the woman surprised when she came back with the coffee?

[A]Because she saw a strange young man with dark glasses.

[B]Because the young man started to eat her chocolate.

[C]Because a young man sat in her seat.

68.Where was the womans chocolate?

[A]It was eaten by the young man.

[B]It was eaten by the woman.

[C]It was under the newspaper.

69.Who was angry?

[A]The young man.

[B]The woman.

[C]Both of them.

70.The woman found her mistake.

[A]when the young man was leaving

[B]after she left the shop

[C]just before she left the coffee shop


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