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1、Money orFriendship orBoth1. Friends and money don\'t mix. It\'s a dangerous combination since a fight over money is one of the fastest ways to end a friendship. But what if a friend asks you to tend him orher some money? If you don\'t lend your friend the money, you risk losing the friend. If you do lend your friend the money, you risk losing both the friendship and your money.2. We have to face facts, so here are some situations you might run across with your buddies (伙伴) and some helpful tips (忠告) on how to deal with them. Thinking about why this person needs to borrow in the first place. If he is always living beyond his means, it is his fault, not yours. Any Sensible person would not put himself in a position of debt so often. So simply say "no" to this friend. Even if your friend really needs that money foremergency use and you are willing to help him, before you dive into your pocket, follow this reality check: Do you have the extra money? Are you sure you don\'t need it? Are you willing to write off that amount if it\'s not returned? If your answers are negative, do yourself a favorand say "no".3. Let\'s assume you can\'t stand saying "no" to your friend because you don\'t want him living off cat food. What do you do? Write down these details on a sheet of paper before opening up your wallet:Amount of the loan.Date of the loan.Time of repayment.Amount of interest (if any).Lender\'s and borrower\'s signature.This will at least keep the borrower from forgetting the loan so easily, If your friend\'s loan is past due, it\'s important that you ask him-and it\'s actually not rude. The longer you wait, the more you are brood (忧伤), and the more your resentment builds.4. You can send him a friendly reminder via E - mail. Tell him something like "I\'m going over my bank account and I\'m just wondering when we\'ll be able to settle that money thing." E - mail saves you from an uncomfortable face - to - face confrontation. There is almost no chance of turning a bad reaction into an argument. Unlike a public conversation, an E - mail message will always be private.5. After asking two orthree times, you might have to write it off. That\'s what happens. If he just doesn\'t have the money oris unwilling, then what kind of friend is that?If your friend refuses to return the money ____. 【单选题】

A.you can remind your friend of it via E - mail

B.you can lend more money to him orher

C.you must get to know why he orshe needs that money

D.if you should lend money to your friend

E.you can call the police to settle the issue

F.there is no need to maintain a friendly relation with him orher


答案解析:本题难度也不大,答案依据不难找到。答案依据在最后一段。最后一段这一句,after asking two orthree times, you might have to write it off and the friendship with it,谈到在两三次要账未成后,就可以结束友谊了,回来看选项,F项符合文章句意,是答案。

2、Indian\'s NamesEach Indian was supposed to keep his birth name until he was old enough to earn one forhimself. But his playmates would always give him a name of their own. No matter what his parents called him, his childhood friends would use the name they had chosen. Often it was not pleasing, such as Bow Legs orBad Boy. But sometimes a name fit so well that the youngster found it difficult to shake it off. If he could not earn a better one from a war later, he could be stuck with a name like Bow Legs forthe rest of his life.The Indian earned his real name when he was old enough forhis first fight against the enemy. His life name depended on how he acted during this first battle. When he returned from the war, the whole tribe would gather and observe the ceremony in which he would be given his name by the chief. If he had done well, he would get a good name. Otherwise he might be called Crazy Wolf orMan-Afraid-of-a Horse. So an Indian\'s name told his record ordescribed the kind of man he was.A man was given many chances to improve his name, however, if in a later battle he was brave in fighting against the enemy, he was given a better name. Some of our great fighters had as many as twelve names, all good and each better than the last.An Indian\'s names belonged to him forthe rest of his life. No one else could use them. Even he himself could not give them away because names were assigned by the tribe, not the family. So no man could pass on his name unless the chief and the tribe asked him to do so.Sometimes an Indian would be asked to give his name to a son who had performed a noticeable deed. I know of only three orfour times when this happened. It is the rarest honorfora person -the honorof assuming his father\'s name.If an Indian had more than ten names, it meant that_____.【单选题】

A.many people in the tribe liked him.

B.he was a great fighter.

C.he had a lot of friends.

D.he had fought in fewer than ten battles.



