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帮考网校2023-01-14 10:21
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1、Will We Take Vacation in Spaces?When Mike Kelly first setout to build his own private space-ferry service, he figured his bread-and-butter business would be lofting (发射) satellites into high-Earth orbit. Now he thinks he may have figured wrong. "People were always asking me when they could go," says Kelly, who runs Kelly Space & Technology out of San Bemardino, California. "I realized that real market is in space tourism."According to preliminary market surveys, there are 10,000 would-be-space-tourists willing to spend $1 million each to visit the final frontier. Space Adventure in Arlington, Virginia, has taken more than 130 deposits fora two-hour, $98, 000 space tour tentatively and somewhat dubiously (可疑地) setto actorby 2005. Gene Meyers of the space Island Group says: "Space is the next exotic(风光奇特的) vacation spot. "This may all sound great, but there are a few hurdles (困难). Putting a simple satellite into orbit with no oxygen, life support orreturn trip necessary already costs an astronomical (天文数字) $ 22,OOO/kg. and that doesn\'t include the oust of insuring rich and possibly litigious passenger. John Pike of the Federation of American Scientists acerbically (尖刻地) suggests that the entiregroupof entrepreneurs trying to corner (垄断) the space-tourism market have between them "just enough money to blow up one rocket."The U. S. space agency has plenty of money but zero interest in mailing space less expensive forthe little guys. So the little guys are racing to do what the government has failed to do: design a reusable launch system that is inexpensive, safe and reliable. Kelly Space\'s prototype looks like a plane that has sprouted rocket engines. Rotary Rocket in Redwood City, California, has a booster with rotors to make a helicopter-style return to Earth; Kistler Aero-space in Kirkland, Washington, is piecing together its versions from old Soviet engines, shuttle-style thermal protection tiles and an elaborate parachute system. The first passenger countdowns are still years away, but bureaucrats at the Federal Aviation Administration in Washington are already informally discussing flight regulations. After all, you can\'t be too prepared, fora trip to that galaxy far, far away. Forthose who are intent on joining the 100-mile high club, Hilton and Budget are plotting to build space hotels. Before the Russian spaceship Mir came down, some people were talking about using it as a low-rent space hotel to reduce the cost. If a space hotel is finally built in space, and if you are thinking of staying in it, you may want to check the Michelin ratings before booking yourself a suite. Little guys, who do not have plenty of money but have great interest in space tourism, are trying to make the space travel less expensive but more reliable. 【单选题】






2、The Hurricane1. A hurricane (飓风) is a tropical storm with winds that have reached a constant speed of 74 miles per hour. Hurricane winds blow in a large spiral(螺旋) around a relative calm center known as the "eye". The "eye" is generally 20 to 30 miles wide, and the storm may extend outward 400 miles. As a hurricane nears land, it can bring heavy rains, high winds and storm surges(风暴潮). The storm surges and heavy rains can lead to flooding.2. Hurricanes are given a different label, depending on where they occur. If they begin over the North Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, The Gulf of Mexico, orthe Northeast Pacific Ocean, they are called hurricanes. Similar storms that occur in the Northwest Pacific Ocean west of the Internaional Date Line are called typhoons near Australia and in the Indian Ocean, they are referred to as tropical cyclones(龙卷风).3. When a hurricane hits land, it can do great damage through its fierce winds, heavy rains, inland(内陆的) flooding and huge waves crashing on to the shore. During a hurricane, homes, businesses and public buildings may be damaged ordestroyed, roads and bridges can be washed away. A powerful hurricane can kill more people and destroy more property than any other natural disaster. Fishermen are at special risk from hurricanes as they may be at sea when a hurricane arrives and not be able to get to a safe harborif they do not receive adequate warning.4. If a hurricane is comming in your area, the most important thing is to stay calm and find shelter immediately. Go to your safe room. If you do not have one, stay indoors during the hurricane and go to a safer place near the center of your home. Cover yourself with a blanket and be sure to keep away from windows and glass doors, because if the glass breaks it’s really dangerous. Do not be fooled if there is lull(暂停), it could be the eye of the storm—winds will pick up again.Paragraph 4 ______【单选题】

A.Where do hurricanes usually happen?

B.What damages can a hurricane cause?

