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帮考网校2023-01-02 10:59
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1、New Product Will Save LivesDrinking water that looks clean may still contain bugs, which can cause illness. A small company called Genera Technologies has produced a testing method in three stages, which shows whether water is safe. The new test shows if water needs chemicals added to it, to destroy anything harmful. It was invented by scientist Dr. Adrian Patton, who started Genera five years ago. He and his employees have developed the test together with a British water company.Andy Headland, Genera\'s marketing director, recently presented the test at a conference in the USA and forecast good American sales forit. Genera has already sold 11 0fits tests at $42,500 a time in the UK and has a further four on order. It expects to sell another 25 tests before the end of March. The company says it is the only test in the UK to be approved by the government.Genera was formed five years ago and until October last year had only five employees; it now employs 14. Mr. Headland believes that the company should make around $19 million by the end of the year in the UK alone.Each of the tests costs $ 42,500.【单选题】



C.Not mentioned



2、A Country\'s Standard of LivingThe "standard of living" of any country means the average person\'s share of the goods and services the country produces. A country\'s standard of living, therefore, depends first on its capacity to produce wealth. "Wealth" in this sense is not money, forwe do not live on money but on things that money can buy: "goods such as food and clothing", and "services" such as transport and entertainment.A country\'s capacity to produce wealth depends upon many factors most of which have an effect on one another. Wealth depends to a great extent upon a country\'s natural resources. Some region of the world are well supplied with coal and minerals, and have fertile (肥沃的) soil and a favorable climate, other regions possess none of them.Next to natural resources comes the ability to turn them to use, China is perhaps as rich as the USA in natural resources, but suffered formany years from civil and external wars, Forthis and other reasons it was unable to develop her resources. Sound and stable political conditions, and freedom from foreign invasions, enable a country to develop its natural resources peacefully and steadily, to produce more wealth than other country.A country\'s standard of living does not only depend upon the wealth that is produced and ____ within its own borders, but also upon what is directly produced through international trade. Forexample, Britain\'s wealth in foodstuffs and other agricultural products would be much less if she had to depend only on those grown at home. Trade makes it possible forher surplus (剩余的) manufactured goods to be traded abroad forthe agricultural products which would otherwise be lacking. A country\'s wealth is, therefore, much influenced by its manufacturing capacity, providing that other countries can be found ready to accept its manufactures.【单选题】







3、Shopping at Second - hand Clothing StoresWhen 33 years old Pete Barth was in college, shopping at second - hand clothing stores was just something he did-"like changing the tires on his car." He looked at his budget and decided he could save a lot of money by shopping forclothes at thrift shops."Even new clothes are fairly disposable (用后即丢掉的) and wear out after a couple of years," Barth said. "In thrift shops, you can find some great stuff whose quality is better than new clothes."Since then, Barth, who works at a Goodwill thrift shop in the US state of Florida, has found that there are all kinds of reasons forshopping forsecond - hand clothing. Some people, like him, shop to save money. Some shop fora crazy - looking shirt. and some shop as a means of conserving energy and helping the environment.Pat Akins, an accountant at a Florida Salvation Army (SA) (救世军) thrift shop, said that, forher, shopping at thrift shops is a way to help the environment."When my daughter was little, we looked at it as recycling," Akins said: "Also, why pay 30 dollars fora new coat when you can get another one fora lot less?"Akins said that the SA has shops all over the US-"some as big as department stores". All of the clothes are donated (捐赠), and when they have a surplus (盈余), they\'ll have "stuff a bag" specials, where customers can fill a grocery sack with clothes foronly 5 or10 dollars.Julia Stocum, 22, points out, however, that the huge amount of second - hand clothing in the US is the result of American wastefulness."I\'d say that second - hand stores are the result of our wasteful, materialistic culture," said Slocum, who works fora pro - conservation organization, the center of a New American Dream. "Thrift shops prevent waste from going to landfills (垃圾填埋场), They give clothing a second life and provide cheaper clothing forthose who can\'t afford to buy new ones and generate (创造) income forcharities. They also provide a way forthe wealthy and middle classes to shed (摆脱) the guilt fortheir level of consumption."Thrift shops can do everything EXCEPT ____【单选题】

A.give clothing a second life.