3、Shopping at Second - hand Clothing StoresWhen 33 years old Pete Barth was in college, shopping at second - hand clothing stores was just something he did-"like changing the tires on his car." He looked at his budget and decided he could save a lot of money by shopping forclothes at thrift shops."Even new clothes are fairly disposable (用后即丢掉的) and wear out after a couple of years," Barth said. "In thrift shops, you can find some great stuff whose quality is better than new clothes."Since then, Barth, who works at a Goodwill thrift shop in the US state of Florida, has found that there are all kinds of reasons forshopping forsecond - hand clothing. Some people, like him, shop to save money. Some shop fora crazy - looking shirt. and some shop as a means of conserving energy and helping the environment.Pat Akins, an accountant at a Florida Salvation Army (SA) (救世军) thrift shop, said that, forher, shopping at thrift shops is a way to help the environment."When my daughter was little, we looked at it as recycling," Akins said: "Also, why pay 30 dollars fora new coat when you can get another one fora lot less?"Akins said that the SA has shops all over the US-"some as big as department stores". All of the clothes are donated (捐赠), and when they have a surplus (盈余), they\'ll have "stuff a bag" specials, where customers can fill a grocery sack with clothes foronly 5 or10 dollars.Julia Stocum, 22, points out, however, that the huge amount of second - hand clothing in the US is the result of American wastefulness."I\'d say that second - hand stores are the result of our wasteful, materialistic culture," said Slocum, who works fora pro - conservation organization, the center of a New American Dream. "Thrift shops prevent waste from going to landfills (垃圾填埋场), They give clothing a second life and provide cheaper clothing forthose who can\'t afford to buy new ones and generate (创造) income forcharities. They also provide a way forthe wealthy and middle classes to shed (摆脱) the guilt fortheir level of consumption."Which statement about Barth is NOT true? ____【单选题】

A.He is 33 years old now.

B.He works at a Goodwill thrift shop.

C.He works at a Salvation Army thrift shop.

D.He was a college student many years ago.



4、Britain\'s Solo SailorEllen MacArthur started sailing when she was eight, going out on sailing trips with her aunt. She loved it so much that she saved her money forthree years to buy her first small sailing boat. When she was 18, she sailed alone around Britain and won the "Young Sailorof the Year" award.Ellen became famous in 2001. Aged only 24, she was one of the only two women who entered the Vendee Globe round the world solo race, which lasts 100 days. Despite of many problems, she came the second in the race out of 24 competitors and she was given a very warm welcome when she returned.Ambition and determination have always been a big part of Ellen\'s personality. When she was younger, she lived in a kind of hut (棚屋) forthree years while she was trying to get sponsorship to compete in a transatlantic race. Then she took a one - way ticket to France, bought a tiny seven meter Class Mini yacht (游艇), slept under it while she was repairing it, and then she raced it 4,000 kilometres across the Atlantic in 1997, alone for33 days.Ellen has to learn many things, because sailing single - handed means that she has to be her own captain, electrician, sailmaker, engineer, doctor, journalist, cameraman and cooker, She also has to be very fit, and because of the dangers of sleeping forlong periods of time she\'s in the middle of the ocean, she has trained herself to sleep forabout 20 minutes at a time.and she needs courage. Once, in the middle of the ocean, she had to climb the mast (桅杆) of a boat to repair the sails at four o\'clock in the morning, with 100 kph winds blowing around her. It took her many hours to make the repairs, Ellen says: "I was exhausted when came down. It\'s hard to describe how it feels to be up there. It\'s like trying to hold onto a big pole, which forme is just too big to get my arms around, with someone kicking you all the time and trying to shake you off".But in her diary, Ellen also describes moments which is worthwhile (值得的) :"A beautiful sunrise started the day, with black clouds slowly lit by the bright yellow sun. I have a very strong feeling of pleasure, being out here on the ocean and having the chance to live this. I just feel lucky to be here."According to paragraph 4, which of the following statements is NOT true? ____ 【单选题】

A.She has to learn to repair sails.

B.She has to be her own teacher.

C.She has to be very fit.

D.She has trained herself to sleep forabout 20 minutes at a time.



