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帮考网校2023-01-27 18:51
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1、SemcoAt 21, Ricardo Semler became boss of his father-s business in Brazil, Semco, which sold parts forships. Semler Juniorworked like a madman, from 7:30 am. , until midnight every day. One afternoon, while touring a factory in New York, he collapsed. The doctorwho treated him said, "There\'s nothing wrong with you. But if you continue like this, you\'ll find a new home in our hospital." Semler got the message. He changed the way he worked. In fact, he changed the way his employees worked too.He let his workers take more responsibility so that they would be the ones worrying when things went wrong. He allowed them to settheir own salaries, and he cut all the jobs he thought were unnecessary, like receptionists and secretaries. ____ "Everyone at Semco, even top managers, meets guests in reception, does the photocopying, sends faxes, types letters and dials the phone."He completely reorganized the office, instead of walls, they have plants at Semco, so bosses can\'t shut themselves away from everyone else. and the workers are free to decorate their workspace as they want. As foruniforms, some people wear suits and others wear T - shirts.Semler says, "We have a sales manager named Rubin Agater who sits there reading the newspaper hour after hour. He doesn\'t even pretend to be busy. But when a Semco pump an the other side of the world fails and millions of gallons of oil are about to spill into the sea, Rubin springs into action.He knows everything there is to know about our pumps and how to fix them. That\'s when he earns his salary. No one cares if he doesn\'t look busy the rest of the time."Semco has flexible working hours, the employees decide when they need to arrive at work, The employees also evaluate their bosses twice a year. Also, Semco lets its workers use the company\'s machines fortheir own projects, and makes them take holidays forat least thirty days a year.It sounds perfect, but does it work? The answer is in the numbers. In the last six years, Semco\'s revenues have gone from $ 35 million to $ 212 million. The company has grown from eight hundred employees to 3,000, Why?Semler says it\'s because of "peer pressure". Peer pressure makes everyone work hard foreveryone else. doing his job well, the other workers will not allow the situation to continue. In other words, Ricardo Semler treats his workers like adults and expects them to act like adults, and they do. 【单选题】

A.Also, Semco lets its workers use the company\'s machines fortheir own projects, and makes them take holidays forat least thirty days a year.

B.Most managers spend their time making it difficult forworkers to work.

C.This saved money and brought more equality to the company.

D.and the workers are free to decorate their workspace as they want.

E.He knows everything there is to know about our pumps and how to fix them.

F.If someone isn\'t doing his job well, the other workers will not allow the situation to continue.



2、The Value of MotherhoodIn shopping malls, the assistants try to push you into buying "a gift to thank her forher unselfish love". When you log onto a website, a small pop-up invites you to book a bouquet forher. Commercial warmth and gratitude are the atmosphere being spread around forthis special Sunday in May.The American version of Mother\'s Day was thought up as early as 1905, by Anna Jarvis, as a way of recognizing the real value of motherhood. The popularity of Mother\'s Day around the world suggests that Jarvis got all she wanted. In fact, she got more enough to make her horrified.According to a research by the US card company Hallmark, 96 percent of American consumers celebrate the holiday. They buy, among other things, 132 million cards. Mother\'s Day is the No. 1 holiday forflower purchases. Then there are the various commodities, ranging from jewelry and clothes to cosmetics and washing powder that take advantage of the promotion opportunities. Because of this, Jarvis spent the last 40 years of her life trying to stop Mother\'s Day. One protest against the commercialization of Mother\'s Day even got her arrested fordisturbing the peace, interestingly.____. As Ralph Fevre, a reporter at the UK newspaper The Guardian, observe, traditionally "motherhood is something that we do because we think it\'s right." But in the logic of commercialism, people need something in exchange fortheir time and energy. A career serves this purpose better.being encouraged to pursue any career they desire. So they work hard and play hard. Becoming a mother, however, inevitably handicaps career anticipation.motherhood has suffered a huge drepin status since the 1950s. According to the Guardian, there are twice as many child-free young women as there were a generation ago. Or, they put off the responsibility of parenting until later in their lives.So, Fevre writes that the meaning of celebrating Mother\'s Day needs to be updated: "It is to persuade people that parenting is a good idea and to honorpeople fortheir attempt to be good people."【单选题】

A.The American version of Mother\'s Day was thought up as early as 1905, by Anna Jarvis, as a way of recognizing the real value of motherhood.

