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帮考网校2020-05-05 09:30


1、Science Fiction1 Amongst the most popular books being written today are those that are usually classified asscience fiction. Hundreds of titles are published every year and are read by all kinds of people. Furthermore, some of the most successful films of recent years have been based on science fiction stories. 2 It is often thought that science fiction is a fairly new development in literature, but its ancestors can be found in books written hundreds of years ago. These books were often concerned with the presentation of some forms of ideal society, a theme that is still often found in modern stories. 3 Most of the classics of science fiction, however, have been written within the last hundred years. Books by writers such as Jules Verve and H. G Wells, to mention just two well known authors, have been translated into many languages. 4 Modern science fiction writers don\'t write about men from Mars or space adventure stories. They are more interested in predicting the results of technical developments on society and the human mind; or in imagining future worlds that are a reflection of the world that we live in now. Because of this their writing has obvious political undertones (涵义). 5 In an age where science fact frequently overtakes (超过) science fiction, the writers may find it difficult to keep ahead of scientific advances. Those who are sufficiently clear-sighted to see the way we are going, however, may provide a valuable lesson on how to deal with the problems which society will inevitably face as it tries to master its new technology. Works of modern science fiction have____. 【单选题】

A.concerned with the problems that we will have to solve in the future

B.reading books of science fiction

C.political implication

D.a recurrent theme

E.read worldwide

F.translated into many languages


答案解析:本题答案的依据在第4段最后一句,该句说Because of this their writing has obvious political undertones(由于这一原因,他们的作品带有明显的政治涵义)。实际上,undertone与implication的意思相同,故选C。

2、English and English Community1 There is no doubt that English is a useful language. The people who speak English today make up the largest speech community in the world with the exception of speakers of Chinese. 2 A speech community is similar to other kinds of communities. The people who make up the community share a common language. Often they live side by side, as they do in a neighborhood, a village, or a city. More often they form a whole country. National boundaries, however, are not always the same as the boundaries of a speech community. A speech community is any group of people who speak the same language no matter where they happen to live. 3 We may say that anyone who speaks English belongs to the English speech community. For convenience, we may divide the speakers into two groups: one in which the speakers use English as their native language, the other in which the speakers learn English as a second language for the purpose of education, commerce, and so on. 4 Learning a second language extends one\'s vision and expands the mind. The history and literature of a second language record the real and fictional lives of people and their culture; a knowledge of them adds to our ability to understand and to feel as they feel. Learning English as asecond language provides another means of communication through which the window of the entire English speech community becomes a part of our heritage. Paragraph 3____【单选题】

A.Threat Posed by English

B.Definition ofa Speech Community

C.Benefits ofLeaming a Second Language

D.Advantages of Learning Chinese

E.Two Groups ofthe English Speech Community

F.A Widely Used Language


答案解析:文章第3段进而将the English speech community分为两组,即以英语为母语的人为一组,以英语为第二语言的人为一组。

3、A Star Is Born1 The VLT (Very Large Telescope) is the world\'s largest telescope and is taking astronomers further back to the Big Bang than they ever thought possible. Located 2,600 meters up to the Chilean Andes, it has four huge mirrors, each about the size of a London bus. The VLT is so powerful it can spot a burning match 10, 000 kilometers away. 2 This astonishing power will allow astronomers to see events in space from the birth of stars to the collision of galaxies on the edge of the cosmos. The VLT is giving astronomers their best ever view of the cosmos. The power of the VLT to see the smallest detail at the furthest distances makes its designers amazed. 3 Take the case of Eta Carinae, one of the most explosive stars in the universe. This star produces ultraviolet laser rays (紫外线) and it will destroy itself in a few million years\' time. It is five times brighter than the sun and when it explodes it is going to be a sight worth waiting for. 4 But it is at distances of millions, even billions, of light years that the VLT really shows its power. The VLT can detect light that set out on its journey before the earth even existed. This gives astronomers their first ever detailed views of events that took place in the earliest days of the cosmos. 5 In other words, the VLT is a kind of a time machine. It takes astronomers back to a time when complete galaxies crashed into each other. The effects of these past collisions can now be seen by scientists, and astronomers believe the telescope will reveal more about these exciting events in the years to come. One day, we might be able to say we have traveled back to the beginning of time, and we will have a much clearer picture of how our planet was born. The designers of the VLT are surprised at____. 【单选题】