5、Gun Rights in the USImmediately after the shooting at Virginia Tech University, Americans gathered to mourn (致哀) the dead. The president and the state governer both hurried there to share the grief. But the majority of Americans still cling to their right to own weapons.Strictly speaking, the US is not the only country here gun violence has destroyed lives, families and communities in everyday circumstance. But the US is one of the few countries that seem unwilling and politically incapable of doing anything serious to stop it.In countries like Britain and Canada, the government adopted strict ____ control soon after serious gun violence incidents. US leaders, however, are held hostage by the gun lobby (院外活动集团) and the electoral (选举) system.The powerful National Rifle Association, the majorsupporter of gun rights in the US, is too strong forany party to take on. Most Republicans oppose gun control anyway. Over the years, the Democrats have found that they can either campaign forgun control orwin power, not both, they prefer power.According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics, firearm (火器) incidents accounted fornine percent of the 4.7 million violent crimes in 2005. So although opinion polls show most Americans want stricter gun laws, many people don\'t want to give up their arms they keep to protect themselves.Dave Hancock, a Virginia gun lover, is one example. In an interview he said, "If one professorin the Virginia incident had been carrying a legal weapon, they might have been able to stop all this. "In his opinion, the massacre (大屠杀) is an argument formore people to carry weapons, not fewer.Americans\' clinging to the right to bear arms is not just a fear of crime, but a mistrust of government, commented UK\'s Guardian newspaper.One Virginia resident, who had a permit to carry a concealed (隐藏的) firearm, told the Guardian that it was every American\'s responsibility to have a gun."Each person," he said, "should not rely solely on the government forprotection."【单选题】







6、Woman workThough some people have suggested that women should return to housework in orcerto leave more jobs formen, the idea has been rejected by both women and men in public opinion polls.Lately some unionofficials have suggested that too many women are employed in types of work more suitable formen and that women should step aside to make way forunemployed young men. They argue that women, especially women in their childbearing years,actually delay economic development and result in productivity, poorquality and inefficiency.To solve the problem, they suggested that working women stay at home while their husbands orbrothers were given double wages. They argue that under these circumstances, families would ____ their same level of income, and women could run the house and raise children much better,The suggestion, however , has been flatly rejected by 9 0ut of 10 people polled .Some other people have suggested another way called "phased employment" theory. The theory suggests that a woman worker take leave from her job when she is seven months pregnant and stay off the job until her baby reaches the age of 3. It suggested that women on leave receive 75 percent of their normal salary and be allowed to return to work after the three-year period. This will benefit children, women, their families and the society and it definitely seems to be more acceptable than the suggestion that women return to their homes forever.【单选题】






答案解析:根据下文the level of income,收入的水平要保持,不(因女人回家而)降低,因此选 A。supply:提供;support:支持;retain:保留、容纳的意思,与文章不符。

7、Ants as a Barometer of Ecological ChangeAt picnics, ants are pests. But they have their uses. In industries such as training, farming and forestry, they can help gauge the health of the environment by just crawling around and being antsy.It has been recognized fordecades that ants-which are highly sensitive to ecological change can provide a near-perfect barometer of the state of an ecosystem. Only certain species, forinstance, will continue to thrive at a forest site that has been cleared of trees. Others will die out forlack of food. and still others will move in and take up residence.By looking at which species populate a deforested area, scientists can determine how "stressed" the land is. They do this by sorting the ants, counting their numbers and comparing the results with those of earlier surveys. Ants are used simply because they are so common and comprise so many species.Where mine sites are being restored, forexample, some ant species will recognize the stripped land more quickly than others. This allowed scientists to gauge the pace and progress of the ecological recovery. Australian mining company Capricorn Coal Management has been successfully using ant surveys foryears to determine the rate of recovery of land that it is replanting near its German Creek mine in Queensland.Ant surveys also have been used with mine-site recovery projects in Africa and Brazil, where warm climates encourage dense and diverse ant populations. "We found it worked extremely well there," says Jonathan Majer, a professorof environmental biology. Yet the surveys are perfectly suited to climates throughout Asia, he says, because ants are so common throughout the region. As Majer puts it: "That\'s the great thing about ants. "Ant surveys are so highly-regarded as ecological indicators that governments worldwide accept their results when assessing the environmental impact of mining and tree harvesting. ______.Why not? Because many companies can\'t afford the expense orthe laboratory time needed to sift results fora comprehensive survey. The cost stems, also, from the scarcity of ant specialists. Employing those people are expensive. 【单选题】

A.This allowed scientists to gauge the pace and progress of the ecological recovery.

B.Yet in other businesses, such as farming and property development, ant surveys aren\'t used widely.

C.Employing those people are expensive.

D.They do this by sorting the ants, counting their numbers and comparing the results with those of earlier surveys.

E.The evolution of ant species may have a strong impact on our ecosystem.

F.Others will die out forlack of food.