C.What should you do during a hurricane?

D.What is a hurricane?

E.What are different names of hurricanes?

F.How do you know a hurricane is coming?


答案解析:本题难度不大,段落主旨句比较明显,在文章第四段的第一句:If a hurricane is coming in your area, the most important thing is to stay calm and find shelter immediately.回来看选项,C项简单概括了第一段的主要意思,是答案。

3、Light Night, Dark StarsThousands of people around the globe step outside to gaze at their night sky. On a clear night, with no clouds, moonlight, orartificial lights to block the view, people can see more than 14,000 stars in the sky, says Dennis Ward, an astronomer(天文学家) with the University Corporation forAtmospheric Research( UCAR) in Boulder, Colo. But when people are surrounded by city lights, he says, they\'re lucky to see 150 stars.If you\'ve ever driven toward a big city at night and seen its glow from a great distance, you\'ve witnessed light pollution. It occurs when light from streetlights, office buildings, signs, and other sources streams into space and illuminates (照亮) the night sky. This haze (朦胧) of light makes many stars invisible to people on Earth. Even at night, big cities like New York glow from light pollution, making stargazing difficult.Dust and particles of pollution factories and industries worsen the effects of light pollution. "If one city has a lot more light pollution than another," Ward says, "that city will suffer the effects of light pollution on a much greater scale."Hazy skies also make it far more difficult forastronomers to do their jobs.Cities are getting larger. Suburbs are growing in once dark, rural areas. Light from all this new development is increasingly obscuring (使变模糊) the faint (微弱的) light give off by distant stars. and if scientists can\'t locate these objects, they can\'t learn more about them.Light pollution doesn\'t only affect star visibility. It can harm wild life too. It\'s clear that artificial light can attract animals, making them go off course. There\'s increasing evidence, forexample, that migrating (迁徙) birds use sunsets and sunrises to help find their way, says Sydney Gauthreaux Jr. , a scientist at Clemson University in South Carolina, "When light occurs at night," he says, "it has a very disruptive (破坏性的) influence." Sometimes birds fly into lighted towers, high - rises, and cables from radio and television towers. Experts estimate that millions of birds die this way every year.How does light pollution affect wildlife? ______【单选题】

A.Animals may go off course.

B.It helps migrating birds find their homes.

C.Animals are afraid to go out after sunset.

D.It helps birds fall asleep.



4、An Intelligent CarDriving needs sharp eyes, keen ears, quick brain, and coordination between hands and the brain. Many human drivers have all.______ and can control a fast-moving car. But how does an intelligent car control itself ?There is a virtual driver in the smart car. This virtual driver has "eyes," "brains", "hands" and "feet", too. The mini-cameras on each side of the car are his "eyes," which observe the road and conditions ahead of it. They watch the traffic to the car\'s left and right. There is also a highly automatic driving system in the car. It is the built-in computer, which is the virtual driver\'s "brain". His "brain" calculates the speeds of other moving cars near it and analyzes their positions. Basing on this information, it chooses the right line forthe intelligent cars, and gives instructions to the "hands" and "feets" to act accordingly. In this way, the virtual driver controls his car. What is the virtual driver\'s best advantage? He reacts rapidly. The mini-cameras are sending images continuously to the "brain". It completes the processing of the images within 100 milliseconds. However, the world\'s best driver at least needs one second to react. Besides, when he takes action, he needs one more second. The virtual driver is really wonderful. He can reduce the accident rate. considerably on expressway. In this case, can we let him have the wheel at any time and in any place? Experts warn that we cannot do that just yet. His ability to recognize things is still limited. He can now only drive an intelligent car on expressways. 【单选题】







