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帮考网校2023-04-03 11:17
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1、Our new house is on the first floor.【单选题】






答案解析:bottom:底部的、底部;third:第三的;ground:地面的、地面;ground floor和first floor在英语中表示第二层、在美语中表示第一层;top:最高的、顶上的。

2、Surprised by a MiracleI had been working in the trauma unit at a local hospital forabout a year. You get used to families thinking that a "coma" patient is moving their hand ordoing something that they were asked to do. "Following commands" is what we call it. Often it\'s "wishful thinking" on the Families\' part. Nurses can easily become callous to it.On this particular night during visiting hours, my patient\'s wife came in. I had taken care of him forseveral nights. I was very familiar with his care and what he was able to do. Actually, he didn\'t do anything. He barely moved at all, even when something would obviously hurt him, such as suctioning.His wife was very short, about 5 feet tall. She had to stand on a stool to lean over him, so that she could see his face and talk to him. She climbed up on the stool. I spoke to her fora few minutes, and then stepped out to tend to my other patient. A few minutes later, she came running out of the room. In an excited voice, she said, "Donna, he\'s moving his hand!"I immediately thought that it was probably her imagination, and that he had not actually done it on purpose. He had been there about a month at the time and had never made any movements on purpose. I asked her what had happened and she said, "I asked him to squeeze my hand and he did!"This led me to another train of questioning. "But, did he let go when you asked him to?" She said yes, that he had done exactly what she asked.I went into the room with her, not really believing that I would see anything different than I had always seen. But I decided that it would be better to pacify her than to make her think I didn\'t believe her orthat she was somehow mistaken.She asked him to squeeze her hand, which he did. I said, "Well, ask him to let go. " He continued to squeeze fora moment, so that when he finally did let go, I really still didn\'t believe that he had done it on purpose. So, I said, "Ask him to hold up one finger. " He did as asked.Well, hmm, this was starting to get my attention. I looked at him, his face still somewhat swollen and his eyes still closed. "Stick out your tongue!" I said. He did it. I almost fell on the floor. It was the first time I had ever seen anyone "wake up. "What did the patient do on that particular night?【单选题】

A.He squeezed and let go his wife\'s hand.

B.He held up one of his fingers.

C.He stuck out his tongue.

D.All of the above.



3、The chairman proposed that we stop the meeting.【单选题】







4、Cars Are Good forthe Environment,HonestBritain\'s motorindustry is planning a majorpublicity campaign to counter what it sees as an official anti-car bias and to improve the environmental image of the cars, according to documents leaked to the pressure group, Friends of the Earth (FOE). ____The internal document which was produced last month by the Society of MotorManufacturers and Traders, says that the "ultimate objective of the campaign must be to protect the long-term commercial freedom of the motorindustry and the lifestyle freedom of car users". The campaign will highlight the motorindustry\'s efforts to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide. European car manufacturers have already agreed with the European Com mission to reduce CO2 emissions from new cars by 25 percent to target of 140 grams per kilometer by 2008. However, the document also reveals that the industry is someway from meeting the target. Forexample, last year\'s new cars exceed an average of 192 grams per kilometre—some 37 percent above the target.To help control these emissions, the government has proposed replacing the flat rate annual tax on cars with a tax related to engine size so that owners of large gas-guzzler would pay more than owners of small cars. But the motorindustry opposes taxes on persons owning cars preferring taxes on use.Richard Barnet, the society\'s media manager, says: "We will work with the government to practice a practical system. " But Ian Willmore of FOE says the industry “may pose as partners of the government, but its real intention is to frustrate serious attempts to reduce traffic levels”.【单选题】

A.The campaign will highlight the motorindustry\'s efforts to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide.

B.But the motorindustry opposes taxes on persons owning cars preferring taxes on use.

C.The five-year campaign could cost up to £12 million.

D.The reason why cars are good forthe environment is obvious.

E.But Ian Willmore of FOE says the industry “may pose as partners of the government, but its real intention is to frustrate serious attempts to reduce traffic levels”.