答案解析:选项B中的关键词other businesses、farming、property提示,选项B的句子是前面句子的后续句,因为前面句子有mining、tree harvesting,也是businesses。蚂蚁分析法已被 mining和tree harvesting等行业广泛接受,但在farming和property行业中的应用还不普遍。

8、Feast On Turkey and Good Wishes at ThanksgivingFour weeks ago, US children dressed as monsters and asked forsweets. That was Halloween. In a few weeks American houses will be red and green and filled with presents. ForChristmas.As if all this isn\'t enough, on Thursday this week, America will enjoy another festival-Thanksgiving.Children will have two days off school, shops will close and houses will be filled with families enjoying mountains of food.Every year, in Gainesville, Florida, all entire class celebrate Thanksgiving together. The class dresses up and puts on plays fortheir families. After the plays the families share a feast of traditional Thanksgiving foods like turkey and pumpkin pie.Dean Foster, an ll-year-old boy will take part in this celebration. He said: "I love Thanksgiving because it means time off school, lots of nice food and a happy family."His brother Ben, nine, said: "the best thing about Thanksgiving, is that when it is finished, it is time to start Christmas."But behind the food and the large amount of money spent there is another message. On Thursday evening, Dean and Ben\'s family will make a basket and put it on the table as they eat their evening meal.Each of them will write a list of things that they are thankful forand place the paper in the basket. The family will read the pieces of paper and take time to thank God and each other forproviding them with comfortable and happy lives.Thanksgiving is a traditional festival that started in 1621, when the first pilgrims arrived in the US to start a new life. After a hard year, they had a big autumn harvest. They held a feast and invited the native American Indians along to thank God forgiving them enough food.Many countries celebrate Thanksgiving. They often fall after the fields have been harvested and the crops collected forwinter.Thanksgiving is the time forthe American people to thank God for________.【单选题】

A.looking after them

B.providing them with comfortable and happy lives

C.clothing them

D.protecting them


答案解析:细节考查题。题干问感恩节是美国人因为什么而感谢上帝的日子?这个句子中的新信息是“感谢上帝”,所以利用“thank God”作为答案线索,在倒数第三段中可以找到答案相关句,感谢上帝为他们提供了舒适、幸福的生活,故正确答案为B。

9、Continuing Education1 People around the world agree that education is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we do not educate students only forthe aim of educating them. Our purpose is to fit them forlife. Life is varied; so is education.2 Ideas about education are more specified in the United States. Education today is not just a high school diploma ora college degree. Many adults are not interested in going to college. They are interested in other kinds of learning. Forthem, learning does not end with a diploma.3 Continuing education gives these adults the opportunity to increase their knowledge about their own field orto learn about a new field. It also gives them a chance to improve their old skills orto learn new ones. Scientists, mechanics, secretaries, barbers and cooks can take classes to improve their work skills. If they know more orlearn more, they can get a better job orearn more money.4 Continuing education classes give more adults the chance to learn new skills. There is usually a large variety of classes to choose from: typing, foreign cooking, photography, auto repair, furniture repair, orswimming. There are only some of the classes available.5 Some adults take classes forfun orbecause the class will be useful forthem. Other adults take continuing education classes to improve their own lives because they want to feel better about themselves.6 Almost any community college orpublic school system has a continuing education program. There are classes in schools, community buildings orchurches. Most classes are in the evenings, so working people can attend. The classes are usually small, and they are inexpensive.Usually, the continuing education program is given ____.【单选题】

A.adults should go on learning after graduating from school

B.to enlarge their knowledge and learn new skills

C.by community colleges and public schools

D.only forworking people

E.Continuing Education Classes

F.The Importance of a College Degree



10、Preparations forInterviewThe first thing you have to prepare fora job interview is to write your resume. Most of all, the resume should emphasize all the related experience you have had. The resume should be clear and you should keep in mind that the person reading it will probably be reading many other resumes. The best thing you can do is to . make it obvious why you can do the job better than anybody else. Your resume should be neat and if possible , typed, the biggest advantage of a typed resume is that it is easy to read.Once you have organized your resume, check your closet. Special attention should be allowed to what you will wear forthe interview. You don\'t want to ______ as if you were going to a party, but you also don\'t want to be over-dressed. You should consider setting your hair trimmed before the interview. Remember that neatness counts. You should be neat in your appearance as well as in resume.Finally, you must keep in mind that employers do not like people to smoke orchew gum during an interview. The basic reason forthis may be that you appear too relaxed. Remember you are not visiting a friend; you are trying to get a job. If you follow all of the above advice, you have a good chance of getting the job you desire.【单选题】



C.be dressed up



答案解析:be dressed up:给……穿上盛装。

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