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帮考网校2022-05-09 09:36


1、Arctic MeltEarth\'s North and South Poles are famous forbeing cold and icy. Last year, however, the amount of ice in the Arctic Ocean (北冰群) fell to a record low.Normally, ice builds in Arctic waters around the North Pole each winter and shrinks(缩小) during the summer. But formany years, the amount of ice left by the end of summer has been declining.Since 1979, each decade has seen an 11.4 percent drepin end of summer ice cover. Between 1981 and 2000, ice in the Arctic lost 22 percent of its thickness, becoming 1.13 meters thinner.Last summer, Arctic sea ice reached its thinnest levels. By the end of summer 2007, the ice had shrunk to cover just 4.2 million square kilometers. That\'s 38 percent less area than the average cover at that time of year. and it\'s a very large 23 percent below the previous record low, which was setjust 2 years ago. This continuing trend has made scientists concerned to.There may be several reasons forthe ice melt, says Jinlun Zhang, an oceanographer (海洋学家)at the University of Washington in Seattle. Unusually strong winds blew through the Arctic last summer. The winds pushed much of the ice out of the central Arctic, leaving a large area of thin ice and open water.Scientists also suspect that fewer clouds cover the Arctic now than in the past. Clearer skies allow more sunlight to reach the ocean. The extra heat warms both the water and the atmosphere. In parts of the Arctic Ocean last year, surface temperatures were 3.57 Celsius warmer than the average and 1.5c warmer than the previous record.With both air and water getting warmer, the ice is melting from both above and below. In some parts of the Beaufort Sea, north of Alaska and western Canada, ice that measured 3.3 meters thick at the beginning of the summer was measured just 50 cm by season\'s endThe new measurements suggest that melting is far more severe than the thinking of scientists. Some scientists fear that the Arctic is stuck in a warming trend.The word "builds" in paragraph 2 could be best replaced by ______【单选题】







2、The courageous hay has been the subject of massive media coverage.【单选题】






答案解析:这个勇敢的男孩成为了媒体大幅报道的对象。本题难度不大,干扰项干扰不强。m assive和extensive都可指“大量的”,其他项和答案意义差异较大,最佳答案是A。

3、Mary rarely speaks to Susan.【单选题】







4、One Good Reason to Let Smallpox LiveIt\'s now a fair bet that we will never see the total extinction (灭绝) of the smallpox (天花) virus. When smallpox was completely got rid of in the world, scientists wanted to destroy the killer virus in the last two labs, one in the US and one in Russia. They asked: If smallpox has truly gone from the planet, what point was there in keeping these reserves?In reality, of course, it was naive to imagine that everyone would let go of such a powerful potential weapon. Undoubtedly several nations still have a few vials (小药瓶). and the last "official" stocks of live Virus bred mistrust of the US and Russia, forno obvious gain.Now American researchers have found an animal model of the human disease, opening the way fortests on new treatments and vaccines(疫苗). So once again there\'s a good reason to the virus, just in keep the disease puts in a reappearance.How do we case with the mistrust of the US and Russia? deal. Keep the virus _____ international support in a well - guarded UN laboratory that\'s open to all countries. The US will object, of course, just as it with a multilateral (多边的) approach to just about everything. But it doesn\'t mean the idea is rejects. If the virus is useful, then let\'s wrong it the servant of all humanity make not just a part of it.【单选题】







5、The Book of LifeSo far, scientists have named about 1.6 million living species, and that\'s a just a fraction of that probably exists on Earth. With so many plants, animals and other creatures coveting the planet, it can be tough to figure out what type of spider is moving up your leg orwhat kind of bird is flying by.A soon - to - be - started Web site might help. An international team of researchers has announced the creation of Web - based Encyclopedia of life( EOL). The project aims to catalog every species on Earth in a single, easy - to - use reference guide.To get the encyclopedia started, the creators will use information from scientific databases that already exist. and eventually, in special sections of the site, nonscientist with specialized knowledge will get to join in. Bird - watchers, forexample, will be able to input which bird they\'ve seen and where. The technology forthis kind of tool has only become available.As the EOL develops, you might find it useful forschool projects. The site will feature special pages forkids who are studying ecosystems (生态系统) in their neighborhoods. To make sure the encyclopedia is accurate, scientists will review much of the information added to it. People who visit the site will be able to choose to leave out pages that haven\'t been reviewed.Another convenient feature of the EOL is that you\'ll be able to pick the level of detail you want to see to match your interest, age and knowledge. If you wanted to learn about bears fora science class report, forexample, you could use the "novice" setting to get basic information about the animals. On the "expert" setting, on the other hand, you could get much more detailed information about the history, literature and exploration of bears.It now takes years forscientist to collect all the data they need to describe and analyze species. The creatorof the Encyclopedia of Life hope that their new tool will speed up that process."Spider" and "bird" mentioned in Paragraph 1 are examples to illustrate ______.【单选题】

A.there are numerous living species on Earth

B.animals are people\'s friends

C.it is easy to see spiders and birds

D.here are many types of spiders and birds


答案解析:本题有一定难度,带着题干信息词回文章定位,答案依据主要在文章第一段:So far, scientists have named about l.6 million living species, ...it can be tough to figure out what type of spider is moving up your leg orwhat kind of bird is flying by.谈到了地球物种数量巨大,回来看选项,A项和原文句意相近,是答案。

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