F.Forexample, last year\'s new cars exceed an average of 192 grams per kilometre—some 37 percent above the target.



5、There is always excitement at the Olympic Games when an athlete breaks a record.【单选题】







6、Driving after drinkingThe legal limitfordriving after drinking alcohol is 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood, when tested. But there is no sure way of telling how much you can drink before you reach this limit. It varies with each person depending on your weight, your sex, what you\'ve just eaten and what sort of drinks you\'ve had. Some people might reach their limitafter only about three standard drinks.In fact, your driving ability can be affected by just one ortwo drinks. Even if you\'re below the legal limit, you could still be taken to court if a police officer thinks your driving has been affected by alcohol.It takes about an hour forthe body to get rid of the alcohol in one standard drink. So, if you have a heavy drinking in the evening you might find that your driving ability is still affected the next morning, oryou could even find that you\'re still over the legal limit. In addition, if you\'ve had a few drinks at lunchtime, another one ortwo drinks in the early evening may well put you over the legal limit.In a test with professional drivers, the more alcoholic drinks they had had, the more certain they were that they could drive a test course through a setof movable posts…and the less able they were to do it! So the only way to be sure you\'re safe is not to drink at all.Alcohol is a majorcause of road traffic accidents. One in three of the drivers killed in road accidents have levels of alcohol which are over the legal limit, and road accidents after drinking are the biggest cause of death among young men. More than half of the people stopped by the police to take a breath test have a blood alcohol concentration of more than twice the legal limit.It is important to remember that driving after you\'ve been drinking doesn\'t just affect you. If you\'re involved in an accident it affects a lot of other people as well, not least the person you might kill orinjure.The amount of alcohol a driver can drink within the legal limitis____.【单选题】

A.about 80mg of pure alcohol

B.about three standard drinks

C.in proportion to his weight

D.varying with different people



7、The old concerns lose importance and some of them vanish altogether.【单选题】







8、MemoriesMost episodes of absent-mindedness forgetting where you left something orwondering why you just entered a room are caused by a simple lack of attention, says Schacter. "You are supposed to remember something, but you haven\'t encoded it deeply."Encoding, Schacter says, is a special way of paying attention to an event that has a majorimpact on recalling it later. Failure to encode properly can create annoying situations. If you put your mobile phone in a pocket, forexample, and don\'t pay attention to what you did because you are involved in a conversation, you will probably forget that the phone is in the jacket now hanging in your wardrobe. "Your memory itself isn\'t failing you," says Schacter. " Rather, you didn\'t give your memory system the information it needed. "Lack of interest can also lead to absent-mindedness. "A man who can recite sports statistics from 30 years ago," says Zelinski, "may not remember to drepa letter in the mailbox. " Women have slightly better memories than men, possibly because they pay more attention to their environment, and memory relies on just that.Visual cues can help prevent absent-mindedness, says Sclnacter." ____,"he cautions. If you want to remember to take a medication with lunch, put the pill bottle on the kitchen table don\'t leave it in the medicine chest and write yourself a note that you keep in a pocket.Another common episode of absent-mindedness: walking into a room and wondering why you are there. Most likely, you were thinking about something else. "Everyone does this from time to time," says Zelinski. The best thing to do is to return to where you were before entering the room, and you will likely remember.【单选题】

A.Encoding, Schacter says, is a special way of paying attention to an event that has a majorimpact on recalling it later

B.Rather, you didn\'t give your memory system the information it needed

C.The best thing to do is to return to where you were before entering the room, and you will likely remember

D.They are more interested in what\'s happening around them

E.But be sure the cue is clear and available.