5、Singing Alarms Could Save the BlindIf you cannot see, you may not be able to find your way out of a burning building and that could be fatal. A company in Leeds could change all that with directional sound alarms capable of guiding you to the exit. Sound Alert, a company run by the University of Leeds, is installing the alarms in a residential home forblind people in Sommersetand a resource centre forthe blind in Columbia. The alarms produce a wide range of frequencies that enable the brain to determine where the sound is coming from. Deborah Withington of Sound Alert says that the alarms use most of the frequencies that can be heard by humans. "It\'s a burst of white noise that people say sounds like static on the radio," she says. "Its life-saving potential is great."She conducted an experiment in which people were filmed by thermal-imaging cameras trying to find their way out of a large smoke-filled room. It took them nearly four minutes to find the doorwithout a sound alarm, but only 15 seconds with one. Withington studies how the brain ______ sounds at the university. She says that the source of a wide band of frequencies can be pinpointed more easily than the source of a narrow band. Alarms basedon the same concept have already been installed on emergency vehicles. The alarms will also include rising orfalling frequencies to indicate whether people should go up ordown stairs. They were developed with the aid of a large grant from British Nuclear Fuels. 【单选题】






答案解析:句子主语是the brain,应和“处理”构成主谓关系,其他动词均不合适。所以选择A。

6、Breastfeeding Can Cut Cardiovascular RiskBreastfeeding can reduce the risk of a heart attack orstroke later in life and could prevent hundreds of thousands of deaths each year, researchers said on Friday. Babies who are breastfed have fewer childhood infections and allergies and are less prone to obesity. British scientists have now shown that breastfeeding and slow growth in the first weeks and months of life has a protective effect against cardiovascular disease. "Diets that promote more rapid growth put babies at risk many years later in terms of raising their blood pressure, raising their cholesterol and increasing their tendency to diabetes and obesity-the four main risk factors forstroke and heart attack." said ProfessorAlan Lucas of the Institute of Child Health in London. "Our evidence suggests that the reason why breast-fed babies do better is because they grow more slowly in the early weeks."Lucas said the effects of breastfeeding on blood pressure and cholesterol later in life are greater than anything adults can do to control the risk factors forcardiovascular disease, other than taking drugs. An estimated 17 million people die of cardiovascular disease, particularly heart attack and strokes, each year, according to the World Health Organization. Lucas and his colleagues compared the health of 216 teenagers who as babies had either been breastfed orgiven different nutritional baby formulas\' They reported their findings in The Lancet medical journal. The teenagers who had been breastfed had a 14 percent lower ratio of bad to good cholesterol and lower concentrations of a protein that is a marker forcardiovascular disease risk. The researchers also found that regardless of the child\'s weight at birth, the faster the infants grew in the early weeks and months of life, the greater was their later risk of heart disease and stroke. The effect was the ______ forboth boys and girls. "The more human milk you have in the newborn period, the lower your cholesterol level is, the lower your blood pressure is 16 years later, "Lucas said. 【单选题】







7、He had a long conversation with his neighbor. 【单选题】







8、AirbusDespite bulging orcerbooks, the mood at Airbus and Boeing is far from celebratory. Both aviation giants are moaning loudly that their production systems and supply chains are flawed, albeit forostensibly different reasons. This week Louis Gallois, the boss of EADS, the Franco-German aerospace consortium that owns Airbus, added substance to warnings a week earlier by the planemaker’s chief executive, Tom Enders, that the dollar\'s decline was "life-threatening" forthe firm. Mr. Gallois said it was no longer just a possibility that Airbus would have to move a large part of its production to "the dollar zone" orlow-cost countries, but a certainty.Airbus is already in the middle of Power 8, a big restructuring plan that involves the loss of 10,000 jobs and the sale of several plants, which is meant to offsetthe losses caused by the delays in delivering the A380 superjumbo. But Power 8 assumed that a euro was worth $ 1.35, not today\'s $ 1.47. Mr. Gallois estimates that each 10-cent rise in the euro costs Airbus 1 billion. At present, Airbus makes 76% of its purchases within Europe, but generates over 60% of its sales elsewhere. It must now shift some production abroad.Airbus is now likely to forge ahead much further. Mr. Gallois suggests that when the A350 enters service in 2013, 70% of it will have been "purchased" in dollars, against 50% forthe A380 and an average 24% of Airbus production today. Because Airbus insists that some of its European suppliers price in dollars that means about 50% of the A350\'s production will be outsourced. New aircraft, such as the A320\'s successor, may be made almost entirely outside the euro-zone.Airbus maintains that exchange rates are not the only reason foroutsourcing: it is keen to tap into composite-manufacturing expertise wherever it exists. It also insists that it will not repeat the mistakes Boeing has made with its new 787 Dreamliner, about 80% of which has been outsourced. A few weeks ago Mike Bair, the executive responsible forthe 787 programme, who was recently moved sideways after mounting production delays, launched a withering attack on some of the companies recruited to build the plane. He said that in future Boeing would not entrust design work to partners who "proved incapable of doing it", and would make suppliers build factories close to Boeing\'s main assembly operation, rather than flying semi-finished sections of the aircraft round the world on huge Dreamlifter transporters.It is too early to conclude that the two rivals are heading in opposite directions- Boeing renouncing the global supply chain just as Airbus adopts it. Each company has its own axe to grind. Airbus needs greater flexibility, and the weak dollar provides helpful cover as it takes on its grumbling unions. Boeing, forits part, wants to shift the blame fordelays to the 787 on to its partners. The logic of global outsourcing in the aerospace industry remains powerful. Whatever they may be saying now. Airbus and Boeing are more likely to converge than to diverge.Airbus carries out Power 8 because ______.【单选题】