B.But what\'s more, commercialism changes young people\'s attitude towards motherhood.

C.Obviously, the best girl will be a phone call ora visit.

D.According to a research by the US card company Hallmark, 96 percent of American consumers celebrate the holiday.

E.As a result, motherhood has suffered a huge drepin status since the 1950s.

F.In addition, women are being encouraged to pursue any career they desire.


答案解析:第三段的主要内容是进一步讲述表现在母亲节中的商业主义以及人们抗议母亲节中的商业主义,包括Anna Jarvis个人所做的努力。从内容上看,第四段是讲由于商业主义的影响人们对母性,也即为母之道发生了变化。选项B是合适的,它是该段的主题句。

3、Mobile PhonesMobile phones should carry a label if they proved to be a dangerous source of radiation, according to Robert Bell, a scientist. and no more mobile phone transmitter towers should be build until the long-term health effects of the electromagnetic radiation they emit is scientifically evaluated, he said. "Nobody\'s going to drepdead overnight but we should be asking formore scientific information," Robert Bell said at a conference on the health effects of low-level radiation. “If mobile phones are found to be dangerous, they should carry a warning label until proper shields can be devised,” he said.A report widely circulated among the public says that up to now scientists do not really know enough to guarantee there are no ill effects on humans from electromagnetic radiation. According to Robert Bell, there are 3.3 million mobile phones in Australia alone and they are increasing by 2,000 a day. By the year 2000 it is estimated that Australia will have 8 million mobile phones: nearly one forevery two people.As well, there are 2,000 transmitter towers around Australia, many in high density residential areas. ____ The electromagnetic radiation emitted from these towers may have already produced some harmful effects on the health of the residents nearby.Robert Bell suggests that until more research is completed the Government should ban construction of phone towers from within a 500 metre radius of school grounds, child care centres, hospitals, sports playing fields and residential areas with a high percentage of children. He says there is emerging evidence that children absorb low-level radiation at a rate more than three times that of adults. He adds that there is also evidence that if cancer sufferers are subjected to electromagnetic waves the growth rate of the disease accelerates.Then who finances the research? According to Robert Bell, it is reasonable forthe majortelephone companies to fund it. Besides, he also urges the Government to setup a wide ranging inquiry in to possible health effects.【单选题】

A.He says there is emerging evidence that children absorb low-level radiation at a rate more than three times that of adults.

B.By the year 2000 it is estimated that Australia will have 10 million mobile phones: nearly one forevery two people.

C.“If mobile phones are found to be dangerous, they should carry a warning label until proper shields can be devised,”he said.

D.Then who finances the research?

E.Forexample, Telstra, Optus and Videophone build their towers where it is geographically suitable to them and disregard the need of the community.

F.The conclusion is that mobile phones bring more harm than benefit.



4、The Process of AgeingAt the age of twelve years, the human body is at its most vigorous. It has yet to reach its full size and strength, and its owner his orher full intelligence; but at this age the likelihood of death is the least. Earlier, we were infants and young children, and consequently more vulnerable; later, we shall undergo a progressive loss of our vigorresistance which, though imperceptible (察觉不出的) at first, will finally become so steep that we can live no longer, however well we look after ourselves, and however well society, and our doctors, look after us This decline in vigorwith the passing of time is called ageing. If we escape wars, accidents and diseases, we shall eventually "die of old age", ____. Some of us will die sooner, a few will live longer. But there is a virtual limiton how long we can hope to remain alive, however lucky and robust we are.Normal people tend to forget this process until they are reminded of it. We are so familiar with the fact that man ages, that people have foryears assumed that the process of losing vigorwith time was something self-evident, like the cooling of a hot kettle orthe wearing-out of a pair of shoes. "They have also assumed that all animals, and probably other organisms such as trees, oreven the universe itself, must in the nature of things "wear out". Most animals we commonly observe do in fact age as we do; and mechanical systems like a wound watch, orthe sun, do in fact run out of energy. But these are not analogous to what happens when man ages. A run-down watch is still a watch and can be rewound. and old watch, by contrast, becomes so worn and unreliable that it eventually is not worth mending. But a watch could never repair itself it does not consist of living parts, only of metal, which wears away by friction (摩擦). We could, at one time tune, repair ourselves well enough, at least to overcome all but the most instantly fatal illnesses and accidents. Between twelve and eighty years we gradually lose this power.an illness which at twelve would knock us over, at eighty can knock us out, and into our grave. If we could stay as vigorous as we are at twelve, it would take about 700 years forhalf of us to die, and another 700 of the survivors to be reduced by half again.【单选题】