F.Lack of interest can also lead to absent-mindedness



9、The IcemanOn a September day in 1991, two Germans were climbing the mountains between Austria and Italy. High up on a mountain pass, they found the body of a man lying on the ice. At that height (10,499 feet, or3 ,200 meters) , the ice is usually permanent, but 1991 had been an especially warm year. The mountain ice had melted more than usual and so the body had come to the surface.It was lying face downward. The skeleton (骨架) was in perfect condition, except fora wound in the head, There was still skin on the bones and the remains of some clothes. The hands were still holding the wooden handle of an ax and on the feet there were very simple leather and cloth hoots. Nearby was a pair of gloves made of tree bark (树皮) and a holder forarrows.Who was this man? How and when had he died? Everybody had a different answer to these questions. Some people thought that it was from this century, perhaps the body of a soldier who died in World War I, since several soldiers had already been found in the area. A Swiss woman believed it might be her father, who had died in those mountains twenty years before and whose body had never been found. The scientists who rushed to look at the body thought it was probably much older, maybe even a thousand years old.With modern dating techniques, the scientists soon learned that the Iceman was about 5,300 years old. Born in about 3300 B. C. , he lived during the Bronze Age in Europe. At first scientists thought he was probably a hunter who had died from an accident in the high mountains. More recent evidence, however, tells a different story, A new kind of X - ray shows an arrowhead still stuck in his shoulder. It left only a tiny hole in his skin, but it caused internal damage and bleeding. He almost certainly died from this wound, and not from the wound on the back of his head. This means that he was probably in some kind of a battle. It may have been part of a larger war, orhe may have been fighting bandits. He may even have been a bandit himself.By studying his clothes and tools, scientists have already learned a great deal from the Iceman about the times he lived in. We may never know the full story of how he died, but he has given us important clues to the history of those distant times.The scientists made the deduction that the Iceman ______.【单选题】

A.was probably in some kind of a battle

B.was hit in the shoulder by an arrowhead

C.had got a wound on the back of his head

D.had a tiny hole in his skin causing his death


答案解析:本题有一定的难度,需要认真阅读文章第四段。答案依据在第四段,第四段谈到,通过X光检查出在他的肩膀处有个箭头,……this means that he was probably in some kind of a battle,这说明他当时极有可能是处在一场战争中,选项A和文中几乎是一模一样,是答案。

10、The Only Way Is Up Think of a modem city and the first image that come to mind is the skyline. It is full of great buildings, pointing like fingers to heaven. It is true that some cities don\'t permit buildings to go above a certain height. But these are cities concerned with the past. The first thing any city does when it wants to tell the world that it has arrived is to build skyscrapers. When people gather together in cities, they create a demand forland since cities are places where money is made, that demand can be met. and the best way to make money out of city land is to put as many people as possible in a space that covers the smallest amount of ground that means building upwards. The technology existed to do this as early as the 19th century. But the height of buildings was limited by one important factor. They had to be small enough forpeople on the top floors to climb stairs. People could not be expected to climb a mountain at the end of their journey to work, orhome. Elisha Otis, a US inventor, was the man who brought us the lift orelevator, as he preferred to call it. However, most of the technology is very old lifts work using the same pulley system the Egyptians used to create the Pyramids. What Otis did was attach the system to a steam engine and develop the elevatorbrake, which stops the lift falling if the cords that hold it up are broken. It was this that did the most to gain public confidence in the new invention. In fact, he spent a number of years exhibiting lifts at fairgrounds, giving people the chance to try them out before selling the idea to architects and builders. A lift would not be a very good theme park attraction now. Going in a lift is such an everyday thing that it would just be boring. Yet psychologists and others who study human behaviorfind lifts fascinating. The reason is simple. Scientists have always studied animals in zoos. The nearest they can get to that with humans is in observing them in lifts. "It breaks all the usual conventions about the bubble of personal space we carry around with us and you just can\'t choose to move away," says workplace psychologist, Gary Fitzgibbon. Being trapped in this setting can create different types of tensions, he says. Some people are scared of them. Others use them as an opportunity to get close to the boss. Some stand close to the door. Others hide in the comers. Most people try and shrink into the background but some behave in a way that makes others notice them. There are a few people who just stand in a comer taking notes. Don\'t worry about them. They are probably from a university.Which of the following best describes the experience of going in a lift now? 【单选题】







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