A.it cannot make up the deficits caused by the delays in delivering A380

B.it wants to move its production abroad to handle the problem of dollar\'s decline

C.it has not predicted the dollar decline at the beginning

D.it wants to raise money to build new production sectorin low-cost countries



9、Walking to Exercise the BrainDo you think sitting and studying all the time will improve students grades? Think again. Getting some exercise may help, too.New research with older people suggests that taking regular walks helps them pay attention better than if they didn\'t exercise.Previous research had shown that mice learn, remember and pay attention better after a few weeks of working out on a running wheel. Mice that exercise have greater blood flow to the brain than those who don\'t. Their brain cells also make more connections.Neuroscientists (神经科学家) from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign wanted to find out if the same thing is true forpeople. First, they measured the physical fitness of 41 adults, ages 58 to 77, after each person walked I mile. Then, participants looked at arrows on a computer screen and had to use computer keys to show which way one particular arrow was pointing.Adults who were physically fit were faster at the arrow task, and their answers were just as accurate as their less - fit peers, the researchers found. The fitter participants also had more blood flow to a part of their brain responsible forpaying attention and making decisions.In a second study, 15 elderly people who completed a 6 - month aerobic - training (有氧运动) course were faster at attention tasks compared with 14 seniors who just did stretching and toning (韵律操) exercises forthe same amount of time.So, even going fora walk every 2 or3 days forjust 10 to 45 minutes can help. That should be good news forthe elderly.The effects of exercising on the brains of younger people haven\'t been studied yet. Still, it can\'t hurt to take occasional breaks and go fora walk orrun around with friends. Whatever you do, though, don\'t try to read and walk at the same time. You could end up hurting yourself!It is suggested in the last paragraph that people should ______.【单选题】

A.run around once a week

B.not read and walk at the same time

C.go fora walk every day

D.not hurt their friends while exercising



10、Houses of FutureWhat will houses be like in thirty years\' time? No one really knows, but architects are trying to predict what our home will be likeE. Future houses will have to be flexible. In thirty years\' time even more of us will be working at home. So we will have to be able to use areas of the house forwork forpart of the day and forliving forthe rest. Families grow and change with children arriving, growing up and leaving home. The house ofthe future will have to grow and change with the familyF, nothing will be as fixed as it is now. The house will always be changing to meet changing needs. Everyone agrees that in thirty years\' time we will be living in "intelligent" houses. We will be able to talk to our kitchen machines and discuss with them what to do. Like this, "we\'ll be having a party this weekend. What food shall we cook?" ______. We will be able to leave most of the cooking to the machines, just tasting things from time to time to check. The house of the future will be personal-each house, you will be able to change the colorofthe wall easily, you won\'t have to paint them, you\'ll be able to tell the wall to change the color! and if you don\'t like the colorthe next day, you will be able to have a new one. The only thing you won\'t be able to do is moving the house somewhere else.【单选题】

A.you will be able to change the colorofthe wall easily

B.The only thing you won\'t be able to do is moving the house somewhere else

C.and the machine will tell us what food we will have to buy and how to cook it

D.what our home will be likeE

E.The house ofthe future will have to grow and change with the familyF

F.he kids might take their bedrooms with them as they have



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