A. Some old people are oppressed by the fear of death

B. an illness which at twelve would knock us over, at eighty can knock us out, and into our grave

C. and mechanical systems like a wound watch, orthe sun, do in fact run out of energy

D.This decline in vigorwith the passing of time is called ageing

E.and old watch, by contrast, becomes so worn and unreliable that it eventually is not worth mending

F.and this happens at a rate which differs little from person to person


答案解析:空白处的前一句说,如果能逃脱战争、事故和疾病,最终我们都会死于衰老。空白处的后一句说,有的人死得早些,有的人活得比较长。六个选项中只有F能够同时与上下两句连接。所选句中的this指前一句中的die of old age。

5、The Process of AgeingAt the age of twelve years, the human body is at its most vigorous. It has yet to reach its full size and strength, and its owner his orher full intelligence; but at this age the likelihood of death is the least. Earlier, we were infants and young children, and consequently more vulnerable; later, we shall undergo a progressive loss of our vigorresistance which, though imperceptible (察觉不出的) at first, will finally become so steep that we can live no longer, however well we look after ourselves, and however well society, and our doctors, look after us This decline in vigorwith the passing of time is called ageing. If we escape wars, accidents and diseases, we shall eventually "die of old age", and this happens at a rate which differs little from person to person. Some of us will die sooner, a few will live longer. But there is a virtual limiton how long we can hope to remain alive, however lucky and robust we are.Normal people tend to forget this process until they are reminded of it. We are so familiar with the fact that man ages, that people have foryears assumed that the process of losing vigorwith time was something self-evident, like the cooling of a hot kettle orthe wearing-out of a pair of shoes. "They have also assumed that all animals, and probably other organisms such as trees, oreven the universe itself, must in the nature of things "wear out". Most animals we commonly observe do in fact age as we do; ____. But these are not analogous to what happens when man ages. A run-down watch is still a watch and can be rewound. and old watch, by contrast, becomes so worn and unreliable that it eventually is not worth mending. But a watch could never repair itself it does not consist of living parts, only of metal, which wears away by friction (摩擦). We could, at one time tune, repair ourselves well enough, at least to overcome all but the most instantly fatal illnesses and accidents. Between twelve and eighty years we gradually lose this power.an illness which at twelve would knock us over, at eighty can knock us out, and into our grave. If we could stay as vigorous as we are at twelve, it would take about 700 years forhalf of us to die, and another 700 of the survivors to be reduced by half again.【单选题】

A. Some old people are oppressed by the fear of death

B. an illness which at twelve would knock us over, at eighty can knock us out, and into our grave

C. and mechanical systems like a wound watch, orthe sun, do in fact run out of energy

D.This decline in vigorwith the passing of time is called ageing

E.and old watch, by contrast, becomes so worn and unreliable that it eventually is not worth mending

F.and this happens at a rate which differs little from person to person


答案解析:上文提到了人们设想所有的动物和其他有机体,甚至宇宙自身都会衰老。空白处前一句说,大多数动物“的确”会像人一样衰老(do age,此处的do起强调作用,age为动词),而选项C也是一个相似的结构(do run out of energy)。所选句与其前一句一起,为后一句的转折作了铺垫。

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