A.its detecting power

B.millions of light years away in space

C.the location of the VLT

D.as an example

E.the birth of the earth

F.the rotation of the earth



4、Meet Your MemoryMemory is something that cannot be seen, touched or weighed. It is thought to be abstract. It is a set of skills rather than an object. Neither is there a single standard for judging a good or poor memory. There are a number of different ways in which a person may have a "good" memory.Memory is generally viewed as consisting of three stages: (1) acquisition refers to learning the material; (2) storage refers to keeping the material in the blain until it is needed; and (3) retrieval (提取) refers to getting the material back out when it is needed.Memory consists of at least two different processes: short-term memory and long-term memory. Short-term memory has a limited capacity and a rapid forgetting rate. Its capacity can be increased by chunking (组成大块), or grouping separate bits of information into larger chunks. Long-term memory has an almost unlimited capacity.One measure of memory is recall, which requires you to produce information by searching the memory for it. In aided recall, you are given cues (提示) to help you produce the information. In free-recall learning, you recall the material in any order; in serial learning, you recall it in the order it was presented; and in paired-associate learning, you learn pairs of words so that when the first word is given, you can recall the second word. A second measure of memory is recognition in which you do not have to produce the information from memory, but must be able to identify it when it is presented to you. In a third measure of memory, relearning, the difference between how long it took to learn the material the first time and how long it takes to learn it again indicates how much you remember. Relearning is generally a more sensitive measure of memory than is recognition because relearning shows retention (保持) while recognition does not. Recognition is generally a more sensitive measure than recall.Paragraph 4 ______.【单选题】

A.Why do we forget things?

B.How do we measure memory?

C.What are the stages memory consists of?

D.What is the difference between short-term memory and long-term memory?

E.What is memory?

F.Who may have a poor memory?


答案解析:第四段没有主题句,但迅速浏览该段会发现其中的段落衔接结构,即“One measure of memory”、“A second measure of memory”以及“a third measure of memory”,由此推知,该段主要介绍的是对记忆力进行测量。B选项How do we measure memory?(如何测量记忆?)与其意思一致,故B为正确答案。

5、Cloning: Future Perfect?1 A clone is an exact copy of a plant or animal produced from any one cell. Since Scottish scientists reported that they had managed to clone a sheep named Dolly in 1997, research into cloning has grown rapidly. In May 1998, scientists in Massachusetts managed to create two identical calves using cloning technology. A mouse has also been cloned successfully. But the debate over cloning humans really started when Chicago physicist Richard Seed made a surprising announcement: "We will have managed to clone a human being within the next two years," he told the world. 2 Seed\'s announcement provoked a lot of media attention, most of it negative. In Europe, nineteen nations have already signed an agreement banning human cloning and in the US the President announced: "We will be introducing a law to ban human cloning and many states in the US will have passed anti-cloning laws by the end of the year". 3 Many researchers are not so negative about cloning. They are worried that laws banning human cloning will threaten important research. In March, The New England Journal of Medicine called any plan to ban research on cloning humans seriously mistaken. Many researchers also believe that in spite of attempts to ban it, human cloning will have become routine by 2010 because it is impossible to stop the progress of science. 4 Is there reason to fear that cloning will lead to a nightmare world? The public has been bombarded (轰炸) with newspaper articles, television shows and films, as well as cartoons. Such information is often misleading, and makes people wonder what on earth the scientists will be doing next. 5 Within the next five to ten years scientists will probably have found a way of cloning humans. It could be that pretty soon we will be able to choose the person that we want our child to look like. But how would it feel to be a clone among hundreds, the anti-cloners ask Pretty cool, answer the pro-cloners (赞成克隆的人). Paragraph 1____【单选题】

A.Strong Reactions

B.Anxiety about the Future of Cloning

C.The Right to Choose


E.Arguments in Favor of Cloning

F.A Common Sight



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