B.generate income forcharities.

C.provide cheaper clothes forthe poor.

D.stop rich people from wasting money.



4、Why Is the Native Language Learnt So Well?How does it happen that children learn their mother tongue so well? When we compare them with adults learning a foreign language, we often find this interesting fact. A little child without knowledge orexperience often succeeds in a complete mastery of the language. A grown-up person with fully developed mental powers, in most case, may end up with a faulty and inexact command. What accounts forthis difference?Despite other explanations, the real answer in my opinion lies partly in the child himself, partly in the behaviorof the people around him. In the first place, the time of learning the mother tongue is the most favorable of all, namely, the first years of life. A child hears it spoken from morning till night and, what is more important, always in its genuine form, with the right pronunciation, right intonation, and right use of words and right structure. He drinks in all the words and expressions, which come to him in a flash, ever-bubbling spring. There is no resistance: there is perfect assimilation.Then the child has, as it were, private lessons all the year round, while an adult language-student has each week a limited number of hours, which he generally shares with others. The child has another advantage: he hears the language in all possible situations, always accompanied by the right kind of gestures and facial expressions. Here there is nothing unnatural, such as is often found in language lessons in schools, when one talks about ice and snow in June orscorching heat in January. and what a child hears is generally what immediately interests him. Again and again, when his attempts at speech are successful, his desires are understood and fulfilled.Finally, though a child\'s "teachers" may not have been trained in language teaching, their relations with him are always close and personal. They take great pains to make their lessons easy.A child learning his native language has the advantage of having private lessons all the year round.【单选题】



C.Not mentioned


答案解析:题干大意:儿童学习母语的优势是可以常年上私人辅导课。借助常识判断该句的说法不正确。利用答案线索词all the year round,我们可以在第三段第一句中发现直接相关句。比较原句和题干的结构,发现不同之处在于as it were的结构。注意:部分结构的差异往往是设置了陷阱。实际上,as it were意为“仿佛是”。所以原文说的是“仿佛是”,而题干提到的却是“是”,所以问题句“不正确”。

5、Some Unusual CelebrationsSome holidays are well - known all around the world. Among them are New Year\'s Eve Celebrations. Also days are common in honorof love and friendship, like Valentine\'s Day. Each country has its own special holidays too, to mark important events in its history. Schools, banks, and government offices all close on days like these. Some of the days people celebrate, however, are less serious. A few of them are really very strange.Of course, they are not strange to the people who celebrate them. Perhaps that is because the celebrations have long traditions. Consider April Fool\'s Day, forexample. No one knows when orwhy it began. Today it is celebrated in many countries-France, England, and Australia, etc. On this day, people play practical jokes. ____ The ones who laugh are the ones playing the jokes. The people they fool often get angry. Does celebrating this day make sense to you?Dyngus Day in Poland seems strange, too. On this day, it is traditional forboys to pour water over the heads of girls. Here is the strangest part: they do it to girls they like.Other unusual celebrations take place in a single city ortown. A holiday called La Tomatina is celebrated in Bunol, Spain. Every year, in late August, big trucks carry more than 200,000 pounds of tomatoes into this little town. Then begins the world\'s biggest food fight. Fortwo hours, people in the streets throw tomatoes at each other. Everyone ends up red from head to toe.August 10 marks the start of the Puck Fair, an Irish festival with a very unusual tradition. People from the town of Killorglin go up into the mountains and catch a wild goat. They bring him back to town, put a crown on his head, and make him king forthree days.There are also some celebrations that are really strange. In the United States, sometimes one person gets an idea fora new holiday and tries to get others to accept it. Whose idea was Public Sleeping Day? That one is on February 28. It may seem strange, but it sounds like more fun than the one on February 9. That is supposed to be Toothache Day.Do you like the idea of inventing a new holiday? If you do, then you will want to mark March 26 on your calendar. That is Make Up Your Own Holiday Day.【单选题】

A.They bring him back to town, put a crown on his head, and make him king forthree days.

B.Some of the days people celebrate, however, are less serious.

C.That is supposed to be Toothache Day.

D.Then begins the world\'s biggest food fight.

E.Some people have fun imagining new holidays.

F.Jokes are supposed to be funny, but these jokes do not make everyone laugh.



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